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Nox had left a note saying he and Aria would be gone. She wasn't exactly sure why he'd left the note, it's not like they were talking anyway. He was still pissed at her for using the power against Aria. But the note sat on the counter, she picked it up and crumpled it before tossing it in the garbage can. It bounced from the rim and the little puppy she'd taken in chased after it, skidding across the floor as it tried to stop. Aurora giggled.
She'd yet to name the puppy, she wasn't exactly sure she was going to keep it, but at least it loved her more than he loved anyone else. Unconditional love, that's what a brother was supposed to give, yet he seemed to be more interested in loving Aria. The name came out in her mind dripping with venom. She really disliked the girl, and for no other reason that she was stealing away her brother. Not that Nox was usually worth it, but he was still HER brother, not Aria's.
A soft buzz came from her wallet followed by the loud ring of someone calling. Aurora smiled as she saw Diego's name pop up. She quickly answered it, "Hi Diego."
The happiness in her voice was apparent and she was pretty sure she could hear the soft lilt of laughter on his voice, "Aurora."
She grinned knowing he couldn't see it but it still happened, "How can I be of service, Mr. De La Cruz?"
"I couldn't help but notice that things have been difficult for you. You mentioned your brother. And his friend. I thought you might like to go somewhere else this weekend. Away from them. Does that interest you?"
Aurora smiled happily, "It does interest me. What should I bring?"
The voice on the other end gave hints at what was to come with just his voice, "Oh not much. Just you will do fine."
Aurora's body tightened at the prospect and she smiled. Her voice came out more breathless than she anticipated. "Okay. I'll see you when you get her."
He chuckled softly before hanging up the phone. Aurora was sure he liked making her do that. Aurora wandered to her room, the puppy following her in. What was she going to do with him? She didn't know how long she'd be gone. So she did the only thing she could do. So she refilled both the water and food dispensers and placed them in her bathroom, she'd lock her little puppy up in there until she returned. It was the safest place for it. Wandering the warehouse could be dangerous and far more messy.
Aurora decided to wear a pair of black jeans that fit the curves of her body well, leaving little to the imagination, and a heavy sweater with a low hanging cowl neck in grey and purple. She grabbed her purse and all essentials, including makeup and protection which she had to steal from Nox's room. He'd never miss what she took.
Aurora went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of water while she waited for Diego, her body was tense, her mind was all over the place thinking about the possibilities. She smiled at the thoughts, this time there would be no puppy or brother to get in the way of things.
Edited by Aurora, Mar 19 2015, 06:52 PM.
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Edited by Aria, Mar 19 2015, 03:53 PM.
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Aurora sipped at her water for a while thinking about the possibilities. She got lost in her thoughts. And was rudely brought out of them when a knock sounded on the front door. She blushed and quickly tried to hide it before she opened the door. Diego stood outside wearing a wool designer jacket over a dark blue ribbed sweater. She smiled as she looked him over, the black jeans fit perfectly she had to reign in a blush for where her eyes fell. She looked up at him biting her bottom lip and smiled. "Hi there. I'm ready when you are."
Diego's brown eyes were warm and inviting. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss but it sent shivers through her body all the same. It held promises that made Aurora blush. "I am glad. Can I help you with your things?"
He didn't wait for her answer to take her bags and carry them to his vehicle, a stylish muscular black SUV with chrome everything. The back silently swung open by itself and she could see only one bag for him. Once the back was shut firmly he opened the door for her, exposing the plush tanned leather seats. He extended a hand to help her into the vehicle which she took gratefully. After closing the door, he walked around to get in. The interior was filled with a myriad of scents, the leather, some kind of subtle cologne that he had been wearing which Aurora had fallen in love with the day she'd met him, and something undefinable. It smelled masculine, though.
Aurora glanced at the door to make sure it was unlocked, most cars were automatic, click of a button, not like when her grandparents were kids. She'd been forced to watch old school movies with her mother that depicted the romance of the era. Diego got in and started the SUV with a push of the button and Aurora smiled, "So where are we going? or is it a surprise?"
She wasn't big on surprises, it was a family trait, surprises in their line of work could be deadly. But she didn't expect any surprise he could throw at her would be life or death.
He looked at her with a hint of a smile. "A small surprise perhaps."
He drove on for a moment. "My family has a cabin on Lake Pleshcheyevo. It's only two hours from here."
The smile grew. "Obviously it's not warm enough for a swim."
He chuckled. "I had the misfortune to fall off the pier as a child once in December. The water was so cold I couldn't breath. My father had to pull me out. But perhaps we could take out the boat. Or at the very least, enjoy the view and the cozy atmosphere. The kitchen is well stocked, including the finest Beluga caviar, white wines and beers. A warm fire, good food, beautiful music. Does that please you?"
She smiled happily, she didn't care about much, but she adored a cabin in the woods. It was her favorite place in the world. Granted the memories were now tarnished with the death of her parents, and her annoyance at Nox. The past year or more when they'd spent there with them getting along by the bare skin of their teeth. She pushed away the bad memories. "It sounds lovely, I've always loved cabins. It will be nice getting away from everyone."
She grinned at him, "I'm sure we can find something to do."
He didn't look at her but his smile remained. "Yes,"
he said quietly.
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They drove out of Moscow, the conversation was fun and light, mostly about trips to various places, in particular to the cabin's of their youth. Diego seemed to have a huge curiosity about her experiences, and he seemed excited about the entire trip. It made Aurora swoon inside, this was going to be a trip to remember. Hopefully the first of many. But she was counting her chickens before they hatched.
It was several hours later when they finally arrived at the cabin by the lake. It wasn't really a cabin like Aurora was expecting, but then again everything about Diego spoke of extravagance. The house was huge, where as she thought of cabin, she meant a little log cabin with maybe two rooms and a loft, this was a massive three story house with gables and pitched roofs, covered arched windows, the sides beams of wood laid in rows, and a stone lined facade that rose higher than the bottom level door. Off to the left was a walkway of steps up to a side entrance, a small outdoor fireplace and patio ready for guests. It was gorgeous. She smiled. "Not exactly what I was expecting."
Aurora opened the car door and got out, she heard a click of Diego's tongue, he hadn't wanted her to do that. But what was done was done. She walked around the vehicle and looked out at the large lake. It was miles to the other side. There was a pier and a boat anchored by the cabin. She could only stare for a moment. It was a private yacht. There was a cold wind off the water. She smiled and pulled her coat around her and smiled, "It's beautiful."
She heard the crunch of his feet on the snow as he came to stand next to her. Looking out over the icy lake, his breath misting in the cold, he said "Yes, it is. I used to come up here regularly as a child with my parents. And the help."
The slight breeze was all they could hear as they stood there. The mountains were wreathed with a fringe of thin airy clouds. The surface of the lake was a mirror, catching the mountains and clouds and pale azure of the sky and reflecting it back up. The occasional ripples of water was the only indicator that there was any life beneath its surface.
After minutes of silence, he turned his head to her. His voice seemed to change here. There was a breathlessness to it. Or maybe it was her imagination. The movement of his head was minimal and smooth. "I imagine you'd enjoy something warm. I'll lay a fire."
He gestured to the dock. "Perhaps afterwards, we can take the boat out."
Aurora smiled and walked towards the pier, the water looked like it would be freezing, she wasn't sure about a boat ride, but he sounded excited and Aurora wanted to do things with Diego that excited him, he was willing to do the museum with her before. After a moment, he left her to go inside. She sat down at the edge of the pier, she'd done it so many times a child. Tide was out, her feet were well above the water, she still was sure it was frigid. Aurora stared out at the other side, she couldn't make out much on the other side, they were pretty much alone out here in the middle of no where by the lake side. It reminded her of the time she'd spent with Nox learning her power.
She grasped the power inside her and felt the cold press in on her, but everything became clear. She could smell the fire that Diego was starting, smell the bitter smell of the fallen snow. It was crisp and clean up here, so unlike Moscow. She missed it. Maybe she would go home, maybe Diego would go with her, at least for a visit.
With a sigh of contentment, for now, she let the power go. Tomorrow would come and she could think on it all later. She turned and could see a thin plume of white smoke coming up from the chimney. The warmth called to her and she walked up freshly shoveled and salted steps to the front door. It was a massive wooden thing with patterns and inlay and a brass handle.
Inside she could smell the fire, it was one of her favorite smells in the world. She saw Diego tending the fire and she walked over to stand next to him, she had the urge to wrap her arms around him, but he was busy and she didn't want to startle him, she smiled, "Inside is far beyond comparison. I've never seen anything like this. You came here as a child."
Aurora sat down on the stone before the fire and warmed her body by the fire, she hadn't realized how cold she was. "I like it here."
He was silent for a moment, as he continued to feed the fire small pieces of wood. She wondered if he had heard her when he answered without turning around. "Yes. My father would come up here when he was in Moscow on business. He would sometimes take me. Mother too. And the help to take care of things. Father and I would take the boat out or fish. Other outdoor activities. Mother stayed around the house."
Finally he turned around and she saw something in his eyes. Was it the smoke? Of course. His mother had died. He must miss her desperately. Aurora smiled weakly, she reached out a hand slowly, when Diego didn't flinch Aurora ran her finger down the side of his cheek. "I'm sure there are good memories here."
She smiled shyly, "There is always plenty of time to make more."
Aurora turned around looking up with a big grin on her face, "I can see why your mother would stay in side though, it's almost as beautiful in here as it is out there."
She was sure she saw a spark in his eyes suddenly. And she didn't imagine the quirk at the corner of his mouth. "Yes, there is time,"
he said huskily. He looked at her for a while in silence, drawing out the moment. Then, "Let's take out the boat. I took the liberty of having my people prepare it for us. It is warm. There is champagne on ice. Hors d'Oevres. Good music. And with you it will be perfect."
He was smiling now. And there was no mistaking the look in his eyes.
Edited by Aurora, Mar 24 2015, 04:54 PM.
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With a small smile Diego stood and walked around the wall to what she assumed was the kitchen and came back out with a large picnic basket and a metal bucket beaded with condensation, the tops of 3 bottles sticking out the top.
Aurora smiled, he intended there to be lots of drinking, reminded her of her brother in so many ways. Though he rarely actually drank as much as he pretended to. She knew his secret, and it made her laugh, because he always acted so tipsy even though he wasn't. Aurora pushed her brother from her thoughts and wrapped an arm around Diego and they walked out to the boat.
It was a pretty thing. She hadn't really liked boats, but she'd go anywhere with Diego. Diego went first and he set the basket and bucket down before he offered her a hand to help her on board. Aurora took it greatfully and got her foot hung up on the rigging and fell against him. She had to fight back any sounds that might escape her mouth unwillingly, but she enjoyed feeling her body against the length of him.
He laughed. "Careful. You want to be sure-footed on a boat."
He looked out on the lake and the water looked calm. "Don't let the placid nature of the water fool you. She is a playful mistress."
She smiled up at him and straighten herself, "I'll be careful."
Though she was already missing his extra warmth now that they were close to the water again.
Aurora watched as Diego started the motor, the strong glugh sounds in the water indicating its great power. The boat seemed to stand up, puffing out its chest as it made its way across the water. The motion over the waves was only slightly disconcerting and then left the dock quickly in the distance. Once they were out near the center, where they could see the entire landscape surrounding them, Diego switched the motor off. He then set about dropping anchor and checking things. She watched the way he moved across the deck, it was mezmerizing. She was so caught up in him, that she hadn't hear the champagne bottle open. The proffered glass before her made her look up at him with a smile, she took the glass by the stem and her fingers brushed against his, she felt herself flush. She took a sip to hide it.
He tilted his head sharply but then said. "Let's toast. To beauty. She is mysterious and intoxicating."
Then he clinked his glass to hers and then took a drink. With a contented sigh, he sat back. "It is lovely out here."
His eyes seemed to dance over everything in the afternoon light before alighting on her face. Even then it seemed to hover over her, looking her up and down. Then, suddenly, he reached for the basket and opened it. "I trust you are hungry. Let's see what Giselle packed for us."
His hand dipped down and began removing containers, setting them on the table next to them. The first made him smile. "Ahh, Petrossian caviar. Some crackers."
As he opened the next container, he looked at her, "Spanish Ham with olives and oranges. And piquillo peppers stuffed with goat cheese."
He went on, seeming to enjoy just showing them off, as if just the site of them, the memory of them, was enough. Almost. Very soon he gave her a plate with a sampling of each. "I hope you like them. Take a sip after you finish a bite. The crisp wine accentuates the taste."
Aurora took a bit first of the caviar, it was not something she would have tried any other time, too fancy, too expensive, like she could have ever afforded it any point in time. It was interesting anyway, the texture was different. But it tasted nice. Aurora disregarded the fact that Diego was implying she didn't understand how to clean her palate when trying new things. It only irked her a little.
Aurora tasted everything else on the plate and especilally liked the peppers with goat cheese. Still something she'd never make herself but it was all so wonderful. She smiled and got up and moved towards the stern and looked out against the water. It was such a nice place. She spoke over the wind. "It's so pretty here. Thank you for sharing it with me."
She heard rustling behind her, the opening and closing of something. She didn't turn around, not right away. When she did, it was because she heard the strains of music. He was seated, his cello out and he was gently playing a haunting melody.
Aurora leaned against the railing, but the latch came loose and it swung open. The world spun out of control and she plummetted into the fridge water. Her lungs were crushed with the frozen water, it was murder to breath, her limbs froze on near impact, panic set in as she floundered for the surface.
Her arms and legs didn't want to move as her panic at not being able to breath overwhelmed her. It was so cold. She she could get her eyes open, she could make out Diego standing there just through the surface of the water. Her teeth were locked together and she tried to reach our for the source, tried to make herself tread water, but her panic was rising. It seemed like minutes ticked by, though it only had to be seconds, and Diego hadn't moved. Her fear continued to grown and she only barely heard and felt something enter the water with her. She felt arms go around her, and though she still couldn't get her chest breath in, her head was out of the water. Diego was with her, holding her, pulling her with him, as he made his way to the boat. Carefully, he pushed her up onto the deck before heaving himself up. Finally, finally, she could breath.
She felt movement on the boat and soon he was helping her up, wrapping her in a towel. His hair was now flopped forward on his face, almost covering his eyes. "Are you ok?"
His arms went around her, rubbing, trying to warm her up.
After her teeth stopped chattering so much, he leaned back and brushed the dripping hair out of his face. There was a fire in them. "Let's get you warmed up."
She felt, rather than watched, his movement across the boat and then the boat's engine sputtered to life and it raised up and fairly flew across the water to the pier.
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The cold seemed to have seeped into Aurora's bones. The towel helped, but she was just so cold. She needed to warm up. She tried again grab the power but it slipped out her grasp. She couldn't calm down and let the power fill her.
Thankfully, the boat dropped down, indicating they had slowed. They must be near the pier. The rumble of the engines stopped and the boat shifted as Diego walked to her and helped her up. "Come on Aurora. Let's get you warm."
He gently held her up as she slowly walked. The cabin seemed so far away.
The wind was picking up and knifing through her. Diego must have noticed too, he was as wet as she was, though he didn't seemed as bothered. Suddenly he turned and she felt herself lifted up into his arms. "This will go faster I think."
And then he walked faster, carrying her to the cabin. Aurora huddled into his chest, she would have enjoyed it far more if her teeth were not chattering, and both of them were not soaked to the bone with frigid water.
The fire was warm and Aurora knew that she had to get warm, knew that the wet clothes had to come off, but she could barely make her hands move. Her fingers ached with the cold, the fire was only doing so much to alleviate the chill. Through chattering teeth, "I think a hot bath will help."
She smiled at him, though she was sure it looked scary she could imagine the cold had sucked all forms of life from her skin leaving her ashen and blue. "Both of us."
He had jumped in after her, after all. Her savior in so many ways today.
A slow smile spread across his face, a hint of something in his eyes. "Yes, I think you are right."
He took her by the hand, heedless of the puddles they were leaving on the floors, and led her to a room. It was massive, the amber walls casting a warming light on the room. Along the wall a large bed with four posts sat. The decor of the room seemed to make it very male, somehow. Not a frilly pillow in sight. The door to the bath was opened and when he led her inside, she saw a hot tub. He flipped a switch on the wall and the water came to life. "Go ahead. I'll be back in a moment."
Aurora smiled wanely, she tried to undress to the best of her ability. Thankfully there were no small buttons on her sweater. It clung heavy to her body, it was going to be ruined. The hardest part was the clasps of her bra, so tiny and small and her fingers were so cold. Aurora finally managed and slipped into the hot water.
Every nerve in her body screamed. Her cold skin and the hot water collided and she nearly passed out. But once inside she was finally warming up, but it had felt like forever getting in.
Diego returned with two mugs in hand, steam coming from them. "Hot buttered rum,"
he said with a smile. He set them on the side of the tub and then stood there, just looking at her, that small smile on his face. After a moment, he began to undress so he could get in.
Aurora's breath caught as she realized what he was doing. She wanted to watch but the thought alone made her turn around to hid her blush. She took a long swallow of the butter rum. It burned going down, both the alchol and the heat, but it felt good, she wasn't sure it was the wisest thing in the world though.
He got in the water across from her and she felt his leg next to hers. He smiled at her and took his drink. "Drink up. It will warm you from in the inside."
Aurora tried to use the cup to hide behind but it was a fruitless effort, but she did as he asked, she knew it wasn't the wisest choice, she drank again, feeling it more and more as she sipped at the drink. Aurora wasn't exactly sure if it was just the drink that was making her feel this way, or if she was going into shock or something. But at that particular moment she didn't care.
He watched her quietly. And then slid over. She felt his hip against her. The room was warm from the steam. The last chills had left her. A heated whisper. "So beautiful. So pure."
His eyes traced every inch of her face, then down to her neck. For a moment it looked as if he was going to continue his gaze further downward and she felt another blush. His eyes lingered only for a moment though, and then drifted back up. He gently caressed her cheek and then, leaned in and kissed her lightly. And then more than lightly, his hands on her shoulder, playing teasingly along her collar bone. Aurora bit her bottom lip, there was no doubt in her mind where this was going, she smiled inside as she leaned in to kiss him.
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Aurora lay there in his bed, sighing contentedly, her eyes heavy lidded with passion and satisfaction and alcohol. It was warm and comfortable. Diego looked down, his eyes hungrily tracing her face. He couldn't believe his luck. Then again, the universe seemed to always give him what he craved. He had not realized how much he had craved this again. Especially with her. Before, it had been his father. Now the son would have his chance.
The redolent scent of her and him, of the wood, the fire crackling in the bedroom hearth, would cement this moment in his mind, forever giving him a doorway back to now, to this woman, to this place.
His hands itched to touch her, fingers flexed, fists squeezed. She was tired and drifting off. Carefully, gently, he glided his fingertips along her collar bone, the slight dip at the hollow of the throat. His hands trembled and he felt a stirring. Was it him? Her eyes fluttered, tried to open but it was too much, too relaxing. His breaths were coming, short now, his heart beat accelerating, the beat of the hoofs of the stallions he'd ridden. His nostrils flared as the memory came back to him.
He closed his eyes and savored, for a moment. Perfection. His mother's face below the surface, eyes wide as saucers. The raw savage power of his father. The light difused through water made her face glow, a goddess, an angel, hair haloing around her head. So many things coursed through his mind, stimulation, fear, terror, excitement, rage, awe, ecstasy. This moment, this one place and time in all of time, here it was, the human experience at its core. And she was the vehicle. He felt as if he were absorbing everything from her, consuming her energy and passion, her very essense. His father was oblivious to the gift being presented, blind only with rage at his discovery of her betrayal that day. So foolish. He didn't understand. But he was the one who acted. Harvest. The thought passed through his mind.
He remembered all the other times, those girls, the fear and passion in their eyes, ecstasy and agony. He devoured it hungrily, bringing them to the brink again and again, only to let her slip back just before the end. Soft lips on his, breathing into them, compressing their chest as a god, pumping life back into her. The eyes fluttering open, confusion and terror and pleasure anew.
The reverie that washed over him was near to orgasmic levels. After sighing in perfect bliss, he opened his eyes again. This time would be the best of all. To savor and enjoy. His father hadn't understood, even as his mother's beautiful face stared up at him. This time, she would be looking at him, connected forever. And he would enjoy her, ravish her, consume her.
He reached for the red silk scarf that hung innocently on his bed post. He had others too. She was mostly asleep. He began to tie her up. He couldn't help the smile on his face, the anticipation that threatened to overwhelm him.
Edited by Aurora, Mar 27 2015, 02:52 PM.