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Sierra felt Elyse stir in bed. It wasn't odd to have the pack curled up with her, she rather enjoyed the body heat and missed the closeness with Snow. She missed him, Chase sent her what translated to a mental hug to Sierra. She understood loss too, her mate was lost to the dreams.
Elyse was trying to hid the tears but the pup was noisy. Stinging Nose got his name for a reason, sticking it in a bee hive had been stupid, but he learned not to do it again. And that's what mattered.
Sierra turned on to her back and looked over at the pup and Elyse. She knew the pain but only way to get past it was to move on. Sierra didn't want to be insensitive to the human emotions, but she couldn't let Elyse mope either. "We should go hunting."
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Elyse put her hand on Stinging Nose, running her hand through the soft fur. That in itself was comforting. Elyse knew and understood that she just had to move on. Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. It also wasn't a pain she was used to. Nox was the first that she had given her heart to.
Elyse felt Sierra stir and get up. Despite that, she was sure the other woman knew she had cried. Even so, she wiped her face before getting up herself. "Hunting...we can hunt."
A morning hunt was something that would help her move on. At least for a moment. Elyse went and got dressed before checking her crossbow. She checked her bolts as well, moving quickly and efficiently. The other wolves were waking as well, sending her images that they were ready to start the day.
"Lets go,"
she said, the smile on her face the most genuine it had been in days.
Edited by Elyse, Jul 28 2017, 08:41 AM.
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There were several wolves eager to go - Stinging Nose was among them. Everyone was sending messages and Elyse and Sierra were at a disadvantage as they couldn't communicate the same way. They had to rely on the others to translate for them. It was easier in the wolf dream.
Sierra heafted her bow and slung her camera over her shoulder as well with the quiver of arrows. She'd probably need more.
The deer skin coat she wore would blend in, Elyse wore modern clothes - might have to do something about that, but that could take a while to do and they didn't have that kinda of time.
There was a scout wolf who was already out hunting for their prey. It had relayed there was a small herd of deer not far from here. Stinging Nose started stalking immediately and Sierra chuckled. She sent the eager wolf an image of the little pup falling behind as the rest of the pack lopped forward. Without much more effort he was trotting along with the rest of them. The wolves ran faster than the humans could, but they adjusted their tactics too them as easily as one of their own.
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The movement was exhilarating. It didn't matter that she wasn't hunting rougarou or oni. All that mattered was that was that she was doing what she was meant to do. There was a thrill there that she loved. Thoughts of Nox flooded away as she became one with the pack, and her face turned up into a slight grin.
As a woman in the prime of her life and in good shape, she kept up - at least as well as she could with a species that could run faster than she could, but she sensed the wolves adjusting to accommodate the two legs.
As they neared, Elyse readied her crossbow. As always, she had the pistol with her as well, but didn't use it. The wolves didn't like guns. Elyse was beginning to smell the herd of deer that was nearby. Orders were sent to the pack and Elyse was to follow a different set of wolves than the other woman. Elyse gave Sierra a smile and a nod as she followed her own group.
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Elyse went with Chasing Butterflies. Sierra had the little pup stinging nose with her - among other wolves on either side. Chase was leading the attack and they were to flake the herd and wait to see which was the weakest link.
The herd was a good 20 strong. Each deer smelled calm until Chase's group came up at them and the herd scattered. There were several smaller ones but that wouldn't feed the pack so Sierra's group followed the slowest of the herd. Sierra knocked a bow as they ran at break neck speeds through the forest. The cold air slapping her in the face as she ducked under tree limbs and vaulted over downed limbs and trunks in her way.
The wolves had corned one and Sierra let lose an arrow that hit true and the beast fell and the wolves piled on top killing the beast in seconds, if it had survived her shot. One wasn't enough for the pack. Sierra hoped Elyse's group was fruitful as well.
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Elyse followed Chases Butterflies and the rest of their group as they ran into the herd. The deer scattered and the wolves moved as one to followed one of the slower members of the herd.
Elyse readied her crossbow to fire as soon as she could. The wolves surrounded the deer and it panicked, running itself into a corner.
Elyse let the bolt fly and the wolves descended on it in a frenzy killing it. She was glad they were successful. The hunt done, Elyse went to find Sierra. For the first time, she had been able to forget her troubles.
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Food was offered to Sierra via a series of images. She sent back her ascent and thanked them - a foreign concept for the wolves and they sent back what pretty much translated to silly two-legged - pack needs to eat.
Sierra pulled her knife from her belt and cut a chunk off of the deer and wrapped it in a cloth until she got back to the den where she could cook it properly. One of the things that kept one human was realizing meat should be cooked first before eating.
And when Stinging Nose asked why she wasn't eating, she sent back images of her brother - of him lost, of him dying. It made the wolves sad and they accepted it. Stinging Nose got excited as his mother approached. Elyse's group had been successful as well. They would eat well tonight.
Sierra smiled at the other woman. "Feeling any better? A hot meal at the den and a hot bath afterwards. I know a hot spring nearby."
Edited by Sierra, Nov 10 2017, 09:05 AM.
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Elyse smiled as she approached. She really did feel better. "Very much - and venison and a bath sound wonderful."
The wolves sent her images welcoming her to eat and she said she would later, cutting off a piece of the the meat as Sierra had. She wrapped it in a cloth, and sent an image of the hide intact to the wolves. They assented. Elyse could use some new clothes.
" The wolves are going to let me have some of the hide to make some clothes. I'll be sewing, so that will help with keeping my mind off of the ex."
Mentioning him brought back momentary pain, but she recovered quickly. After the wolves ate, she would gather some of the hide.
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Ricky found himself in Moscow with Marta. It was time for a change for them both. Compared to the desert surrounding Mexico, Russia seemed like a good opposite. What had surprised him the most was that Marta wanted to go camping, and he had indulged her.
They got some equipment together. Marta wanted to learn how to hunt, but didn't want to hunt with a gun, so she had a bow. Ricky got one too. He wasn't as good with bows, but he was willing to learn. Guns didn't scare her. In fact, she had her own revolver now and was turning out to be a fine shot with it. The thirteen year old took to everything like a fish took to water. Ricky was sure she would do fine.
With all of their equipment ready, they set out. "You know,"
Ricky said, smiling at her. "You could have picked a less cold time to go camping."
Marta returned his smile. "But I like it out here. It's...peaceful."
Ricky couldn't argue with that. It was very peaceful out here. "Right here,"
she said. "Let's set up camp right here."
Ricky didn't see a reason why they shouldn't so they did. As they were setting up, a wolf howled. Marta looked towards it, but didn't seem scared. Ricky watched her as she squinted and frowned.
"What is it?"
She hesitated. "An image - wolves hunting deer...with people?"
"You saw this, in your imagination."
" don't know. It seems different - more real."
Ricky thought he knew what this meant, but lord knows he didn't know what to do about it.
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Elyse was gathering the hide to make her own coat similar to Sierra's. It would be warmer than her own gear, and it would also just mean more as she made it.
Elyse was beginning to get hungry, so she was hoping to make her food soon when the wolves began to speak. Elyse saw an image of two people setting up a camp nearby. One a man and the other a girl - probably a pre-teen or teenager.
Elyse translated the images as best she could surprising herself as she spoke aloud. "The pup hears us."
Elyse remained silent for awhile before turning to Sierra. "Did you get that?"