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[[continued from A Day Off]]
The bar was immense, and lined with old fashioned leather stools. Old world pamphlets pasted the walls between the wood mouldings, and there was a selection of cosy chairs and tables. But the reason Nesrin steered them in was the blazing hearth she knew was tucked at the back, since both Anna and Cade seemed particularly bothered by the cold, and it was an easy way to win favour. An old jukebox rested against one of the walls, one of many curios in the decor as the eye roamed. The place had an old world feel, starting right from the sign above the door: The Apothecary.
The barman glanced up as they spilled in from the cold winter afternoon. “Welcome to the Apothecary,” he said. His accent had a delightfully authentic lilt of Irish, and the slight boredom of one enduring a quiet day-shift as he assessed his new customers. His gaze lingered naturally on the two beautiful women, and Nesrin used the opportunity to shrink back unnoticed as his attention passed over her.
“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” she said to her companions, not aimed at any of them in particular, then added as she plucked at the front of her hoodie: “I’m just gonna try and clean this up real quick.”
In the bathroom Nesrin considered what she knew – about Kallisti, about Nox, and how Wicked was in their orbit. Her suggestions always had a bit of longevity to them, but nothing she could guarantee would still be to her benefit days later. There was always the chance, though, that he’d already be kindly disposed to her. And if he really had accessed the coffee shop’s camera to check out Cade, then he was exactly who she needed on her side.
She ran the hot water and pulled the hoodie over her head, dumping it in with one hand. With the other she shot an encrypted message, from Bode to The Wicked Truth:
You helped me out so I'll help you: let yourself get outbid, you don't want the trouble that comes along with this thing.
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The Apothecary was quaint and rustic and it was charming. Cade ordered a tequilla sunrise -- something a little less like drinking and more like breakfast or brunch.
Nesrin left to clean up, it made little sense to him why do it now, but he didn't pry. A girl's got her secrets. Cade stopped by the juke box on the way to his seat and picked a few songs that didn't remind him of Laney. They weren't sweet or sappy, more like the type of song Laney would play when she was pissed off at him. She called them angry girl ballads. But they weren't always by little women yelling at the shit in their lives. Some of her favorites were by old school alternative rock bands. Things their parents used to listen to.
He sat down at a table with plenty of room for the others and hoped the songs would play before he got anywhere near the bottom of the glass. Relaxing sounded good, but now that he was here, he felt a little guilty -- who drank during the day?
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It was a busy day! Holy hell. And it wasn't all just Nox for once, his own things were popping off too. Not only had he heard back from Bode with a warning, but her entire cover was found. It wasn't much, but if you could find Bode, you could find her present identity and oddly enough it was connected to Almaz.
He showed Nox a picture and he just shrugged. "Yeah, see her at the Almaz, waitress I think." But he wasn't any help beyond that. He already knew that. But he'd found her! And she warned him. Why didn't he want the Emissary's key? Granted he didn't really care, he had used it as a means of finding Bode -- and it worked.
She was with Elyse on top of it. Which was just a strange coincidence -- and with the would-be brother for Nox. Who by all records really was his brother by the same mother. He had the fully skinny on Dr. Kincaid Reece, Jr. Knew everything he could ever want to know.
He shot off two quick messages with in a matter of moments of each other.
One to Elyse. And the other to Bode.
To Elyse: Warning: Your father is incoming on a contract. You are the target.
To Bode: I helped you? You fell into my lap. Only bid to find you. Now I got you. Your identity is findable. You pissed off some big names. Need help hiding? I know people.
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11-21-2024, 02:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2024, 02:46 AM by Elyse.)
The Apothecary was a quaint bar, and Elyse immediately liked it. The old world decor set a good relaxing scene. In the midst of all this technology and wonder, it spoke of simpler times. Sometimes she wished for that, but at the same time. She liked that she lived now. It added a little more wonder to her world. Nezrin decided to go clean her hoodie and let someone else decide what she would drink. Cade ordered a tequila sunrise, and Anna ordered two more. One for her and Nezrin.
Elyse was about to order a drink when her wallet buzzed. She pulled it out and saw it was a message from Sage. They hadn’t talked much, even when she had lived with him and Nox. He had always seemed content with his own company, and she hadn’t wanted to disturb him. They had always had a cordial relationship and Elyse still considered him a friend.
When she read the message, the blood rushed from her face and she went pale. Fuck!!
The message came with an attachment. She opened it to find an Atharim report filed by Peter Andersen. Elsa Andersen had been executed as a traitor - neglect of duty. It listed Elyse as a rogue Wolfkin Atharim. A contract had been made and accepted by her father.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
”Elyse…” Anna’s words broke Elyse from her thoughts.
”Shot of tequila,” Elyse ordered. The bartender responded by pouring the shot.
Elyse drank it. She hated tequila by itself, but the shock of it cleared her mind. ”Whats wrong, Elyse?” the concern in Anna’s voice matched her eyes.
Elyse turned to her. ”I…I need time to sort through something. I need you to trust me for now okay? Go sit with Cade. I’ll tell you all - I promise. I just need a few minutes okay?” the concern was still in her eyes, but she nodded. It made Elyse feel slightly better. ”I know you’re worried. I promise, I’ll tell you everything.”
Anna went to sit with Cade, and Elyse felt bad as she found a corner of the bar to sit in relative solitude. She pulled her wallet out, and thought of the only thing she could at that time. She replied to Sage.
I need to ask you for advice and/or help, but I want no one to eavesdrop here. I’m sure you’ve secured this connection, but it would make me feel a little better if you confirmed that.
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Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Whatever Elyse had read in that message had scared her. It had scared her more than anything she had seen before. Elyse clearly needed space, and everything in Anna told her to push harder. Elyse shouldn’t isolate now, but she asked for Anna’s trust and Anna gave it to her she had to. It didn’t stop her from waiting a moment before heading to the table with Cade.
Anna set the drinks down and took a seat next to Cade, but her eyes remained on the place her friend had gone to hide. The concern never left her eyes even if she faked a smile as she turned to Cade and took a drink of her tequila sunrise. ”Good choice of music,” she said.
Anna wondered. Elyse was a brave woman. She hadn’t known her long, true, but she knew her to be a bad ass. Not much would scare her like this. Anna hadn’t been to church in a long time. They didn’t really approve of her life, but she found herself silently praying. God, please help her…
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11-21-2024, 09:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2024, 09:47 PM by Nesrin Aziz.)
She didn’t have to wait long for a reply. Something in it set her immediately on edge – the fear that he had been doing the leading, and potentially this was a trap. No one offered help so freely, not without ulterior motive. Instinct urged her back into the shadows, her pulse thrumming in her ears. But part of that was only memory prickling her skin with the redundant warning to run, and run fast. She wasn’t a child any longer, and she wasn't defenceless. But sometimes the past pulled viciously with its reminders.
Guess I’m making a habit of ending up right in your lap.
Most people enjoyed being flirted with, even if it was only that. And it gave her a moment to think around the idea that he’d been looking for her and not the key. Which made zero sense unless you factored in the little caress she gave his mind at the party.
I have some tricks. As far as E is concerned, you don’t know the half of it. Why would you help me?
I feel compelled to. Dunno why, just something makes me happy to help.
She half snorted at that, but it cooled her fears somewhat. Just so happens I have a new vacancy for BFF. You think you’re up to the task? ;) I promise I’m the fun kind of trouble.
She wrung the bottom of the hoodie out – didn’t put it back on, just hooked her bag on her shoulder and wandered back out to the main bar with it draped over her arm. Music played from the jukebox, something old and rocky, but the mood was frustratingly fragile. Elyse had separated herself again. Nesrin glanced over, but didn’t feel she yet had the trust to offer a confidant’s charm. Between that and the way she’d rushed off at the cafe there was clearly something going on, but even Anna kept her distance, despite the obviously concerned look in her eyes.
Meanwhile Cade was more invested in his drink than the company. Nesrin laid her hoodie out by the fire, then returned to flop in a chair. The colourful cocktails were at odds with the tension. Thank god for alcohol.
“Oh tequila,” she said. “You do bad things to me.” With a smirk she leaned to chink her glass against the others’, Cade’s with a wink that said relax, no one’s judging and Anna’s with a glance over at where Elyse hunkered down. The bond between them was clear, and what they’d said about the club’s close knit community was precisely the reason for her self-serving interest. “Shitty ex trouble? Because if we need to break some kneecaps,” she said casually as she leaned back in her chair and pressed the drink to her lips, “then I’m down for that.”
[[Sage's message written by Sage]]
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Sage's attention was split between two conversations. Though one was easier than the other since he had already hacked Elyse's wallet. Bode's relied on normal access.
To Elyse: My connections are always secure. What do you need?"
Sage wasn't exactly sure why he had wanted to find her so bad. Or why he had been looking so hard, there was a strange pull and even now he felt it.
To Bode: I'm so much better than any m’Antinomian. I like trouble. And you look like you lead an interesting life. Probably cost you less too.
Sage didn't charge much, he took payment in other forms and she'd soon find out. Though maybe not, most marks didn't know he followed their lives. Most that didn't didn't exactly like it. Nox was probably the only one who truly embraced the fact that Sage was always watching.
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11-22-2024, 12:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-22-2024, 09:32 PM by Elyse.)
Elyse waited after hitting send. The seconds passed like minutes even though she knew Sage wouldn’t be long to respond. While waiting she looked over towards where Anna and the others sat. Anna glanced her way and Elyse forced a smile. The look of concern in her friends eyes told Elyse Anna wasn’t buying it. Elyse felt guilt. Anna deserved to know - but she couldn’t tell her yet. She would keep her promise.
Sage responded back, confirming the secure line, and Elyse stared at the message, wondering how best to respond. She wasn’t even sure what all she wanted. At least at this point.
Thank you for your warning. You’ve given me a slight advantage. I can only see this ending with one of us dead, and I’d prefer that person not be me. I don’t know what you can do. Maybe you can’t help me at all, but what I could really use is more time. Is there anything you can do to slow my father down - cancel his flight - change it to a different location - freeze his accounts - I don’t know - just some thoughts. Don’t know if you can do anything to hinder his research efforts in trying to find me either. Any time you can give me is a help. Time to set my affairs in order in case the worst happens and time to prepare to avoid that. Is there anything you can do?
As she started typing it all came out. And with the words “one of us dead” it hit Elyse that realistically, she could die soon.
A few seconds later she sent Sage a second message. I’ll pay.
Elyse wasn’t rich by any means, but she lived pretty frugally and saved most of what she made. She had some money saved. She didn’t know if Sage could or would help. She didn’t even know if he wanted to - but she had to try, and she hoped that the offer to fuck around with her dad would be an enticing one for Sage.
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Anna periodically would look over to where Elyse was. Once, the other woman met her gaze and gave Anna a forced smile. Anna knew that, and she was sure the look of concern she gave Elyse made that point. What was wrong with her friend?
Nezrin returned and sat down. She clinked glasses with her two companions and Anna took another drink. Her question about a shitty ex actually brought a slight smile to Anna's face, breaking briefly through the concern. "If that were the case - I'd be game too, but Elyse only really has one ex, and they're on good terms." She turned to Cade. "Who by some odd coincidence is the guy you're looking for."
Anna turned once more to look at Elyse, she was looking more upset. Shit! What the fuck was in that text? "No - whatever this is it's bad. Real bad..."
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11-26-2024, 10:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2024, 10:43 AM by Sage.)
Elyse was asking for help. And she would pay. Not that he needed the money but he was pretty sure she wouldn't like the same deal as Nox took without ever asking what it entailed. He just said whatever you want and Sage took it. He never said I'll pay, never inquired what it truly cost him. He didn't care, Sage was his last link to his dead sister. And Nox was the only link left for Sage to Aurora. Not that he would have told her how he felt then, or even now, but Nox understood.
I'll do what I can. We can discuss payment when he's dead. I assume that's what you want. I happen to know a pretty good assassin who would love to put down any Atharim who hurts innocents.
Sage quickly stalled Elyse's father by putting the man on the no fly list in every country which had one. He wouldn't be taking a plane anytime soon.
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