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Cade wasn't exactly sure why he was surprised that Nox had dated Elyse, she was pretty. She could probably do better than a guy with no history. "They dated. Somehow I think she's too good for him." It wasn't a jab that sounded like teasing fun. This was a guy who fought brutally in a caged ring, who danced on stage with magical abilities. He was a ghost until a year and a half ago when his records showed up in Moscow Hospital records after a plane crash. Everything before that was gun permits, drivers licences, his GED. He had been nothing but a ghost until he fell out of the sky. And now, he was going viral. There was something shady about him. And it made Cade wonder exactly what went on at Kalllisti.
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An Assassin? Elyse hadn’t thought of that as an option. She had thought this would come to some sort of showdown between her and her father. This could work though. Truth be told, Elyse wasn’t sure she’d be able to beat him, and even if she could, she didn’t know if she’d be able to pull the trigger. She also wasn’t sure how she felt about an assassin - it just made her feel dirty.
Honestly, I don’t want him dead. I’d prefer that he stays over in his corner and I stay in mine, but that’s not going to happen. He’s relentless. He’s gonna hunt me until he does the deed or he’s stopped. I don’t really have much of a choice here. The assassin route - I’ll think about it - and get back to you on that. Would you be willing to act as intermediary between us? For now - you can ask if they’re interested in a contract. I also need some advice. Should I make it through this alive, does the contract on me go away with the death of my father. Where do I go after that. I like my life sage - with Kallisti, Mae, and Anna…I don’t wanna lose that. If I make it through this - can I still have those things? I’ll do anything for that. Even if Elyse Andersen has to “die.” I don’t know what to do.
The tears came now. This is what scared her the most. If she lived, would she live her life on the run from the Atharim. Could she continue. She worried also about Sting, but he could take care of himself. Even now she could feel him hunting with the wolves. That was happening more lately. She was sure he would be finding his own pack to lead soon.
Elyse sent another message. She just had to tell someone and she would tell Anna, but she didn’t know how far she could trust her other two companions. ”Sage, I’m terrified.
Elyse wiped her eyes and stood up, heading to the bar to get a tequila sunrise and moved to sit with her friends. She needed people now, and a plan was beginning to formulate.
”Are you okay?” Anna asked.
”No, but I need to forget my troubles for a bit,” Elyse said truthfully.
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Sage was pretty sure Elyse was not so comfortable with the whole assassin thing. I mean who hired someone to kill them? Except this wasn't at all like that. If she'd been all on board he'd never told her he'd gotten Nox involved. But there was also no one going to stop Nox from taking out a threat to Kallisti.
Sage sent a series of texts messages with a thought. Faster than anyone should be able to type.
I can be intermediary. But the assassin I'm talking about is Nox. That's kinda what he does now for the Atharim and the Ascendancy. Kills channelers he deems worthy of being taken out -- no innocents.
But what's more important is you are family. You are part of Kallisti and there is nothing Nox wouldn't do to protect his family.
You want your father dead, Nox will do it.
You don't even have to ask him. He doesn't even have to know you know. I can almost guarantee you as soon as he reads that report he will be setting a plan to take him out first thing he's back in Moscow.
And he will read that report.
We can Kill Elyse, or I can erase every record of you in the Atharim, with your parents dead there won't be anyone really to stake a claim that you even existed at all. I've done it before. I can do it again.
But you are associated with Kallisti and Nox and he won't come off their radar. He's too dangerous -- even more since he made a deal to work with them again. They don't really understand the deal they made yet. Letting me into their system unfetted.
Nox made you a promise to keep you safe. He will always keep it. And I'll help.
And don't be terrified. Nox is good at what he does. And he has the ear of the most powerful man on the planet.
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Elyse came back again looking like she had cried. She was having nearly as much of a roller coaster life as he was it seemed. He gave her a smile. "Tell us how we can help?"
Either with her problem or distract her he didn't care which, but his desire to help those in need was strong. It was why he'd become a doctor. A vase of small flowers sat on each table and Cade pulled a single flower from its glass prison and he ran his fingers along the petals. It felt warm and inviting and there was a small tune in his heart. He hummed a little and the flower seemed to brighten and straighten a little from the wilting and death it had. Cade always hated giving flowers that had been cut. It was so much death it stung at his heart.
He handed the flower to Elyse. "All girls like flowers don't they?"
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11-27-2024, 05:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2024, 06:04 PM by Elyse.)
((OoC: this will be my last one before I keep Nez from replaying - sorry Thal - lots of responses happening - and thank you for understanding.))
Another notification came through but Elyse ignored it for the time being. Cade had come out of his shell and offered to help. This was new, and more so, he offered her a flower. Elyse saw the subtle way the flower responded to his gentle touch and his humming, and she remembered the stories of such people. Cade was a singer - whether he knew it or not she didn’t know.
”This is so sweet,” she said accepting the flower with a smile. ”I will treasure this!” she slipped it in her hair, held up by her ear. ”Please excuse me while I check this.”
She read the message, and even though she hadn’t expected it, she kept the surprise off her face. She thought of telling Sage to tell Nox to not get involved, but she knew her ex enough to know that he wouldn’t back down. The moment Nox found out her father had moved against her was the moment Peter Andersen’s death warrant was signed.
She sent Sage a message.
Thats…a lot…and kind of a relief. You’re a good man, Sage. I have some more thoughts I’ll send you later. I need to disconnect from this a bit - let it sink in. But answer me this - Elyse doesn’t have to die? And if she doesn’t - she’ll not be attracting more Atharim attention - I mean more than she would with the association from Kallisti? Please keep me informed on my father if you know anything else.
She put her wallet down and turned back to Cade. ”Distractions would help! You know, if you like flowers - you should check out the flower shop in the market. Most beautiful I’ve seen.” Elyse had an inkling that the red haired proprietor of the shop had a similar gift.
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Nesrin nestled back in her seat. Since her companions were all sorts of unfocussed she only raised an amused brow, glanced again at Elyse, and let her attention drop to her phone. The stem of her glass twisted in her fingers as she typed a reply to Wicked.
Oh I do hope that’s a promise. I’m sure we can come to a mutually happy arrangement. What’s your poison?
Transaction was comfortable ground, and it eased what brief anxiety had assailed her at the idea of his simply being altruistic. They weren’t talking cash or credit, she assumed. M’Antinomian aside, in this world it was often the promise of a favour which carried the most weight. Nesrin wasn’t concerned at what she might need to promise him. She’d seen his adorable face, after all, and by now was sure her effect on him the night of the party had lingered. In any case, when it came to her own survival, there wasn’t much Nesrin wasn’t prepared to give.
Elyse returned then, her eyes bruised with tears, though she put on a brave face. Trouble and opportunity were usually interesting bedfellows, if you looked at it through the right lens at least. Problem-solving nearly always endeared you to others, but Elyse was unlikely to confide. At least not without a few more tequilas. She watched the cutesy exchange as Cade began to lighten up, glancing briefly at Anna to ascertain whether she minded the flirtation. Probably not, given the club they both worked at, but Nesrin always paid attention to dynamics.
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11-29-2024, 02:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2024, 02:29 AM by Anna.)
Anna kept back a comment at Cade's remark. The man had been a little grumpy for a bit, and part of her wanted to tell him to calm down a bit, but she thought about it. Cade hadn't had a good time for a while. His wife and child were dead, and then he found out he had a long lost brother. Anna could forgive a snippy attitude. He had every right to be.
Anna's main concern was still Elyse, and Anna perked up as she stood, went to the bar to get a drink and joined them at their table. Elyse didn't give Anna her promised answers yet, but Anna was kept from forcing the issue when Elyse admitted she wasn't okay. Elyse would talk to her when she was ready.
What really surprised Anna was Cade's complete change at her return. Seeing the woman hurting had changed something in him. All traces of former grumpiness were gone, replaced by a desire to help. He even gave her a flower from the table, and Anna wasn't sure if it was the light, but the flower almost seemed to respond to his touch. Elyse accepted the flower with a smile, putting it in her hair.
Anna felt conflicting emotions. She had flirted with Cade in the beginning, and in some ways it had been genuine. Cade was a cutie, and at times, showed himself to be a caring individual. She was fine with his refusal, but would have easily accepted a date if he offered - or a night of fun should he so choose. But this gift with the comment he had said earlier made Anna wonder if Elyse had caught his eye. It could be nothing, or it could be something. A brief look of uncertainty played on her face as she felt guilty for feeling a slight twinge of jealousy. Elyse was her friend, and she wouldn't let this come between them.
On the other hand, the action endeared Cade to her more, and as she gave a brief look in his direction, the corner of her mouth turned slightly in a smile that he had been so thoughtful. That his own pain became secondary to someone else's. Underneath the pain and the snark, there was a truly good man.
"I've not been in the shop itself, but I've heard about it," Anna said, in regards to Elyse's flower shop recommendation. "Only good things."
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11-29-2024, 11:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2024, 11:26 PM by Sage.)
Sage giggled and Nox looked at him curiously. "Are you making new friends?'
Sage nodded. "I am. I think they are fixing to be your new friend too, hanging out with Elyse and Anna and might take up a job at the club."
Nox just nodded and kept practicing whatever weave and dance combo he was doing. Sage could almost get lots in watching Nox -- almost. He looked away and back to his other fun for the moment.
It is. Favors are the best. I don't necessarily need money. And information. Information is far better than money.
Sage reassured Elyse.
They won't bother you anymore than they do at Kallisti. I have a happy customer already, so its no problem.
Your father will have to drive so you have some time. He probably won't be happy.
Do you want Nox to know you know about the contract on your life? I already sent him the report before I talked to you. It's part of our arrangement to protect his family.
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Cade chuckled. Everyone seemed to think he liked flowers. "It's not that I like flowers, or plants in general, it's they like me. Laney always found my green thumb amusing. She killed every plant she ever owned." He said it with a smile, a fond memory, he tried not to let it drag him down into the darkness again.
He pulled two more flowers from the vase and hummed softly with each one before handing the revitalized flower to each of the women in his company. "All women like flowers right?" he repeated. He wasn't showing Elyse favortism, he was distracting her. Her wallet did seem to be busy, she was either talking to a very fast typer or to a lot of people but it wasn't any of his business, she didn't want to share and he wouldn't ask.
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11-30-2024, 09:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2024, 09:51 PM by Elyse.)
Another ping on her wallet notified Elyse that she had another message waiting. "I'm so sorry, I'm getting a lot of messages, and they are timely. I'm not trying to be rude."
She opened the message, once again from Sage, and relief hit her. Elyse didn't want to go through the process of becoming someone else, but it was the next message that made Elyse actually smile. Her dad had to drive.
He hates driving - especially when he's working. He'll be seething the whole way here. Also - just so you know - he has one of those new electric vehicles - lots of fun hacking you can probably do...not that you need my permission - but you have my blessing to fuck around with him as much as you want 
With regards to Nox - feel free to tell him that I know and that I'm taking precautions and preparing. I'm thinking I'm going to find a different living arrangement. I'm on a monthly lease, and this will at least keep him from finding me at my current apartment. I don't know where I'll go yet (don't tell him that part - I'll be fine - no need for him to worry more), but I'll make it work. Sage - thank you so much for what you are doing. This means a lot to me - so very much. Hey - can I trust these two people I'm with. I trust Anna explicitly. I know you're watching.
Before putting the wallet down, she sent another message to Mae. She'd have to let Mae know what was going on too.
Hey Mae. I try to not bother you when you're with Galina and Aubrey, and I'm sorry to do so now. I have something I need to discuss with you in person when you can - it can wait until tomorrow, but it does need to be fairly soon. Sorry once again
She turned to the group and noticed that Cade was giving flowers to the other girls in the group. Looking at Anna, she saw the smile as she took it. It was different than many Elyse had seen, and Anna's scent confirmed it. Anna was quite taken with their male companion. Elyse smiled at that, and hoped Anna the best. Cade didn't sound like he was ready for more than a friendship just yet, but she hoped for the best - either way.
"You're a very kind man, Cade," Elyse said to Cade. It really was a nice gesture. To the group she said. "Thank you all for not pushing me on this right now. If I may, I'd like to propose a toast. To new friends!" She raised her glass.