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Aiden’s heart nearly broke at hearing Sage’s story. His parents had to be horrid people to use their own son, possibly only son, to run their experiments. Sage had seemingly turned out okay, but what about all those emotions, memories, and thoughts Aiden couldn’t see? Sage could very well be broken; still, he smiled. Aiden’s own parents were workaholics, never at home and constantly showering money on Aiden and his sister in an effort to make up for their perpetual absence.
It appeared that Sage was experiencing something no one on this planet had experienced before. Normally that would be something to celebrate and investigate, but Aiden wasn’t sure how to feel about it. On one hand, humanity could very well become something close to walking Gods, a human-computer symbiotic relationship pushing the limits of their bodies well past the established threshold; On the other, Sage didn’t have a normal life. He would never have a normal life. That was something Aiden could understand and relate to.
Aiden’s eyebrows climbed back up his forehead at Sage’s display with the Volkovs. It was an incredibly sweet gesture. He was almost like their Fairy Godfather for the night. Surely the Volkovs would go home with a lovely story to tell their friends and family. Aiden beamed at Sage; he had no words for that. It just made him happy. Aiden was about to reach out and touch Sage’s hand, but he faltered as Sage detailed the fallout with Kyle.
The happiness melted away as memories of that fateful night came crashing back. Kyle had actually hit Aiden after he walked in on him with that dumb, slutty-ass groupie. No one had ever laid hands on Aiden in such a manner. The funny thing was, Aiden just took it. He didn’t raise a hand to Kyle, nor did he defend himself. He deserved it. Oh, things with Kyle had been going downhill for a good 2 years at that point, the band was the only thing keeping them together. It was only a matter of time before they split.
After that night, Aiden made a vow to himself. He’d never cheat again.
“That was a very nice gesture, Sage. I’m sure you made that couple’s night. Seems like you’re on a roll today… Weren’t you calling yourself a good Samaritan earlier? You said there was no price for the info and contact info you gave me, but here we are on a date. I’m beginning to think you set this all up on purpose,” He said to Sage with a wink, “Are you and your parents on good terms? I can’t imagine you would be… I have some connections, you know… I could make a few calls and life could get very hard for them… Just an offer. My parents weren’t that great, but I have no room to bitch. They didn’t stick a motherboard in my brain.”
Aiden finished his beer and cracked open another. He gave Sage a smoldering look, “You know when you cut out the bits about horrific medical experiments and playing God… Your unique situation is… attractive. I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through, but you must be an incredibly strong individual to survive all of that. Now, look at you. Doing what others can’t. It’s almost like you are the internet. My fireballs kinda seem like a cheap party trick in comparison. I better keep you on my good side,” the smoldering look effortlessly turning to a wink.
Aiden was very expressive.
“Now… what don’t you know about me… The fireballs aren’t the only thing weird about me. Sometimes when people piss me off or upset me… things happen. I don’t know what, exactly, but sometimes they are glued to the spot and cannot speak or move, other times they are beaten to a pulp; it’s as if my emotions have invisible hands that act against my will. I don’t ever want these things to happen, but what can you do? I haven’t killed anyone with either of those weird powers, but it’s one more reason to stay home most days. I can be a little sensitive sometimes and I’d rather not assault an innocent because they looked at me funny. Hmmm… I’ve had dreams too. Not normal dreams. I almost think I might be psychic? They started after the coma. Visions of Russia, books, gods, and a man. A man whose face I cannot see, but I know I need him.”
Aiden looked over at the Volkovs again and smiled. He returned his gaze to Sage and continued, “I don’t know if they mean anything. Just a feeling, ya know? My sister had dreams too. She’s a well known Voodoo priestess in New Orleans, a killer with the Tarot. Everyone in the city goes to her for answers. Hell, she’s the reason Blarney Stoned got together in the first place! Saw it all in her cards. Some neighbors found out about that reading after we released our first single and the rest is history. She quit her job as a middle school teacher to focus on Voodoo and divination full time. I hope you get to meet her someday. I really do think that you two would get along; at least from what I’ve learned so far.”
Finishing his beer, Aiden reached for a rib. He flashed another smirk at Sage, “Did you already know that about me? I can tell you something else if you do. And what’s this game you speak of?”
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Sage watched the expressions on Aiden's face as he spoke. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. He was still there, still talking and still flirting which made Sage smile. "Oddly enough my parents tried to lure a kid into their trap to experiment again. I answered the door and I turned them in to the cops gave them all their research and I inherited everything when a truck plowed into the cop car that had them to take them in. It was my friends retaliation both lights were green. So I'm good on revenge, thanks." Sage grinned at Aiden.
Aiden went on about his strangeness. His grinned turned into an honest smile. "I've been kinda out of the loop lately. And I don't see all the information I had. I save it, archive it and use it later. I don't care what it is. I just wanted the information. But all those things except maybe the dreams, that's all things I've seen Nox do. He can make the world dance with colors, and juggle balls several balls of fire. I've seen him dig into the earth and make a whole and then move a bolder without sweating a bit. And that's just the stuff around the house. He fights with it. Used the power to enhance his already god given skills. There is so much that you don't understand about yourself." Sage knew he sounded like a fan boi and he kinda was. The annoying little shit that had been Aurora's little brother was a god in his own right. Not Ascendancy caliber but but a god none-the-less.
"The game. Pick a person, guess any fact about them and I'll figure out if it's true or not." Sage said. "But, we don't have to do that here. You said you were bringing your dog? We could do that on the street, go for a walk."
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Aiden’s eyes went wide as Sage nonchalantly mentioned his parents’ attempted kidnapping and their subsequent deaths. Aiden’s own connections wouldn’t have gone that far. No. Aiden always preferred making people wonder ‘who they pissed off’ when they crossed him. It was better that they didn’t know he was pulling the strings; that way they were always paranoid and on guard. Aiden would’ve done that to every American citizen because of the reception of his last film, but he didn’t know enough people to carry that out… And he’d probably feel bad in the end. He usually did when getting back at people.
“You talk about Nox a lot… Am I wasting my time tonight? If you’re already spoken for, no harm no foul. I don’t wanna step on anyone’s toes here. If we’re being honest though, I’m starting to really like you, Sage. First date, I know, but I wouldn’t mind seeing where this,”Aiden made a gesture encapsulating them both, “goes. Forgive me for being so forward, but in my experience, that’s the best way to approach relationships… or potential relationships.”
Aiden opened another beer and downed half of it, “I don’t mind either way… I mean… I’d mind,” Aiden laughed, “But I could get over it. And yes, Lasher is with my driver. I asked him to take him for a walk, but we can always take him around the block again. That dog does love his exercise.”
Since mentioning the dreams, Aiden had begun hoping that Sage was the man in them. He wasn’t entirely sure anymore, though. He now knew more about this Nox than he did about his date.
That wasn’t good.
Aiden called for the check.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Sage sighed. Aiden was right he talked alot about Nox. "He's new to the I like boys game. About time, but there is nothing there. You aren't wasting your time." Sage wasn't sure how to explain things. "Nox isn't bound for a relationship anytime soon. He slept with his second guy while he was dating a girl, and she caught him. He's not the kinda guy who does relationships to begin with." Sage wanted to say he was probably the same way but he liked Aiden.
Aiden ordered the check and sage smiled. "A walk sounds good if you still think it's worth your time. Nox is a just a friend."
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08-08-2018, 12:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2018, 01:10 AM by Aiden Finnegan.)
Aiden visibly relaxed hearing Sage say that. He slumped back in his seat a little and exhaled gently. “Well, that’s a relief! For a moment there I thought you’d send me back to Suzdal. This day has been the most interesting one I’ve lived since coming to Russia. And you’re to thank for that. Feel free to hijack my computer any day,” he said with a laugh, “I hope Nox figures his shit out. I like boys and girls, myself. There’s something about other men that women just don’t have, though…” Aiden downed the last of his beer and paid the tab with his platinum card, asking the waitress to bag up the leftovers.
The woman came back within 2 minutes, holding 4 very large shopping bags stuffed with leftovers and styrofoam containers. Aiden stood from the table, grabbing the bags and handing her a very generous tip. Sage was still seated at the table. Aiden walked over to him, leaning down over Sage, their noses only an inch from each other. It looked like Aiden was going in to kiss Sage, but he stopped short. He enjoyed teasing.
“Of course it’s worth my time, handsome, you’re gonna be there aren’t you?” Aiden said, biting his lip in the process, “Ready to go?”
The pair left the Red Pit. Lasher’s head was still sticking out the window of Aiden's limo. The blonde haired dog perked up as Aiden made his way out of the BBQ hut. Lasher didn’t bark, he just started panting heavily (and knowing him, his tail was thrashing about, threatening to tear a hole in the upholstery.) Cooper quickly hopped out of the limo, rushing over to take the bags, Aiden thanking him in the process. After a few more words, Cooper put Lasher in his harness and then got back in the driver’s seat as Sage, Aiden, and Lasher made their way down the street.
There were a few dozen citizens walking up and down the street. Aiden looked about at all the different faces.
“Anyone at all?” Aiden asked Sage. He pointed to a random man about 2 blocks up. Aiden couldn’t see his face or any defining feature. True, Aiden didn’t know the man, so he couldn’t tell if Sage was lying about the ability or over-embellishing. It didn’t really matter though, he was with Sage and Sage was single.
All was right in the world.
For now.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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An explosive moment of frustration and Elias' boot connected with a soda can, sending it flying past a pigeon. The bird erupted from the ground in a spray of feathers, agrily cooing at him as it departed for higher ground.
A lot of problems would be solved if he could fly. Stupid idea as it was. Instead, he was landlocked thousands of miles from the ocean, trapped as surely as if iron was tied to his bootstraps. The latest shipping company denied his request for a charter. Even with Damien's money footing the bill and Soren's contacts sweetening the pot. Apparently money couldn't buy a suicide mission.
Surely that's what they faced, or so the response said, by sailing southern waters. Those ways were cursed to the point even seasoned sailors couldn't be tempted.
He paused on the street, glaring at a woman that glared back at him, likely for the scene with the pigeon, and summoned his uncle's Wallet. With it, he sent Asha a message.
"It's a no go."
Jaw clenched, he pushed back the curtain of hair and shoved the Wallet into the depths of his coat pocket.
He looked at the stars, so few, drenched by the lights of a city. Would they ever make it out of this God-forsaken city?
The buzz of an incoming message yanked his frown away from the heavens. He quickly pulled the Wallet, but his shoulders dropped when someone else's name flashed the screen.
Money can buy anything. I believe in you my friend. Increase the offer another million.
Elias stared into the screen. It's sickly blue light drenching his face in ghostly pallor. He hated Damien. The guy oozed with the kind of fake friendship that dug pits in his stomach, but he had money, and for some reason, wanted to help.
He tapped out a response.
It's your money.
Maybe men really would risk suicide if they were paid enough.
Here was hoping.
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Aiden relaxed and Sage did too. Maybe it wouldn't be a bust. He was really only trying to sell Nox. It was life and death, but he did wonder if his infatuation with the strange Atharim hunter guy from his past was more than that to him. But he had an available man in front of him confessing he liked boys and girls. Sage didn't really care, men, women, fucking alien wouldn't matter if they did it for him, and were good to talk to. Sage had seen some strange things in life. And he was gonna see more undoubtedly.
The food came in mass quantity and Aiden had it in his hands before he was leaning down an inch from him and Sage wanted nothing more than to kiss him. And then he bit his lip, Fuck! Sage was about to lean in when Aiden stood up. Shit! Tease, but Sage was grinning at him. He let the man lead him out and watched as his man fitted the dog with the harness and then they went for a stroll in the darkened streets of Moscow. Sage had an overwhelming urge to grab Aiden's hand, but he clenched his fingers at his side and looked in the direction that Aiden had pointed. It was too dark and they were too far away to make out much. He didn't have a pair of land warriors on so the whole zooming in was going to have to with walking closer, thankfully he was walking in their direction and fate would bring them together.
The long dark hair was pushed out of his face and he was stuffing his wallet into his pocket almost angrily. What had the good tech ever done to him? Sage grinned as he got a good view of his features and the software started immediately to analyze the information. Sage could have watched the information in visual format in front of his eyes, but he'd long since learned to read things as the computer processed them. It was like second nature. He missed his holo interface too now that he thought about it. But that was an easy fix, and Nox would like it too, he already used a rendition of it with his wallet and laptop. Having a large permanent one in the basement only made sense.... Maybe Nox could make him a server room? It was a thought.
Sage probably looked like he was zoned out while he walked with Aiden, and in those few moments his concentration lapsed into the computer world and he took Aiden's hand, more out of habit than anything. He'd have done the same with Sasha or Bryan back in the day. His hand felt warm, and it was a connection to humanity that was needed sometimes to find his way back to the real world. He didn't usually travel so deep while he was walking, Aiden was his guide.
It was mere moments before the software kicked him back a name and a stream of information Sage smiled at as he blinked and came back to reality. The lose of immersion was intense and Sage almost stumbled into Aiden. The man was passing by and Sage spoke loudly as he passed. "His name is Elias Donovan. He's a resident of New Zealand and ironically born American." Sage hoped the man heard, and would say something or react to the information being spoken from a complete stranger. It would prove that Sage wasn't faking it. Though he didn't really need to impress Aiden now. He'd already done that, hacking his home computer was an easy feat. But it wouldn't be an easy feat for anyone else, now with Sage watching the entry points. Aidien was his information - maybe more than that but his!
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Sage grabbed Aiden’s hand; warmth shot up through his arm where their palms and fingers intertwined. Aiden couldn’t help but smile ear to ear. Tonight was going remarkably well so far. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach and a healthy, flaming orb sprung up about a yard or two above his head. It was high enough up that he didn’t notice it’s warmth or light, or maybe he was too wrapped up in the moment to notice. Regardless, the flame wouldn't be dissipating anytime soon and it would definitely follow Aiden around, whether or not he noticed it.
Despite the flames and the computer in Sage’s brain, this felt incredibly ordinary. No paparazzi in sight, no gawkers, no hushed whispers. Just Aiden, Sage, and Lasher enjoying a nice walk. Aiden had the sudden urge to take a picture of the moment. He wasn’t sure if they’d have another quite like this one. It would have to wait another moment or two.
The trio passed the man that Aiden had pointed to earlier. He was a little rougher looking, clenched jaw and an unruly mane of hair. He was shoving something into his pocket and then abruptly pulling it back out again. It was at that point that Sage identified the man. Aiden squeezed his date’s hand as he listed off the stranger's personal details.
Aiden couldn’t help but giggle, “Elias must have one helluv’ an accent if that’s true.” He said that just as loudly as Sage, just in case the stranger didn’t hear Aiden’s date.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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His face whipped around at the sound of his name. Two guys walked by, dog on a leash, orange light drenching their faces with hellish shadows. For a moment, Elias was so surprised they were talking about him, that he stared, speechless. Not to mention that a sphere of Rage fire followed on high.
They passed like he was invisible. The inherent slap to his soul constricted his chest. Blood pooled in the expanding chambers of his heart until it threatened to explode. Whispers behind angled hands, giggles and stares behind books, around corners, and behind bathroom stalls flashed like lightning through his mind. He slammed a locker so hard one time that his wrist ached afterward, just to show those assholes in high school he was neither deaf nor blind to their gossip. He reacted then. Instinct forced a reaction now.
He lashed back.
His power came to him like water crashing from the side of a cliff. But when it crashed on rocks below, he turned the torrent against the two pretty faces thinking to taunt him. He forced the air to clap around him like thunder.
"If you're going to talk about me, look me in the face while you do it."
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Aiden's taunt made him grin but it was the clap of thunder that made Sage turn around and look at the man who'd they'd tried to get a reaction from. The sound still made his ears ring and he barely heard what the man said. There was no smile on his face. He was one of Nox's god's. He was like Nox and Aiden and a countless other people around the world and he commanded it almost as effortlessly as Nox.
Elias was all dark, his face contorted in the anger of past torments. Sage knew that kinda torment, he'd been that kid too. Now he preyed on it, finding the outsider to follow and make friends with. Gathering information and learning and growing and feeding on that influence. He'd avoided the government, he could do it. He proved he could when he hacked into Ascendancy's God recognition program - though he called it something else. And again when he hacked the hospital he'd been taken to. He could do it. Until then he never had, and that was a good reason to.
Sage frowned at the goth looking emo kid... he was not a kid, and neither was Sage. The game had been childish. He looked to Aiden and hopefully he understood too, but he was a rich and powerful man, sat on high. Sage wondered if he'd been kicked in school. Been harassed or bullied.
Sage didn't take a step closer and he clung more to Aiden's hand than before as he did. Aiden couldn't control his power, and ever more Sage wished Nox were around. Stupid paranoia he had would always see him walk away alive. Funny how time changes things. But Sage tried to give a friend smile despite the fear that was building up along the dredges of his last few months of horror show. "Didn't mean anything by it. Just proving a point to my friend. And to do so needed to invoke a reaction. I didn't mean to sound like a mean kid."
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