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Damien is using the OP to hide his identity. Marcus knows this and sees through this (I'm assuming I only skimmed the threads I missed this weekend)... Marcus mentions that Damien's presence would have been noted.
We've had the discussion already that OP threads weaves etc can't be seen by camera's and tech. So in theory would they see Manix as Manix when he was disguising himself? Same with Damien?
It's not a physical transformation but how far do we go into the fact that camera's can't see weaves...
A camera can see fireballs as it's a physical manifestation of power. How does the mask of mirrors and other such illusions translate to the camera?
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mostly typing as I think... but all it is is bent light yeah?
Camera's pick up rainbows - refraction.
We assume that is what mask of mirrors does? refracts light in a given pattern to hide what lies underneath. Like a fancloak?
But that makes me question our prior discussion.... how do channelers see their threads? It's magic I get that... it's colored lights to them... refraction to their eyes...
Okay my head hurts, time to stop thinking about it
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Mask of Mirrors bends light. Isn't it's other unofficial name "Bent Light"? Maybe I made that up. But seems like it said that in the Big White Book
I picture we see threads in the kind of way a psychic sees a ghost. The ghost is there but not everyone sees it. *
Likewise to a channeler, they see something there that others don't see. Like it's an extra sense. And given that the threads are more than seen, they're also felt, almost given a flavor, it's more than reliant on eyesight. It's an extra sense. Sight sound touch taste smell are the five senses and channeling is the sixth. ^
*-I don't actually believe in ghosts.
^-Bruce Willis knows.
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Can the Power really be used to make you different? [This arose as part of a discussion of Illusion ("Mirror of Mists" is an old name for the same thing).]
Illusion is illusion. Doesn't fool the sense of touch, so you have to be really subtle (such as Moghedien's disguise) to avoid detection.
So Sammael couldn't make himself taller?
He could make himself look taller, but he's not interested in looking taller. He wants to be taller. Besides, any sufficiently experienced man would be able to tell that it was illusion.
So the Power really isn't capable of genetic reconstruction? (Like, for example, making you taller.)
Maybe, in the Age of Legends, someone might have been able to pull it off, if they were really skilled. Might have.
Like Aginor? He seemed to be the expert among the Forsaken on that.
Aginor was d**n good, but he wasn't that good.
Loki could have done it. Hot damn! That's how he went back and forth from male to female.
Myths baby.
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Thinking Jaxen speaks truth. We need to ask Bruce willis for confirmation.
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Big white book of bad art is not exactly something I read so not sure on the reference...
But in some cases (ie: Ghosthunters) there is claims that cameras ARE picking up ghosts.... So does it stand to reason that with modification we could pick up threads?? Probably something we also discussed ages ago but the whole mask of mirrors makes me rethink things (stupid brain)
And if RJ is saying any experienced man is going to know it's an illusion... can't a camera pick up on that too?
Too many anomolies I hate theory!!!
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An experienced channeler would recognize the weave for illusion. Is how I read that. Like Marvus going up studying Damien's face and seeing the one power mask over it. He couldn't see the true face beneath. But he saw the weave and recognized it was a disguise.
Cameras wouldn't see threads
I don't think ghosts are picked up on camera. The cameras are picking up distortions in light. Not the ghost themselves.
I don't think a camera will ever see the threads. However it might pick up disturbances in the air where threads are located. Probably something about quarks. Or black matter. Or something. Like nargles.
-I still don't believe in ghosts.
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What's that behind you?
Yeah, I agree. A camera can't see threads.
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Okay. I can see that theory working. The threads causing disturbances in the air ... not tech we know to use atm, but maybe in the future. A thought for later.
I'm not angling for anything just wrapping my poor brain around the theory.