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A ship blew up? Jaxen twisted like he might be able to see something. There was a corner of smoke rising above the trees. Didn't seem that bad though.
"I guess that was a distress call after all."
Elyse was rightly concerned. Jaxen wasn't heartless, he had no desire to see people die in explosions. But maybe they got out. Ships had emergency rafts and what not. Even slightly more concerning, however, was the fact that very soon this place would be swarming with people. He would prefer to be long gone by the time anyone official arrived.
Just when he thought it was over, and he was considering his options, power diffused through the air, and he turned to look exactly in the direction from which it came, even if all he saw were trees. Elias was doing something with it. "What's happening now?"
Jax asked of his would-be translator.
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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Everything was happening in such a rush, Sierra could hardly keep up. Elias has no other explanation other than the obvious. There was a woman running still on the ship - from railing to the cabin and back out again with a package. Sierra wasn't exactly sure, but that package must have been important to risk her life like that. Elias exclaimed she was crazy and Sierra could only nod in astonishment.
The woman jumped over the edge and Elias requested her help. Sierra stood momentarily dazed, the woman was in trouble, but yet the naked man in the middle of nowhere had warranted no immediate help... Elias was confusing. But she didn't hesitate long she was following behind Elias only a step behind.
The package hadn't been a package at all but a dog. Sierra smiled at the thought, an animal lover. Sierra pulled the rope she'd coiled up after retrieving the can and tossed it around the woman in the water.
Sierra ignored the fact that she was walking on frozen water, water frozen by the man in front of her. "Get it under her arms and around her, we can pull her up. Can you solidify the water like a slide under her?"
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As Elias' grip struggled to find purchase on the girl, something fell past his face that made him flinch. It turned out to be a rope for the girl to grab onto. He grit his teeth. Did Sierra pull that thing out of her ass? She had it on her so often he wondered if it was actually some kind of tail.
"Here! Hang onto it."
He pulled the yelping dog out of the water since the girl was certainly willing to drown herself to save the stupid thing, but mostly to empty her hands. The dog was plunked on the ice behind him, and he hoped that Sierra would take care of it, or at least get it out of his way. He'd hoped she'd grab the thing out of the girl's arms while he was trying to yank the girl up, but it seemed he had to do everything himself.
He doubted Sierra was strong enough to pull the girl out on her own, so he wrapped his arms under the girl's shoulders while the rope diffused some of the load. His throat clenched as he heaved while balancing from falling in himself. Even if he knew how to do something as specialized as freezing an angled slab of ice in a moving river and managed to do so without freezing the girl's legs into solid lumps, he was too distracted to do anything in addition to keeping them from falling through the ice-shelf underfoot. One would think that was an impressive enough of a feat! And while risking his own neck to save someone he'd never met before none the less. He couldn't do enough, could he?
Despite the river water splashing up and over his boots during the struggle, slicking the surface, he managed to pull her out of the water but fell backward as he did. Her tiny body shivered so hard against him, it she was practically spasming. Panting, he gathered her as best he could and ushered her back to land where she collapsed beneath her own weight on shore. The moment they found land the river returned to the way it was. He could barely think otherwise. He slid in front of her. "What happened! What started the fire? Did something attack you?"
She ignored him, reaching and clutching at the dog she'd previously saved. "Look at me!"
Elias tried to shake her back to her senses, but she didn't seem to care.
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Elyse watched. A figure appeared on the deck of the ship and then disappeared into the flames. She reemerged a few moments later with a bundle in her hands, jumping into the water. Elyse shivered. That water had to be freezing. Sierra and Elias seemed to have the rescue in order.
"I only see one person."
Elyse told Jaxen, her voice sad. She doubted anyone else made it. She didn't know what way she could help, except for call the authorites.
She took her wallet out and dialed, explaining the situation tothe people on the other end, making sure to tell them of the person who had jumped in. Hypothermia would set in soon. Elyse only hoped it would be soon enough.
"I'm going to help them get whoever it is over here. We need to do it quickly. I'll be right back."
Elyse moved quickly. When she was close enough, she spoke. "Emergency services are on the way. We should get her to the fire quickly."
Elyse moved to lift her up. They had to get her warm without sending her into shock. She might already be in shock,the way she was more concerned about her bundle - a dog.
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((Did Aria fall off the map?))
((In case you guys were waiting on me to post, let me clear your conscience.))
Jaxen briefly watched Elyse as she ran off down-river, shrugged and wished someone had left him a Wallet to mess with in the meantime.
Edited by Jaxen Marveet, Jul 4 2015, 07:51 PM.
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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(( I didn't fall of the planet, I was waiting on you ![[Image: 18.png]]( If you hadn't posted I would have posted on Monday ))
Sierra pulled the dog away but she grumbled at Elias. He was such a brash person. All he cared about was information, he didn't notice the woman in shock.
Sierra pushed Elias out of the way. "Stop shaking her, we need to get her warm. Then maybe when she's better she can tell you what happened, but there are priorities. You saved her just for information not because she's a person."
Sierra was helping the girl up when Elyse came over. Sierra nodded, "We need to get her out of these wet things. We are running out of warmth to provide."
Siera helpe Elyse take the girl to the fire where Jaxen waited. He at least had the sense enough to stay put. Though Sierra was sure he'd probably not have helped much either, the rich and the pampered after all. Sierra tried not to scoff at the thought.
"I have my things stashed near by. I'll get them. Get her by the fire and get her out of those clothes."
Two frozen bodies what was the chances?
Sierra sprinted through the snow as fast as she good to the wayward pine she'd stashed her things. Her bedroll, and extra deer skins for warmth at night, it was all she had and all she could offer.
Sierra quickly grabbed her things and headed back towards the makeshift fire. She could make them tea now, the kettle clacked against the pot as she ran.
Sierra wondered why she was helping these people, but then she couldn't not help them either.
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Sierra shoved him out of the way and Elias's expression darkened. "I doubt she cares why she's alive,"
he mumbled. The two girls, ever the righteous saviors, gathered the girl up and ushered her away. Sierra sprinted off, and Elias saw first hand how quickly she ran. It explained how she caught up to him so easily. That left Elyse to all-but carry the dripping girl along the riverbank. Even without the power brightening his vision, he could see ice crystals crunching the ends of her hair. That left the dog. It wasn't moving fast. In fact, it wasn't moving much at all. Having huddled down and shaking itself harder than the girl. A swear crossed Elias mind as he grit his teeth and scooped the little ice cube up in his arms. Even through the layers of his coat he sensed how cold the animal was. With it tucked close, getting him soaking wet meanwhile, he followed them back to the fire.
These were a lot of strange coincidences all at one time. He didn't think Jaxen had anything to do with the river, but he was absolutely certain the man was being deceitful. Elias didn't care. So long as it had nothing to do with the river or the reason his uncle was dead, let filthy rich playboys do whatever they wanted. Including naked hikes through the forest. Sierra was an enigma, but likewise he didn't think she had anything to do with the river. Elyse was even more confusing. Shy and timid, she didn't seem the type to be wandering the countryside alone in dangerous weather. That left the girl, a burning boat, and a few drowned sailors.
When they reached the fire, Elias dropped the dog alongside to warm up. No way to know if the thing would live through the ordeal, but there was nothing else he could do for it. He needed to get the girl to talk! Emergency services were already on the way, and there was no way they were going to let him listen in on the interrogation to come. Once she was in police and hospital hands, she was as good as gone. He tried again, attempting to soften his voice as he did. "Come on, tell us what happened. Who started the fire?"
She kept her chin down and stared at nothing. Elias thought he saw a bead of sweat on her brow, but dismissed the thought. It had to be water, although the drips were freezing crystal trails as they ran. He squinted as a bad feeling grew in his stomach.
Then, the shaking of a woman otherwise freezing to death intensified. That was when the screaming began. Elias jumped back as she spasmed out of grasp to the ground. The screaming pierced his eardrums, jabbing his brain. He wanted to run away from it, but he didn't move but step back slowly. Wide-eyes looked to the girls for answers, even to Jaxen. Within seconds she was dead. The overwhelming silence after it was over was deafening.
Jaw dropped, Elias held his hands up, showing off that whatever crazy just happened, it wasn't his fault. Admittedly he grew up in the desert, but he was pretty sure that was an abnormal way for someone to die.
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Elyse moved quickly, helping the woman get to the fire. They had to get her out of the wet clothes, and Elyse started to work at it as Elias talked to her. Elias seemed overly concerned about what had caused the fire on the boat. To Elyse that seemed strange, but she wasn't sure what to say about it.
The woman began to shake more intensely and began to scream. The scream caught Elyse off guard and she jumped a bit as the woman fell to the ground dead. Elias' hands were raised in an effort to say he didn't do anything, and he looked around for answers. Elyse had none to give - except that hypothermia probably hadn't killed her, something else had.
It was all strange. Elyse searched her mind for any sort of lore that would support what had happened, but she could think of nothing. She could hear the sirens approaching in the distance. She had allowed them to use her wallet to track their position. They should be here soon. Elyse remained silent, unsure of what to say in the situation.
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The screaming made Sierra run faster, she got back to the makeshift camp site just in time to see the woman fall over. Elias held his hands up with the exact 'I didn't do it' look on his face. Why would we thought he did it? Why would he kill the woman he had just saved. Had she missed something?
Sierra stopped just outside the warmth of the fire with her gear. She couldn't take her eyes off the woman's dead body. It was eirely quiet in the woods, even the over anxious pup was gone from her mind. There were no birds, no animals around. This made her even more wary. What could make this happen?
She could hear the sirens getting closer, there would be a long invenstigation. Not only was there now a naked man in their presence but a dead body and a sinking ship just over the rise. The human world was always such a disaster. Everyone she met, there was tragedy. Maybe she should go back into the woods. No she needed to process her pictures, there was no more space. She needed cash. Still a human, Sierra reminded herself, I am not a wolf.
Sierra didn't know what else to do. She dropped her gear in the snow and pulled out the warmth of the deer skin she'd lined with lambs wool and drapped it over Jaxen's shoulders. They could at least insure he survived the weather.
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((Hate to be a dick by pointing this out. But didn't you guys say the nearest road was a kilometer away? I can't hear a siren a block ahead of me. Then again I am a terrible driver. Kidding. I'm the best at driving. But really. Where are the sirens coming from?))
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."