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Vinnie laughed, "500 for one little pill. I don't think so." Vinnie looked over at Val and she was flying happily along for with out another dose of Vlad's special. He shook his head. "Not when I have these little beauties sitting right here."
The exchange was done, "Pleasure doing business with Vlad as usual." He turned around helped Val up and started walking back to the bedroom with his beauties in tow. He turned around and smiled, "Maybe you'll like working for Vlad. Good dealer, not so great of a boss so I hear." He laughed and went into the bedroom and closed the door. He left the body guards to usher out the boy."
From behind the closed door Vinnie picked up his wallet and sen Vlad a cryptic message. "Kid tried to get more, didn't push too much. But he'll do."
There was little more for him to say. He put the wallet down on the dresser and now it was the women's turn for his full attention.
Vlad's wallet beeped. The message from Vinnie was good. Vlad still wasn't sure what he wanted from the boy. With Peter behind bars for the next day or so, he needed someone for his special deals. He seemed capable. But he was also strung out on the shit. It was a matter of weighing his options. And neither looked any better than the rest.
Vlad was sitting comfortably in one of the elegant chairs in the lobby flipping through screens on his wallet when he saw Yuri heading from the elevators. He didn't look up when the boy got there. He smiled, "You think you can keep your shit together to find your own clients to sell to? For the price I set. Extra is your's if you bring in 1K a bag." He looked up at Yuri to wait for an answer.
If he accepted he'd take him back to the real place to do business. Which is where Peter should always go, but no, he has to use his status as nephew as an advantage. "If you accept the job. We can discuss payment's later. I'll let you simmer on it. Tomorrow night." Vlad gave Yuri an address. It was a few blocks away from Igor's in a shit-hole apartment Vlad used for all of the drug business. It was kept under an alias and it had worked well to keep Igor's clean from all aspects of the business save on.
"Meet me there tomorrow after 8pm and we'll discuss terms. If you don't well." He tossed Yuri a small roll of money. "Thanks for your time." It wasn't much, but it was what he'd get if he'd been offered an enforcer job. Vlad didn't like the idea of this power being so openly abused and pointing fingers directly at his business. It was bad for business.
Vlad nodded. "See ya round kid."
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Criminey! Deleto this, por favor!
Edited by Jon Little Bird, Oct 9 2013, 02:32 PM.
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Yuri took the money and the address and shrugged at Mudak. "Alright, I'll be there Vlad. Got nothing better to do."
Maybe he'd be back, maybe not.
He turned away from the man and went down the street. Later, he got over to a new contact and with some of the money he'd scored bought a gram of coke. With a little of it going through his veins and that sweet pill still running its course, it'd be a good time to go find himself some wheels.
Which led him to a nice little pad that had a sweet little motorbike parked outside. Dark as night, no one around. Bikes were the easiest thing to grab and wipe all traces of ownership away. He even knew a guy who could do it on the cheap.
Flows of air right in the ignition to trick the tumblers of the lock, and a little spark got the motor running. He took off down the street to find his cleaner.
* * *
Next day, 8 p.m. or sometime around that, Yuri rolled up to the dump Mudak had told him about. He'd thought about ditching Mudak and going off to do something else...but those little pills were fucking awesome, and Yuri was all out. So the pills drew him back. There must be a way he could score some more. With those things in him, he could keep hold of the power for hours on end -- the ultimate high.
He parked the bike outside, walked up to the door and rang the buzzer. Geez, what a dump. Paint hadn't been done this century -- aside from all the tags on the front and across the broken windows. It wasn't even good graffiti, like the artist didn't think it was worth bothering to take the time to do a good job.
He waited for a moment. Maybe the buzzer was broken. So he knocked on the door.
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Vlad opened the door through the privacy chain. He hadn't really expected to see Yuri again. But here he stood in the red glow of the Red Light District ready to work. Vlad laughed at himself, he doubted the boy was ready to work. He closed the door and unlatched the privacy chain then opened the door for the boy. "You're late." He said with disgust. "Always be on time for meetings. With me or anyone you do business with for me."
It was one strike and there weren't many in this game. Even one strike like that with the wrong person and your life is forfeit.
Vlad lead Yuri through the empty living room. It was void of all things except a few folding chairs and a table with two men idling playing a game of cards with their handguns sitting on their right side. The floor was uneven as they walked across it. It really was a shit hole but it had done well for the business at hand.
Through the small kitchen that reeked of slightly rotten food that sat on the stove. Vlad sighed. He was going to have to lay down the law again it seemed. Everyone here needed to behave better or the law would come down on them.
Vlad led Yuri down the hall way. Vlad pointed to the door on the left, "That's where the coke is cut." It was probably the safest room in the house, it was also the best kept one. A few feet on the right Vlad opened the door, Inside was a small alchemy set. Beakers and Bunsen burners, tubes and contraptions. It looked like a mad scientists lab. But this was ot the lab. This was the the manufacturing facility. His lab was in the basement of Igors, where he could spend more of his time.
Vlad indicated for Yuri to come in. He shut the door behind them and flipped on a blue light. It made the work easier. In the corners supplies were stacked neatly in boxes. Most of them labeled 'Sugar'. Vlad sat down at the table in the far corner. "You have a choice to make."
"I have three potential jobs for you. One - selling. Two - taking care of the mistakes the others make." He hoped Yuri understood the last one. "With your unique talents I could use your help in other areas. Ones that would pay far more than I could offer you. It's a trade secret, but for you and your stash the benefits could be far greater." Vlad was implying letting him in on the secrets of his little pill. But Vlad didn't think the boy had the patience or the will to actually do real hard work.
"The choice is yours."
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Yuri shrugged as Mudak let him in the door and glared at him about being late. He shrugged. Fuck, it couldn't have been more than five minutes after eight. What a buzz kill that guy was. "Yeah, you got it," he replied.
As Mudak took him through the place, Yuri took a good look around. Peeling paint on the walls, floor felt like one foot wrong and you'd fall through -- yeah, this place looked just like he'd expected from the looks on the outside. A real place to score some good stuff. The guys at the table in the living room playing cards looked like some tough muscle, but if either of them gave him a hard time he'd have no problem making sure they knew which of them was the bitch of the group.
Mudak took Yuri into another room and turned on a blue light. Yuri noticed the chemistry set up right away. Lots of beakers and burners -- he'd already been told about the coke, but what were they making here? Crank, by the look of the cookery, but he didn't see any of the ingredients he would have expected. No ether or acid or other stuff like that. Just lots of boxes that said sugar on them.
Really? Mudak's miracle drug was made from sugar? Nah, that couldn't be right. What the fuck else did they do to it to make those pills?
He turned his attention back to Mudak. So the guy was going to offer him a job as a dealer or as muscle. Both would be easy as anything. But he wouldn't get a good hand on the good shit as muscle and from the looks of it Mudak was too tight with his supply for Yuri to be able to score some on the side that way -- fuck, he'd carried those pills himself to that last job.
Or -- "Trade secret, huh?"
He was offering Yuri a chance to learn how those pills were made? And then it struck him -- why had he never thought about making his own drugs? Such an obvious solution to so many problems that made so much more work for him. Working for money, stealing money, stealing stuff to sell for money, finding a dealer, haggling with a dealer, beating up a dealer...Fuck, he'd have so much extra time if he didn't have to do any of that and just make the shit himself. Then he'd have the money and the time to get his band together. And maybe get a nice pad too rather than live out of wherever he happened to crash.
This might actually be worth actually putting some real effort into. "Yeah, I've always wanted to learn a trade that didn't bore the shit out of me. One that matched my talents to my interests. Know what I mean."
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Vlad still wasn't sure about giving up the secret to the drug. But he really did need an extra pair of hands. "First you show me I can trust you with the business. Then we'll deal with the trade secrets."
It was probably far better this way. Vlad had killed many a rat testing out the drugs. The last thing he needed was for this peice of trash to try his own experiments and try them out on people. Sure Vlad knew he wasn't a nice guy, but there were certain things you just don't do. If you off your customers with untested drugs then who will you sell to?
Vlad stood up and opened up a small cupboard behind the desk. Inside there a Matryoshka doll. Vlad pulled several dolls from inside until he came to a medium sized one. With in that doll a handful of pills remained. He sighed. It was time to make more.
Vlad placed the remaining pills on the table. "5 in a bag. 3K a bag at minimum. Do not sell individually. While it could be beneficial, I don't want people who only buy one of anything. It could likely land you in the CCDs custody and I don't trust you not to tell them where I'm at."
Vlad sorted out the pills. There was just enough to make 7 bags. "This is all there is until I can make more. Come back when they are gone with the money. 10% of your total selling price is yours, BUT i dish it out to you. Not the other way around. You lie to me and I find out and you'll be worse off than Peter was yesterday."
"Now off with you."
OOC: hope that helps. For the party situation don't know how you want to handle it but the selling by the pill would be fine and I think even Vlad would understand lol.
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Yuri took the bags from Mudak and put them in his inside jacket pocket with perhaps a touch of reverence he rarely ever showed anything in life. But those pills were something special. He could take them and split right now -- and be high for a really, really long time.
But there was that hint Mudak was going to teach him how to make them himself. The concept of delayed gratification wasn't really something Yuri had ever really practiced in his lifetime, but in the back of his mind he started to get an inkling that he could follow through with Mudak's orders and get something he wanted even more than taking a drug stash and running off with it. Besides, even if Yuri didn't learn anything, he could still keep ten percent of what he sold. Seven bags at 3 large apiece, ten percent of that would be...yeah, it'd be a good bit of money.
"All right, I'll be back when these are gone,"
he said. One way or another, they would be. "Do svidaniya."
Yuri left the dump behind and hopped on his new bike, whistling to himself an uncharacteristically upbeat little tune. But Ascendancy's balls, why not? He'd landed himself a golden ticket, and with a little more patience he'd get the keys to the whole fucking ride.
* * *
Well, two days gone by without a single sale and Yuri's mood was back in the sewers. For that matter, so was he -- in the literal sense.
This blows worse than trying to fuck a razor blade.
He'd honestly never thought it would be this hard to sell some good drugs. The problem was that none of the people he'd ever run circles with ever hung with anyone who could afford the prices Mudak was wanting to charge, especially if he couldn't break up the bags. The worst part was, he was so focused on trying to sell, he hadn't any time to go buy for himself.
So yeah. Here he was in the sewers. Straight sober as a one-way street sign. It itched at him, the desire to free his mind and soar, and going without that next high strangled him like chains about his neck, dragging him to the ground and making him realize he--was--in--the--fucking--sewer.
The worst part was that sense of loss...he couldn't even reach out and grasp the power. Fuck, he couldn't even sense it. It was just gone, but just the tantalizing memory of it filling him was almost enough to set him over the edge and start digging into Mudak's pills himself.
No. That was his ticket to his free ride. He'd figure something out.
Mudak walked down the service walk that lined one side of the river of what he'd rather not think about gushing past. He'd long grown accustomed to the stench if he didn't think about it. Best not to think about it -- Fuck, it sucks being sober down here.
A shadow in the distance poked out from the gloom of the tunnel and materialized into a woman, raven black hair -- that brought back some memories that weren't altogether bad. Clad in a trendy-cut little blouse with spaghetti straps and some tight leather pants, she was enveloped in a -- cloak? Who the fuck wore those these days?
Yuri held up a hand. "Hey, skinny britches,"
he called out.
The woman cocked an eyebrow as Yuri came close and brushed her hand up against her waist. Where he noticed a small bulge. Yeah, britches was packing, and since he couldn't sense the power he'd better watch his attitude less he piss her off. For that matter, he'd better watch for anything hostile from her. "I told you not to call me that," she said with a scowl. "What do you want today? Got some fine candy right off the boat, maybe a little green to mellow out? Other things."
Yuri padded his pocket. Yeah, he still had a good bit of money. He could buy some for himself and get out and on with his life -- but what he really wanted was to see if she was interested in what he was packing. In more ways than one -- she was a pretty fine piece of ass candy. "Look britches, what I really need to know if if you've got a buyer for me. I've got this."
He pulled out one of the bags and showed it to her. Instantly her eyes hit the bag and widened. "That's the blue candy everyone's raging about. How--"
Yuri waved her off. "Never mind how. I've got 35 of these babies I need to move. How many you want to buy?"
He listed his price. It was enough to narrow those eyes again.
"I don't deal with that kind of scratch," she said. Her eyes fixed upon him. Yuri suddenly felt very vulnerable. What if she tried to jack him? He didn't have the power at hand and yeah, his pistol was still holstered in the small of his back, but she'd get the first draw on him before he could react.
"But --" Her lips drew to the corners of her mouth in the imitation of a smile. "I think I know where you could sell them."
Yuri listened to her idea. Wow. A creme de la creme or whatever they called themselves in fantsy pants talk shindig? Yes. There would be people there. With money. Who wanted to get fucked up -- and more importantly wanted to get whatever arm candy they brought or encountered fucked up. Would he be able to get in?
"Tell the guard you're the candy man and you've got the party favors," she told him.
Well, fuck. That was perfect. One problem solved. And as for the other...Yuri pulled out his fat wad of cash. Almost everything he had left. He'd have to shower and get himself presentable, but he could manage that no problem.
"All right, give me whatever else you're holding,"
he said. "Don't want to disappoint."