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Aurora smiled at Sebastian. He was cute but he seemed very distracted and not for the usual reasons men get distracted when she was around. She was sure she looked a mess. The rumbled v-neck sweater that probably swooped a bit too low for this cold Russian weather. But it wasn't perfect to show off the gold flame necklace that hung just above her breasts. It looked like something was missing, she couldn't remember what it was, but it wasn't something she was worried about having lost. Aurora was sure it was where it belong.
Aurora set the table having to bend and stretch to reach over for the far table, she was being lazy and didn't want to walk around. It wasn't a far reach but probably more than her attire should have afforded her with two men, strangers in her apartment. Aurora fought the slight flush that came over her as she realized what she'd been doing.
Aurora finished breakfast and plated up three meals and sat the plates on the table. "Soups on."
At least this time her table didn't wobble and no one would be inclined to fix it. It had been slightly awkward that. But John didn't seem to mind.
The question of what had happened about the fire, he must not have heard her before. She grinned playfully at him, "Why you threw a fire ball at a parked car."
She was fairly sure that was what happened, but she didn't want him to jump up and run out either, she giggles softly as if it were some joke. Let him take it for whatever made him feel better.
Aurora set her hand on his and let her senses wide, the power keenly flowing through her, she submitted to it's will and guided it through a weave to make sure he was okay. She found nothing that she could fix, she was grateful. "Perhaps all you needed was a bit of sleep to kick that nasty habit."
She grinned at him again, not judging.
Edited by Aurora, Nov 11 2014, 10:29 AM.
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Pyotr took a seat. It had really upset him that Bas had thought he was a demon, but he didn't show it. Bas had been under the influence of a drug. It hadn't been his fault.
Pyotr answered his question, leaving out the part about the male prostitutes. "You were fine one moment and then all of the sudden you became paranoid. Car exploded. We came here. That's the gist of it."
Aurora continued to prepare breakfast and Pyotr noticed how beautiful she was despite the slept in look. Again he marveled at how Bas acted around her. It was so uncharacteristic of him. The v-neck sweater showed a decent amount of cleavage - especially when she leaned across the table to set it. He blinked, knowing it was inappropriate, but felt drawn to look. Stupid hormones.
Aurora served breakfast and Pyotr thanked her. He didn't realized how hungry he was until he saw the food, but he never liked to be the first one to start eating, so he waited until Aurora sat down and the other two started before digging in.
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He frowned at Aurora's words. He threw a fireball? He didn't like that, not being in a right state of mind and showing off. No telling who might might have seen it.
Pyotr sounded like he had been worried. It was odd, that was for sure.
She was setting the table and bent over, showing off an ample amount of cleavage. Normally he woulda checked her out and when she caught him, he'd wink at her and give her a goofy grin. If girls want to show off, he wasn't gonna hide that he was their audience. But instead, he looked away, feeling awkward about leering. It was like checking out his mom. From an objective standpoint, you could know a woman was attractive. But you just didn't do that.
He saw Pyotr staring like a retarded monkey and for some reason it bothered him. Without thought, he prayed and seized the power, wove a thread of air, and flicked Pyotr in the ear. The man clapped his hand to his head and looked at him.
Bas gave him a glare. "Get a good look?"
he whispered. The look on the man's face was surprised. He shouldn't be. She had been a gracious hostess. Not right to repay by letting his eyes fall down the front of her her shirt. Just wasn't right. Ahh but he felt a little bad. Poor kid, he was still learning. He'd have to make it up to him later. Take him to a proper strip club or something so he could look all he wanted.
Aurora brought the food and sat down. She put her hand on his and he felt a chill. It didn't feel like she was hitting on him, not really. Oh she smiled and stuff, but it was more motherly really. Told him maybe he just needed sleep or something.
He grinned and set to it with a gusto. It was good. Not the typical Russian food, but good. He was hungry, famished even. He thought about her words- more about her reaction to the fireball.
A casual smile on his face, he asked non-nonchalantly. " go grow up in the circus to be so familiar with people throwing fire?"
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Aurora laughed at his comment. "I don't think so."
A circus, no but for some reason she did seem to be unphased by the idea of a fire ball. A memory poured into her mind, a creature, horned and green and huge was on her, and then all of a sudden it was on fire. She remembered blinking in surprise, knowing that it wasn't a fluke, knowing that she wasn't crazy. Her hand as if instructed by instinct went to the necklace she always wore. It meant something.
Aurora blinked away the memory and smiled at the men before her. "No, definitely not a circus, something far more dangerous."
She wasn't exactly sure why she said it but it was the truth, she could feel it in her bones.
Her eggs were getting cold, but the bacon was fabulous. It was just the perfect amount of crisp without being over done. It had been a while since she'd cooked a good breakfast.
Aurora finished off the last of the bacon and tried something simple, the net was easy to her, she warmed her plate with a small weave of fire, her eggs were nice and warm again. Almost perfect. That too seemed natural to her, she wasn't exactly sure why. Little things like that.
Something about Sebastian called to her, reminded her of something but she couldn't place it. She smiled at him. "Fireballs run in my family."
Again she didn't know why she said it, but it didn't feel wrong as she held out the palm of her hand and a tiny wisp of fire floated above it. "But I'm not exactly sure what that parked car did to deserve such ire from you."
She grinned playfully.
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Pytor felt Bas seize power and was momentarily flicked on the ear by it. "Get a good look?"
Of course he had gotten a good look. Pyotr was surprised to say the least. He hadn't expected to get chastised by Bas on something that Bas usually would have been doing himself. Had the drugs knocked something loose?
Either way Aurora had started eating, so Pyotr started. Despite the gnawing hunger, he was civil. Aurora grabbed the necklace around her neck and Pyotr had seen it somewhere although he hadn't remembered where.
He ate while Aurora answered Bas's circus question. She smiled and Pyotr thought it accentuated her already pretty features. He then felt that chill again and shivered, but remained silent for now. But then she summoned a wisp of fire above her hand. He still felt the shiver as she had done and wondered if they were connected. He didn't feel the menacing presence he felt with Bas.
"That's a neat little trick."
Pyotr said, smiling. He summoned his power and duplicated her wisp of fire. Even though he couldn't see how she did it like he could when Marcus, Bas, or Nox did it, but it was simple enough to do.
Edited by Pyotr Grigory, Nov 11 2014, 05:53 PM.
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Bas listened to her answer as they ate. It was...strangely vague. He felt a chill and she held out her hand and suddenly a flame floated above it. It was strange. He felt nothing.
As if to contrast. suddenly he felt the menace in the room come from Pyotr and he saw the man do the same thing. He smiled at Pyotr's comment- now that he was showing the woman respect, Bas had relaxed- but his mind was on the difference.
"How are you doing that?"
He gestured at Pyotr. "When he does it I can see it, can feel it. But I don't feel anything from you."
She may not be the Holy Mother, but she was special. Somehow, they all were. He remembered Ayden and her power, her healing. And of course, there was Nox and Pyotr. What was this thing that they could all do?
He prayed and seized the power and then wove his own flame. "What is all this?"
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Aurora blinked. It had been a risk, but now there were two men who could do the same thing. Sebastian claimed he could see Pytor and feel him wielding this power. She wasn't exactly sure what to say as she dropped the flame and the power. "Honestly, I have no idea how I can do it. It's a very long story one hat doesn't need to be told in reality. I took a risk revealing myself to you. But you remind me of someone, it felt safe. I can't explain it."
Aurora got up from the table and started clearing away the empty plates. From inside the kitchen. "How did you all find out you could do what you did? I'm pretty sure, I know someone else like you. He can throw fireballs, much like you did at the parked car."
Aurora came back in and stood in the doorway. "He saved me, then I knew I could do weird things. I had done them in the past, but that particular one was not me."
Maybe it was about time to call the mysterious man, and see who he was. But the paranoia jumped in and Aurora sat down. "I'll be honest. I need to find him, but I'm scared to do so, just really bad feeling, anger, resentment, but I have no idea why. And I don't even know his name."
Edited by Aurora, Nov 12 2014, 05:55 AM.
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Pyotr listened to her. It seemed as if she knew of their abilities, but had some holes in her memory. Pyotr wondered at that and her attention to the necklace around her neck. It drew attention to...well...but Pyotr kept his gaze up. He didn't understand why Bas was being weird, but he could respect that.
She cleared the plates and asked about their experiences. Pyotr remembered his very well - and how much he had changed since then. "My first time involved an accident as I was waiting on tables. Spilled a pitcher of water on myself. When I got back to the locker room to change, my clothes were dry again."
Pyotr paused. "I know, not a real exciting story. I used to be able to only use it if I got embarrassed, but now I can use it when I want to."
As Pyotr thought about it, he didn't miss the old Pyotr. He really liked this being confident thing.
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Bas listened to the girl's story with curiosity. So there was some guy she was afraid of but had to talk to. For some reason, that bothered him. She mentioned she felt a sense of familiarity with him. Strangely, he felt one with her. Even weirder was that he felt protective toward her without the slightest sense of attraction.
The thought was so alien- especially since he knew she was attractive- that he felt a spike of anger. He almost wondered if whatever was in that weed had messed up something in his head. If so, God help whoever gave it to him. He would track that asshole down and make them fix. Nobody was taking that away from him. Not even.
She started clearing away dishes and he got up to help her carry them to the kitchen. She asked them about their first time. He snickered at the thought but knew that wasn't what she was referring to.
Pyotr talked about being a waiter and spilling something and Bas couldn't help but chuckle. Poor guy. He seemed to be doing better, but still, that kind of thing couldn't be easy to shake. After a lifetime of being a timid rabbit you didn't just turn into a lion. Bas would look out for him- as long as he behaved around Aurora, anyway.
"For me, it was at a business meeting."
He looked at her and Pyotr and winked. "You know, the kind they bring guns to."
He swiped at his his nose surreptitiously, sure they'd get it. "My buddy was leading the meeting and was betrayed by this asshat who'd pretended to be his friend. The whole thing blew up in our faces. This guy was gonna kill Roman and I ran to try to stop it. I couldn't get there in time though I was prayin' for all I was worth."
He shrugged. "That's when the guy flew through the air into a wall."
Without thinking he touched the arm where the tattoo of Mary was. "I always thought it was the Holy Mother who'd answered my prayers. Whenever I wanted to, I'd pray and then be able to do stuff."
He laughed at the memories. It wasn't until hanging out with Nox that he'd gotten to use his power for more than a bit of fun or a fight. Those creatures had been something else. He smiled. So had the night afterward. His face heated at the thought of Alex and he felt relief. Nope, not gone at all. That was good.
Which meant that he just liked this girl for who she was. Or at least felt a connection to her. Enough that he had her back. Like Pyotr.
"So this guy you're afraid to meet. You don't have to go alone. I'll go with you. Trust me, he ain't gonna do nothin' to you as long as I'm around."
He nodded to Pyotr. "I'm sure I can twist Pyotr's arm to come too."
He winked. "As long as his eye doesn't wander too much."
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Pyotr had never heard Bas's story. Pyotr's was lame - Bas's at least had some conflict. Aurora felt afraid to meet this stranger, but felt the need to as well. He thought her fear was a bit unfounded as she had brought a couple of strangers that she had met in the red light district into her home.
Pyotr nodded at Bas's suggestion, but couldn't help but notice the slight jibe Bas gave him. He was joking around again, which was more like himself, but despite the wink, Pyotr wondered if Bas was challenging him to take another look. Pyotr didn't, but it was time for some payback - Bas teased a lot and it was harmless, but Pyotr wanted to return the favor.
"Oh, I almost forgot."
Pyotr took the business card out of his pocket and handed it to Bas, the grin on his face showing that he was teasing. "They said it was fun and you can call again anytime."
He turned back to Aurora as Bas looked at the card. "In all seriousness, we'll go with you if you'd like. No worries."