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she said wearily, "and I'd like eight hours sleep and a long shower."
She understood that he wanted to go home. Last time she had helped, but last time he hadn't just had invasive surgery. Her expression pinched a frown, though she made some effort to smooth her frustration and shake Christian's hand. At least this man was rooted to the earth and not in the clouds. He spoke sense, and clearly cared about Sage's welfare. Given what she knew of his childhood, she was glad he had that. It eased some of the burden she felt.
"Your family guilelessly uses his 'talents' and you run the risk of killing him. If he gives into the temptation to plug in, he runs the risk of killing himself. As the chip in his head degrades it's irritating the surrounding tissue - which probably caused the previous blackouts. If he collapses and I am not there? Maybe you'll get him to the hospital in time. Maybe you won't."
She put it plainly - truth was, she didn't know what might happen if she tried to heal him and let him go, but she wasn't happy taking the risk. That thing in his head was a timebomb, and she wouldn't be completely happy until Marcil had finished the job and replaced it.
Sage revealed what she was, but she didn't bat an eyelid at it. Given the nature of her gift she could hardly expect it to stay a secret forever. She did pause at discovering that the man who had collected Sage from the hospital was "like her", as he put it. Sage labelled him a "fighter" but what the fuck was he fighting? They spoke of protection. Of a crisis. Morven didn't pry, but she was definitely paying attention.
"Normal circumstances, you stay under observation until the tech in your head is replaced and we know it's stable."
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Christian reassured his doctor. "I don't think Nox will let him plug in. He has the wireless piece on him. Sage has a habit of trying to steal it. But if he wants to go home I think he'll make promises."
Sage sighed. "If I have to. I'll return to my roots and only type."
Even Christian looked at him like he didn't believe him. And when the doc said he'd be here till he got everything fixed and wasn't going to die he shook his head. "I'm not staying in bed that fucking long. Alone in this crap hole hospital."
He looked at her and frowned, "No offense intended, but I'd rather die in my bed at Dorian's."
He pleaded. "How long do I have to stay to 'recover' from this surgery. Not the whole thing? Doc, I know I'm going to die if I push too much. I know I'll die if I plugin. It's fucking hard, but I know. I don't want to die. But I'll die if I have to lie in this bed for weeks or months."
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"Did I say anything about staying in bed? I said that you ought to remain under observation, Mr Parker, and I stand by the recommendation."
She couldn't prevent him from discharging himself as soon as he felt able to do so, and she wouldn't try. Bedside manner had never exactly been her forte. There would be no coddling, no trying to convince him to listen. She stated the facts. He was free to ignore that, but it didn't exactly endear her.
"I can't prevent you leaving. But I'd urge you to take it a day at a time. You've just had a major surgery. At least allow your body time to recover from that first."
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Sage sighed. "Observation."
He rolled his eyes and looked at Christian who was staring defiantly at him. He was bound and determined to keep him healthy. He was grateful for the annoyance, it at least meant he was cared for. More than he could say about his parents.
"I will stay here for three days."
Christian was about to object but Sage held up his finger to forestall him. "To heal from the exploratory surgery I just went through. After that if our good Doctor here says I'm healthy enough to go home, I will do so. More than a week and I might start getting too anxious."
Sage cautioned.
He smiled at Christian. "After I'm released I'll come with Cruz to the University and check in with you or a colleague doctor - this so called observation - a minimum of every other day, though I'm sure you'd rather it be everyday, and if Cruz has classes I'll do that."
Sage looked back from the doctor to Christian. "Is this amendable to the two of you. We'll do this until my next surgery which will happen once Dr. Marcil has working replacements to replace the faulty ones."
Sage wasn't used to having to please so many people, but he figured it was better to make the doctor happy now, or he might not have her on his side when it mattered most - like when his life was on the line.
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He acted like the compromise was a massive inconvenience, which tightened a muscle in Morven's jaw, but otherwise she made every effort to keep her expression professionally neutral. At least she could trust Christian to attempt to keep Sage in check, and really, she had to remind herself that it was his life he was juggling with. She couldn't control everything, much as she might like to.
She nodded assent with the plan, supposing Christian was also amenable - and she couldn't see why he wouldn't be. Given all the possible variables, it was sensible without being prohibitive.
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Christian nodded. "As long as you promise you won't work if Nox or Cruz stop by to visit."
Sage sighed. "I promise."
He looked at the doctor. "So I'm here for three days. What is there to do beside watch that thing."
He pointed at the TV.
Sage knew he was going to be bored out of his mind for the next three days.
((OOC: No need to respond unless you want to))
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