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The woman grabbed his hand again. Now wasn't the time for...
Suddenly Pyotr's mind was filled with his most embarrassing moments. Most of them flashed by so that he couldn't see. But a few stuck out...the first time he'd used Luck - the first time with Michelle - the time he fought Yegor. Thankfully that one had come after the second and he remembered Bas and Nox were here. It allowed him to banish his fear for a second and he could feel power. He didn't know what Ninja skill let Ninja Lady do that - but it worked.
Ninja Lady did more ninja stuff while Nox used his fire-whip and Bas tried to kill everyone by blowing up the cave. Pyotr didn't look the direction the creatures were coming from but he knew where his allies where. The embarrassment was fading now that Ninja Lady had moved on. Pyotr summoned a fire ball and sent it down the tunnel. The embarrassment was gone though. He had sent the fire afterwards - he had been so focused on the threat that he hadn't worried about it. He could use luck without it. He braved looking down the tunnel and saw more of the creatures, immediately, his luck left him as fear took hold.
He could sense it, but when he tried to grab it, it slipped through his fingers. He could hear Ninja Lady telling them to stop them from coming to the surface. The implication was clear - block the tunnel. That combined with being completely defenseless caused Pytor to back up behind Nox, Bas, and Ninja Lady. It was in their hands now.
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Nox laughed when Bas nearly hit himself in the face with the whip. He knew from experience that hurt like hell. The musical laughter radiated through his mind, his mystery girl had laughed whimsically at him. Damn he had to find her!
But there was little time to do much of anything else. Bas shook the whole thing with an explosive weave, was pretty ingenious if the walls hadn't shook and dirt and rocks hadn't fallen from the ceiling. Nox wasn't sure he liked where they were at. He and the little duckling took one side. The reach of the whip was far greater than her sword, but she took anything that had come too close. He marveled at her work. He marveled at his own. WHERE the hell did I learn how to do this? But it was natural, instinct, it was like coming home, really. It was perfect. The adrenaline, the fast thinking, the near death experience. Everything was perfect.
Nox heard the girl with a sword exclaim "For crying out loud!"
and then Pyotr shot a fireball. Sweet. He wondered what she'd meant but again no time really.
There was too many of them. They couldn't do this forever, Nox knew that he couldn't do this much longer, his body was already aching, and Bas, he knew he couldn't be in much better shape the way he was flinging airballs and explosions around. The power drained you more than physical work.
Ninja girl, that's what Weasel boy called her. He grinned. She had the right idea, but man was she bossy. Nox dropped the whip of fire weave and started weaving fire and earth together. He created a wall almost as smooth as glass in front of the opening of the tunnel he'd first seen the creature at. He made it thick, and strong and he wondered where he'd learned the weave. Once the wall was completed it stood in pristine glory. He was proud of his work.
He felt a small person fall against him, crashed into him more like it. He stumbled forward and turned around to see she'd slain a beast. Her sword stuck through his head like it was on a pike. She'd saved him while he had been gloating over his work
Nox held out a hand and helped her up as he wove yet another weave of earth and made the ground fly up next to the wall he'd made. If that rock gave way, there would be at least more of a barrier to get through. Their back was safe now. They only had to deal with what was in front of him.
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Bas couldn't really look behind him to see what the girl and Nox were doing. Pyotr had stumbled and lost hold of the power. So it was just him facing down the tunnel in the opposite direction.
And he was getting tired. He'd been making explosions and pushing things back for he didn't know how long. Couldn't have been more than a few minutes, but already it felt like he'd been in the ring with Charlie for a good 8 rounds and while he hadn't taken any hits, just dancing around avoiding any blows had wore him out. He found himself closer and closer to Nox and the girl and Pyotr, till their backs were almost to each other.
The explosions and pushes came further and further apart and the creatures- at least the number of them was considerably less now- were getting closer. One lunged at him, all teeth and claws- it looked like a man but its skin was all shiney and leathery and its teeth jutted out from a snout of all things- and Bas moved to the side just in time to avoid it. He yelled out to warn the others and saw a blade flash. The girl got him. Thank God.
The panic gave him a brief surge of energy and he sent a large explosive fireball into the tunnel and the creatures that didn't die shied back. It was a brief rest only, but he could turn around and check on Nox and the girl and Pyotr. What the hell was that guy doing anyway?
Nox had made a wall at the mouth of the tunnel those things had been coming that direction. It was solid and looked like Nox was holding it. They didn't have much time. The junction in front of him had a mouth to the way they had come in and those creatures had passed seeming to be focused on coming to them. "Let's go!!!!"
He grabbed Pyotr and heard the rest follow him as he dashed into that tunnel. Nox came last since he was holding the barricade up.
As Nox came through , Bas turned around and let go as massive an explosion as he could manage right at the junction. The walls and roof shook as they fell back and debris started to fall. He wasn't sure if Nox let the other barricade go as he ran. Bas looked back and saw the junction still held though. He tried to weave another explosions to bring down the roof there- and hopefully not on themselves- but the power fled from him. He prayed to the Holy Mother but no matter how bright the light she held out for him, he couldn't grab it. He saw creatures' eyes moving toward the tunnel they were in and panicked.
He needed to bring the roof down. But there was nothing for him to do it with!
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The fight was going okay. Most of them had some idea of what to do. And thankfully one was smart enough to think things through. He started making a wall between them and the creatures. Aria wished she knew what they were, and how to better take care of this situation, or why they were swarming like this. They were strange. It bothered Aria a great deal, but the fight was too much work, thought was lost on it all as she fought for her life, and theirs. It was empty fighting with others for the first time in a very long time. Giovanni and Jensen hadn't really fought, it was quick and done and it was hardly a battle. There was only one against four then. This time the odds were much different.
But the battle was wondrous. Aria enjoyed each kill, wanted to stay until it was done and over. Everyone was getting tired, Aria included, but she didn't want to go, didn't want to stop the fight. The Oni had been a good fight, it would have been a worthy way to die. It was stronger and faster and it was her choice. These things left more questions than answers. They were new, and THAT scared Aria out of the pain of each death. The creatures were new.
One of the men yelled Let's go, Aria reluctantly left with them. It was not what she wanted, but there were other things to think about other than the death and the pain and the fear of the one man she could feel. Aria's hunger rose inside, she wanted more. Wanted to feed on the pain, make the fear greater, but she stood her ground, kept her emotions in check. The fight inside rages as fiercely as the one they were all fighting at that moment.
A few creatures slipped over the barrier that was fallen rocks created by one of them. But the power fled and then there were two. Aria could feel the panic in the two. Aria let the hunger fuel her. Fuel the desire to cause pain and suffering. She let it consume her as the beasts came at them. Aria could do nothing about the passage way, she left it to the others, they would either live up to their end of the bargain or they would all die in the tunnels this day. Aria couldn't let the creatures top side. God only knew what they would do there. Aria prayed they didn't find another way up.
Aria fought with all her remaining strength, the fight fueled by the darkness inside.
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They had to get out of there there, it just wasn't strategic, it was a poor execution. But they really had no choice it's not like they had planned it. Or did she. But he doubted it, from the way she had reacted to them, they were as much of a surprise to her as they where to him. Whatever the hell they were.
Bas had the right idea, he cleared the path and they got out, Nox waited until the very last moment before he let his weave go. He wished that it wasn't limiting. But he couldn't dwell on that, they were still fighting.
Nox was sure that Bas was done in, there was no presence left, Nox was the only one left. His head swelled with pride, but he hadn't been working as hard with the power as Bas had. He gave him props for that. Nox had held his whip and used it. It saved on energy but he knew he couldn't do it forever, and the girl was growing weary as well, he could tell from the way she swung her sword.
The beasts came at them through the opening Bas had tried to take it out but it was still open. He'd caused them to slow. Nox mimicked what he'd done. Explosions were actually easy and there was a science to it. He didn't know it but he knew where to place his bombs. He stayed behind Ninja girl and let her do her thing while he did his. She'd saved his bacon twice today, he doubted she would let another through with out it being her last moment.
Death, that was something to ponder...But not now. Nox let his weave explode and placed yet another one. The ceiling crumbled, the noise echoed in the distance. And then there was nothing. No empty space, no monsters crawling through the hole. Only what monsters had made it through. Nox remade his whip and helped the girl out. He owed her a few. But she dispatched them nearly as quickly as they came. She liked the kill, she looked like it was heaven. He'd seen the look before on a girls face, but it was not because of death. She scared him, but he was ultimately glad she was on their side.
Nox wrapped the flaming whip around the last of the creatures neck and yanked. He heard the crack, it was perfect. The hunt, he hadn't felt this good in months. Not since he woke up. It was paradise.
He went to her. She held her hand out warning him away. She bent down panting heavily, trying to catch her breath. She glanced back at him, and he saw a fight, not a real one, he saw the fight she had going on inside. Her eyes spoke volumes, and Nox approached slowly. He put his hand on her shoulder and she collapsed to her knees. It wasn't tears, or sadness, but she was tired, emotionally and physically. He sat down next to her with his hand still on her shoulder. He surveyed the area then laid back against the cold floor. It was wet more than cold, he didn't care. He asked from his back. "Everyone alright."
He said to the air, but specifically at the girl he didn't know. "I'm Nox. The one you embarrassed is Pyotr and the other is Bas. My mates, came to spar with me. Didn't expect this."
She looked over at him with a smile, she was not fighting inside anymore. He grinned up at her. "Aria. I didn't expect this either."
Edited by Nox, Sep 30 2014, 03:54 PM.
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Things moved fast. The ninja-chick was still going at the creatures that were now coming through. Bas looked around. He had nothing. He'd left his gun in his car- thought this was just a friendly sparring match. If ninja-girl had an extra sword he coulda' used that.
Suddenly the rest of the junction roof came down, throwing debris all the way to their feet. The silence was deafening, once all the cracks and creaks and moans stopped. He felt a moment of relief...
And then there was movement as those creatures that had been on this side of the roof shambled forward. It was like they wouldn't stop. He was exhausted but prayed and saw the light just there in the distance. He reached for it, begging and pleading with the Holy Mother to grant it to him, pleaded that this was it, their lives were at stake. The light mocked him and for the first time he felt rage at having been denied. Ayden's words about not having to pray came to him and suddenly he felt like that was EXACTLY what he wanted.
But there was not further time to think. He looked down and saw chunks of rock- the pieces of the roof- and without thinking he picked it up and threw it at one of the creatures as hard as he could. Miraculously, he hit one in the head and saw an eye burst. It kept coming, but screaming and slower. Another rock and this time it went down, tripping one of its partners. Now that he knew rocks to take them down he began throwing them, one after another, as hard as he could. Most went wide- he was tired and it was dark- but enough hit that he felt like he was doing something. It certainly made it easier for Nox and ninja-chick to kill them.
Between them, the creatures finally stopped.
Now, the silence was deafening and stayed that way. The only sound was their labored breathing. Nox went to the girl, who looked exhausted, to check on her. Forget what he said about her not smiling. Right now she was gorgeous. He never saw anything so wondrous. He laughed. Probably was just relief at having survived. Nox and Pyotr's smiles were intoxicating too.
Nox introduced them and he smiled at her and said 'hey'. He was too hopped up to do more than that. It was pure adrenaline and endorphines coursing through his veins and he loved it. Reminded him of the times that he'd go out with his buddies and they'd get into it with rival gang. Win or lose they came home like conquering warriors.....and horny as hell. You fight and then you fuck.
There was no question who he was gonna call. Of all his "friends", despite being the newest, Alex was the one he could count on for the best lay. She'd be up for it, he was sure. And she'd have a great time too. He had a lot of energy to blow off and he'd make sure of that.
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The entire thing went way too fast. Before Pyotr knew it, it was over. Nox and Bas caused some sort of explosions to collapse the tunnel. There was debris. Bas had lost the power too. Pyotr didn't feel so embarrassed at that anymore - and that reminded him.
The rest of what happened in the tunnel was oblivious to him. Pyotr stood looking inward. He could sense the power and he grasped at it, feeling it become a part of him. He wasn't embarrassed. It was there. He dropped it and grasped at it again - this time easier. He block was gone. This time he held it and made a light to make it easier to see in the dim tunnel. He couldn't help but smile at it. He couldn't wait to see the look on Marcus's face. He would be pleased or pissed.
He was drawn out of his thoughts by Nox saying his name. He had introduced him to Ninja Lady. Her name was Aria. It was a pretty name Pyotr thought.
He walked up to join Nox and Ninja - Aria. So many changes were happening, and Pyotr couldn't help but be pleased, but he still had questions. "Does anyone know what they were?"
he looked to Aria. She had known they could poison or something right?
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The last of the monsters died. The fight raged on inside. The darkness wanted more, there were still living breathing things here. It wanted more death, more fear, the last bit of consciousness. It was hard. Aria saw him come closer. Him.. he had a name, but she didn't know it. Names were important. Everything was chased away by the darkness. A rational thought was too far behind. Aria managed to hold out a hand to stay away. But he didn't listen. He came closer, he put his hand on her shoulder. She'd calmed him before, and now he was trying to do the same or at least tell her it was okay. The power still ran through him, the others were spent, their feelings mimicked her own. Relief was the highest thing on any of their minds. Well one of them was looking for a lot more.
Aria thought of Lucas, the light he'd shown her. His voice echoing his feelings. The honesty and the kindness. An actual friend. It was worth pulling away from the darkness.
"Everyone alright."
Aria nodded, and knew he couldn't see. He continued with out actually waiting for an answer. I'm Nox. The one you embarrassed is Pyotr and the other is Bas. My mates, came to spar with me. Didn't expect this."
She looked over at him with a smile. The light won again. The battle finished, her body ached. Nox, a name finally, grinned up at her. She introduced her self. "Aria. I didn't expect this either."
The useless one, Pyotr, he'd thrown a fireball and lost his cool as soon as the battle started. At least he didn't die. He played with his gift like it was some new toy. Aria spoke softly into the darkness. "Mind putting that out. It's easier to see without it."
He asked. "Does anyone know what they were?"
Aria stood upright and walked over to one of the creatures and put her sword after cleaning it on the clothes of the disgusting creature. "No idea, never seen one before. It was human at one point. He was a construction worker from the looks of his clothes."
Aria knelt down next to it and poked at it with her gloved finger. "Fangs like a chupakabra. But not quite, still kinda human."
Aria shook her head and took out her wallet and start scanning and taking still shots of the creature. "NO idea what it is."
Aria turned to look at Nox. She had a lot to ask him. So many questions he was a hunter, there was no doubt in her mind. But why wasn't he marked? Or was he some vigilante. But she didn't want to talk about this in front of them. They didn't need to know about the Atharim. Or the fact that there was a secret organization that would hunt them down and kill them. But he was different. He was like Tehya.
Aria walked over to Nox and sat against the wall. They really should get out of the tunnels, but she was tired, sitting and resting was a good thought.
Edited by Aria, Oct 1 2014, 10:45 AM.
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Bas went over to Nox and clapped him on the shoulder. "Can't say that's what I expected...but it was hella-fun. You call me again, man. Anytime. I mean it."
He looked over at the ninja-girl. Still pretty, but not his type. "You're pretty bad-ass with that sword. Glad you were here."
He went over to Pyotr. "Glad you came man."
An evil grin. "Prolly wanna put some clean drawers on before you call your gal."
He winked and then raised his voice to include all of them. "Cuz if there was ever a night where all of yall should be calling someone, it's tonight! We lived mother-fuckers! We looked death in the face gave him the finger. So drink up bitches!"
He sounded like a drunk jack-ass and he didn't care. He was drunk. On life anyway.
And with that, he walked back down the tunnel toward the way in. As he did so, he pulled out his wallet and fingered Alex's number. "I hope you're ready for me, cuz boy do I have something for you....."
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Pyotr let go of the power after Ninja Lady requested it. Letting it go was harder to do, as if he was afraid it wouldn't come back. Bas's reaction was to get laid, and the reaction awakened it in Pyotr too. He almost died to day. Also, Michelle was off work.
Bas left in a very Bas-like fashion. Pyotr turned to the two. "I'm out - later, Nox. Nice meeting ya Aria."
Pyotr wasn't as energetic as Bas.
Pyotr took out his Wallet to call Michelle. This would be fun.