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He listened to her rebuttal: Course Nox is welcome, as I just said, the East wing is ur to do with as ye will.
As for what I need from Ye, information of course. You and this Acsendry-something think you have it all figured out. What if I told you, this isn't new, it isn't old? It is something different, a wheel, if ye will. Spinning slowly over eons, so slow, none of ye can see it move. I don't know, damn it. It all seems clear one minute, then all smoke and mirrors.
Sitting down, his head cradled in his hands he take a deeps breath: Ye seem to have high lvl access, I need to see ancient archives, I need to find to oldest of the aboriginals tribes. Maybe even Archaeological dig info, but that comes later.
That is what I need from ye and from this Nox, and an oath
! Oh he saw that look before. Be still lass, it is not what Ye may think. I ask the same oath from ye and Nox that any of my crew takes. The Oath is simple, but sacred: I shall do nor harm to me Captain or Clan Lir, I shall be no harm to no Lir vessel nor her crew. I shall tell no tales that be told upon these Ships of the sea, in this case my home. I shall live and die as my Captain shall live and die, to protect all the Clan Lir and her crew. With that oath you shall be as my crew, equal in rank as myself. All benefits and duties included. Swear that oath and we can do much.
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Aria nearly laughed at the wheel reference. She smiled. "Ancient text claim to believe that time is a circle, other's say it is like the sands in an hourglass. And the word of god says there was a beginning and there will be an end. I know there are ancient things I do not understand. I know that there are prophecies that are unfolding now. I have felt the end of things. Maybe not the end of time, but the end of what I know - death and destruction. War is coming."
Aria frowned at yet another oath. "And if I swear your oath, and your oath conflicts with my other oaths? The one that binds me to the Atharim?
Aria showed Manix her tattoo on her arm, the dueling dragons around the knotted snake eating it's own tale. "Or when the Ascendancy orders me to hurt one of your own? Who's oath take priority? What if one of your own hurt one of mine? Threaten those who I will not reveal."
Aria sighed, "I will give you help. I will not hurt your's, but I cannot take that oath. My loyalties are already spread too thin. On my honor I will not hurt you or yours and help you to the best of my ability. But another oath will mean nothing more than spoken words that can be broken when they conflict."
Aria stood up hoping that whatever was happening with her would at least let her out of this place unscathed if necessary. "And the final thing is you may not see our ancient archives. Unless you want to break in of your own free will to see them, you cannot. We aren't some library you can just waltz into. I can show you digital copies of things I have clearance too but even that is limited. But it is your choice as to whether this oath of your's is that important."
Aria was ready to leave if he so decided, and if necessary she would fight her way out. She had no intentions of dying her tonight.
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Manix looked deep into her eyes, he needed no power to see the truth of her soul: I trust in ye Honor Lass and I will except it. If one of mine harms one of urs, i request ye come to me first. If Nox has the Honor that ye have, then I will except that as well.
He thought about the wheel: Now is not the time to discuss theories. I could possibly make it in, i'm better at that than ye know, however: Copies is fine, most important is "The Gutenberg Bible", the 1st ever printed. There IS a beginning and a end, what says there is not another beginning
Extending his hand: Do we have an accord?
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Aria nodded. "I think we do."
She took Manix's hand tentatively, this whole emotionless thing was still foreign and she wasn't really sure what touching him would do. It didn't upset her balance, even a bit, nothing came across the touch and that worried Aria. What the hell was going on. She really needed to figure this out.
"Nox is in the States at the moment. When he returns I will introduce you. But I will warn you he's not exactly warm and fuzzy. More like prickly. Though he means well."
Nox might actually enjoy contact with another godling like himself, he seemed taken with Sebastian Volodin, and helped out the pup of a cop on Vega's team.
Aria had to figure out what to do about Vega now too... There were so many things to deal with. Lucas was gone and it shattered her thoughts when she thought of him, but she had to move past the pain the came with each thought. It was tiring. If this was normal, Aria didn't like it.
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Nodding to her: In the morning there will be some papers for you to sign. Banking notes, giving u access to funding. I assume you want to hire ur own staff. There be no reckoning to ur account and it shall be renewed monthly back to the beginning balance, do as you will.
Lighting a Cigar: Nox"s funds are ur gig lass, so pay what you think he is worth or at least enough to stay.
Chuckles: Sorry, i'm off to bed, Chief knows how to reach me, g'nite, lass.
((OCC)) amount of funding is what you want it to be. I suggest you start a new thread of ur quarters I will for mine, and we talk together right here in this thread, sound good? Or we can keep it all here, whichever you think is best.
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((I like to start new threads for different things, otherwise one thread gets really confusing))
Aria nodded. "In the morning then."
Aria headed east, she figured she'd find her own room, but she didn't think she'd sleep. Though Aria wanted to see her new home first before she would go out and see exactly where she was.
continued in Empty
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((OCC)) For home post, we can use East Wing for u and i'll use West Wing which will include my hidden bunker u dont know about yet, lol. Read empty love where it is going, I see chills in Manix's future.
closed and booked.
Edited by Manix, Sep 6 2016, 03:44 PM.