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Aria followed the others at a lingering pace. The adrenaline was wearing off and emotions were all around. The night was dark and the buildings for the most part were empty. But her current company was frantic with emotions and Aria wished for the emptiness of the buildings.
Jensen let them to the train station and Aria sighed to herself. She really disliked mass transit. Always too many people. She was thankful it was night. She hesitated before pulling out her wallet and swiping the card from it. She had no money in any other form. Thankfully wallets had all sorts of attachments, less likely to lose than those little cards Jensen carried. More expensive if you lost them too.
They didn't have to wait long for the next train. Conner felt concern for Jensen, Gio was wrapped in curiosity. And Aria wondered why she was going. But the thought of an explanation from a man who could wield the power intrigued her despite the need for sleep and for quiet after the hunt.
The train rumbled to a stop and the few that trickled out left quickly. Aria wrapped her long coat about her body, buttoning any that had not been done already. The last thing she needed was a panic with her swords and the guns underneath. And she didn't think anyone would really see past the blood anyway, but she could hope the car was empty.
Aria slipped on the train after the men with them. She stood. She wasn't going to sit with her armament on and it was not coming off. It was far more comfortable. Before the train could lurch forward knocking Aria on her feet she grabbed a rubber loop that hung from the ceiling of the car with her left hand. The sleeve fell from her wrist, revealing her tattoo. The thought to switch hands did occur to her, but at this point it was too late as the car lurched forward with the rest of the train. They were off to some unknown destination. Aria wondered how far from home she'd be when this was all said and done.
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The train sped down the tracks without incident. The trip would be short, but Jensen sat on a chair near the door anyway, hand holding the bar in front of him, and staring blankly ahead. A male voice called out the stops as they approached. The blur of lights and stations passed unacknowledged. Until finally one stop about ten minutes later made his ears perk up. They disembarked at a station in the MSU district of southern Moscow. It was still the early morning, and thankfully the place was empty, grand as all the stations were, but empty.
A light sleet was falling when they reached street level. While waiting for the others to reach the surface, Jensen stood there, eyes closed, face angled skyward, and just felt the sensation of pellets hitting tiny and cold on his face. For some reason, he had an overwhelming desire for hot chocolate, the kind with marshmellows bobbing on top. He had no idea if John's kitchen was stocked with anything like that, which reminded him why he'd gone out in the first place.
"If you guys are hungry I'll see if I can put something together when we get there. It's not far."
The area was largely residential, and a few blocks down the street Jensen pointed out the elaborate building that he now called home. He lowered his voice despite the clatter of ice pelting the sidewalk. There was a reverance for the solitude of night in this part of the city. Here there were normal families asleep, people that did not decapitate devils in the moonlight.
The night doorman gave him a serious frown, and Jensen's chilled smile did nothing to relieve him of his judgement. By now he was aware of Jensen's nocturnal habits, but returning with the likes of his present company would not go unnoticed by the man's log book. Jensen could only hope Giovanni or maybe Connor could block the view of Aria as she passed by.
Warm air blasted them upon entrance. The lobby was mostly a hallway that was wider than normal, but decorated tastefully nonetheless. He led them to the elevator and fumbled with the security code for a few moments as though trying to recall the exact sequence. He really hadn't been living here long.
Finally, the top floor opened up to them, and Jensen held the door open for the others. "Home sweet home,"
he said, Texan drawl particularly pronounced, then corrected himself, "kind of."
"Can I get you guys anything?"
He shrugged out of his coat and swiped a hand through his hair to tuck it behind his ears. It was cold and damp from their walk in the weather, but at least the heat worked in John's apartment.
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Giovanni accepted Jensen's card. He had no money. He followed the group onto the train and say across the aisle from Aria. She reached up, grabbing a handle and gravity moved her sleeve down. Giovanni caught a glimpse of the Ouroboros tattoo confirming his suspicion.
He began to feel fury. Anger at those that cast him out and were even now hunting him. The power surged in him and he wanted to summon lightning. Before anything happened he gained control though and noticed he was still staring at the tattoo.
I can control the power now, but need to learn to control my emotions
Giovanni thought.
He released the power, but kept a wary eye on Aria. If she was going to trap them, he would be prepared. So far she had done nothing to hurt himself or Jensen. He could give her some slack, but he didn't trust anyone with the tattoo.
Jensen took the lead and led them to his home. He offered good and Giovanni realized then how hungry he was. A meal wouldn't hurt. As they traveled, he kept his eyes on Aria.
He was unsure of her. Why hadn't she stopped them. She had flat out encouraged them to use their powers. He felt like there was going to be a trap. He didn't know what to make of the Atharim woman.
He followed Jensen in, remaining silent. He would feel weird being the only one to accept Jensen's offer, so he might follow the crowd. He waited for Jensen to finish leading the way.
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Giovanni grasped the power, his emotions drained away faster than water through a sieve. Aria could feel his eyes on her. The one glance she spared him was of him staring at her arm. She tried to ignore him. If he would do nothing, she would do nothing. She wasn't here to hunt them. Why would anyone hunt another human. They were not monsters. People were not monsters, they could not choose their fates. They did not ask for the power of the gods, they were given it. It was their actions that determined their worthiness to be hunted. God did not give gifts to the unworthy. But some men did not thwart temptation.
They were only on the train for a few minutes. Aria would have preferred to walk. Walking was good. The street under her feet and the stars above her. Granted it was cold and windy and the snow was falling, but it was much better to be outside than in. She'd had enough inside to last a life time.
The place looked like any other suburbia she'd been too. The dark houses were nice and quiet. Aria could feel the few souls who were awake but they were few and far between.
Aria could not help but feel the doorman's disgust and dislike of having to do his job so late at night. There was horror in his emotions when he glanced at Aria. Aria wondered what he was thinking, she hoped Jensen wouldn't hear about this later. Aria looked behind her to make sure she wasn't tracking any blood, now that it was much warmer inside than out. Her pants were caked and stiff with blood, they were pretty much ruined but she pulled her coat tighter around her and hurried after the men with her.
Once inside Jensen ask if they wanted anything. Only thing Aria really wanted was a bed to sleep in and to take a bath, but cleaning up would be a good third. "Bathroom?"
Jensen pointed the way and Aria quickly shucked her leather trench coat and laid it over a near by chair. The two swords and two guns neatly hung at her hip were in clear view now. The bathroom was smaller than she'd hoped for, but it would do to clean up. She closed the door mostly, she didn't want to be trapped in a small room and she wanted to hear what they had to say and feel. She could still feel Giovanni's eyes on her through closed the door. He was weary of her. He probably had every right to be, though she wasn't going to do anything about him, or Jensen. Not unless they were the monsters they were told to have been long ago. But she doubt that it was in either of their true nature.
Aria started to clean the blood off of her hands, and tried to remove some of the caked mess with out making a bigger one. It wasn't working too well.
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Connor followed Jensen and the others onto the train platform. Echoed screeches and silences filled the air by turn and it was filled that dank exhaust tinged smell that seemed to permeate all mass transit. Getting on the train made things smell a little better, though. At least the exhaust smell was gone. Aria didn't sit- perhaps the blood had hardened enough that sitting would have been uncomfortable- and instead took a hand hold. Her sleeve slipped down and he saw a tattoo. Some kind of knot or something. He couldn't make out details. He shrugged. Lot's of people had tattoos.
His eye happened to flick across Jensen to Giovanni. What he saw surprised him. Giovanni was glaring at Aria. Aria looked like she was pretending not to notice. Connor wasn't sure what it was about. Aria had done nothing threatening or made any moves against Giovanni. Connor thought again about her...job, hunting creatures. She had been adamant that Giovanni and Jensen especially leave before her bosses showed up. "Your kind" she called them. But why now? What had set Giovanni off? If he felt threatened by Aria, why had he come along? Connor couldn't figure it out. But he decided he'd watch closely. And then...he didn't know what he should do if things got...heated. Hard to pick sides when you didn't know the players.
The train slowed to a stop and Jensen stood and led them outside. It was snowing and compared to the air of the metro, it smelled clean. It was refreshing and Connor took deep breaths. It was a nicer neighborhood too. Jensen didn't dress like he had money and this area looked like it was expensive to live in- at least for everyday people. They arrived at a building with a doorman no less, who gave them all disgusted looks. Connor imagined that all of them looked haggard. Aria's pants were dark and he wasn't sure that the blood was visible. Of course, he had carried the body too, so perhaps he had blood on him as well. The doorman's feelings were understandable.
Jensen took them to his place. It was nice and large, much bigger than the one Connor had been staying in with his aunt. Jensen offered food and he realized that he was hungry. He hadn't eaten. He had been on his way to having a liquid dinner when everything had gone down. But now, food sounded good. "Sounds good, Jensen."
Aria asked for a place to wash up. Lot of good that would do. Other than hands and face, she'd still be wearing those bloody clothes. Perversely, Connor imagined that she really just needed to take those pants off and burn them. Of course then what would she walk around in? She is pretty, he thought. Idiot. What is wrong with you? He was glad no one could read his thoughts or he'd be embarressed. No matter the situation, a guy always has time for thoughts like that he thought to himself as he chuckled inside.
He did watch her take off her jacket- though she kept her weapons close- and go into the washroom Jensen had indicated. He noticed Giovanni watching her again. He definitely hadn't been thinking what Connor had- not with that expression. Connor again felt unsure as to what he should do- or if he should do anything. It wasn't his business. But...Aria had killed that creature together with the men. And she had warned them to get out of there lest they themselves- and he too, he couldn't forget- also got snatched up or worse. She had earned trust in his book.
Carefully- he didn't know this man- he said, " It's cool, man. If she wanted you, it would've been easy to just let you get taken by surprise back in that alley when her crew showed up.
" He paused and shrugged. Again, he didn't know this man. And truth was, he didn't know what he, or Jensen, were capable of. It dawned on him that being here was dangerous.
But Jensen knew things. So did Aria. He needed to know what happened to Hayden. He looked at Jensen. " mentioned answers. I guess that's why I'm here. I need to know...I don't even know what exactly.
" He shifted in his seat and thought about the things that made him connect Jensen with Jamie and Hayden. " Ok. So, uh, can you tell me about why going to the hospital is dangerous?
Edited by Connor Kent, Apr 1 2014, 12:07 PM.
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Jensen had gone to the side of the loft where the kitchen claimed one wall. There were a panel of well-built cabinetry and clean counters of the sort that boasted infrequent use. He quickly snatched a plate from earlier and plunked it into the depths of the sink and out of sight hopefully before anyone noticed.
He pretty well stood there for a while, mind's eye going over the options for snacks. He was out of bread, milk and orange juice. The refrigerator had cold cans of pop and a jug of water, so those came out first. He arranged four glasses alongside, and was pouring the first glass when he noticed the doorway to the bathroom hadn't closed fully. Hopefully it was a purposeful choice. She'd be washing up in there, but short of a change of clothes and a long soak in the wash, it wouldn't do her much good. The poor thing probably wouldn't even sit down the rest of the night.
Jensen finished pouring the glasses and offered the selection to Giovanni and Connor. "Excuse me a moment,"
he said and retreated behind another door. Within, the edge of a bed could be seen from the main loft space. He returned quickly, a pair of clean sweat pants and one of his smaller t-shirts folded over his arm.
He knocked on the door to where Aria was, and gently pushed it open wide enough to peek inside. He offered the clothing. "I thought you might want something else to wear?"
He tried to be reassuring but yet not look directly at her. He didn't want her to think she was being judged. The pants would dwarf her legs, but there were drawstrings at least, and the shirt was one of his snugger fits, it should be comfortable on her. He set the things inside and left the decision to her discretion, bowing out.
He returned to the kitchen, specifically, the refrigerator, where it seemed half a package of bologna meat and three boiled eggs needed to be turned into a meal for four.
With a determined sigh, he looked up while rolling the first mayo-smeared, egg and bologna sandwich when Connor began the conversation.
Connor's question made Jensen share a look with Giovanni, before lowering his gaze and seemingly focusing on the work before him. He took a deep breath. "This isn't the first time I've been met with strange circumstances and deadly . . . outcomes."
He paled slightly at the thought, but continued. Even now he wouldn't change his decision. He still would have ran into that alley. "The last time I ended up in the hospital and in a great deal of legal trouble. I don't know if the lawyers could get me out of it twice in a row. It's best to keep your head down."
His voice dropped and he began to slice up the little rolls he'd formed into bite sized pieces.
He swallowed and changed the subject, though it was a poor excuse to avoid the explanation he promised the man. "Connor, you're American also? Where are you from?"
Jensen's accent was obvious, even if much else wasn't about him. He was a Texan through and through.
Edited by Jensen James, Apr 1 2014, 12:45 PM.
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Aria smiled at the passing emotions in Conner's mind. She wondered what he was thinking about. She could only remember a handful of times that type of emotion had been directed at her. But then perhaps it was not at her either, you could never tell these days.
Aria felt Jensen approaching before he knocked. She smiled softly and nodded her thanks. The world was starting to drown in on her, apartment buildings of such caliber were always emotional high places. It was hard to track down someone in a city full of emotion. Aria took a deep breath and left the door open the crack. Modesty was not one of the qualities breed into the Atharim, she really didn't notice that the door was still open a jar as she took off her pants and inspected them more closely. They were ruined. Blood hardly came out. She wished she'd paid more attention, these were a good pair, not anymore. Aria looked down at her blood crusted legs and sighed.
Aria finished removing her shirt and pulled the clean one over her head then opened the door and walked out "You have a shower? I don't think this with come clean in there."
She indicated the bathroom behind her.
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Jensen fiddled about in the kitchen and then brought them drinks. He seemed alert and attentive to his last minute guests. After a moment, he disappeared into another room and came out with some clothing, which he then offered to Aria in the washroom. It was a kind gesture and Connor respected him for it.
That thought, though, got him thinking about Aria in there getting undressed. He imagined her as she might look. He remembered the way she moved back on the street as she fought. She was wearing a large jacket, so his glimpses were fleeting. Yet there was an athletic body underneath, he could tell. What am I doing? Why am I thinking about this, on this night of all nights? It was strange. After months of focus and determination, after feeling dead inside, suddenly, everything was coming to the surface in strange ways. It had been a long time since he had looked at a woman- any woman- that way, and felt something. Attraction, obviously. Lust. Maybe more. He didn’t know. His mind flashed back to her concern for them back in the alley. It was something. Just a brief fantasy person- not really her. He didn’t know her at all. But his mind and heart was all over the place tonight. He felt like he was 20 again. The night was crazy.
And then Aria came out in a short t-shirt and nothing else. Connor stared, all thought vanishing from his mind. Good lord! He just stared, his eyes glued to her form, the way her incredible legs were sculpted and led up to the hem of her shirt. 1 inch more… He shook his head to clear his mind. Hastily, he looked up at her, focused on her face, on those gorgeous green eyes, trying not to notice the way the shirt moved over her chest. It’d been a long time, and in the best of times, she would’ve been someone he’d notice. “ You have a shower? I don't think this with come clean in there.
Jensen gave the go ahead and she disappeared. As she walked past them, shirt hem swaying slightly, he watched her cute retreating form. Wow! Yep, definitely athletic. Could bounce a quarter off that. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. A long time since he'd noticed anything.
In the meantime, Jensen went back to the kitchen and began to prepare some finger foods. At Connor's question, though, Jensen looked at Giovanni for a long moment. It cemented a connection. Connor looked at Giovanni too, and then Jensen started speaking.
" This isn't the first time I've been met with strange circumstances and deadly . . . outcomes.
" He paled slightly at that comment. Given what happened tonight, Connor understood. " The last time I ended up in the hospital and in a great deal of legal trouble. I don't know if the lawyers could get me out of it twice in a row. It's best to keep your head down.
" The recollection seemed to pain him. " Connor, you're American also? Where are you from?
Obviously, this was going to take a while. But Connor felt content, for now. If they had to work their way up to it, that was ok. " New Mexico. Near the four corners. Actually, about 45 minutes from Colorado. And you? Your accent says Texas.
Edited by Connor Kent, Apr 1 2014, 04:59 PM.
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A gentle woosh of air caused Jensen to glance up. The bathroom door had opened and Aria had emerged. Wearing nothing but the shirt...? Is something wrong with the pants? A frantic question crossed his mind.
"You have a shower? I don't think this with come clean in there." She indicated the bathroom behind her.
Jensen nodded toward another door across the loft. He'd left it open from having gone in there before. "Off the bedroom, through that way,"
he said.
As she walked, he glanced into the room she'd just left, spying a few of her belongings she'd left in there. It was a lot of stuff to carry for one little gal. It was pretty impressive if he thought about it.
He shrugged and wiped his hands on a towel. When he looked up, his companions were keenly distracted. Connor looked like a kid having just seen his first puppy. That's when the epiphany broke for Jensen, and he knew in his bones just exactly what he'd done without recognizing it.
He swallowed, quite uncomfortable all of a sudden. He shifted and made to busy himself all the more with finding something, anything, in the refrigerator like he could literally hide his head in the sand.
Talk of the Four Corners, a topic much more to his liking, pulled him out of it. He turned away from the fridge empty-handed, and deemed their "meal" complete. He pushed the plate across the island counter like it were a party-platter, and gestured that the men eat up. Although he'd make sure to save some back for Aria. After she gets out of the shower. Oh boy.
He shoved the first bite in his mouth. Surprisingly, the mayo and egg had combined to make a sort of creamy center to the little bologna roll. It wasn't half bad!
He nodded between bites. "Yeah. Dallas, well, Preston Hollow."
Jensen regretted it as soon as he mentioned the affluent neighborhood that was home to sports' stars and former presidents. He swallowed. "Wichita Falls, originally."
Just another small town country boy.
He glanced at Giovanni. The man sounded Italian. In fact, so did Aria, come to think of it.
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Giovanni watched Aria disappear into the bathroom to clean up. Apparently, his glance had not gone unnoticed. Connor approached him and said, "It's cool man. If she wanted you it would have been easy to just let you get taken by surprise in that alley when her crew showed up."
Giovanni's anger drained. He knew that she had done nothing to hurt him, but hearing that fact from someone else helped him calm down. Giovanni nodded at the man in thanks.
He kept speaking, asking for his promised answers. Giovanni let Jensen talk , preferring to sit in silence.
Jensen had given Aria some clothes to put on and soon she came out wearing a shirt and not much else. For the first time, Giovanni noticed she was an attractive woman. long has it been since I've seen a woman wearing that little,
Giovanni thought as she went back to shower.
Jensen then glanced at Giovanni, seeming to be looking for an answer. Giovanni glanced back trying to remember what they were discussing before. They had moved away from channeling and then went to...where they were from. Both men were American - a common trait made it easy to change subjects.
"I'm from Venezia - Venice, Italy.
The lie got more believable every time he said it and Giovanni was glad for it. Even though Aria wasn't in the room, he didn't want to risk her knowing he was from Rome. He didn't want to give her anything to discover his past.