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The more he got to know her, the more Calvin liked her. She looked at her past not as something regrettable, but as a preparation for the future. Calvin's respect for her rose. She lived a life of no regrets and her past made her into the person she was now, much like Calvin's past had made him into what he was now.
The wolves knew something was coming. She mentioned that. He knew it too. It was why is was here. Moscow was going to be the epicenter of whatever was coming. Whispering Leaf had told him nothing about what to expect except for the powerful two-legs. Calvin had seen a video on the internet of a man standing before an army stopping bullets and shredding the other army to bits. Calvin would have pushed the video aside in the past, but now he knew more. Calvin wondered if this could be one of the powerful two legs and if so - things might be about to go to hell.
Sierra laughed and smiled, bringing a tingling sensation to Calvin's hand from when he had touched her. The more she laughed, the more he wanted to hear it. Being with her now made Calvin feel like a teenager again after the prettiest girl in school sat down next to him; he wanted to say something, but was afraid of sounding like an idiot. It made him think of Ayden and Connor. Connor was just plain goofy around her. Beautiful women just made men want to do goofy things.
Her suggestion that they go out one weekend excited him. Not only was there the prospect to learn, but Calvin couldn't help thinking about him and Sierra sitting by a campfire together at night, cuddled together in a warm blanket, holding hands, and looking at the stars.
All these thoughts happened in a few seconds and Calvin snapped back to reality. He knew he liked her, and didn't know if the feelings were reciprocated. Either way, he would be okay as long as he had her friendship. He wanted to tell her and maybe he would by the end of the day. It just had to be the right moment to do so. The conversation had gotten a little dark, so Calvin decided to tell her a funny story from his childhood.
"That would be fun,"
Calvin said returning her smile. "I have weekends off, I'd just have to tell my boss that I wouldn't be able to respond to roadside assistance calls, but hey, we're here to have a good time, so how about a lighthearted story from my childhood?"
Calvin smiled and continued, "So when I was growing up, I'd get bored. There's not really much for an only child to do on a farm. I was at an age where I couldn't always help with the chores, so to relieve my boredom, I'd play little tricks on my parents. More often I would do so on my dad, because he thought they were funny - my mother - ehh...not so much. Anyways - my dad loved oreo cookies, so one day I sneaked the box of oreos to my room, removed the filling, and replaced it with toothpaste. I then brought the box back down stairs and when my dad was having his snack that night, he had a little surprise. I remember the look of disgust on his face and then he turned to face me and I gave him a big grin. He laughed and shook his head. That night he fixed one of those party poppers to my bedroom door, so when I woke up the next morning, it exploded and I jumped. I could hear him laughing in the other room."
Calvin stopped and sighed, "Things like that would happen all the time. We'd play pranks on each other and we'd just keep trying to outdo each other at least until mom got frustrated with it, and then we turned on our common enemy."
Calvin grinned. "It turns out though, my dad had it figured out beforehand. I guess opening a brand new box of cookies and not eating some gave it away. Dad told me years later that he did it just to play along."
Calvin hoped she enjoyed the story. It was just one of those fond memories he remembered from his childhood.
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Sierra was happy Calvin would come with her. It would be good to be around someone like her, and also teach him. It was rare she got to share her upbringing with someone who actually wanted to know.
Snow had caught wind of their conversation and while Calvin told his story he started asking questions and implying certain things again. Sierra tried very hard not to blush at the images and listen to Calvin's childhood story. Pranks were not practical in her household. They were frowned upon, but she and Aaron and still pulled a few on each other.
She tried to hide her embarrassment from Calvin behind the crescent roll she'd ordered and the coffee. But she was sure it was not hidden very well. Sierra looked up and smiled. "Snow is very anxious..."
She was sure she turned even brighter red. "Maybe we can go someplace he can come too, so he sees what we are and aren't doing?"
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As Calvin was telling the story, Sierra began to blush again. He tried not to point it out, not wanting to embarrass her further. She hid it well from behind her crescent roll. Calvin guess that Snow was sending her more provocative images, but they weren't sent to him. Maybe Snow had realized that he was talking - Calvin didn't know for sure. Knowing that Snow was asking again, brought the images back to his head. At least he could focus on telling his story. Maybe it would be a good time for them to head out and take Snow with them.
She smiled that pretty smile at him again and her face turned a brighter Red. He wasn't surprised the Sierra suggested the same idea that had come to his mind.
"I was going to suggest something like that too. Coffee shops are a little too closed in. We can take Snow outside the city to stretch his legs. I picked up a bow, so maybe we can practice shooting or go hunt. I'm not very good yet though, so practicing is probably better."
he grinned.
He had picked up a bow to start practicing. It was a recurve bow instead of the more high tech composite bows. He needed to wait until later in the year to get the wood he would need and it would need time to season, but at least this way he could practice.
Calvin waited until the waitress saw him and requested their ticket, saying they only needed one. He left some bills on the table for the tip and noticed that Sierra was getting some money out as well.
"Don't worry about it, I have it."
Calvin offered her a smile as they stood, put on their coats and went to leave.
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Sierra like the idea of practicing outside of the city limits. The city was confining, she really did want to get out of it. She some times wondered if she was doing the right thing, hunting down her brother's killer. To what end? She was going to return the ill fated favor. Why was she doing it at all? Answers was really the only thing she could think of. But would a man like that answer the question? Sierra doubted it very much.
Calvin picked up the tab, he really didn't have to. But she supposed he was being gentlemanly and let him without too much fuss.
"I have to go get Snow, and my bow. Meet back here in a little while?"
With that worked out Sierra smiled and headed towards her apartment. She sent Snow a sending about practicing and he's response was something that made Sierra blush. She wasn't exactly sure what he thought was going on. But it was clear he thought they were mating for whatever purpose he could think of. Wolves sometimes had one tracked minds. And Snow wished for his own mate. Being in the city was not going to allow that to happen. It made Sierra sad. But Snow refused to stay out of the city without her.With
Snow was eagerly waiting by the door. She'd have thought he was a puppy by the way he danced around the room when she got there. He was happy to be going out. Sierra looked at him and grabbed his muzzle and stared him in the eyes. She sent him, and spoke to him, he probably wouldn't understand either. "If you come with us you will not send those messages again."
Sierra scratched his head and he sent back confused messages. She didn't think he'd understand but it was worth a shot.
Sierra grabbed her bow and a few extra strings. She only had a few arrows left in her quiver, she'd have to fashion a few more if she could. Sierra wondered if Calvin knew how to do that.
With wolf and bow in 'hand' Sierra went back to the cafe and waited for Calvin to show up. She didn't know how far he lived but hopefully they'd not be waiting too long.
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Calvin went back to his apartment, his thoughts racing. He was excited to get some practice in, and hoped Sierra wouldn't laugh too much. He had done some practice shooting, and Calvin assumed that he was good for a beginner, but he still needed some work.
He retrieved his bow - a recurve that he picked up at a sports shop. It was a good working bow. He also picked up some arrows and a quiver as well. He picked up his bowstrings - he knew enough to remove the string when you weren't using it. Calvin's goal was to eventually make his own bow, but he hadn't had the chance yet and had wanted to start practicing regardless. Regardless, the bow still felt better in his hands that a rifle.
His equipment in hand, he headed back to the cafe and smiled when he saw Sierra waiting for him. He hoped she hadn't waited long, but seeing her standing all bundled up with a large wolf sitting next to her was just an adorable sight to behold. He couldn't help but smile at it.
Snow approached Calvin and sent him a greeting. The greeting was laced with confusion. The poor wolf probably hadn't been ready for Sierra to go out without him.
"Poor guy's had a rough day it seems,"
Calvin said as he knelt down to scratch behind Snow's ears. Calvin didn't mention how difficult the wolf's sendings had made their day though. Calvin guarded his thoughts to keep the image from reappearing in his head. He didn't want to accidentally send it to Snow who would probably pass it on to his companion.
Calvin turned his attention towards Sierra, "I hope you weren't waiting long"
He then caught sight of Sierra's bow and quiver. "Those look nice. Homemade?"
Calvin stood and gestured at his equipment. "Unfortunately, it's store bought. I want to make my own, just haven't had the chance yet, but was ready to get started."
Calvin moved forward to stand by her side as they started walking to leave town. "Now no making fun of me. I've only shot it once,"
Calvin said with a grin.
Edited by Calvin, Aug 5 2014, 12:04 PM.
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Calvin thought Snow had a rough day? The wolf was making it rough for everyone and he knew not what was causing the issues. Sierra laughed. "Rough day."
And shook her head. The wolf was going to make this not-a-date very awkward. She hoped he'd really understood what she said. Snow seemed eager to see Calvin again, and to get out of the city. Sierra wasn't sure which he was more eager to do.
Sierra shook her head, they'd not been waiting long, not long at all. She smiled at his question about her bow. "Of course. It was the first weapon my father taught us to make. He made us go hunting with him from pretty much the time we went topside again."
They started walking and Calvin admitted to not knowing the bow well. She laughed. "I'd never dream of making fun of you."
Sierra took his hand and squeezed it. "I can help you pick it up faster."
They walked out of town. The number of cars diminished the father they walked. Snow bound away as soon as he saw open areas. He was jumping through the snow, much like his name sake. Sierra laughed.
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Sierra took his hand and squeezed it, sending shivers though Calvin. His heart started beating a little faster as well, and Calvin knew he had to tell her today. He didn't let go, but when she took her hand back he didn't try to hang on. They would practice and Calvin would tell her then - at least that she was pretty anyways.
As the trio got out of town, Snow began jumping through the snow playfully and Sierra laughed. Calvin joined in. The young wolf certainly missed being outside. Snow continued to frolic in the snow as the group searched for a suitable place to shoot.
They found a place that looked suitable and Calvin strung his bow; the man at the shop had taught him how to do it. Sierra had strung hers as well and seemed to be ready.
Calvin smiled. She didn't share his Native American heritage, but she had lived like them in many ways. She was a survivor and was willing to teach him.
"Alright. What do I do now?"
Calvin said with a grin.
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Calvin asked, "Alright. What do I do now?"
Sierra started to instruct him, but Snow started growling, the hair on the back of his neck rose, and she could see his muscles tense. She tried asking him what the matter was but incoherent images flashed through her mind. Things she didn't understand, and were too quickly relayed to her.
Sierra knocked her arrow and indicated Calvin should do the same.
It was hard to be stealthy in the snow, but the snow made the footfalls soft if you didn't crush through the top layer. Snow stalked whatever prey he was hunting. Sierra followed behind him.
Sierra felt like the world was closing in on her. She could feel the snow beneath her feet, she could almost swear she could hear the freshly fallen snow lose it's shape as her foot fell to the ground.
In the distance Sierra could have sworn she heard the voices of men. Sierra followed slowly behind Snow stalking. He stop just the edge of a clearing and his growl rumbled louder. Sierra took cover behind a large tree.
One man shouted. "There's another one. Let's get it."
Sierra frowned... poachers.
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Sierra's instruction started, but was interrupted by a growl and several incoherent images sent from Snow. Something had upset - no, downright pissed off - the wolf.
Calvin knocked an arrow to his bow, following Sierra's lead and the two took off after Snow. This wasn't a normal hunt. Angry images flashed from wolf too quickly for Calvin to decipher. Snow was silent, and the two humans were as silent as possible. They arrived at the edge of a clearing and Sierra took cover behind a tree and Calvin followed suit. He heard voices.
"There's another one. Let's get it."
Poachers - and they had caught sight of Snow. Calvin assumed by their talk that they had another wolf in tow from their conversation. That was confirmed when the wolf they had sent him a message. The poor thing was still alive and in a lot of pain.
Calvin searched for Dawn Wind and sure enough the pack was nearby. This wolf, Calvin thought it was even younger than Snow, must have straggled behind. Calvin sent a message to Dawn Wind who snarled in reply and the pack following him turned to approach.
Calvin had to buy some time - he decided to get them talking. Anything to buy time for the pack to get here. Calvin gave Sierra a knowing look.
"Stop, drop the wolf you have now and go. If you don't, I can't guarantee what will happen to you."
Calvin yelled, but kept his voice calm.
Snow was still growling as the man responded. "Is that a threat?"
"Damn right it's a threat. I have no desire to hurt you, but I will if I have to. Go now."
"Heh, you couldn't hurt me if you tried. I know your type...all talk."
Calvin really had no desire to hurt the man, but the words stirred something in him - a primal anger. He felt the wolf pack closing in and along with it came a desire to hunt those that would hurt any in the pack. His humanity fought with the wolf within him, but he kept control. He quickly pulled the contacts out of his eyes and ran into the clearing bringing his bow up to bear. There were two poachers and Calvin looked the older one - clearly the leader - in the eye.
Calvin pulled the bow up and aimed pulling back the string. "You wanna bet on that?"
Calvin said as he sensed the wolves beginning to form an ambush.
Edited by Calvin, Aug 12 2014, 05:06 PM.
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Sierra watched as Calvin took charge. It had been a shock and she had stayed in the brush. She hadn't wanted to reveal her position, but now, Calvin was making a stand. He had his bow pointed at one of the two men. He wasn't watching everything. She wasn't a fighter, she really didn't know much about strategy, but she didn't think this was the way to go about it.
The second man slowly raised his gun, he didn't make any movements to point at either Calvin or Snow. Sierra pulled the string of her bow back and aimed it at the second man. He moved quickly, the gun was aimed and fired before Sierra could let loose the arrow.
Sierra heard the shot, but it didn't register, her attention was fully on the shot she'd sent flying through the air. It landed in the chest of the second man, just as the pack of wolves attacked the first man.
Sierra looked around to see what the aftermath was, where the gun had been aimed. Her heart sank the moment she saw the blood covered snow. In the continually growing pool of melting snow and blood Snow lay covered twitching.
She ran to him. She sent him images, but nothing was returned. Sierra fell to the ground in tears and scooped up Snow into her arms. She ran her fingers through his fur, put her face close to his and cried. She held her dying wolf friend, her best friend in her arms. She didn't care about anything else.