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Bas' friends had all left. He hadn't paid them any mind, for which she was fine with. Everyone seemed like they'd had a good time. Though she intended to insure that Bas had an excellent time.
He kissed her and there was not doubt in Alex's mind, tonight was going to be a good night. He took her by the hand and Alex could feel exactly what he wanted. She would oblige him in every way.
His car, Alex was afraid to touch the paint, her father would have yelled at her for fingerprints. But it was very much like the one he'd dotted over when she was a child. Of all the things that her father was that she enjoyed was the cars. It was the one thing that he had shared with her. But that was mostly because Luka had absolutely no interest in cars. Luka enjoyed the car in so much as it got him around, the internals he had no interest in. For Alex it was just like figure out how a person ticked. The gears, the mechanisms, the computer they all formed a complete machine, much like the human body. The two were not separate to her, she enjoyed getting greasy as much as she enjoyed going to the spa. But for Alex it was the only connection to her father.
The interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. And Bas looked luxurious inside. It was a marvel they made it to her place in one piece, much less with their clothes on. Bas could hardly take his eyes off of her, and Alex very much wanted to touch him, and do oh so much more.
Her apartment was three flights up, the elevator was slow. They kissed and touched and found their way to her apartment. Alex was even able to tempt him towards the bedroom before his hands found their way under her dress and the dress on the floor.
The night was one whirlwind of passion and sex. His body and hers danced together as if they'd been doing so for a long time. Alex has deeply missed the intimacy of sex. It was the only thing of a relationship she truly missed.
They found themselves lying under her navy blue sheets in each others arms. Alex had to get up early she glanced at the clock, it was only mere hours before she had to get up she sighed. "I have to be up in a few hours."
She reached over Bas to the night stand and pulled out a business card. "My number is on the back. Call anytime you want to do this again. No strings attached."
Alex laid the card on Bas chest and laid back down against against him. "Feel free to sleep as long as you'd like, just lock up."
Alex closed her eyes and laid back against her pillow. "I need a few hours of sleep."
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She felt good against him, all warm and soft and firm all at the same time. Part of him was tired, but part of him wasn't. And he liked her. She was simple, direct, and honest with herself. She'd gone out for a reason and wasn't shy about it. Nor had she been shy about anything else that night. It always made him smile. See a professional woman in a professional setting and you sometimes might have a hard time seeing that underneath all those business suits and hard attitude was a woman who liked to party like anyone else. You just had to know how to treat them, how to woo them, to let them know you respected them as a person- a whole person, including sexual needs. And looking around Alex's apartment, now that he could think straight anyway, it was clear that she was professional.
As if in confirmation, she leaned over- her hair falling onto his chest, tickling him- and reached for a card by her night stand. "I have to be up in a few hours. My number is on the back. Call anytime you want to do this again. No strings attached."
Alex laid the card on his chest and laid back down against against him. "Feel free to sleep as long as you'd like, just lock up."
He looked at the top of her head against him, felt the way her body fit against his side, her leg over his, and felt a brief stirring. He picked up her card and when he read what was on it he started laughing. You have got to be kidding me! Of all the women out there, he'd hooked up with a CCD Psych. He'd called it. Professional all the way. And yet a hellcat in the bedroom. Of course, if he were smart, he'd get the hell out of there like right now. Still...he hadn't done anything wrong. Not tonight anyway. And as far as he knew, there weren't any warrants out for him. In fact, other than the situation with Boris, he hadn't been in the system for a while. Course all it would take was one quick look for her to find out his past and then who knew how she'd respond.
Still, she was something. Hellcat had been the right word. Holy shit, she had been something. Wild in all the right places. And now...knowing who and what she was, well...that just made things spicier. For some reason, he really wanted her now, as if to stake a claim or something. At least to say that she hadn't scared him away. Now, more than ever he felt deliciously evil.
He prayed and the power flowed through him. Suddenly, he felt her skin against him like it was smoother than the smoothest finest thread count silk, the smell of sweat in the air, the warmth of her skin hot to the touch, the feel of her heartbeat in her breast against his chest, the even sounds of her breathing. It was if every sense had been enhanced, the colors brighter, the tastes sharper, the smells clearer, as if he was now fully alive, and he growled in response, pulling her to him, making a stronger connection.
A memory of Nox and the kid at he gym came to him and he smiled, saying "Nuh UH-uh, "
and put his hands to her ribs and began tickling her up and down her side. She jerked her head up with a laugh and a smile and tried to grab them with his arms. He let her sort of pin them. But he sent a tendril of air under the sheets and continued to tickle her at her ribs and stomach. She squirmed and screamed, laughing. He wondered how long it would take her to notice.
Edited by Sebastian, Sep 29 2014, 10:01 AM.
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Bas found something humorous in her card, she really didn't want to know. Her attempt at catching a few zzz's before work was completely thrown out the window when Bas pulled her closer and started tickling her. Of all the childish things she hated, it was being tickled. He didn't stop despite her protest and there was nothing she could do except laugh and squirm against him.
At first she hadn't noticed, but when his hands were neatly captured in hers and he tickled her still Alex sat up straight and stared down at him. It was easy enough to block the tickling now, she stared at him in confusion. He was empty, and tickling her and the booze finally allowed the reconciliation of the facts hit her brain. He was what the Atharim termed a god. Alex grinned down at him. She kissed his chest and then laid down on top of him her elbows propping her head up and she smiled at him. "Now be a doll and tell me what it is you are doing?"
She meant it to be playful, she squirmed against him to let him know, but it wasn't what she had really wanted to know. "This power, a gift or whatever you call it. You feel empty to me. What are you feeling?"
Alex knew it would probably bring up more questions about her own skill set, but there were ways to distract him from them, Alex knew he didn't need much prompting from the way he felt against her. It was going to be a very long day, but very rewarding too.
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Alex laughed and squirmed until she was on top of him, his hands still held- he coulda broken out if he wanted to, but he didnt- and he waited and watched aaaaaand....there it was. The light went off in her eyes and she sat up. He stared at her for a moment before looking up into her eyes. Yeah, he was definitely gonna have to use the power whenever he had sex from now on. It was like the difference between watching people on a screen and actually being there yourself.
And he was surprised to see a grin on her face, as if she knew anything. She kissed him and then laid down, propping herself up on his chest with her hands. "Now be a doll and tell me what it is you are doing?"
There was no anger in her voice. Indeed, she was smiling. And then she squirmed against him in such as a way to say that she was being very playful. His eyes became narrowed and he growled at her. She was good. "This power, a gift or whatever you call it. You feel empty to me. What are you feeling?"
It was his turn to feel surprise. "How do you know about the power?"
His mind tripped over the other thing she said. "Empty? I'm not empty."
A dirty joke came to mind but he dismissed it. She'd let go of his hands, but he decided to use the power. He didn't know who she was, not really. Of course, they were in bed together and he knew what he felt at that moment. He let a thread of air- warmed with a sliver of fire- rub from the back of her neck all the way down her back and bottom and legs to the soles of her feet. "I think you know what I feel."
He heated the air up a bit more and came back up. "I think you better explain."
He didn't feel threatened, not really. But he was gonna be careful.
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Alex grinned at him. "If you want an explanation you have to stop doing that."
Alex pulled his hands up over his head and smiled at him. "Let go of the power. No cheating."
He looked at her. "Why? Why should I stop? Why let go?"
Alex smiled playfully. "If you don't I won't play the game and you won't get much more right now."
She moved herself against him alluding to future possibilities. "Please let it go."
He laughed and after a moment, appeared to shrug. "Ok. This better be good though."
Alex smiled and nuzzled his neck. "I'm sure you'll be happy in the end."
Alex didn't remove herself from him. "I've met a few men like yourself. One I watched throw a man across the room with out touching him. Another caught a cup with out actually touching it, it was quick. And now that I recognize the same in you, the emptiness I've felt each time. And you just all of a sudden magically appearing back in my senses I figured it all out."
This had to be the reason her half sister had liked Dane. To be normal with a person, that was heaven. She smiled at him. Alex leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I know what you are feeling. The power hides you from me."
She kissed his neck and bit his ear lobe softly. "I know it sounds like a cliche, but your emotions are mine. I can use them to read you, to know you in a way you've never thought possible. I can please you in a way no other can."
Alex moved against him with get desire. "What else can you do with that power of yours?"
Alex moved to his face. "Just keep in mind I can't read. This will be a new experience for me."
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It was clear enough that she wasn't afraid of him or his power. He liked that. He liked a girl with spunk, that was for sure. Always his favorite type. And of course, she knew all his buttons. He was able to only half-listen as she went on about her sensing him while doing her best to completely distract him. He guessed it must be true. At another time he might be worried about that. He had stuff to hide, as most people did. Well, maybe more than most. But right now, all of that was really hard to think about.
It wasn't like women needed a leg up in reading a man's feelings and all. Sheesh! They already were good at it. He'd had to work hard at learning to lie with a straight face. This seemed unfair. Then again, if the pay-off was what she said...well, he knew what the pay-off was. Yes he did. If she was telling the truth, it was why it was so good the first time around. If she was reading him, his own reading of her body language, well, he could believe it. It like one of those...cycles or whatever you called them. Whatever it was, it had be explosive.
Aaaaannnd of course, she started in again in earnest. But then, she suggested something new. "What else can you do with that power of yours?"
She kissed his face. "Just keep in mind I can't read. This will be a new experience for me."
He pulled her against him and laughed deeply in his chest.
"Oh...I can think of all kinds of possibilities."
He rolled her over so he was half on top of her. "I guess it's your turn not to know what's coming next."
A quick prayer and the power-flooded him and suddenly reality became more than reality. Every sense of his was on fire. His breath was ragged and deep.
And all kinds of ideas popped into his head and he smiled and licked his lips. As he began channeling air and kissing her neck, he whispered, "I think you're going to have to call in sick today. Maybe tomorrow too."
Threat of exposure or no, Alex was one friend he was going to keep.