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The bouncers broke up the fight, it really wasn't much of a fight. The guy in the maroon jacket spun and landed face first into Alex's chest. Her drink tumbled over and she grinned at him with surprise. The swizzle stick that was in her drink Alex put in her mouth, it was all she was going to taste of that one. "Guess I better buy you a drink before I do that."
Alex laughed with a hint of possibilities. He would do.
The bouncers etal pulled away the possibilities and Alex frowned, but hoped he'd had enough of an eye full. She smiled when he came back. "Bartender, another for the lady. What were you having?"
Alex smiled playfully at him. "Sex on the Beach."
She licked her lips as she watched the lust in his eyes. Alex opened her senses to him and only him. He would do just fine.
He looked her up and down. "Mind if I join you?"
The double meaning was clear.
Alex grinned. She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Your place or mine?"
Alex leaned back and took a sip of her newly arrived drink. "Alex."
She offered him her hand.
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A man larger than the one on the floor stood in front of Nox with a look of disapproval. Nox took his foot off the man with a grin at the bouncer. "He started it."
The bouncer nodded his head and picked the guy up by the scruff of his neck and walked him kindly to the door. Nox laughed. I did say step off or step out. Guess he got both.
Nox missed everything that had transpired with Bas and Pyotr but he did happen to see Bas land face first into a pretty lady. Stunning green eyes, that dress... too bad Bas got their first.
Nox put a hand on Bas' shoulder, there was no words needed. He went back to their table and took a swig of his now hot beer and frowned. Nox looked at weasel boy, he had stood up for himself, probably better stop calling him weasel boy then. He grinned at him from cross the table his lady friend was coming back with her friend. "Sit down ladies. Your friends were shown the door while you were gone."
He moved over and allowed the girls room. "What are the pretty Ducklings drinking tonight? My treat."
Nox put his arm around Pyotr's lady's friend. "Nox."
She smiled, it was pretty, her eyes were fake though, purple contacts. Why can't girls just keep it real. She giggled. "Yasmina.
Nox took her hand in his and kissed it gently. "A pleasure. And what is the fine lady drinking tonight?"
"What ever you're having will do."
Nox waved over the waitress and they all ordered. Nox requesting the same thing and the unopened part too. Yasmina corrected hers, she didn't want a beer. Instead opting for a Pink Lady instead. Whatever she wanted.
The power wafted through him. He didn't want to let it go, he only did so reluctantly, the temptation to use it was to much. He'd play wing man here, keep the extra girl occupied, maybe even take her home.
Edited by Nox, Sep 26 2014, 04:03 PM.
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Pyotr stood up to see Yegor and Stanislav getting "escorted" out. Pyour smiled at that and it caused some pain, but he was ok. Bas's face was planted in a woman's chest. He seemed fine too...better than fine actually.
Michelle was back at their table, looking in his direction. Yasmina, he could tell it was her now, was there too...talking to Nox. He seemed to be fine too...better than fine actually.
Pyotr walked over towards Michelle, pausing to grab a napkin to wipe the blood off. He was surprised that it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. Michelle approached him as he got closer.
"That was stood up to him. No one stands up to him.
she noticed the lip. "Are you ok?
He smiled through the pain. "Yeah I'm worries.
They both sat down. She was sitting closer to him than before and the look in her eyes was different. Pyotr didn't know how to explain it. Now one has ever looked at him like that before, and Pyotr didn't know what to think - except that she was gorgeous, and suddenly things made sense. He didn't know why he couldn't see it before. It wasn't complicated at all.
Pyotr order himself a drink and Michelle got one too. It was turning out to be a good night for him.
Edited by Pyotr Grigory, Sep 26 2014, 04:40 PM.
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Nox noticed a definite change in the young one. He hummed pop goes the weasel with out thinking about it. He laughed to himself. But he didn't seem too confident with the girl. The whole secret thing could play part of it but he did look like he liked her, and she CLEARLY liked him.
Nox pulled Yasmina closer and nuzzled her neck. She smelled nice, a hint of vanilla.
Nox grabbed the power and popped the top off his beer when it arrived. He made sure only Pyotr could see, rather he hid it from the table Pytor just happened to be in the right spot. It was amusing for him, he didn't care what the others thought. And the girls weren't drunk enough yet to show off the magic, the stories they would be telling to their friends.
Nox wove a small strand of air around the Pyotr's arm closest to Michelle. He lifted it like he would and wrapped it around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Get the hint. She put her head on Pyotr's shoulder.
Nox pulled Yasmin closer and pulled a drink from his beer. It would be a good night.
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Bas raised an eye at red's- no, Alex's- comment. Well well well. She was a woman who knew what she wanted. He smiled at her and shook her hand. "Sebastian. Friends call me Bas,"
he said. Yep, this night had turned out all right.
He looked back at how the others were doing and was surprised- pleasantly- that Weasel boy had seemed to make some headway with blondie's girl. Good for him. Course, being weasel boy, it looked like he needed a bit of help. Well, he'd have to figure it out for himself. Nox could if he wanted to. Bas was content to let him learn from his successes and failures- just like the fighting. Nothing taught you what worked better than getting a punch in the face or kiss from a woman. And the kid was in the mix now. Whatever happened, he'd be getting an education.
Nox, on the other hand, clearly had no need. He knew what he was doing. He briefly felt the familiar indication that the man- it could only be Nox. He just knew it.- had seized the power and done something with it. He smiled.
Compatriots busy, he turned back to Alex. Sure, it seemed in the bag. But he knew how women were. What they said was not what you thought they said. Just because she seemed to be saying she was good to go did not mean she meant exactly that. Very likely, she was flirting and indicating a measure of interest. But that did not mean he could taker her to his place and seal the deal. It didn't work that way, usually. It was his job to feed that interest and keep that interest.
None of which he minded. She certainly seemed worth it. He enjoyed the chase and the conversation as much as the other. Well maybe not as much, but still quite a bit. Was always nice to meet someone and connect with them. He called it making friends. And Alex looked like a very nice friend to make.
He looked out again and saw that things had pretty much returned to normal. There were even a few out on the dance floor. The music had that familiar Afro-Caribbean beat. An idea occurred to him.
Without a word, he looked her in the eye with a slow smile, took her hand and led her to the dance floor where they began to salsa. She was a natural, of course. He'd met few women who weren't able to pick it up almost intuitively. And he'd been out with enough that he'd learned rather quickly.
Of course, the whole point was to move in rhythm to each other, two bodies mirroring and complementing each other in time and response to the music. In the end, it was all rather sensual in its foreshadowing of what would happen later. But it could and was enjoyable for its own sake.
He found that a sense of adventure and humor always helped. A bit of show off flair at a specific point, a complicated directing of her body, a mocking laugh or a fumble to let her know that you didn't take yourself so seriously all let her know that you enjoyed her company for what it was at that single moment, that she inspired you. To him, that was what dancing was, at its core. Even if they never went home together, he'd still enjoy this, because it fucking fun. Period.
He enjoyed this moment. And the next. And they continued to dance.
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Pyotr saw Nox open his beer using the power. It made Pyotr smile. Nox liked to show off it seemed. Michelle was still close to him and he looked at her once more. That look in her eyes was still there and she had a slight smile. What was the look for - was she asking him something? Couldn't she just tell him what was going on in her head.
Suddenly his arm began to move, pulled by some thread that Nox was manipulating. Pyotr didn't resist, he just went with it, trusting that Nox had some sort of idea. He just hoped it didn't freak her out. His arm wrapped around Michelle's shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Michelle's smile widened as he did and she rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes in contentment.
So that's what that look means...
Pyotr thought.
It was a strange feeling, to know that someone liked that anyways. Never had a girl wanted to snuggle up with him before. Something was changing in Pyotr, and he liked it.
His thoughts were interrupted by his Wallet buzzing. Pyotr ignored it. Whatever it was, it could wait. He just wanted the moment to last longer.
Are you going to get that?"
Michelle asked him. Her eyes had that look again as she opened her eyes and looked at him.
Pyotr looked back at her. Some of her hair had fallen in front of her eyes. " can wait."
She smiled and wrapped her arm around his stomach, trying to pull him closer. Pyotr obliged as he pushed the lock of hair back and, the adrenaline from the entire night running through him, leaned down to give her one kiss. He was surprised he did it himself, and even though it hurt, he couldn't help but feel good as she returned it.
Edited by Pyotr Grigory, Sep 27 2014, 12:45 PM.
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Pyotr got the hit and Michelle was happier. Nox smiled and put his attention to the girl he was entertaining. She drank a bit too much, but she seemed like an interesting enough girl. Nox took her on the dance floor a few times before the drink got the best of her. It was time to take her home and make sure she got their safe and sound. Getting laid was looking dimmer, but he'd at least make sure she got home.
Nox grinned at Pyotr and clasped him on the shoulder. He'd done good. He leaned over and whispered. "Bas and I are gonna do a little sparring of a different nature."
Nox tapped a few buttons and sent weasel boy his information. "Give me a ring if you are interested in joining us."
Nox stood up and took Yasmina's hand. "I'm gonna get her home before she hurts either one of us. You take care of him Duckling."
He winked at Michelle.
Bas was dancing away with the girl in red. She moved like she wanted a whole lot more. He didn't figure they'd be sticking around long. Nox pulled Yasmina on to the dance floor, she swayed and moved with him, but was a lot more interested in just being close. Maybe the night wasn't all that lost. Nox took a few moments to focus his attention else where, getting her home was top priority, getting down and dirty on the dance floor wasn't his idea off fun, at least not this sober.
Nox put his arm around the lady in red and grinned at Bas. He leaned in to talk to him. "Call me and we'll spar."
Nox sent him his contacts. "She's ready to go home. I'm out. Nice catch."
He grinned and headed out with Yasmina wrapped around him.
Hailing a cab was easy leaving.
Edited by Nox, Sep 27 2014, 07:38 PM.
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Alex smiled as he introduced himself. There was little words between them. He took her out on the dance floor. It had been a while since she'd done any Salsa dancing. But in the end it really doesn't matter what kind of dancing it is, it all pretty much sends the same message.
Alex laughed when Bas added flair to his posture, his dips. It was all a show, he was pleasing, humorous and he was definitely confident in his ways. All very good. The more the night lingered on, she was glad Bas had landed literally in her lap.
His friend wrapped his arm around her and leaned in to whisper to Bas, she couldn't hear what he said and in all honesty it didn't matter. He was leaving, his girl was clinging to him for more than one reason. Alex turned and watched him walk away. He reminded her of something, he wasn't drunk, he was fully in his own mind, but his walk reminded her of something dangerous.
Alex turned her attentions back to Bas with a big smile. She put her finger under his chin and leaned in to whisper. "You never did answer me. My place or yours? I think you buddy has the right idea."
Alex kissed his neck softly, teasing for what could come next. He was handsome, he moved ever so well. It would be a great end to a wonderful evening.
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They finished the kiss and Nox and Yasmina were no longer there. Pyotr caught a glimpse of them dancing...well it was kinda dancing. Yasmina was a little drunk...only a little though...heh.
Pyotr looked at Michelle and nodded to the dance floor and to his surprise, she shook her head no and held onto him tighter. She seemed content to just sit and snuggle. Pyotr was fine with that - a bit relieved actually. He couldn't dance, and although he could feel some of the effects of the alcohol, he was nowhere near that drunk.
Nox came back with Yasmina clinging to him...invited him to spar with the power and gave his contact information. "I'm gonna get her home before she hurts either one of us. You take care of him Duckling."
That look came into Michelle's eyes and she gave Nox a mischievous smile that sent chills down Pyotr's spine. As Nox left and she turned that gaze towards Pyotr, he crossed his legs. The smile on Michelle's face became even more mischievous at the reaction.
"I think I want to go too."
They stood and now that they were standing, Pyotr was feeling the effects of the drinking a little more and he could tell Michelle was too. Pyotr didn't care. It gave them an excuse to hold each other as they started to head out. They stopped by Bas, Michelle was holding on to him tight with both arms, her head still resting on his shoulder.
"We're heading out - thanks for the invite out man. It was fun.
He sent his contact information to Bas. "Let me know if you guys go out again. Have a good one.
He clapped Bas on the shoulder and nodded at the woman with Bas in farewell, noticing really for the first time...just wow. They left and Pyotr hailed a taxi, as Michelle kept him close.
Edited by Pyotr Grigory, Sep 27 2014, 09:44 PM.
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The music and rhythm flowed through his body and he and Alex moved in time across the dance floor. The way her pony-tail swirled as she spun exposing the delicate white skin of her neck, the dress, already tight, draping across her hips and thighs as she moved showing off curves he ran his hands over, the dips and sway of her shoulders that only accentuated her cleavage and assets so pleasingly on display, the knowing look of playfulness and tease in her lovely green eyes and her heated smile. Bas felt a primal hunger that seemed to build in time to the music.
They were interrupted twice, first by Nox who was bailing with that one girl- she looked out of it and that meant that Nox wasn't going to finish out the night they way he'd hoped. Oh well, you win some you lose some. He didn't seem too put out, which was good. They exchanged contact info and he was out the door. They had barely gotten back to it when Weasel Boy- he should call him by his name, but damn if he could remember it. He seemed to have impressed blondie's girl enough. He had to be feeling like a rock-star, what with the night he was having. Bas have him a wicked smile. They traded contact info- Pyotr was his name- and then they too were out the door.
He looked down at Alex. She seemed to be done playing games. She put her fingers under his chin and leaned in to whisper, her lips tickling against his neck, "You never did answer me. My place or yours? I think you buddy has the right idea."
Then she kissed him there.
A slow smile crept across his face and his left arm went around her to pull her close against him and he kissed her thoroughly. As their faces pulled away to just millimeters, their noses barely touching, breathing the same air and looking into each other's eyes, he smiled at her mischievously as his right hand went down her back to stop on her nicely rounded back-side, which he squeezed. The cloth of her dress was thin and she was all woman, firm. Her eyes widened as she was pulled closer to him and he kissed her again before answering in a growl. "Your place."
They separated enough to walk, the music forgotten, and he took her hand and went to the bar where he threw down some CCD bills, got their coats, and soon found themselves in his car. After a few moments of kissing and wandering hands, the engine was on and he was driving down the road trying to follow the directions she'd given him. It was hard keeping his eyes on road, he kept looking over at Alex in that red dress that begged to be peeled off, the smokey looks she kept throwing him.
Somehow, they made it to her place and into her apartment.
What a night, he thought and he laughed when the red dress finally hit the floor. And she matches! It was the last coherent thought to penetrate his mind.