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Dorian was being plain rude in his response. He brought up good points, but at the same time, they had to do something. That's why they were here.
"To be honest, I don't know. What I do know is that I took an oath to protect others and now as a part of this group I protect others from things that people don't believe exist."
Calvin could feel his own emotions rising, He couldn't believe that this conversation was happening. "True - when they're dead, they are dead, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to save others from that fate. This isn't finding more work to do. This is our duty and our job."
Calvin gestured towards his badge. "This is a shield for a reason. If there is some way to defend the defenseless from these things than we have to do it. That's my job."
He looked Dorian directly in the eyes. "And it's yours too."
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Dorian sighed. "Do you even know what a nightmare is?"
Dorian's anger was about to make come apart. "Son, I've been doing this a long time. I've been taking care of the unknown since before I was a cop. You don't hunt a nightmare like you do a person. You don't bring them to justice like a human. They feed on fear. They feed specifically on those nightmares caused by fear. Yes, Moscow will attract every monster there is that can feed off of fear because of Ascendancy's announcement. But how do you propose we find the creature responsible for feeding? A hunter sits in wait night after night sitting in an idle space hunting just one creature. One solitary nightmare. He devotes his entire days to the creature until he kills it. We leave the fucking monsters to the Atharim. And we do our job. Monsters are not human - you don't bring them to justice - you kill them. There is no place in the police force for monster hunting. This is what the Atharim do. This is their sole purpose in life. But because the Atharim long ago decided that these Ascendants for a lack of a better word were dangerous then, they assume the same now. They hunt and they kill. We do not have the numbers to protect every human from every possible scenario from every possible monster. We just can't. We are tasked with the Ascendants and humans who pose a supernatural risk to the world. Monsters should be left to the Atharim."
Dorian knew as the words poured out of his mouth he was going to be put behind bars for even knowing that much about the Atharim. Vigilantes... Thank fucking you Ascendancy!
Edited by Dorian, Aug 10 2016, 01:10 PM.
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Captain Aleksandrov had been sequestered in his office since the night before. Locked away, working tirelessly to predict all the new problems they would face after the announcement. And with what was revealed, the calls had already begun to roll in.
Oddly, DI seemed almost calm compared to the rest of the CCD. There had been a moment where the city had been on the brink of violence. The discovery that magic was not only real, but that their charismatic, mysterious leader was one such being had caused quite the stir. And then, with one great show of power, that chaos had been quelled. Not everywhere, but much of the momentum behind the fear had vanished with his display.
At least in Moscow. Throughout the rest of the CCD, there had been violence, suicides, family and neighbors turning on each other. From across the CCD, there had been few reports of major events yet, but it was, sadly, just a matter of time. Humanity had found a new thing to hate, other then mere skin colour or the name of one's god, and it was a dangerously easy to justify hatred for once.
The growing commotion outside drew Aleksandrov's attention away from the growing list of crimes associated to the Domovoi task force. Accusations of witch craft, reports of thefts or assaults blamed on magicians, claims of mind control or bodily possession, unsolved cases suddenly being closed because of 'magic.'
A case report was printed off, and Aleksandrov grabbed it from the machine as he opened his office door, the first sign of life from within since he had closed the door the previous evening, leaving most to assume he had been out of the office.
He stopped in the doorway, fixing Calvin and Dorian with a long stare, before making his way towards the conference room, expecting the rest of the task force to simply fall in. On his way past, the printed papers were given to Dorian. A case file, some fifteen years old, with Drayson's name on it. "The Atharim have been killing monsters a long time, as I understand it, Detective. They have also been killing cops. And civilians. And witnesses. To keep themselves hidden. They had their reasons. But now it's time to start paying the price."
It was all he would say on the matter, and all he would entertain. On some conscious level, both himself and even the Chief Inspector could understand the reasons behind the Atharim's desire to stay hidden, to keep their activities from the public eye. People weren't ready for monsters. Hell, people weren't ready for magic and that had been in the public eye for months, years already. If one paid attention for it, of course. But murder was murder.
He wasn't about to sanction a bloody inquisition to hunt them down, but if they found themselves in conflict with his task force, or with the blood of another innocent bystander on their hands, all because that person had been unlucky enough to see something, he would give a lot of play to the ropes on Domovoi.
"Well gentlemen. All our years of keeping what we've seen quiet has paid off. You should all be pleased to know, that your previous precincts desperately want you back. And they will have you back. In a year, or two. Once Domovoi is set. Once we have ironed out The Book on how to deal with these things. Magic is real. Monsters...well, those will follow in time."
A pointed glance at Calvin and Dorian. Especially Dorian.
He shifted his gaze to Dr Pirozzi, and the newly arrived Officer Zinoviya, the heavier foot-fall of her prosthetic leg hinting at her approach before she even entered the room. Detectives Köhl and Favager were absent, already dispatched on another investigation.
She offered a quick apology in regards to traffic then took a piece of wall to stand next to; with her leg, the short chairs of the conference table weren't exactly comfortable. She tended to prefer high stools.
"Since The Ascendancy's announcement, the number of reports of magic-related crime have increased near ten-fold. Which doesn't sound like much, except that's just the number of such reports to reach the Chief Inspectors desk, after filtering through the hands of everyone below him. Out there, right now, are children being thrown to the street by their parents, terrified that their child suffered The Sickness at some point. A father in Germany turned himself in to the police this morning, after strangling his twins, and murdering his distraught wife. Because they might have been magic users. So we have work to do."
He eyed the file Dorian had tossed on the table, the list of names of potential Channelers. If Dorian let the issue drop about what the purview of the Atharim was, in contention with that of the police, he wouldn't ask any questions. Yet, at least. "The Chief Inspector is buried right now, fending off demands for this task force to be liquefied and for you all to be posted back to your original precincts. There are a whole slew of new laws that need to be put into place. Amendments to human rights. Hell, criminal codes. Prisons. Procedures. Everything needs to be rebuilt. From scratch. And it starts here, with how we deal with things.
"Some of these magic users are bad. Most aren't. Some people are bad. Most aren't. We catch a thief, he goes to jail. Not simply as punishment. Programs there afford him a chance to learn practical life skills. Gain some degree of education. Gain the tools to earn a living, and become functioning member of society. So what about a magic user? We can't put them in general populace. They can't be afforded the same freedoms and rights in prison. With magic, they could wreak havoc, escape, kill. So what do we do with them?"
A moment's pause before he continued again, "We've already seen what these people can do. We've lost too many good police officers in our last few run-ins with these types of people. Once, because we were unprepared, again because of pure bad luck."
The gas leak at The Ministry that had resulted in the fire and deaths of some of Domovoi's SWAT team.
"So. Questions, comments, concerns, bitchings and complaints. Get it out now. We'll see what we can settle, then we move on and get to work."
Edited by Drayson, Aug 12 2016, 08:07 PM.
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The captain's arrival made Dorian look up. He was certain shit would hit the fan, but the most that happened was a stern look and a case file handed to him.
Dorian glanced at the case file he was handed. It wasn't until the end of the report and the mention of the oroborous tattoo that Dorian understood what the file was about. He read it closer. Paying attention to what was being said more than actually reading the words on the paper. He was looking for what it was. There were many killers, copy cats they claimed. It was like reading a horror story really. Attributed to drugs in the end. But it was the attack of the man with the tattoo that made Dorian wince.
The Chief Inspector had been the victim of an Atharim attack - one that believed all witness' should be dissolved. Dorian was thankful most in Madrid gave some leniency. Killing civilians was a difficult thing to cover up. Some Atharim just lived for the kill. Dorian hated those hunters. They made his job so much harder, but he'd covered for them. Done is job. He was as guilty as they were.
Dorian didn't have any questions. Any complaints. All he wanted to know was where to start.
But it was Alex who spoke first. "We can't do anything but sedate the magic users. Dane Gregory a minor infraction for his holding used his power to push around the officers holding him. Sedating him was the only means of keeping his power in check. They should be treated, and I can't believe I'm the one saying this, like the mentally ill."
Dorian sighed and he echo'd the good doctor's words, I can't believe I'm doing this... He rolled up both of his sleeve, the left revealing arm covered in dark black tattoo, in the center of his forearm was the simple oroborous surrounding the Chinese symbol for son, the Atharim tattoo was neatly nestled between the flames that covered the rest of the left side of his upper body. He was confirming to his captain what he said next was the absolutely truth in the matter. "The Atharim know of no means to contain the power."
There were legends of course - of controlling a god - them working on the Atharim's side whether it was willfully or coerced or even controlled, but those were just tales in books. There was no real proof and there certainly wasn't any record of how those things may or may not have been accomplished.
"Cap, I only have one question... Where do we start?"
The mess was huge. And he wasn't even talking on a personal level, if Dorian thought about that - about how his son was no in double danger because of him he would run home and hide Cruz in the basement until the world ended. Because that is what mattered to him... it was the only thing that mattered.
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Ivan's drive back was slow, as the crowds dispersed, and he had time to think. Many of the crowd remained behind, still milling about the statue and archway, seeking to touch it or whatever. It reminded him of something he's seen in school on the vids. DV was it? A sea of people circling a big cube building, people moving in unison, bowing and sitting up. It was just a flash of an image and he couldn't remember more except the surprise at seeing so many people....united he guessed was the word.
He wondered if that would happen here. Would people start going on pilgrimages to Red Square like they did to the different monasteries and other holy places. Would they crawl on their hands and knees in penitence?
Somehow, he wasn't sure how he felt about that. He understood that what Ascendancy had done was, well, necessary, he supposed. And the man was the Dominion. That was ingrained in him since childhood.
But worship was different. If he had to put a finger on it, it was that that bothered him. Awe or fear or devotion was one thing. A person could feel that way about a mentor or a parent or someone else they looked up to. But there was a line, a mental one. An attitude, maybe, where...he trailed off trying to put his unease into words. Worship. Adoration. Giving that to a man- however powerful- it just made him uncomfortable. Ascendancy had his loyalty, his devotion. And he would keep his oath. But he didn't think he could ever cross that line in his head.
Somehow, he felt guilty about that.
Back at the station, the cap was out speaking with the others. It had only been a short while that he'd been gone, but it felt like a lot had happened. The new guy looked irritated, which was odd. Usually new guys liked to keep a low profile and learn the ropes before sticking their heads up. Especially one so fresh from the academy. Dorian had his sleeves rolled up, his large tattoos visible. For a moment, Ivan wasn't sure what was going on. Tats were fine but usually needed to be covered up at the office.
But no. Dorian was exposing himself to the Cap as Atharim. Despite himself, Ivan smiled and saluted him with a nod. In for a penny, in for a pound, as the saying went. The guy was serious. That's a good dad, he thought.
Alex was intent on everyone. Ivan sat down and nodded to the captain. He would not interrupt, not until he was called upon. He'd probably get a private dressing down for having left, but it had been the right thing to do. Until Ascendancy had performed his miracle, the crowds were this close to going off, supporters and protesters at each other's throats. He hoped the Pastor was ok. The bruises weren't bad, but the guy didn't look like he got into fights, even when he was younger.
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Calvin could feel the tension in the room. His own emotions caused it as much as the fear in the room. The Captain entered, and a short speech and glance was given in his and Dorian's direction. Their fight would be ended like that.
The anger Calvin had felt, it had worried him. Anger wasn't a good emotion for him to feel, but he hadn't felt the wolf within him rise. It wasn't the wolf that was angry. It had been him. It was a hard line to walk, but one he knew that he had to. It was walk that line or succumb to insanity.
Dorian seemed to calm down and he did as well. A few deep breaths and Calvin was as calm as he had been before. Calvin went back to listening as the Captain spoke, then Alex, and finally Dorian.
Detective Sarkozy entered remaining quiet as he sat down. But the offer of questions had been given, and Calvin only had one - the same as Dorian's. "My question is the same as his. Where do we start?"
Calvin was ready for his assignment, but repeating Dorian's question brought his earlier anger back to his mind. He owed the other man an apology. One he would give when they were set on their assignments.
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There was a moment of tired contemplation on Captain Aleksandrov's features as Dorian displayed the tattoos on his arms. Naturally, police officers were required to have yearly physical examinations, and identifying features such as tattoos or birth marks were recorded on file. Partly in case of charges being laid against a police officer, partly for ease of identification should said officer have been so grievously disfigured as to have to rely on such an outdated technique.
So he had been aware of the tattoos, but had had no reason to attribute them to Dorian's self-revealed Atharim connection. The fact that the man had, on his own volition, provided a list of names that Domovoi could work with to start finding and, hopefully, protecting magic-users the Atharim were already aware of, had already earned him some credit in Aleksandrov's books. That he would go so far as to openly out himself at the table, in front of most of Domovoi, spoke further in the man's favor.
"We start with finding these people. The self-registration site has been running into some trouble lately. Hackers spamming the system, because they don't understand the danger these people could be in right now. Not just from the Atharim, but from family and friends as well. Fear of the unknown is a powerful motivator to commit terrible acts. I have no interest in going to war with the Atharim. None. But I will not allow them to wantonly execute people for things they COULD do."
He looked to Dr Pirozzi, "I am not fond of the old American prison system. Incarceration for the sake of punishment and profit. Rehabilitation is key. And that cannot be achieved if a magic-user must spend their entire sentence, or their entire life, sedated in a straight-jacket. We need to find another way to inhibit the use of their powers. Otherwise, people will start suggesting a deep hole and a bullet."
It was just a matter of time before someone higher in the bureaucracy of the CCD's government, namely someone linked to the Ascendancy himself, would pass down a mandate to the police, and to Domovoi likely, on how to deal with magic users. But in the mean time, they needed to establish as much groundwork as they could, as quickly as they could. At least in part to justify their existence.
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Dorian's thoughts were not something he would reveal to the group. But the inability to contain a person's natural born gift was the reason that the Atharim killed godlings. Once they came into their potential, they were near unstoppable. But Dorian wasn't going to get into the history of the Atharim. He still believed in the Atharim - believed they served a purpose.
Dorian frowned. "I don't know if you will find a way to contain a power that is naturally born into a person. It is very much like the good Doctor says. Maybe she can develop a drug that could inhibit their ability. I'm sure my father would love to work with the CCD in developing technology to do just that if you can find away to isolate the means. Technology being what it is, we have an advantage over the men of old. But that is human experimentation highly controversial."
Dorian continued with a brief pause. "But the Atharim are not all bad. They serve a purpose. I can offer my experiences, but they are ilimited by being an officer of the law. There are possibly others that could help us. And not just with the g...magical problem. As the newb here has said, there are other dangers. Nightmares are real. The creatures in the tunnels are all very real. But the Atharim know one thing and one thing only - it is killing the monsters. They can't help us with the gods. Sorry, magically inclined."
Old habits died hard.
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"The Captain has a point though,"
Calvin said. "Not saying that having a medication to sedate their powers is bad, but it needs to be regulated so that it isn't used against innocent people. Seems like most options have a bad side though. For now are we to try to find these...mages?"
he said, trying to figure out what word to use. "Is there a way for us to identify them before we have explosions and fireballs. Not all mages will come forward."
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Ivan listened to the exchange. All good questions. And his respect for Dorian grew. The guy had made a choice and was all in. And to his credit the new guy wanted to jump in and get his feet wet. He just hoped he didn't crack at what they faced. The guy looked like he'd had a rough few years, from the lines on his face. Kinda old for a rookie. Not kinda. Pretty old. That said starting out on a new life. Still, he had some experience otherwise he wouldn't have made rapid progress both as new cop or being admitted to Domovoi.
The questions raised were from all sides- and they all had their point. He might as well get his in the mix. "I think everyone here is right. Obviously, we don't want to just detain someone because they can do things- things like the Ascendancy can. At the same time, we need a way to hold them. The equivalent of bars or handcuffs. At least until they can be rehabilitated."
If they could. He looked at Alex and nodded. "Dr. Perozzi has a good idea. And...we can test them."
He looked at the cap. "I know Domovoi has gotten a lot of new weaponry. Perhaps we can find something in there to help us as well."
He took a breath. This was the part he didn't like. But he was it. And they needed it. He seized the power- suddenly he could smell the aftershave of the cap, the slight perfume Alex wore, the stench of old burned coffee, sweat and wet clothes from the other detectives after a night on the job- and wove a simple thread of fire above his palm. "I am willing to work on this problem. I do have some....insight into the difficulty."
There it was. Now they all knew.