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The wolf pack leader - which was a female (something that confused Enrique) - decided to allow some pups to come into the city to allow for Marta's training. A young male pup name Splashing Fish was assigned to Marta. With a name like that, Enrique thought investing in some extra towels would be a good idea.
Marta spoke to the mother wolf, thanking her, and telling her that she would watch over Splash like her brother. Enrique doubted the wolves would like being pets, and Marta seemed to instinctively understand that. It was something that Enrique was grateful for.
Before they went to bed that night, Enrique spoke to the two women. "i have a house in town. Not a bad place - the basement in finished, and your are more than welcome to stay there if you wish. No charge."
The offer was genuine. They were helping Marta and that was payment enough. He assumed they'd want to stick together. It appeared as if the two were a couple. "If not, Marta's schooling is online - so we can work around whatever schedules you have. We'll leave early tomorrow morning so that the wolves don't become too restless with me around."
Enrique gave them his address and contact information so they could get a hold of him when they were ready. The next morning they would get up early and prepare to leave. Enrique made sure to let Marta know that she had to check with Chases Butterflies before they left. He wasn't about to take a pup before its mother was ready to let it go.
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Dawn came and the little wolves were ready to venture forth into the city. But only Splashing Fish left with the sun. Stinging Nose and the others stayed with Sierra and Elyse disappointed. Stinging Nose kept sending images of leaving and questions Sierra had no idea how to answer.
Sierra wanted to talk to Elyse before they left. She wasn't even sure if the other woman was ready to go back to civilization. Sierra wasn't sure she was. But it was because of Elyse's past that they fled to the country side.
Sierra's lease was likely up already and probably rented out already. The price you pay when you have a week to week rent. It was all Sierra could manage. She had the money to pay more, but she didn't like staying in one place too long - specially the city.
Sierra looked to Elyse, "My place is probably gone by now. Do you want to go back to the city now? We can find someplace else.... or stay near Marta."
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Elyse awoke and was glad to see she had a night's sleep clear of nightmares and dreams. She still had trouble sleeping at times. The disturbing nightmares she had in the dream world sometimes haunted her in her real dreams. She was also worried that she would see Nox's face in them as well.
Marta had headed out with her wolf companion, and Elyse had been told that Stinging Nose had been assigned to her. The wolf had been a great comfort to her the night before, so Elyse was glad for it.
Elyse looked towards Chases Butterflies, and thanked her for allowing her to take Stinging Nose into the city. She also sent images to the older wolf to let her know that she would treat him as her brother - which he was.
Elyse smiled as Sierra spoke. "When you are ready, we can head back. I'm doing better. Having a sense of purpose has helped with the pain. As for where...well - either works for me. We can always accept his offer and if it doesn't work - go elsewhere. At least we'll have a place until we find our own."
Elyse gave her friend another smile. "I know that you're not big on being around people. I want to go where you'll be as comfortable as possible."
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Chasing Butterflies decided Elyse needed the chaotic love of the little pup who she'd first befriended. They were both a little sad, but Stinging Nose and Sierra knew they'd still be able to talk to each other. But Stinging Nose was also proud he got to teach Elyse more. He said Sierra didn't need as much help. That made him puff up even more.
Instead Chase sent the runt of the litter with Sierra. He was small but feisty and his name was pretty much an image of him pressing forward against a tree that was immovable but it didn't stop him from trying. It was meant as a joke amongst the other wolves but Sierra saw it as Never Give up against All Odds. And that's why she called him Never.
"We can try there. I have nothing better. And we'll at least be close to Marta to help her. I wish we had someone when we found out."
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Elyse smiled at Sierra and her pup. The little guy never gave up. He was a cute little guy to say the least. Elyse was also glad to be feeling better, but she knew Sierra would be nervous about going back to civilization.
"Well then,"
Elyse said beginning to pack up her own gear. "Let's get to it."
Elyse helped Sierra with packing hers as well. She thought about what Sierra had said. She had wished she had someone to help her. Elyse could relate to that. It was scary enough going through the dream and figuring things out, but Elyse had worried about her parents too. Elyse was sure now, had they found out, they would have killed her.
It didn't take long to pack. Neither woman had much in terms of personal belongings.
"I know what you mean,"
Elyse said with a sigh. "I was terrified when I changed. My parents - with what they do...I was scared for them to find out."
Elyse was glad to help the young Marta ,but she was also glad for Sierra, who despite her misgivings with people, had dropped everything to help her. Elyse moved foward and wrapped her friend in a hug.
"Thank you,"
she said. "I know I haven't been easy the past couple of days with my emotions going haywire."
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Sierra wasn't used to hugs from relative strangers. Elyse was her friend, but the hug seemed out of no where. Not comforting just a hug - thankful. It took her a moment to wrap herself around the other woman before letting go. "You had cause. No one can fault you. But if you are ready then so am I."
Never was pushing against her ankle. He was ready to go to. They were all ready to go help Marta out. Even Sierra. She kinda wished she could talk to Elyse the same was as the wolves instead of having to have it translated or spoke aloud. People always thought she was crazy before - Elyse understood.
The hike back to civilization was going to be interesting. Sierra took the time to inform Never of his duties as a 'pet' that he had to follow or someone might take him away from her. Sierra spoke out loud as she did so, mostly so Elyse heard what she was saying to Never and to Stinging Nose. Hopefully the other pup had behaved well... they probably should have all left together to insure it.
The city was in view and Never became excited but he stayed at Sierra's side and behaved himself. "Good Boy. Let's see if we can find Marta and her father."
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Elyse smiled as they finished up and headed back to civilization. Sierra informed the wolves of how they would have to behave in the city so that they would not get taken away. The two wolves seemed to understand.
As if to prove it, the wolves contained their excitement upon getting close to the city. Instead of running, they stayed at the sides of their companions. Elyse took her cue to send Enrique a message. It didn't take him long to respond.
"Alright. I have an address."
Elyse took the lead from there, leading the ragtag group though the city to the address indicated. The house was red and appeared to be in good shape. It looked like a nice place to build a home.
Elyse led them to the front door and knocked. Enrique soon answered.
"Welcome...come on in."
Elyse entered and saw Marta sitting on the couch. She was working on a tablet and Spash was laying next to her. Absently, Marta was scratching the wolf behind the ear and the young pup sent images of bliss as she did. Elyse couldn't help but smile at that.
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Sierra was more than happy to let Elyse navigate the streets of Moscow. It wasn't her favorite thing to do but she could manage. The pups were looking around the city with lots of question. They didn't know what to call the buildings. The images all asked where the leaves were or other questions Sierra wasn't capable of answering to a wolf who knew nothing of humans. She and Snow had learned together. She missed Snow, but Never sent her an image of the three of them together. Snow watching over them in the dream! That made Sierra smile.
They made it to a red house and Never started growling before the door opened. Elyse was just inside the door when a cat darted across the front of the house and out into the road. The cat barely missed the car driving past the house. Never darted after the cat.
Sierra tried to send messages for Never to stop but he was blinded by the chase - the hunt. Sierra had no choice but to run after the little pup as he chased a cat through the streets of Moscow.
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Elyse smiled, noticing that Marta now had golden eyes. She was about to comment as Stinging Nose sent her an image of Never chasing a cat. Oh boy.
Elyse instructed to the wolf to stay here and explained to Enrique. "We'll be back. Sting is going to stay here."
Stinging Nose was older and was able to keep himself in check a little better. He entered the hose and took a spot next to Splash as Elyse left, catching up to Sierra.
"Stinging Nose is in the house. Let's find the little one."
They could easily sense the presence of the wolf. It was just keeping up with it that would be the problem. Hopefully this would be solved soon.
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[[ So Sorry you should have poked me sooner and repetitively!! ]]
Elyse came with her but she hadn't expected it. Chasing a butterfly was definitely not something she expected from Never. But it fit his bull headed nature when she'd said stay he ran off. This was going to more of a challenge than she thought.
But Never veered from the butterfly he sent images of fun and chase and catching him. Never darted out in front of cars and they screached to a halt before narrowly missing him.
There was a howl as one car passed another and Never was hidden from view. Sierra ran across the street heedless of the cars. She was just as likely to get hit, but things seemed to slow.
Lying on the sidewalk Never was whining. Sierra saw he was a live, he was sending images of pain and dying but Sierra only saw a scratch. She'd have to take him to the vet. But Sierra sent the pup a message. It was clear... Big car, little pup and then a very bloody mess afterwards.
The puppy whimpered in pain and scared now. Sierra sent him another message of him, and her and elyse and the rest of their little pack helping him get better and stronger but he had to listen.
Sierra wasn't sure if he would, but at least he would for now. She looked to Elyse, "You know a good vet? Someone needs to look at his hip, I think he might have broken it."