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As they entered yet another room gilded with a shameful history, Evie did not suppress her smiles. Brandon was likely to interpret her starry-eyed gaze as the starstruck wonderment of a girl from the sticks, and Evie was glad to let his presumptions rule. In truth, she was gleefully proud of how quickly she had charmed her way into Brandon's world. He shared stories of his time living in these buildings. He showed her trinkets that caught his fancy, and unfurled opulence as though trying to win her fascination. He wasn't far off on that, though. She was impressed by the resplendent interiors. If only the Secretary could see her now. Word of their evening together would spread. They passed cleaning crews, roaming security, and random Custody officials. She flashed each and every one a warm smile. Most responded with expressions that made her think them unused to the kindness. Well, the Custody wasn't known for its nurturing embrace, although it was clear that the man at her side intended her to think otherwise.
She did take note of his scattered glances. Brandon kept an easy pace, but it was obvious that he was the leader. She didn't mind being led along, if only for the fact that she was utterly lost in the maze of rooms and fervently intended to avoid looking like a lost little girl searching for her way. She intended to learn the path, however, at whatever cost.
Finally, they ended in a room she recognized. The throne room that Ascendancy clearly declared as his. He never uttered the words, but the symbolism in his Archway and crown were obvious. He thought himself a king, or more, perhaps emperor was more befitting his control of an empire. He sat in that throne when they were introduced. Evelyn's gaze darkened with disgust as she caught sight of the seat looming behind Ascendancy's shoulder. He thought himself above all of them, herself included, but atop those stairs, he sat alone. All emperors fell, eventually. They died or their forces turned against them. And Brandon had no legacy to carry on after his passing. Despite what he claimed, he was certainly as mortal as she was. Thank God he had no partner to uphold this half of the world. He would be unstoppable then.
He strolled away from her, lost in his own thought, but the gleam in his eye when he about-faced caught Evie off-guard. Her breath caught in her chest. His persona was always cast to as cold and strong, but the golden glow of the room cast warmth on the paleness of his face. It lit his eyes with a fire as though the flames of a fireplace reflected in the blackness of his pupils. Perhaps it was more. Perhaps she was seeing a soul in the soulless after all. Trano hated this man; Francis hated this man; most of America hated this man; but so many, so painfully many, loved him. It was maddening.
"A ball?"
She sputtered, immediately hating that his proposal caught her by such surprise as to make her stutter. Three billion dollars? She fumbled over the math, vexed by the slow crawl of her mind. His suggestion to raise funds for the Africans underminded so much of what she knew about him, that her thoughts raced for a clever answer. "The Custody is not in the habit of charitable causes. I would ask myself why you would propose such an event, but I have an idea as to your motivation."
She pursed her lips thoughtfully. He was doing this to show off for her, that was clear, as much as he had by taking her through the palace. Only instead of showing her trinkets and wallpaper, he showed off his rich bourgeoisie friends.
He came closer, and her smile flattened into a serious purse of her lips. His proximity loomed and she suddenly wished herself taller, but the desire was futile. She would meet his piercing gaze with strength of her own. If she couldn't match him in the power and if not in authority, then she would by sheer presence of will.
Seconds passed, maybe minutes. Her heart raced.
If he was going to go to so much trouble, the least she could do was respond. "Alright. I will attend as your guest. If only to make sure that the fundraiser supports the promises you make."
Edited by Evelyn, Dec 22 2017, 08:03 PM.
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As he and Evelyn stared one another down in playful competition, Nikolai realized no other woman had ever behaved around him like she did. Plenty were flirts, and others were demure or brazen, presenting themselves in manners they thought he would prefer. In fact, only one woman in recent memory outright dismissed his attention, but he had long ago forgotten her name, if not her face. He had felt a familiarity with her that he found intriguing, but not so much as to pursue it once the opportunity passed. Other than Evelyn, that creature was the only one to ever draw his attention beyond the superficial.
Now, in this moment, while Evelyn contemplated his offer and toyed with his patience for a reply, he realized the reason why he found the young woman so captivating. She stood up to him not in defiance nor bravery, but in determination to match his will. She would have a long way to reach before attaining such a goal, but light above was she even thirty years old? The blink of an eye and she seemed nothing more than a child, but upon another blink, her youth was perpetual, born of vibrancy and passion rather than immaturity. That passion would serve her well. Nikolai was determined that it would serve him also. if only he could discover the depths of its motivation.
Unlike Evelyn, he paid little attention to whomever they encountered in the Kremlin halls that evening. Unless directly approached, such people were usually peripheral, necessary but periperal to the operation of an empire's seat of government. Now, however, his eyes flicked around the room, noting their privacy, excepting of course the two Barrier Preator guards nearby. His heart thudded in his chest, and he allowed his gaze to slip to her hands. Taking them in his own, he lifted her knuckles to his lips and whispered, "I do so promise,"
then touched them to his lips and smiled rather boyishly. "Hold me to them."
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Her coy smiles were snuffed by the blue flames of his eyes. This man whose face she knew almost as well as her own hovered so close, she could smell the scent of his aftershave. Their surroundings became foggy. Evelyn's hands were meallable to his touch, and the kiss upon her knuckles shivered bumps up and down her arms. His oath had the ring of wedding vows to it. Evelyn's lids fell low, darkening the world around them.
This man was a legend. The man that swore an oath to her and asked her to keep him honest was known in every corner of the earth, yet he needed her to remind him of his place in it.
What were riches and powers if they were not used to the benefit of the greater good? Only one day in Moscow and the winds of the Kremlin shifted altruistically because of her. Evelyn shivered at the thought that she might influence the Ascendancy for the better. God's plan was for her to be here, she always believed that, but she always thought her purpose was to protect the channelers of America from prejudice and harm.
That God may use her to influence the Ascendancy himself was an honor, no, a duty she could not reject. She practically streamed with ethereal power and felt it flow from her soul in order to brighten his. Her light would act upon the destiny of mankind through Nikolai Brandon. It all seemed so clear now that it was silly she hadn't thought of it before.
Eyes returning from their place in the heavens, they fastened onto his, "I will hold you to your word, Ascendancy,"
she responded breathlessly and stepped close that he may kiss her.
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Something was wrong.
Nikolai had what he wanted. The Congresswoman was willing to purchase his allegiance. She was practically begging for it, but something was wrong. His heart hardened, despite the conflict within. He should take this beautiful woman in his arms. He should sweep the hair from her face. He should peer deep into her vibrant, youthful eyes and lose himself in them.
But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He'd spent the entire evening charming the Senator into trusting him. Her sympathies toward the CCD, toward him specifically, would prove valuable in Washington. He was going to host the fundraiser, that was too fortunate an opportunity to pass up, and in effect, was a means to do the very same thing with Jacques as he was doing with Evelyn. He was buying their loyalty. Jacques' with money he could not afford to decline, and Evelyn with -- what? Power dangled like a carrot? A queenly consort?
It was wrong. But that didn't mean he couldn't kiss her, couldn't sweep her off her feet... His heart tried to split in two. It wrenched his gut sick, but he willed it to stone. He was better than this.
This was not the way to win her loyalty. It ripped his heart out to step away.
"Thank you for your candor. I will make sure you receive all the information as soon as the plans are made. Have a good evening, Congresswoman."
His voice trembled as he departed, but his jaw was set with the decision made. Evelyn would not be his, tonight or ever.
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Evie's eyes fluttered open, only to observe the Ascendancy walking away. The warmth and familiarity that nearly caught her up was completely removed, and she felt like an island suddenly realizing it was utterly lost at sea.
She blinked in her sudden solitude, and whipped around to confirm that she was indeed alone. She hadn't imagined their connection. She could not have been wrong! How could he just walk out on her like that?!
She clutched the cross necklace and mumbled a prayer for guidance. Her ire cooled as the spirit of Jesus touched her heart. She had not been wrong about her purpose here. Junior congresswoman though she was, she had more leverage to reroute the CCD's place in the world than any other dignitary come before. Her first night in the Kremlin and she arranged for the donation of record-setting billions of dollars for charitable purposes. Ascendancy thought it was his machination, but it was Evie that inspired the cause. She could not let this accolade slip away. Ascendancy had to acknowledge it. He had to admit it, if not to her, then to himself.
The peace of God gave her strength, and she channeled God's power to her needs. "Wait,"
she called so that the flows carried her voice to him.
She hurried to catch up with him, and ignored the agents always shadowing him as she pushed past their barricade. "I will hold you to your promises, just as I said I would. But I will not let you leave until you tell me why you would do all this. Tell me."
She demanded, yearning to hear the validation she knew in her heart to be true.
God give her strength, she knew why, but she had to hear him say it.
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<small>(Live post between Evelyn and Ascendancy)</small>
He needed to be away from her. He could not trust himself, despite the discipline and measured control he prided himself for maintaining. He hurried from the throne room with long, calculated strides that carried him swiftly away. He longed for the basement sanctuary currently under construction. Kicking around the dirt and debris of the battle-field that was his home would be a waste of time, however. So he aimed for his office. He wanted to sequester himself from the night, send his messages, and prepare the consulates for the ball.
But a voice pulled him back. Evelyn's voice, distant, yet heard clearly, paused his steps. He flushed with a chill that unnerved him, and he turned slowly. Her approach was direct, and her gaze was daring. She demanded explanation that Nikolai could not deny her. Her eyes pleaded despite the insistence to her tone. Few but for his closest counselors had the courage to interrupt his pace, let alone extract his innermost schemes unsolicited.
He gestured that the Preator agents let her pass. Why intervene into affairs outside his empire now? Why rescue a continent only when it was convenient? Should he say it was because his time had come? Because he revealed his true divinity to the world, the first and greatest channeler alive, the Archon, the Apollyon and he was ready to claim the rest? Because he wanted to save the world from itself and now was the time to act before someone else did? No, he could not tarnish the optimism and hope that radiated from this woman with his cynical motives. He could not tell her the whole truth, but he could reveal some of it. The temptation to embrace her rose again, but Nikolai resisted the call. He had to see how she responded first.
"Because I want the United States to know that I am not evil. Because I want the savior of Africa bound to me and through him we can save the continent from itself. Because women and children need medicine and shelter. Because I have the means to act and I finally realize that I should do exactly that. I can herald a new age of prosperity and peace, Evelyn, but I need the world, namely, your world, to believe I am not evil in order to do it."
The United States was his last hurdle toward conquering the planet. Their resistance was what kept the western continents from entering the Custody's fold. If what was once the strongest nation on earth would simply bow to him, that age could begin. This woman, Evelyn Avalon, was his ally toward building that realm. He had to make her see, but he had to do so while resisting the pull to simply lay it all at her feet.
His voice fell to a whisper, "Is that what you wanted to hear?"
Evie's gaze softened, "No. It is not. Be truthful with yourself. Be truthful with me."
Her words pierced his heart like an arrow, wounding him more than Regus or Garrett or Michael ever could. He couldn't tell her the truth. She would flee and so too would ruin this perfect chance to infiltrate the heart that held Washington in its grasp.
He hesitated to answer. Was he truthful with himself? Was the reason to win the heart of his enemy or to win the heart of this woman?
His sanctuary called again. "Come, I want to show you something."
The basements were immediately comforting. The elevator was still out of use, so they took the stairs where the battle began. Plastic covered walls that were half-boarded up. Pipes and electric wires were exposed. The gleam of bedrock-carved rooms from under the Kremlin.
"Step carefully,"
he advised. Power tools were left out. Dust and nails littered the floor. His eyes roamed immediately toward the spot where the Ijiraq's body was discarded. Michael had it removed, Nikolai recalled to the man's credit. Perhaps to study it, or perhaps to learn their weaknesses. He didn't care. He was simply grateful it was gone.
Evie broke him from the memory, "This was where it happened, wasn't it?"
Nikolai turned to face her. Pain and torment touched his face like shadows. She studied their surroundings. "Yes."
he replied, "but not as you think."
He was drawn to her, that was certain. Revealing this secret was dangerous. She could leak it to the world and undermine everything he built so far. He was trusting her immensely with this knowledge, but something in him drove the need to share it. She had to know in order for her to truly understand his cause. Only then would she truly believe in him.
"There was no bomb. It was the Atharim. You've heard the word before. The Atharim penetrated the very defenses of my home and here I fought them back."
Not the whole truth, but enough of it. "The pictures that were leaked of my injuries were real. But I regenerated, Evie. I healed. Why? Think about it? Think of what I have done in my lifetime. Think of the world order fifty years ago and think of what it could be another fifty. Look at me, Evie. Look into my eyes and tell me you don't see agelessness."
He grasped her hands, "Look into my eyes and tell me you don't see a god."
Evelyn nearly fainted when he called her by her childhood nickname. Beyond that, she could not believe what she was hearing. No bomb? This was his home? He regenerated like he'd been touched by the hand of Jesus himself. He was pleading with her. When she looked into his eyes, she saw all his greatness. She'd studied him her whole life and knew exactly what he had accomplished. She shuddered to think what the world would be like in another fifty years. It would likely be unrecognizable, but he clearly thought that was for the best. But it wasn't democratic. It wasn't right to rule by theocracy. He wanted her to admit what he believed to be true, but she refused to say it.
"You're not a god,"
she would break him to utter the truth, but the truth was painful. She could not feed that lie. "You're a man. A brave, powerful, strong and righteous man, but a man. Even the greatest of kings were men. The Pharaoh's of old were men. The Emperor's of conquest were men. You are mortal just like me."
He shook his head in response. Just then, the room began to dim. The lights lowered like a black sheet doused their light. Then a fog of darkness rolled forth from Ascendancy. His expression was war and his countenance hellish. Evelyn should have regretted telling the Ascendancy what he did not want to hear, but she didn't fear him. He drew strength from the darkness that erupted.
That was when Jesus revealed her true purpose. She gasped at the revelation. She was not here to guide the CCD, nor was she here to draw a treaty on channeler rights. She was here to save this man from his own darkness. Her light was his salvation. The light of Jesus flowed through her, and she whispered for his power to cleanse the demons from Ascendancy's soul.
She held forth a hand and approached him, "Nikolai,"
she spoke through the darkness that overtook her vision. Light spun from her own soul, but it did not penetrate. Not yet. She had to reach him. She had to get through.
she called, gripping the cross that dangled from her neck. "Together."
She whispered the epiphany, and the beautiful flows of God's power melded with those of darkness. Light met dark and in response, a great glow gleamed like a crystal casting a million points of radiance surrounded them.
In that moment, she saw him for what he really was. He glowed bright as the sun. How had she never seen the glow before? She squinted, focused, and forced herself to peer through the pain to the man beneath. She took a step forward, and shadows skittered from her feet. Another step and emptiness fled. Another step and the power of Jesus entwined itself with the powers of channeling. She released the cross necklace. It fell forgotten to her chest. She reached out with both hands and clenched his shoulders.
It was not that long ago when Nikolai stood in this room and summoned his power to cloak him in a curtain of darkness. His reflection in the mirror waned and disappeared at that time, but the spell broke when he moved. This time, in the same room where the Ijiraq pulled more power through him than he thought existed in the entire universe, he wove the same threads. Black clouds rolled like smoke from his feet consuming the flesh of that mortal body. But the spell did not require sheer strength to finish, he realized. He did not draw deeper upon the power to complete it. Instead, he realized it collapsed because it had been incomplete to start with. The darkness needed a reflection in order to disappear.
He added the final two flows to the web: water, the fluid that let the flows slip into perfect symmetry and Essence, the spirit of the intangible folded the light. His aura disappeared, but the glow of threads remained. Evelyn clutched his shoulders, but the weave did not flicker. In fact, he pulled her into the fabric of his reality.
They existed now in a realm parallel to the tangible one, but they were not alone. The texture of his creation rippled with newfound threads. He could not see them, but he knew they were there. His powers interlaced with hers, and together they marveled.
"You are right, Evelyn,"
he spoke in awe. "I am not god. I am not Nikolai. I am something else."
His eyes traveled the latticework of majesty before settling upon her face. A name was conjured, one he heard whispered in his mind once before.
She answered for him, "Aidoneous."
The smile that parted his lips made her soul want to sing. "I know you."
She whispered and the last remnants of fear faded.
Together, with light and dark folded equally around them, he wrapped his arms around her as she to him.
He pulled her lips to his, lifting her to her toes to do so. His soul stretched with life and hope. She was everything that he was not. Together, they could accomplish anything. With Evelyn at his side, his future unfurled and all seemed clear. Their path forward was set. He would reshape the Atharim into his image. He would pacify the world with his hand. All previously denied could be achieved. A dread king and queen they would make.
Sofia Castilla, the ranking congressperson on the Foreign Relations Committee never thought she would find herself sleeping in palacial chambers inside a Russian fortress. The democrat was not necessarily pro-CCD, but neither was she vehemently opposed to the Ascendancy and his power. Still, it didn't mean she was comfortable sleeping beneath his roof. Perhaps it was part of his plan by inviting them to stay as a means to unnerve them. A poor night of sleep led to foolish decisions the next day. It irked her, and she threw back the downy blanket to walk around and burn some of this useless energy away.
It was late, she noted the hour, but sent a message to Francis anyway on the bet that he was as sleepless as she. Indeed, she guessed right, and his invitation that they speak together was accepted. She wrapped herself in a robe and slipped into the corridor that adjoined the suites.
As she knocked softly on the Secretary's door, she heard sounds radiating from the corridor. First one, then a second of the agents that protected the Ascendancy at all times appeared. Sofia gasped and clutched the handle, willing it to open. Just as the first guard noticed her, Francis arrived. She hurried inside, but held the door open just a crack to watch what happened. From the sounds of it, Ascendancy was not alone. Sofia held her breath.
"¡Ay, Dios mío!"
She whispered. Ascendancy and Evelyn, their Evelyn, were together. He paused not far away, took her by the chin and kissed her with such heat that Sofia blushed to watch. They moved on a moment later, destined for Sofia knew where.
When a shadow overtook her view, she stood upright with a gasp. The last thing she saw were the dangerous eyes of that ridiculous agent. He yanked the door shut on her nose and Sofia straightened in alarm.
Behind her, Francis asked what in the world was going on. She spun and grit her teeth. "Evelyn has betrayed us."
She trembled with fury. After all she had done to protect and vouch for the girl, she literally slept with their enemy.
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<small>((Evie moded with permission.))</small>
They were alone. Really and truly alone. Finally. Finally. No agents. No guards. No cameras. Just them. Just the sounds of their breath. The kiss on skin. The tangled footfalls trailing softly on carpet. Every little gasp she uttered flashed Nikolai's skin with electricity.
He glanced up only briefly to illuminate their path. His power spun dozens of little circles of light hovering in midair as though summoning the stars to twinkle just for her.
He cupped her face and pulled her the direction he wanted to go. These rooms were fit for a Tsar. Gilded walls welcomed the two into its embrace. He never valued such luxury before, but now the ornate stylings fell short. He wanted the space to be as beautiful as possible for Evelyn. Simply so that she could enjoy it all the more.
He pulled his tie from his neck and dropped it to the floor. Their shoes were kicked away, and Evelyn dropped in height by two more inches. She was not tall to begin with, but she felt dimunitive and tiny in his arms now. So much passion in one small creature, he thought.
He walked her through the floating circles of light displaced by their path. They came to the velvet davenport where he first revealed the Arcus band to Michael. The band was gone now, but he would create another, more glorious replacement. She could share in it, if she was willing. She was so beautiful. He smiled that she was going to be his. That this was actually going to happen.
He unbuttoned his own shirt just enough to tug overhead. Where order always arranged his clothing, for Evelyn, it dropped to the floor as well. His smile was warm in the etheral glow of the pulsing circles. Her fingers trailed goosebumps across his chest. Her kiss on his neck hummed peaceful musings from his throat. He hugged her waist in return and savored the curve of her ribs. But when he returned the gesture at her neck, the tang of metal met his lips.
Curious, he lifted himself enough to look upon what his lips discovered. A gold chain he hadn't noticed before encircled her throat. At its nadir a simple cross lay. He looked at it quizzically, finding that religion did not suit Evelyn, but thought little else of it. He flicked it aside to unclasp the tiny buttons of her blouse. His heart beat so strong she must have felt it as he nestled against her.
Her warmth radiated into him like spring defrosting the perished winter. Her hair was silk in his hands. Their fingers entwined one moment and splayed apart the next. And it was quiet, so quiet, he made out every breath she drew. He kissed her fingertips and brushed her cheek with his. Her murmurs stopped his heart. And when she spoke his name, he drank in the sound like sparkling water given a man dying in the desert heat. She spoke it again."Nikolai."
he murmured close to her ear. She was quiet for another moment, but when he felt her hand push him away, he blinked, startled, and abruptly sat up from her.
She followed. Her clothing was disheveled. Her hair was in disarray. The floating circles cast an incandescent glow on her skin. Her brown eyes sparkled in their light. She was by far the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
His heart slowed to a stop. "What's wrong?"
He asked, fearing her answer.
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He beckoned and Evelyn followed willingly. It was like a dream. Any moment she would wake and it would all end. She pierced the veil. Her light scattered darkness. So why did she feel so ... guilty?
Think on it later, she told herself.
She melted onto the cushions. His touch was intoxicating. The weight of him was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. Before she worried about being crushed, he propped himself on his arm and hovered near. The starch of his shirt crumpled as she pulled him close again. The shape of his arms and chest she made out with the palms of her hands, and when he sat up enough to pull his shirt overhead, his silhouette cast shadows that she did not want to chase away this time.
He gripped her hands like he did not want to let go, like a boy that needed the reassurance of flesh and blood to ground him. That was her purpose, she recalled, to be the light that guided him forward. The light of Jesus that shined through her could redeem him his sins. She only had to remain pure of heart. Pure of virtue. Without the light she could not fulfill her destiny.
His breathing deepened. His weight shifted. Buttons were tugged and she blinked. The little circle-lights cast a pattern of shadows across the ceiling. Pure of virtue, she thought, realizing the source of her guilt.
and he trembled at her whisper. He would take this all the way, she told herself. He was already doing just that. His caress was too wide, his kiss too deep. God help her but she had to push him away or it would be too late. "Nikolai,"
she spoke again.
his whisper in her ear shot chills down her body. Maybe she was overreacting. She was being a silly, old-fashioned prude, she tried to tell herself. This was the Ascendancy. There was no denying how attracted she was to him. The most powerful man in the world, the whole entire world probably that ever lived, was nestled in her arms. The face that smiled for a million pictures whispered in her ear. But he was CCD. She was American. She was there to guide him, not bed him. No matter how much she wanted him closer, she could not give permission. One of them had to be strong. The duty fell to her.
She barely had the strength to push him away.
He looked hurt, "What's wrong?"
he asked. She wondered for a moment if she'd made a mistake. No. This was the responsible thing to do. One of them had to be responsible. She was just out of her element. She sat up and pushed her hair over her shoulders and straightened her blouse. He had opened only a few of the buttons. Deft flicks fixed them, and she straightened the necklace back to its place. He wasn't going to understand this, but neither did she want to wound him with rejection. How to let him down gently?
She smiled softly. His little lights were adorable. From there, she looked at their surroundings and considered the significance of her location. "We must stop,"
she began. "I'm .. I'm not ready."
It was more than shameful to admit, but she could think of no other excuse that was half-way believable. She could still feel the press of lips on hers, and the temptation to return to them pulled hard. Instead, she closed her eyes and put a hand to her necklace for focus. God's light was her beacon. She could not betray it outside--
--outside of marriage.
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With one hesitant phrase and Nikolai was acutely aware of the vast differences in their ages. Being a little too busy what with conquering the world and becoming a master channeler, he didn't have much time for a love life. Nor could he afford romantic relationships, with relationship being the key word. What was women compared to the powers befitting a god? The power was more addictive than sex. What was the body when the soul could soar? What was dominance over a single woman compared to controlling continents? They hardly compared. Yet he liked to think himself honorable. The most desired women in the world threw themselves at his feet. Those whom he found most attractive were not desperate for his attention. He was always drawn to women of a certain style or bearing. Strength and independence, like in Evelyn, he respected, as did beauty and grace. There was a certain timelessness about her that he appreciated.
If she wasn't ready, then he wasn't going to be upset about it. Except the charm of her youth now felt foolish. She was twenty-eight at most? He was sixty-four. In the long span of immortality, thirty-six years would be the blink of an eye. Until now he found her passion and energy to be charming. They still were, but he felt ancient and tired now. He didn't want to wait for her to be ready. When would that even happen? He would never commit to a relationship, even if one with Evelyn was possible, which it wasn't. She was a congresswoman. My virtue of Constitional law she had to reside in her home district or else forfeit her seat in the House. Should he even deign to convince her of such, for the simple pleasure of keeping her close when he wanted her, then he would forfeit his own chance to win the hearts of DC in the arena of political battle.
There was no answer. "I would never pressure you, Evelyn. I am not that kind of man. But I will tell you that I will never be free to give you what you wait for."
He stood and swat a few of the circles of light aside, irritated. He felt foolish, now. Having shared so much of himself only to be rejected from receiving the same. What of her had she shared? When their flows entwined, balance settled his soul. Peace washed over him. He wanted that with her as with their powers.
He took a deep breath, thoughtful frown darkening his features. "I still want you to stay. I still want you to know I am not evil. I want you on my side."
She peered up at him with such innocence and charm, he melted to his knees before her and clasped her hands in his, squeezing them tight. "I want you to believe in me."
His eyes fell to her lips, parted so softly as though she drew hesitant breaths. Her hands were soft in his. He stroked her knuckles with his thumbs, easing her into trusting him. Had he shared too much? Aidoneous, the painful memory of the Ijiraq's voice blurred with that of her's. While her's was on the tip of his tongue, but no sound would form.
His eyes fell to the necklace at her neck again. The cross was hidden behind her shirt, freshly buttoned. He drew a deep, careful breath. "You do believe in the God. I see that now."
He was never religious. Why pour his soul into a deity that poured nothing back. Religion was organized hypocrisy, for all he believed. But neither would he judge another for partaking. Mankind needed symbols. He appreciated that after all he'd done. But what religion lacked, he could provide. How to make her see? Should he even try?
"You believe God takes you where you should be. Do you believe he has led you to me? To this moment? Right now, with me knelt before you, grasping your hands in mine and offering you what I have never offered anyone else? To come to know me, as a man, for who and what I really am? For trust me, Evelyn, you have had more of me this night than all the other women that came before you."
He tilted his head like he may kiss her again, but instead, his hands trailed up her arms to pull her close enough to hug. He closed his eyes and savored her with every sense. Through it all, his heart beat true. Their path was clear.
"You realize there is only one way we could be together?"
He pulled back and silently beckoned for the answer.
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A poor prophet she was if she gave up at the first obstacle.
Her declaration was clearly a point of contention between them. She wasn't really surprised. Ascendancy was male, after all. Not that she thought less of him. In fact, the respectful tone in which he backed down, physically as well as emotionally, elevated him even more in her eyes.
He little circles of light buzzed from the swat of his hand, and Evie stifled a giggle. It wouldn't do to laugh during a moment of tenderness.
The display that followed was steeped in exactly that. It suggested a desire for tenderness and affection. These were the things denied to him his whole life, she realized. Everyone read about his rise to power, and many a mind intrigued by story read the biographies. She knew he was raised in the United States. She was aware of the tragedies that shaped his youth. Admittedly, what happened to him afterward was a gaping hole in her knowledge. President of Russia was unlikely to be a time shaped by benevolence and sympathy. Probably every person whom he encountered since saw power and celebrity and rarely the man beneath.
Of all the powers, leaders, and ranks that Nikolai encountered, none of them glimpsed what she did. He shared with her. Surely this was God's influence. This was the sign that she needed to know her course was the right one.
As to whether or not she believed in him, that was harder to explain. "Nikolai, I do not believe you are evil. How could I?"
She smiled sweetly. "I am right where I need to be."
She squeezed his hand confidently.
Certainly, if he weren't Ascendancy and she wasn't a congresswoman, the obstacles keeping them apart would be non-existent. Of course, such a line of thought fell inevitably down a rabbit-hole of what-ifs that were simply a waste of time. Things were the way they were. If she wasn't a Congresswoman, she never would have met him. If Ascendancy never created the CCD, her party likely would have dissolved long ago. While both events brought them together tonight, she saw now that those same events would part them tomorrow. Physical intimacy wouldn't change that.
He was right. There was only one way they could be together.
She blinked, unsure whether she was afraid or excited by the idea.
Slowly, his steady voice stilled the storm in her heart. She couldn't possibly declare a policy simply to achieve her own personal ends. She could not will an entire country to follow a path she did not wholeheartedly believe. So his question resurfaced. Did she believe in him? Did she believe he held the keys to the earth as he did the keys to her heart?
God save her, but she thought he just might...
"We have to join the Custody."
Edited by Evelyn, Dec 29 2017, 12:07 AM.