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Hi and welcome to Michael and Matalina!

Seems like we have a lotta writing veterans, awesome.

(and yes, going to ignore all evidence of a hottub... *frown*)
"Rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart."
[Image: thal-banner-scaled.jpg]
 | Sothis Lethe Alethea | Miraseia |
Wha--?! Pft! Ignor--?! Tsk tsk.

The tub does not allow the presence of itself to be ignored by the likes of you!
"So?" said Loki impatiently.  "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
Jaxen +
Loki +
+ Jole +
As a side note, once bio has gone through the procedure of approval I'll change my handle accordingly, I saw nothing stating they had to be the same, so I made an assumption. But bio says Matalina so until that's started I'll stay the same.
You're just trying to confuse us men-folk around here. Lull us all into a sense of false security. We're onto you! *grin.
"So?" said Loki impatiently.  "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
Jaxen +
Loki +
+ Jole +
lol. Well of course I am. It's fun to confuse you men folk [Image: 18.png]
Oh hey hot tub, maybe I'll be safe from the idiots! *doffs clothes and falls in*

Welcome aboard to Michael and Aria (aka: Matalina). You'll have to try harder then this to confuse me! I've learned my lesson, and keep notes of who's who. Of course, this would be far more succesful if I kept these notes in accordance to people's REAL names, rather then whatever character I best remember them for.

Oh yeah! Folks may notice I haunt the forum all the time, but don't pop up in the chat room. That's because, sadly, can't get in there on these crummy work computers. Dang blasted technology.

Edited by Hood, Jul 24 2013, 12:24 AM.
Whoa, neat, didn't know this was here!

Hiya! I'm Nadia-mun. People in the real world (if that is really a thing) call me Laura. Hmm. I wrote my first fantasy book when I was 12. It was about 125 pages handwritten and traced the journey of Syamar and Ganilla through time and space as they were captured, brought to the king, fell in love, and made it back to their homeland. Rather disjointed, but hey, I was 12.

After that, I wrote LOTS of poetry and read loads. Then about... 2? 3?years ago I joined the WoT forum and picked the writing back up. I also welcome the opportunity to write an adult in a more grimdark sort of world.

*scratches head* I am married, have one little person named Lennox who is now 10, almost 11 months old. I work full time for the Girl Scouts, so in the fall I get very busy and try to pull all of my hair out. I majored in English and speak some French and Spanish.

And now you know way more about me than you care about! ta-ta!
Hello everybody! Wow, what an exciting concept to create a story that bridges the gap between our age and the events described in the Wheel of Time. I started reading WOT in 1992. Been a long time on-and-off poster of several WOT message boards for the past 15 years (including WOTmania!) Just created my character Jon Little Bird, my avatar is his character's image (and probably just should have created an account with his name instead) Hindsight's 20-20 dontcha know.

I haven't participated in RP before but have been a long-time lurker in various RP thread. Very excited to make my foray here. I've done a lot of writing in the past, written two novels and a number of short stories (none published Sad) and worked as a newspaper journalist for six years. Very much excited to start writing again.

IRL I have made pizza for a living for the past seven years, isn't that awesome? I hope my work demands as a general manager and my duties as father and husband allow me to participate as fully as I want to in this adventure. Haven't had a hobby in quite awhile.

Well, that's all for now! Thanks for the welcome!
Pretty sure the hottub is used to being ignored by the likes of me, Jaxen *grin*

Hi and welcome, Random Man! If you want to change your username, you can do so via preferences. ^___^

And now, I shall wander off to read all the new bios!
"Rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart."
[Image: thal-banner-scaled.jpg]
 | Sothis Lethe Alethea | Miraseia |
WOTmania! Ahh tugging at old old memories there my friend!

Welcome! And shit if you've never done RP before, that's a hell of a great biography. hah! Look forward to running into you in the future!

And Thalia, the hottub will lure you in eventually. Its just a matter of time. Nobody can resist the bubbles. And lights. And awesomeness. *nod.
"So?" said Loki impatiently.  "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
Jaxen +
Loki +
+ Jole +

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