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Hayden hadn't expected a second call from Elyse so soon. but it didn't surprise him either. She was in a state and he was willing to be there for a friend.
The workers were almost done installing the tile to the bathrooms. It was a nice new look and he was happy with the work. When they left he grabbed his coat and took a cab to the address Elsye had sent him.
It was strange walking up to a strange house in Moscow. In London it had been common place but this wasn't a hunt, or an interrogation either. This was a friend.
He knocked.
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Elyse smiled as she finished making the beverage. She had raided Anna’s liquor cabinet and was surprised to find what she needed. The drink she made required raspberry brandy to make, and surprisingly, Anna had some. It also required sparkling wine - that was a little less surprising. The drink was almost done. It needed one more thing before it was finished, but she no longer needed the liquor and put the bottles away.
A knock came on the door, and Elyse opened the door to find Hayden there. ”Perfect timing!” she said taking him by the hand and pulling him in, she let him remove his coat and follow him to the island in the kitchen. ”Im almost done with the drink - just a couple more things to do. I’m no bartender, but I’ve made this before even if it has been some time.” she said the “I’m no bartender in a way reminiscent of Hayden’s I’m no therapist line.
This was the first time that Hayden would really be seeing Elyse - the Elyse who wasn’t depressed, thinking about self harm, and drowning in guilt. Elyse still felt sadness. It was there, but it wasn’t depression. She felt normal and that was the only way to put it.
”Now if I made this right,” she said, lighting a match and setting it to the two cups she had made. As she wanted, they both went up in flames and she doused them with a shot of sparkling wine before handing one to Hayden. ”For you, my good sir!” she said raising her glass and taking a drink. ”How’s Hayden tonight?”
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"Impressive." Most people shied away from the flaming drinks. He took a sip and smiled. "Hayden is doing alright. The bar is getting closer to done, the bathroom will be functioning so even if the decor is not complete kitchen and behind the bar and the bathroom I can open sooner rather than later."
He leaned against the island. "You look better."
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02-15-2025, 10:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2025, 10:24 PM by Elyse.)
Elyse smiled at his compliment. It meant a lot coming from a bartender - even if it wasn’t directly directed at the taste of the drink. He was drinking it so it didn’t matter anyways. ”It’s called ‘Dragon’s Piss - I let people drink it before I tell them what it’s called.” she grinned at him. “Well let me know when you open. I hope to be there opening night if I can. Missed a bit of work - so won’t be skipping out on that if I don’t have to.”
She leaned on the opposite side of the island, facing him and took another drink. ”Im feeling better. I think a lot of it is closure. This whole situation is done now. Touched base with Sage. I’m not Atharim because I never was, and he expedited the whole inheritance thing. There’s some minor stuff to do there, but he’s taking care of it. And well…turns out Sage is a pretty good friend. He helped me through some stuff. It really surprised me. I just didn’t know he cared.” she looked at Hayden, eyes serious. He just said the right things at the right time. Told me to find things that make me happy and do them and to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I feel like if I hadn’t been having people on my side all week, I probably wouldn’t have been ready to respond this well to that. Turns out - I have some pretty amazing friends.” she sighed contentedly. ”Im still sad and upset, but I’m not depressed. The guilt isn’t there anymore and there are no more thoughts of self harm. For the first time in a week I feel normal and in control. I don’t think this is the end of my emotional struggles - but for now - I’m content and I’m gonna hold on as long as I can.”
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Hayden chuckled. "Good name. They always make the customers laugh."
He listened to how well she was doing and was glad that she'd found a friend in the creepy stalker dude that she was worried about. There were reasons why Nox liked Sage. "I'm glad you are doing better. Not that I not happy to be here, but if you didn't need to talk."
Hayden put his drink down on the island and put both his elbows down and rested his chin on his hands. "Is this a booty call?" He batted his eye lashes and grinned at her.
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Elyse chuckled a little bit nervously and she could feel her face heating up. She had never actually done a booty call, but it was what this meeting was. The way he batted his eyelashes and grinned at her a little at ease. She walked around the island to his side.
”Maybe,” she said, and stepped closer to him. ”I feel like myself again. I wanted to be with you when I felt like that.” She wrapped an arm around his waist. ”Is that a problem?”
She wrapped her other arm around his waist, turning him to face her. She was close to him. Close enough to kiss her. In reality - he could do what he wanted.
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He turned around and pulled her closer. "Not at all." He gave her a sweet smile. "But I'm also going to kindly remind you that I don't do relationships."
Hayden tugged her closer "I want to be here. You are not taking advantage of me. But I want it absolutely clear with no misunderstandings." He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "This is not about the things you've confided in me. This is me being clear because I don't want repeats of my past. I want to repeat this Elyse. It's not about you. It's my hang up. And I will probably remind you several times."
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Elyse met his gaze as he spoke. It wasn’t to draw him in. It was to show she was listening. She understood why he was saying what he was saying. She didn’t want a relationship with Hayden. She didn’t think in any way that she would be able to change him. She understood, but she wanted him to see she was listening and see that she understood. He mentioned his past - and even if that made her curious, she wouldn’t ask. It was not her business.
He kissed her and made sure to repeat it - making sure she understood. ”I understand,” she said, not moving her gaze, her voice completely serious. ”You have set a boundary. I understand it, will abide by it, and will make no moves to cross it. Remind me as much as you need to.”
Elyse pressed her body into his, and returned his kiss with one more passionate than his. She released his body, her hands moving to his and she pulled him with her. Anna was okay with her having fun here, but she doubted she would like it happening in her kitchen. She pulled Hayden to the guest room where she was staying.
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As long as it was clear. Hayden chuckled and kicked the door shut behind him as he tugged his shirt over his head. He didn't flick the lights off as he grabbed Elyse's hands and sat down on the bed.
"Last time you were worried I wasn't getting what I wanted. Since you are in a good headspace, I'll show you what I want." Which wasn't any different really from before. Hayden would just be a little bit bossier to guide her instead of completely relying on her instincts. He sat down on the bed the top button of his jeans undone and he pulled her to sit in his lap.
Hayden had every intention of spending a long time showing Elyse how much he wanted to be there and how she could please him. Though every thing he did was completely taken from her cues.
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Pulled into his lap, Elyse took off her shirt and pulled him closer to kiss. This time, she worked her tongue into his mouth. She was feeling more herself, and he movements were a lot less tentative, but Hayden was definitely in control. She was more than willing to allow this, but it seemed Hayden had an uncanny ability to know what she wanted. Even if he was in control, she found him closing in on her sweet spots, pulling back when she wanted, and pushing forward when she needed it almost as if she was giving him cues.
There was a give and take. Elyse liked being both in control and not, and there were times when she asserted herself, and times when she succumbed to his guidance. There were even times when she tried to assert and was denied the opportunity. The whole thing just turned her on more. They were communicating in a very primal way, and that was something Elyse could understand. There session was longer, both of them stretching it out to enjoy the moment as much as possible. She even thought she heard the front door shut, but it was soft enough that it could be a trick of the ear. Or Anna could have gotten home.
They were nearing the end. Hayden was on top and she grabbed his hips, guiding his speed so they could finish together. It had been incredibly intense. It was then she realized they had never turned the lights off. She was okay with this. Not that it mattered so much to her. She could see his amazing body just as well in the dark. Finished, Elyse was breathing heavily. It had been one of her most intense experiences - certainly one of the most intense with a man.