The horde didn't much like when Nox used the power and now that he had it again it wasn't so much quaking in fear as it was relentlessly trying to get away. The fury and rage burned inside. The power was his to command and it enveloped the rocks and steel around him as he found all the weaknesses and all the gaps, and all the points that held the building upright. It was like seeing it from the inside out.
It wasn't a master feat, it was simplistic weave of earth and spirt that delved into the world around him. It was like pulling on ancient memories.
Nox followed his hud through the cooridoors that were now man made after having bypassed the security door without alarm.
The horde was caged nearby. They scratched at his head for freedom. They wanted out just as much as he wanted to kill them all. It was a diachotomy of strengths playing with in his mind. He had to focus on which one was him, and which was the horde.
The server room was beyond but he pushed open the door with his free hand and saw the scientist running around trying to gather their materials before they evacuated. The stopped and stared at me like I was an alien but they didn't seem alarmed that I was there. There was a hushed whisper...
It's him. They had been expecting him. Perhaps their leader had relayed the message that Nox was not dead as he should be. A fool to let a monster do the job. They had other priorities and a healthy strong man like him was far more food than they dared risk.
"Empty your pockets and leave before I destroy it all."
They stared at Nox in disregard of what he could do. One made for his wallet and Nox reached for a secondary flow and crushed the wallet with ease.
"Leave before it all ends." Nox said coldly from the space where the power flowed.
Another woman tried for the silent alarm and Nox wrapped her up in a weave of air. She gasped as it tightened around here.
"Why won't you listen to me?"
They eyed him and finally emptied their pockets and ran out the door, the woman tied up struggled to do the same and Nox moved her towards the door before releasing her of the weave. There was no fool proof way of making sure all the data was gone, but he'd do his best to make sure they couldn't reproduce the results easily.
With the lab empty Nox made his way to the server room. It was unlocked when he tried the door and he saw a blinking dot on his HUD. Wicked had already found a port and all Nox had to do was hook Wicked into it.
The stick didn't have data, it had a virus. That virus would feed all the data to Wicked's data center and he'd store it for safe keeping. And while he saved it the virus ate it, destroying everything.
"Just let me know when it's done." Nox said as he made his way back to the horde in cages. This place would burn. He'd feel their skin peel. He's smell the burning skin and feel it slouching from his body. It was a painful reminder of his worse day. The day his life fell apart, but he had to make sure they were dead.
Fire was easy to control in confinement and it was easily set with a tiny spark. They would burn and he'd feel every bit of their pain... Lily was asleep and he hoped that she was not connected to them and it was all in his head. But either way it had to be done. Nox scavenged the lab for any organic traces, setting it on fire while he waited for Wicked's all clear.
Quote:Q: Crush the wallet (10)
(1d20+0: [17]+0 = 17)
10 โ 3/10 S:9
Q: Wrap up woman in weave of air? (10)
(1d20+0: [17]+0 = 17)
10 โ 3/10 S:10
Q: Set the glass cages alight (10)
(1d20+0: [16]+0 = 16)
10 โ 3/10 S:11