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Rachel lay down on her bed feeling so relieved. The semester was finally over, and she had time to actually be a person instead of a drone reading vast tomes of the psychological theories of Freud, Skinner, Maslow, and Jung. Her professors had still told her to make sure she was still working on her thesis over break, but right now - she needed a break more than anything.
Rachel pulled out her wallet and her first thought went to Cruz. She had told him at the wedding that she would make an effort to be in contact more and she had. It hadn’t changed how busy they both were. Both of them were dealing with grad school, but Cruz had his work with Jivana on top of that. Rachel had time now though, and it was too good to pass up a chance. She missed him a lot.
Hey!!! Just got done with the semester. Miss you lots! Any chance I can see you soon
Rachel was really open to anything - dinner, dancing, or a night in the city. She just missed spending time with Cruz and hoped that he was available soon.
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Things had quieted down a lot since talking to Zeke. He wasn't exactly sure how or why the skulls seemed to fade from his existence. Though his roommates still tried to drag him around town and Cruz enjoyed himself too much to say no. He hadn't seen Esper or Roza in a while and that was probably good since Rachel was making an effort to stay in touch.
Though he was pretty certain his variety of fun now was different than her variety of fun at any point in her life. And Emily (and Jared) would probably kill him if he tried to tempt her down the path. So when he got her text that he semester was over he wasn't surprised she wanted to hang out.
He missed her too. But life was difficult and he enjoyed chasing the white rabbit down the rabbit hole. His mother would disapprove, though he was pretty sure his father did worse back in his day -- this was when he found the Atharim, and the monsters and fought them. At least he wasn't seeing that sort of danger -- though this was just as dangerous.
But Zeke had yet to call upon whatever he wanted from him, though there was a lingering invite to a special place he hadn't been to. But that was certainly not Rachel's scene.
Cruz had a headache, it'd been a few days since he'd imbibed anything fun. He had finals and he had to think straight. His grandfather would kill him if he failed. But the headache faded with some over the counter pain killers. He could have taken something stronger, but that wouldn't be good if he was going to hang with Rachel anytime soon. And after that dance at the wedding, he was pretty sure he wanted to finish what they'd almost started. But there was no fucking way he was taking Rachel to this place, or to his mothers. Maybe dinner at the Radiance, he wouldn't get a room at least not with his reservation.
He called the hotel and made dinner reservations for tonight at 8pm and dropped that he might be staying the night. He might have also dropped that he worked with Jivana and with his last name they could infer whatever they wanted. His grandfather had a preferred room and maybe Cruz would get lucky.
Cruz then sent Rachel a text. She wasn't like the girls in college, she was used to the rich and fancy places but a surprise was a surprise.
Dinner tonight 7pm. I'll pick you up.
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Rachel smiled at his response. Awesome! See you soon!
She looked at the clock. Whether or not Cruz had been intending it, he had given her enough time to get ready. She would have asked Emily for help, but Emily was at the office and would be late. She was playing catchup from having taken a month long honeymoon, and even though Jared was around, she didn’t feel comfortable asking him about such things. She also didn’t think Cruz had made a good first impression on him. Rachel went to her closer, and had a couple of dresses that suited her for tonight. She wanted to look good, but she had told Cruz she was ready for a physical relationship. That hadn’t changed. She wanted her neckline to be a little lower than normal.
Quick question: Red or Green? she left the final decision to Cruz.
Rachel took the green dress and went to take a shower. She didn’t have time to do anything fancy with her hair, so she just let it lie natural. She it on the dress and did her make up. She knew she was beautiful, and used make up to accentuate that by bringing attention to her eyes. She never used a lot. She didn’t have to. She did however borrow some of her sisters jewelry (she always had permission to). She put on a kite cut emerald necklace and matching earrings.
Rachel went downstairs and waited. It was close to 7, so Cruz should be arriving soon. He was a gentleman and rarely arrived late. Jared spied her and blinked. ”Got a hot date?”
She gave him a smile in return and grabbed her coat. She put it on just as a knock came to the door. Cruz wouldn’t get to see the goods until they got wherever they were going. She opened the door to find Cruz there and gave him a kiss.
”Hey there!” she said, very chipper. ”Ready when you are!”
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There was a slight buzz to his skin as he took the town car to Rachel's place. He was itching for something but he didn't take anything.
Rachel stayed with her sister which was not awkward at all. Thankfully Rachel was already ready and had her coat on. Cruz waved at Jared and hoped to slip out the door without anything confrontation. He was sober, had been for days.
Cruz offered Rachel his arm and when she took it he took her to the elevator to head back to the town car. He wanted to peak under the coat, but he didn't though he couldn't help but crack a joke. "You aren't naked under there are you? Cause if you are, I was kinda hoping for dinner first." His stomach growled loudly.
They talked small talk -- finals, projects, family, the weather -- the weather was the first thing on their list of topics of conversation. It was much colder at night than during the day when the sun was up. And it was bitter cold tonight. Thankfully they weren't walking anywhere.
The town car pulled up outside of the Radiance Hotel. The building was grand. The restaurante inside was 5 star and they had reservations. It was filled with the rich and famous and anyone who was anyone ate here. It was his grandfather's favorite place to take his buisness clients when he was in town.
"Reservation for Vega." Cruz said to the hostess when she asked.
She scrolled through her interface and nodded. "Can I take your coats?" Cruz's was already hung over his arm and he handed it to the lady who passed it off to the coat check guy who pulled a number and handed it back to her.
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Rachel smiled and took his arm, giving Jared a wave as she shut the door behind her. Rachel still lives with Emily, but only out of convenience for now. The house was large enough that she basically had an apartment and with her going to school, it just made sense. Still she was ready to start feeling more independent. Maybe she should find her own place.
Rachel laughed at Cruz’s joke. It was a little vulgar, but she didn’t mind at all. ”Oh you would like that wouldn’t you? Dinner first. ” she agreed with a wicked grin.
They talked on the way to the restaurant- very typical stuff and then she saw where they were going and she blinked. Rachel hadn’t expected The Radience. Not that she was upset about it - it was a very fine establishment and she knew that Cruz could afford it. It seemed like Cruz had pulled out all the stops for their impromptu date. The fact that he could get a reservation so quick pointed to Cruz’s wealth and the influence of the company he worked for. Still she was all smiles when she got out and she took Cruz’s arm again, letting the gentleman escort the lady.
When the hostess asked about their coats, Rachel unzipped her coat and asked Cruz to help her remove it, revealing the emerald green dress. It had shoulder straps, but thin ones that mostly kept her shoulders bare. The V neckline along with the emerald necklace was intended to draw Cruz’s eyes. She had a certainty that it would. Cruz handed the coat to the hostess and got the coat check numbers. Rachel thanked the hostess. She gave Cruz and smile and took Cruz’s arm as the hostess led them to their table.
”You look very handsome tonight,” she said with a bright smile.
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Cruz couldn't keep his eyes off of Rachel. She was stunning -- to the point he had no words and was left speechless while he handed over the coat and walked this beautiful woman to their table. It wasn't private but it was secluded enough they could probably have sex under the table and no one would notice. Not that would be happening or even was a blip on his radar, but that was just the nature of the place. It wasn't overly crowded there was room to walk and dance and people didn't have to listen in on anyone's conversation. If you were bored you would just have to find some other excuse to leave.
Rachel complimented him and he blinked. "Thank you but I do not do you justice. You are absolutely stunning." Not that she wasn't beautiful on a normal day, this was ... exquisite.
Their server came and asked them what they wanted to drink and Cruz ordered a mid range wine that he knew Rachel liked. He could go all out, but he opted for something he knew she'd like versus something expense. He wasn't trying to show off, at least not show off the price tag. He was here to wine and dine her at an expensive restaurant. And maybe... if he played his cards right.
"Order whatever you like, but the surf and turf is excellent. A perfect steak and the surf is this crab and shrimp type salad. " Cruz leaned forward and whispered. "Like tuna fish salad, but fancier" He grinned at her and leaned back to speak normally "I'm sure there is a fancy name for it. But it's heaven. My grandfather doesn't order anything else and won't let you either. But have whatever you want." He knew he was having what he always did -- thanks to his grandfather.
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Rachel could feel Cruz’s eyes on her as he handed the coat to the woman. She also detected a hint of a smile on the woman’s face as well. She had caught his stare. It was okay. That was what she had wanted. The silence as they went to the table was endearing. She had chosen the right dress for tonight.
Cruz’s compliment was met with a lovely, inviting smile and an almost shy ”Thank you,” as Cruz ordered one of Rachel’s favorite Pinot Noir red.They may not have been seeing each other long or often, but he had paid attention.
She listened carefully to Cruz’s suggestion. ”That does sound good,” she did a quick flip through the menu anyways, but decided to go with that. ”The fancy is just seafood salad by the way,” she said with a disarming smile, her voice a tease.
The waitress came back and poured their wine, leaving the bottle. Rachel gave her order. ”I’ll have the surf and turf please. Steak medium rare.”
She let Cruz order and then turned to face him with a smile. ”Im so glad we could do this. I’ve missed you.” she had thought of him often since the wedding.
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We should get Cruz to invite us home. I won't mind you making him do things.
Roza’s whisper in her ear had prompted the sharp edges of a cruel smile in response. As intended the promise of mischief pierced through a little of Esper’s maudlin mood, which continued to linger and darken every time she remembered Ashton’s rejection. Several days later, they found themselves in the opulence of the Radiance hotel. Everything here oozed expense and indulgence, the people themselves overfilled with the confidence of the rich and successful.
Between them it was not difficult to sweet talk drinks at the bar. Neither of them had much in the way of money, especially not since leaving the carnival, but they’d never relied on such resources anyway. By the flowing drape of Esper’s dress, there was nowhere to hide a wallet even if they’d had any intention of paying their own way. Her pale hair hung in loose waves to her chin, her eyes painted dark and sultry. She lifted her glass and chinked it against Roza’s with the whisper of a smile. The decadence was a novelty.
"We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours"
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Cruz smiled when Rachel ordered the surf and turn and he followed suit. It was afterall what he was planning on. And his grandfather would be disappointed otherwise.
After their server left Cruz reached across the table and put his hand on Rachel's. "I missed you too."
Which was a half truth. He did miss her when he thought about her, but he'd been busy and involved in other things. He hoped that it didn't show on his face. He did miss her. And it wasn't the intimate times, they got along well. They understood what their lives were like. It was comfortable.
Cruz smiled and sipped his wine. Then said. "Tell me what I've missed in This is Rachel's Life."
[[ ooc: don't have to go into full details  just small talk. He's not noticed Esper or Roza yet as he's too abosrbed with Rachel ]]
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Roza had coaxed Esper away dangling mischief in front of her and their latest little toy was due for some upkeep -- even if he and Zeke had made some sort of agreement. Didn't stop them from playing. Only from torturing him with the skull visages. They could still taunt and tease and lead him back to Zeke. That was the game.
And Roza was getting tired of the ground and basic cots of the church. She had more than that in the carnival -- even on the road. It was time for a real bed.
What she was wasn't super expensive -- at least it didn't cost much, but it looked like it did. The carnival was good at costumes and Roza had taken a few of her favorites with her when she left. Her mother would be pissed. Not that she wasn't already.
Cruz was sitting with a little blond who looked ravishing in the dress she wore, and Cruz couldn't take his eyes from her. He'd walked right past them and didn't even blink. Their drinks were currently on someone else's tab. It wasn't hard to get one going and Cruz had his tab open, wasn't difficult to get it going before he got her. Roza sipped at her red fruity drink, she hadn't bothered with the specifics she told the bartender to surprise her and he did. It was delicious.
Roza leaned into Esper and pouted. "He didn't even notice us."