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11-18-2024, 11:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2024, 11:19 AM by Ilesha.)
She had time now. It's not like she didn't make her own hours anyway. Between school and work and the shop she had a lot on her plate, but one of those things was also learning how to channel. It was an important part of her work, actually.
They hopped on the metro and made their way down to the Red Light District. It beat walking in the bitter cold of the beginning of a Moscovian winter. It wasn't even at it's peak yet, and Ilesha was already missing the warmth of her shop and apartment.
The Red Light district was never quiet. But it wasn't as bad now as it would be in a few hours when all the clubs opened and all the workers hit the street. And Kallisti wasn't far from their stop.
The front view was on as always and she wondered what was headlineing but she didn't make her way to see the marquee. Instead she took Cadence down the side alley and rapped on the side door. It took a little bit before someone peered through the camera and then there was a buzz. No words, they knew Ilesha. And she had been here several times before opening.
The man greeted them. "All the girls are in the lounge practicing." He said. He made a double take at her guest but he said nothing. He was probably used to famous people coming into Kallisti and not making a big deal out of it.
They were back stage and the girls and guys costumes and gear wear all in disarray back stage as they hurried about looking for things. Juls and the others weren't here they were out front in the empty lounge practicing. Could be any number of things.
The lounge was emtpy, it felt strange walking into a should be crowded room full of music and people noises to the giggling of children. Not just Sterling but a gaggle of kids Ilesha didn't know. Juls noticed her first. "Ilesha. How wonderful. You brought a friend."
"This is Cadence, she's like us." Ilesha said.
Sterling came over with a big grin. "I know you." she took Cadence's hand and tugged her to the middle of the room. "Juls, is showing us how to weave fire and illusion. Come."
A dark haired girl sat next to Sterling and looked a little shy though she wasn't much older than Ilesha she seemed a bit more resevered. "Who are all these kids, and can they all...."
"No, these are all Nox's strays. He's not in town, and Sterling brought them all over for practice. Olivia is the only one who can channel, she's a healer. It'll be good to have her around as soon as we can get her to open up with the other. The kids all had it rough."
Ilesha had never actually met Nox. He was hard to miss at Kallisti, he did everything -- except bartend, though he was often found behind the bar as much as he was in front of it. "How does he even have any time?"
"He barely sleeps. Avoids his nightmares. And Ashton and Liv and Liam all help out with the younger ones." Juls pointed out the names as she said them. [color=#red]"I need to get back there or they'll wonder where I went."[/color] She laughed softly and made her way back to the stage and started dancing and showing weaves of fire and illusion. It was pretty.
Ilesha joined Cadence next to Sterling. "You okay?
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Cadence had pulled all her gear back on for the metro, Saving all her energy for meeting the people at the club. As they went, she focused on her breathing. She had let go of her light, feeling okay without it for now, but mostly rode in silence, engaging in only a few pleasantries along the way, which included telling Ilesha was she would be quiet. It was focus mode time.
A friend. Cadence has a friend now. In some ways she couldn’t believe it. She also couldn’t believe how easy it had been for her. Usually it wasn’t. There ability to use the light (Cadence knew it was actually called channeling now, but still called it her light) and Ilesha’s kind demeanor had made it easy.
They got off in the Red Light District. Without having reason to be here, Cadence would never have come here. She didn’t even drink alcohol, much less engage in…well what happened here. But she stayed close to Ilesha as they entered the side door. She removed her scarf once inside and the guard noticed whi she was but said nothing.
As they passed through backstage, they found a variety of costumes and props that always preceded a show. Several performers, male and female were sorting through them, getting ready. One male performer stood up as they approached, to see them pass. Cadence couldn’t help looking up his body to eventually meet his face, he grinned noticing she had been checking him out. His current attire, although not his costume left little to the imagination and she blushed. Still she couldn’t keep herself from turning her head to see if his back looked as good as his front.
Well - he looks delicious. she thought and she could feel her cheeks get hotter. She had never thought anything like that before!
They entered another room with giggling children. Juls met them and Ilesha introduced Cadence, but before Cadence could reply, a girl came over and pulled her to the center of the room. Cadence gave a light, surprised scream, laced with happiness. She signaled to the two women that she was heading with the girl.
The happiness of the kids made Cadence smile and even though she didn’t hear everything Juls and Ilesha discussed, she caught two words.
Nox’s strays.
These kids were like her. Kids without a home to call their own. But it was different. They were happy. They weren’t being passed around from house to house, wondering where their next meal would come from or if they were good enough. Cadence barely kept the joyful tears from her eyes as she looked at them. These kids would never feel the fear she had felt. She had to meet this Nox - of for no other reason than to thank him. This was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.
She turned to the girl who had taken her - Sterling. ”Hi! I’m Cadence. What’s your name?” her heart was lighter than it had been in months and she felt an immediate kinship with this girl.
Juls and began dancing and weaving. Cadence could feel and see her power just as she had with Ilesha. Ilesha joined them. ”Yeah. I think I’m going to be okay.” she would look between the stage and groups of kids. The tears had started now - it had been a very emotional day for her, but she didn’t feel overwhelmed. She only felt this happy when on stage, and hope kindled within her.
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She never thought she'd meet any of her favorite stars, even with Nox knowing Aiden Finnegan, she still hadn't met him. Met his boyfriend several times. If you could call sitting in the same room with Sage Parker as meeting him. Though she had talked alot with his alter ego The Wicked Truth. He was fun, and he helped her find Nox, and this wonderful place. And now she got to meed Cadence for really.
"I'm Sterling." While Juls showed them all the weaves again, Sterling choose to not pay attention and instead introduce everyone starting with Olivina. "This is Liv, she's a healer. She's new. And she lives with my cousin. So she'll be here a lot." Sterling pointed to the blond on stage who was singing softly to himself. "That's Ashton. Nox says he's a Siren and that he can make you do things with his voice, but he's sweet so think Nox is lying." There were three boys sitting at a table not trying to watch Juls dance and failing miserably. "That's Jackson, Liam and Noah, they say they don't want to be here but they can't take their eyes off of the girls, well except Liam, he's nose in book all the time." Sterling rolled her eyes, at least oggling the girls was more entertaining than school work, but then again Liam was this close to graduating and he was so far behind, he didn't want to disappoint Nox. Not that Nox would care, and Liam would know that if he just talked with Nox.
All the little girls were playing hide and seek. Only Morgan and Makenzie were about. "Those little girls are a Morgan and Makenzie, twins and they don't live with Nox but he's trying, they prefer to stay with Zeke at the Safe Harbor church, but he's wearing them down. The other three are Seraphina, Genieve and Arabella." The other girls who were whispering with Liv just looked down their way. "That's Emma and Sophia. Nox took the baby with him back to the States for a visit. They all live with him and Mara. Mara's not here, she's not very social. And to be frank she scares me just a little bit. She's sweet, but I dunno just this vibe." Sterling rambled.
Juls was looking at her. "You ready to try Sterling?"
Sterling smiled. "Sure. So you just want me to do this..." She said as she embraced the light with in and quickly wove the fire and illusion that Juls had shown them repeatedly. She'd been practicing, and it wasn't perfectly identical but it got the job done.
Juls rolled her eyes. "Show off. Maybe you'd like to try something harder?"
Sterling shrugged. "Maybe Liv can show us healing." Sterling looked over to Liv with a bright smile.
The girl blushed and shook her head. "I don't know...."
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Sterling (such a pretty name) was obviously excited and she apparently loved to talk! That was okay with Cadence who was more than willing to listen. Cadence made sure to look, taking in all the people she introduced. Kids - all of them - and orphans aside. Some were a little shy, but all of them seemed happy. Cadence couldn't stop smiling.
She had also taken time to watch the weave that Juls was doing, and she found that by looking, she could remember it. Doing it might be another challenge, but she knew how it fit together. She watched as the glow that had surrounded Ilesha and Juls appeared around Sterling and she mimicked the weave Juls did. It wasn't exactly the same as Juls, but it wasn't bad either. Sterling was about the age Cadence was when she found her light. Once again, Cadence wished this place had existed earlier.
"Like this?" Cadence asked, embracing her light and attempting the weave. It came together, not quite as well as Sterling's though, and Cadence smiled at her. "Looks like I need to practice more. And healing looks like this..." She remembered that one - the first one she had done. She'd been able to replicate it, but she thought at this point she was stepping out of place. She turned to Juls. "Can I show them? Or is it too soon?" She said.
Cadence still smiled. Today she had met three people like her, well - more than that - it seemed like more of these children could channel. She had made at least two friends. Today she felt almost normal. She reached out her hand and took Ilesha's giving it a quick squeeze before letting go. She hoped that she received it for what it was - a thank you for bringing her here.
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Ilesha watched as Sterling took full control of the conversation. She was eager and always excited to have new friends, she didn't lack any in her real school, as she understood, but here at the club she was just a kid, but now, there were far more kids than should be in any not-so strip club. There were half naked men running around...
Ilesha kept her head down until Juls started the weaves, but they were all the same, Juls wasn't teaching them new things, she as teaching how to do what we could while doing more. Not just sitting around making the weave, making the weave while we danced or while we fought as Nox liked to put it. Watching him with the power was like watching a magic show, she couldn't see how he did it but it was fascinating to know that he held so many weaves, and he danced and strut across the stage. She hadn't seen him in a fight, but she could imagine it was just as awe inspiring. If she could only see what he did.
Cadence squeezed her hand and she smiled. it was good to find a home and in a place you least expected, she seemed to thrive with the kids.
Sterling was interested in healing, so was she. Who wouldn't be? Juls nodded to Cadence. "Of course. We don't want to put anyone on the spot, but if you have a weave you are more than welcome to show us how to do it. We'd all love to learn more."
Even Olivia who was supposed to know how to heal looked eager to see the weave.
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Cadence smiled and nodded. Juls was the teacher and she didn't want to overstep her bounds. Everyone was now looking at her, and all anxiety was gone. She was in essence performing right now. Even Liv - who had seemed so shy before - looked on with interest. "This was the first one I did. One of my moms was sick, and I healed her."
Cadence remembered the weave. After she had dealt with her block, she had done this one again to heal someone from school. They had never known. Cadence once again embraced her light and formed the weave. It looked complex to her eyes despite the ease of doing it. Maybe it was only easy because she had done it so naturally.
"Then you put it on the person who is hurt or sick, and it sort of envelopes them," she said as she finished the weave. "I've not tried it on people who were very hurt - but it works well for small hurts for sure."
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Healing just seemed so cool. Sterling headed Nox's warning about trying new things on people or animals. It could be dangerous. But she'd done things without knowing she was doing them before and it scared her now to think she really could have messed up her parents and Reana. But she got lucky and didn't. She thanked the heavens for that.
But a real weave to heal. That was great. There were people who could heal, they mangled it badly if Raffe's scar was any testiment, and Liv's healing wasn't much better if the new scars across Nox's body was anything to go by.
Before Streling could ask her question Juls provided some information "Healing someone who is near death could just as well kill them as well as heal them. As far as we know most people don't have the gift of healing like Iason."
Before anyone else could say anything, Sterling blurted out, "So let's say someone got brutally cut and flesh was gouged out of their body, would this leave a scar? Or heal fully?"
Sterling didn't look at Liv, nor did she blame her, she'd done her job. Nox certainly didn't fault her inability, she'd saved his l life even if he did end up in the hospital still.
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Sterling was ever eager and ever so blunt. Ilesha hoped that the kids attitude didn't scare Cadence. Ilesha put her hand on the singer's shoulder to reassure her it was all okay. They were among friends and Sterling was just a child. A talented and gifted child but still a child.
With Sterling's comment Olivia turned away from the group. The jab been made but Ilesha didn't think Sterling meant to hurt anyone's feelings. She just wanted to know how powerful the weave was. It was an honest question if untactifully put.
Ilesha frowned and spoke softly. "I don't think she was blaming anyone. Any healing in dire moments is worth it. I'm sure both Nox and Raffe are grateful to be alive given that the scars they have saved them. Sterling didn't mean anything by it, did you?"
Sterling shook her head. "No. I just wanna know if it'll leave a scar or if it'll be like brand new? Or what we have to do differently so it doesn't scar? Is that something we need to learn?" Sterling started rapid firing off more questions.
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Sterling’s eagerness and questions got a little overwhelming. Cadence was still okay - she thought. She could feel the anxiety building up, but Ilesha was ever vigilant, and her hand on the shoulder eased the tension in her muscles. Cadence took a couple of calming breaths, and brought herself back.
Cadence had no idea who Raffe was, and she had only heard Nox’s name, but she could extrapolate that Liv had tried to heal one or both of them and left scars. Cadence had to wonder what these men were up to that had prompted such a question out of Sterling. Gouged out flesh? Cadence had emotional scars but wouldn’t have thought of anything like that.
Sterling had questions, and Cadence had no answers. She really didn’t know. She didn’t know if Sterling expected her to answer or Juls. Even with the comforting hand on her shoulder and her calming breaths, the anxiety was still there. It was manageable, but there enough that her hands went reflexively to the rings on her fingers which she began to spin for the first time since she’d entered the club. ”I don’t know. I’ve never tried it on something that bad,” she said honestly. ”Maybe it depends on your skill or strength. Do you know?” she turned to Juls and asked.
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The weave was complex and slightly different from the one Olivia had shown her when they first met. "I think that it depends mostly on the strength and skill of the weaver and the strength remaining of the receiving person. At least whenever Nox has discussed being healed by his sister that it was tiring for him afterwards. And apparently his sister saved his life many times from near death and those are scars he does not bear, so possible yes. And the weave that Olivia showed me, is slightly different. I don't know if I could replicate the differences."
Sterling grinned. "I know how to. Give me a minute."
The small red head donned her coat and boats and rushed out the side entrance saving time only to stick a rock at the door jam so it wouldn't lock behind her.
Juls shook her head. "I'm grateful she is no longer getting into trouble for being here, but she will be the death of us all." It wasn't exactly true, Sterling was just excited and eager to learn. And since Nox started her on the online school thing for her parents, she was doing better for everyone, it wasn't a distraction to the club, she was part of it. The rest of the kids would likely fall into some niche, Olivia would be a great addition to the wait staff, to have a healer on hand. Ashton could sing, and he'd be on stage as soon as he had an act. He said he didn't dance, and Juls was pretty sure he didn't need to, but they had many choreographers to work with if he wanted, but he lived with one and Nox would definitely be down in his dungeon basement dojo thing dancing and playing with his power. It was his thing.
Sterling rushed back into the room tossing off her coat while holding on to Nox's laptop. She started rambling straight out of the door. "Nox has this program, the kids use it for drawing in 3D space, but he uses it to demonstrate weaves. It's how he and Aurora used to try different things."
Sterling put the laptop down on the floor in the middle of the stage where there was enough room to draw things big. She opened the drawing program and choose the five colors. "Each element has a color, and we can draw it in 3D space. It's not as easy as doing it for real, but it's easy once you get the hang of it." Sterling started drawing with air and fire colors to make the simple little light ball that had been one of the first things Juls had shown her.
"Liv and Cadence can both draw their weaves and we can zoom in and out and see the details in fine detail to see what's different and how to fix Liv's so she can be a better healer. Not that you are a bad one, but wouldn't it be nice if no one knew they'd been healed?"