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Anna smiled at the interaction between Elyse and the girl. Anna had heard of Ricky and Marta, even if she had never met them. Anna kept from laughing as the girl realized that she had noticed anyone besides Elyse in their group. It wouldn’t have been to make fun, but kids could misunderstand. As the girl looked around, she noticed that the girl looked at her a little longer and Anna gave her an encouraging smile that Marta returned.
As the pair left and Elyse returned to the group, Anna spoke. ”Thats Ricky and Marta?” Elyse nodded. ”Were you and Ricky ever together…” Anna let the question trail off.
Elyse chuckled. ”No…Ricky is like a brother.”
Anna took a moment, trying to recall where they were before the interruption. Ghawazi. Anna searched her mind, remembering the term somewhere, finding it on a dusty shelf from her global dance class. ”Ghawazi,” she said, turning to Nez. ”Egyptian street dancers, if I recall correctly.”
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Cade was not a well-traveled doctor. Maybe he should do doctors without borders. The whole idea of living in poverty didn't appeal to him, it was bad enough things had fallen in the US even in the short span of his life time. He was just grateful he could afford to move away. Not that being a doctor wasn't going to eventually pay the bills, but he was still up to dept to his eyeballs.
Ness's question lingered in the air as all eyes turned to the girl hugging Elyse. A pang of guilt and regret lanced through his heart and he sighed hiding it behind a large swig of his coffee. It was too hot and he instantly regretted the action.
Anna answered Ness question after the child interruption. His son would never be that age.
It seemed that Cade was sitting with three lovely women who all had a bit of some exotic dancing in their backgrounds. That should have perked any grown mans interests but he was not feeling like much at the moment. There were many reminders of the life he'd left. Of the life he'd never have now. Maybe he'd find something of use when talking to his brother, but maybe he should just go home where he had the support system to keep him on the straight and narrow. A stiffer drink sounded far better right now than the coffee, even though it had warmed him nicely.
Cade tried to remain interested in his companions. Focusing intently and listening like he did to his patients, even if he didn't openly participate.
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Nesrin was happy to sit back and observe; you could tell a lot about people from their reactions and the way they interacted (or didn’t) with the world around them. And it gave her a moment to think things through. Not that she had any stellar alternatives lined up, but she liked to consider it from all angles; predict the things that could go wrong. It was one of the ways she had survived so long – not because she avoided trouble, but because she was good at getting out of it.
“Mmhm,” she continued, calling no outward attention to the way Cade had completely clammed up beside them after the child came and went. “It has quite the long legacy. Not so common these days.” She half smiled, a little mischievous, but didn’t elaborate. She was surprised Anna recognised the name at all, so it was likely she knew enough about its “improper” origins and persecution — enough that she might be interested. Nesrin pretended many things about herself, but the best lies had a firm rooting in some truth. She wasn’t a student in the sense her MSU hoodie suggested, but she’d learned a great many things. Still, she doubted they wanted the history lesson.
“I could teach you some, as a thank you for giving me a shot at the club? Not as a dancer, I mean – I’m happy enough with the bar.”
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Elyse listened as Anna answered Nez's question. Egyptian street dancers sounded interesting. If Elyse remembered correctly, Anna had studied dance at school. She was likely very correct in her answer. Elyse had done some ballet in school, but Anna definitely knew her stuff. As Nez continued to talk, offering to teach them a few things about dance, Elyse's attention went to their male companion. He hadn't been very talkative so far, and that in itself wasn't odd, but he smelled off. Something was bothering the man.
Elyse wasn't sure what to say to him, perhaps because of her earlier decision. It was hard to help others when your own mind was wandering. Elyse continued to look at Nez and listening to her offer. "Always willing to learn something new!"
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11-10-2024, 01:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2024, 01:03 PM by Anna.)
Anna listend to Nez, feeling glad that she was right. It had been a long time since her multicultural dance classes in college. Well - not that long - but long enough. She knew about the persecution of those dancers as well because their dances were "lower" class. As a former stripper and current burlesque dancer - she had no problem with "lower class" dancing. "Always willing to add more to my tool chest. Of course we can't guarantee a job for you - not our department - but always worth a try right?"
She turned to Cade. Like the their other two companions, Anna had noticed Cade had gone quiet. He had always been quiet, but when you interacted with a lot of people you began to see what other people needed. It was part of her job and what she did. Something was wrong.
"You're quiet," she said to him, an encourging smile on her face. "We must be boring you. Tell us a little more about Cade?" The smile remained, but her eyes focused a little more, showing concern. Anna hoped Cade was okay.
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Cade listened. He was interested but not too interested. Dancing was never his thing. Could be that was what his mother was before she left a dance instructor. He was only five when she disappeared body never to be found. He had been only five and he hated dancing now. Didn't ever do it, Laney had dragged him out for their first dance. And proceeded to drag him out on the dance floor including the one on their wedding day.
But they turned the conversation to him and Cade gave them all a polite smile. "Not really much to say. Cade went to medical school, met his wife, had a son. Lost them both in a short period of time. And then he dedicated himself to helping children in need since he couldn't help his own. Genetics is a bitch and after my residency ended I dropped everything and came looking for my half brother, in search of answers to why my son died, maybe our mother had something." Cade knew it was a long shot. Nox was what, sixteen when their mother died for real. What does a sixteen year old really know about their mother. He certainly hadn't cared much for Kathy at sixteen.
Other than his current antics on the internet, Nox's presence on line was non-existent before Moscow. Cade was pretty good at searching, he even had some contacts who could dig deeper than he could and the most information they found was a Kansas drivers liscene, several gun permits and a birth certificate. There was nothing. Whoever he was was a mystery to the world, and that meant he had a lot to hide, including a mother who abandoned a child.
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Anna's smile left as Cade spoke. He had a polite smile on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes. The answer to all the mystery unraveled. Anna's heart broke for him. She felt a tightness in her chest at the pain he must have felt. She hadn't prepared for this conversation and never expected to hear this - especially from a person she had just met. Not only did her heart break, but she felt an admiration for Cade. He had allowed himself to become vulnerable to damn near complete strangers. His mention to genetics meant that this might be his true purpose for seeking Nox. In many ways - it sounds like Cade blamed himself for his son's death -being unable to stop it.
Anna reached out, touching his hand gently. "I'm so sorry," she said, her words sincere and genuine. "I cannot imagine how much that hurts."
She wouldn't tell him she understood. She did not. She had never really lost anyone, much less someone as close as a spouse or child. She hoped he could heal. She hoped this pain wouldn't take away the kind man she had met.
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They both seemed amenable to the offer, and Nesrin gave a bright smile in response. “I get it. It’s a chance. I appreciate it, believe me.” She wasn’t worried about convincing their boss to give her the shot – she usually got what she wanted, one way or another. But she did care about the door to friendship. Charm never failed her – she couldn’t live the life she did without it – but this was a foray into something different, and different was always risky. But … well, an opportunity was an opportunity, and she was in a tight spot.
Cade’s story didn’t surprise her. The pain was a raw and uncomfortable thing to share with strangers, for all that he laid out the facts of his life without pretence. Fortunately Anna seemed to have the expected empathy in hand. Not that Nesrin was unfeeling, but aside from the mother she’d never known (and who was really more idea than actual person), she kept no attachments. The truth was the only one who ever really cared about you was you – she’d learned that young, as most unwanted children did. Ultimately the more in life you came to cherish the more you had to lose, and life cheated in all sorts of shitty ways along the way. Fate probably screwed Cade over because it could. He wasn't going to find answers for his loss. But she understood why he'd try.
“Well if we're going to get to know each other that well, coffee isn't going to cut it.” Her smile had a twinkle of mischief. Most of the time Nesrin was all dark-eyed innocence, but she was compelling when she wanted to be. “And I think my usual get drunk, get laid, or both advice isn't going to cut it either.”
Nesrin spoke irreverently to ease any tension – in a heartbeat Cade went from the peripheral of attention to the centre of it, and grief was a fickle beast. She didn't say she was sorry because she wasn't; she didn't know Cade. But she did know he was here and his wife and son were not. And life was for the living. She shifted to return the ruined laptop to her bag. She wasn’t joking about going to find a stronger drink, but if they’d rather stay here that was fine by her too. Her mind was already racing three steps ahead of where she needed to be.
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Cade just shrugged. "It is what it is. And I didn't mean to bring the whole thing down." He hadn't intended to share so much, but they were bound to find out since it's exactly what he intended to tell his half-brother when he met and they were all a close knit group it seemed. Must be nice to have family like that.
Cade had friends of course throught college and med school and even during his residency but none that would stand up for him if things came to a head. And his own family well, they were great and all, but it didn't seem to be this kinda close. Whatever Nox was to these people they were protective of him.
He wasn't going to decline drinks. He didn't have anywhere else to be today. He had a few more interviews tomorrow but for now he was done and drinking could ease the tension that was building up in his shoulders and head. "A relaxing drink sounds good." Cade stood up and smiled at the ladies still seated. It was odd being in the company of three women he didn't know, but then it felt right too. He wasn't looking for romance or even a partner -- at least not yet.
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Cade's story was truly a sad one. In a short amount of time his life had been turned upside down. Elyse had dealt with something similar - but not like this. The heartache Cade must have felt had to have been worse. Anna reacted first, reaching out with compassion, and if for nothing else, she was glad to have started a true friendship with the woman today. It hadn't been expected, but Elyse was pretty sure she now had a new best friend.
Nezrin's offer to go get drinks was a good one. It would do them all well enough to relax a bit more and get to know each other better. Anna know she was a wolfkin for sure. Cade, who had seemingly seen her perform might know if he had a familiarity with such things. Nezrin was still a wild card, but Elyse was beginning to ease up around her.
"Sounds like fun!" she said, and Anna agreed. Both women stood up. "Lead the way."
((OoC: Assuming we are starting another thread at the new locale - Anna and Elyse are pretty much game to go anywhere as long as it's not Kallisti - it's their day off work - either way they'll follow Nezrin to wherever she decides to go figuring it was her idea, she might have a place in mind))