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Emily looked in the mirror and smiled. She couldn't believe today was here. Everything had changed quickly. And today she was marrying her best friend.
A knock came to the door, and Rachel entered, wearing her Maid of Honor dress. Rachel has taken Ayden's place as her Maid of Honor. And despite all the happiness, Emily couldn't help but miss her friend.
"You are so beautiful!" she said, running to give her sister a hug. "It's almost time. Are you ready?"
Emily sighed. "I've never been more ready for anything in my life." she said sincerely. "This all just feels so right."
Rachel smiled and gave her sister a hug before letting Emily a hug and leading her to wear her grandfather waited. "You're so beautiful!" her grandfather said before his face turned a little somber. "Please don't take this the wrong way, Em, but I'm sorry that I have to be the one to walk you down. Your father would have been so proud of the woman you've become and the man you've chosen."
Emily smiled and wrapped him in a hug. "I know and I understand, but you can't make me cry yet." she said with slight smile.
Her grandfather laughed and pulled away to look at her. "Ready?"
Emily smiled broadly. "Let's get me married!"
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Jared couldn't help but smile. He never really anticipated the excitement of getting married. Sure, he had wanted to get married, have kids, and the whole family thing, but he never had thought he would be so excited about it. Emily changed all of that. Hell - he hadn't even had a ring yet when he proposed. It just felt right.
A knock on his door pulled Jared out of his thoughts. Jared answered to find his father there, a big grin plastered on his face. "Almost time!" he said. "You really couldn't have picked a better woman. She's amazing."
Jared chuckled. "She is amazing - that's true, but I'm not sure I picked her. I never thought about fate much until I met her. It feels so ethereal."
His father laughed. "You're starting to sound like those alien crazies back home!"
"Maybe a little bit." Jared took a last look in the mirror. "Alright - let's do this."
Jared left the dressing room and waited outside the chapel. When he was given the signal, he entered and took his place to wait for his bride.
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Jay was in the audience. It felt strange not wearing the Legion Premiere colors at Jared's damn wedding. If anything, he felt sheepish as he entered the chapel decked out in the formal uniform of the Dominions. A few people gave him the side-eye, which the only appropriate reaction was to smile, nod, and give a sarcastic-not-sarcastic howdy in his best American accent. Would have been more convincing if he was wearing a Stetson, but he enjoyed the looks of befuddlement anyway.
Vanders looked the part, Jay thought to himself, when the groom emerged, and he smiled a little for him. It was good someone got a happy ending.
Only darkness shows you the light.
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[[ this is in the past for Cruz, so he's making an appearance so hopefully nothing too dramatic happens ]]
Emily was getting married. His mother had reminded him twenty three and a half times just yesterday that Emily was getting married. He wasn't that dense. he still went to class. He still was maintaining an A average even if he was missing classes. And he wouldn't ditch the wedding, he and Rachel were still seeing each other. Maybe. He hadn't talked to her in a while. They were both so busy.
He sat on the bride's side and looked around. There were lots of people, most of them he didn't know. He did see lots of big names and even recognized Jay Carpenter on the other side. The'd met once, it was a hell of a night that Methos concert. Fucking dead kids, and dead striga... or something. Though he couldn't for the life of you tell anything other than it was dead. He'd left Nox and Jay before then and only heard the story. But Jay and Nox, that had been another show in the morning. Another one he'd heard about from his mother. Boys will be boys Cruz supposed.
But now Emily was getting married. Which also made Cruz chuckle to himself though the people next to him glared at him. Ooops he laughed outloud. Emily was another of Nox's conquests... He really got around. Fucking asshole sometimes.
Cruz thought, Maybe I shouldn't have taken that pill. What if my mother showed up?
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Kiriena sat and looked around. She was invited and had show up, even though she didn't know the couple well. Kiriena had been hired to do the floral arrangements for the wedding. Ms. Shale had been specific in what she wanted. White roses with red rose accents and an occasional pink thrown in. It was a typical order, but this batch looked far from typical. Although nerves were a constant on any order, Kiriena wasn't worried that Ms. Shale would like this. It was without a doubt, her best work.
As the groom entered, she noticed the red rose boutonniere attached to his tuxedo. Two small pink flowers accented it, and the flower seemed to gleam with life. She noticed the same on the best man and groomsmen as they entered with the maid of honor and bridesmaids. Their white corsages with pink accent flowers glowed in a similar way. This had been her first major order since setting up shop, and Kiriena had worked hard on it, often singing Pachelbel's Canon and the Wedding March as she did so. It was an odd habit maybe, but it made Kiriena happy.
Kiriena, seated on the bride's side, stood up as the Bridal March began and Ms. Shale entered. Kiriena's eyes moved to the bouquet. She had picked her best white and red roses for this. There was no flaw or imperfection on any petal. Only the best for the bride's most important day. Kiriena looked in vain to see if there was any sign of approval on Ms. Shale's face. Of course, the bride had only enough attention for one thing. The well dressed, attractive man at the front of the room.
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09-23-2024, 12:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-23-2024, 12:13 PM by Jared Vanders.)
Jared stood, watching the aisle excitedly as the music began to start and the bridal party began to make their way up the aisle. Time seemed to slow and Jared took some calming breaths. Finally, the bridal party was at the altar, and everyone stood.
Jared hadn’t seen Emily for the past day and a half and she looked even more beautiful than she had when they had first met. Her grandfather escorted her down the aisle. Emily hadn’t seen told Jared of her parents death - a freak accident on an airplane. It was the only time during the wedding planning that Jared had seen her cry.
When they arrived at the front, Emily’s grandfather lifted her veil and kissed her on the cheek. Emily hugged him in return. They had decided to forego the giving away the bride speech - but her grandfather stood in as a show that her family blessed this marriage. Jared stepped down and helped Emily up the steps to the altar - taking her hands and looking into those beautiful eyes.
The officiant began his typical wedding speech but Jared was lost in the moment. It wasn’t until Jeremy, his best man, tapped him that he was brought back to reality.
”oh sorry - where are we?” he could feel his cheeks getting warmer which dissipated with the small laugh coming from Emily and the bridal party.
The officiant grinned and repeated ”Jared and Emily, are you ready to proclaim that foundation of love for one another in the sight of these witnesses.”
Both Emily and Jared acknowledged that they were and the officiant continued ”Jared, do you take Emily to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you honor and cherish her; love, trust, and commit to her, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?”
”I do.”
”Emily, do you take Jared to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you honor and cherish him; love, trust, and commit to him, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?”
”I do.”
At this time, Jared and Emilywill exchange rings. The wedding ring is symbol of binding. A symbol of attachment and of belonging, not of possession, but of partnership. You’ve written your own vows?
They both nodded and Jeremy handed Jared the ring and his notes. ”Emily, I never believed in love at first sight, nor fate, until I met you. Word can’t describe the multitude of emotions I felt when we literally ran into each other.” this elicited a small laugh from Emily. ”you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. I love
You with everything I am - now and forever.”
He placed the ring on Emily’s finger.
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09-24-2024, 12:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2024, 02:09 PM by Emily Shale-Vanders.)
Emily beamed during the entire ceremony. Like her fiance, she was lost in the moment, but not nearly as lost as Jared was. She still knew what was going on. She squeezed his hands to let him know that they needed to respond, but it wasn’t until his best man Jeremy tapped him that he regained his focus.
I must look really good if he’s that distracted! she thought.
The rest of the ceremony went quickly, and Emily couldn’t believe this was finally happening. She could feel tears of joy trying to force their way out, but she held them in. Now wasn’t the time. It was even more difficult as Jared slid the white gold diamond ring on her finger.
The officiant turned to Emily. It was her turn to recite her vows. Rachel handed Emily Jared’s ring and her notes. Emily took the ring but handed back the notes.
”I wrote out my vows, but I feel I need to speak from my heart now,” she said, this move feeling necessary, but still out of character for her. ”Ive spent a lot of my adult life scared of men. That wasn’t so with you. I’ve never felt safer than when you’re at my side. From the moment I met you, I trusted you completely. It’s almost as if…” she sniffled as the tears began to force their way out. ”Ive known you a million lifetimes.” Rachel handed her a handkerchief. ”thank you. And for all those lifetimes and the next million to come, all that I have, all that I am, and all my love is yours.”
She placed the ring on Jared’s finger.
Jared and Emily, having proclaimed your love and commitment to one another in the eyes of these loved ones, and with the power vested in me by the CCD, I am so happy to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Jared leaned down and kissed her and she returned it with all the love she felt in her heart. This was the happiest day of her life and yet she felt like it had happened before. It all felt so natural. The room was applauding, but Emily didn’t notice. She only noticed Jared.
The recessional began and the officiant gave instructions that each row would be dismissed by the bride and groom. Emily and Jared worked theor way to the first row to begin dismissing.[/color]
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The bridal party headed out, and the bride and groom started greeting people and dismissing them aisle by aisle. The ceremony was quite beautiful. Kiriena waited patiently, looking around to see who all was here. She doubted she really knew anyone here, but it didn't matter. She'd find some people to hang out with at the reception.
When it was her row's turn, she stood, and waited to see the couple.
"Kiriena!" Emily said, wrapping her in a hug. "I'm so glad you were able to make it. This is Jared, my husband," she beamed. "Jared, this is Kiriena. She did all the flowers for the wedding!"
"They're really beautiful. Thank you for all your work!"
Kiriena smiled, "You're very welcome! And congratulations on your marriage. It really was a beautiful ceremony. Thank you for inviting me!"
"Thank you so much! Listen, I'll be contacting you again soon, I'd like to do some arrangements for the company Christmas Party. Possibly even some employee gifts."
"I'd love to help - let me know what I can do!"
Another hug, and it was time for the couple to move on. Kiriena exited the chapel, and found directions to the reception in the program. She would head over there soon.
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The wedding ceremony was over, and Rachel couldn’t stop smiling. She was so happy for her sister. An immense change had come over her in the past year - especially since Jared had entered her life. Rachel had always thought that when Emily had met someone, she’d have to hate him on principle, but she couldn’t. Jared was perfect for her.
Emily had of course picked pink dresses for the bridesmaids and Rachel wore it well. As Jared’s best man escorted her out, Rachel saw Cruz. Life had been busy with starting grad school and they had had much time to talk or hang out. She was very happy to see him. She sent him a smile before leaving the chapel to wait in the foyer. They would have bridal party pictures before they went to the reception.
She thought about Cruz and felt bad. They were both busy, yes, but she had not been good at keeping in contact at all. He deserved more from her. She would apologize as soon as she could and try to do better. She didn’t know if Cruz was her Jared, but she really liked him.
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Cruz sat through the ceremony, he was happy for Emily. But he really shouldn't have taken the pill before coming even if his mother saw him he was hardly able to stay awake. And falling asleep and chasing the nightmares was probably bad form. But the skulls had even followed him here. He saw about three before he sat down in the church pew.
His mother had insisted he take their present as well. As difficult as it was to carry that much money around in his breast pocket. Donations to her Orphan Project was the best way to her heart. And he knew that because Rachel had told him so. Not that they'd done much more than text back and forth a couple times a week. He'd been busy. She was busy. And they were both focused on school. Or at least that's what he told everyone else. Truth was, he wasn't focused on anything. He went to some classes -- the ones that he knew he'd fail if he didn't attend. And the others well he got what he got in them. And so far it had all been paying off.
Sage had been helping him for the lectures he missed, not that Cruz watched any of the material. But he tried. Most of it was boring shit. Even his Master's degree was boring he thought it would be better than undergrad. But it was what it was.
Spikes of fear of failing coursed through his body as the wedding procession left. Rachel smiled at him and he smiled back through drowsy eyes and a small wave. They hadn't seen each other in a while and she looked good. Though he was pretty sure that she wouldn't be happy about his so-called high. He needed a cup of coffee, maybe that would offset it.
He got up when the rest of his row did and they made their way through greeting Emily and Jared and wishing them well. When it was his turn, Cruz hugged Emily. "I'm so happy for you." He offered Jared a hand and smiled. "Don't go setting too high of a standard, last thing I need is for Rachel to start comparing notes." He joked. He tried to hid the slight drowsy slur to his speech but he wouldn't be surprised if his words even made any sense.