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Merry Xmas to all of you and Happy Holidays for all who celebrate this time of year.
I thought we could play a fun game. Post what (if any) holiday your character would celebrate this time of year and how they would celebrate it.
I'll go first!
Valeriya and the Khylysty probably have an annual celebration that they don't know what they're celebration. Although I don't know how they would keep track of annual time. So maybe there is some like thing that happens in the cave on a regular basis that sparks them to celebrate.
Rune would celebrate xmas for sure. She and her uncle would go to a diner every year on xmas and have chocolate chip pancakes with all the toppings.
Spectra I dont know.
Elke celebrates a very minimal xmas.
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All mine would celebrate Christmas. Though I think nox would avoid it since his family is gone.
Merry Christmas everyone. And happy new year.
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Huh. I never thought about it lol
Um, Nox celebrates Christmas because Raffe makes him XD It’s definitely all about spending time with the people he loves for him. It’d be simple and wholesome traditions.
Thalia probably loves it but forgets if no one reminds her. Her sister is often too busy and/or works it so she probably only bothers if she’s invited somewhere, and would adore whatever the traditions were wherever she went. If she did ever remember to celebrate herself it would probably be more pagan leaning.
Natalie avoids (family, no thanks).
Zhenya is probably big, lavish and traditional. She enjoys giving gifts so it would be all about that (and then spectacular food). Lots of family and friends. Everyone dresses up.
Can’t see Soren or Ori bothering. Ori would just be interested in the nightlife/parties at this time of year. She’d probably spend some time with her mum though.
Eido and Tenzin, no (both because they just don’t celebrate it). Possibly the same for Asha, but that’s more just because she never has due to her lifestyle. She’d be open to the tradition, and she loves to cook, so it would certainly be all about the food.
Nhysa, nope, unless a certain ex-Atharim invited her. It’d be hugely novel from her perspective.
Morven is probably small and traditional, just her and her sister, unless she works through.
I have no idea about Zeke or Sesuna.
And poor Noemi lives alone and has no family. She would definitely mark it in some way. Although I don’t think she’s religious, she’s the only one I think that would be likely to attend midnight mass.
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Merry Christmas!
Awesome question. And one requiring thought.
1) Armande...nah. Too busy in his work to care about such frivolities. Now, if a certain Khylsty wanted to do something- or a voodoo queen- probably. And he'd enjoy it in spite of himself.
2) Marcus- Christmas in foster care was hit or miss. He'd play the role, but only so as to appear normal. Expectation and hope aren't really his thing.
3) Mik- hell yassss! he'd get drunk and try to initiate an orgy or 3- preferably with everyone in cosplay. He might bring his shibari ropes, some clamps, and maybe a shock wand, too ;-)
4) Bas- he'd get drunk and hit up the parties and try to at least score in a threesome. After mass, of course.
5) Beto- would show up at the parties with his million and five cousins, nieces and nephews. He'd hold the minimal number of babies he could get away with, and stomach all the questions about a girl friend or boy friend, anxious to get home, take his clothes off and sit in silence in the dark,.
6) Idris- no idea.
7) Jarissa- (not yet written). Go all out for Christmas, especially since she wasn't allowed to as a kid. Try to recapture the magic she had seen on TV and movies.
8) Rena- go out with her friends dressed to the nines, looking for attention
9) Ivan- nice family time at home. Now with newly discovered daughter and reunited girlfriend!!! (limited edition)
10) Jacinda- never really did much for christmas. Regan wasn't down with it and she's been alone most of her life.
11) Liv- nice dinner at home and a million presents from her family. Happy and safe.
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Jay is super-traditional Christmas all the way. Presents. Chopping down the tree (he has to be the one to pick the perfect tree). Big into white elephant exchanges and pie parties. Would probably be guilted into attending some sort of candlelight service that he would inevitably fall asleep during.
Jaxen does the mandatory family stuff and sneaks out early to go party.
Adrian does the traditional stuff with family (or used to). Present exchange and a traditional dinner. Now he likely indulges in some slow-mulled wine and works during the day.
Tristan grew up wishing his uncle did more of the traditional Icelandic festivities and only really was able to participate if he stayed at boarding school during the holiday time.
Andre is into extravagant decorating and outrageous lighting schemes. He's trying to make up for the lost christmases he didn't get to celebrate as a child.
Ryker doesn't celebrate anything.
Evelyn, midnight mass and serves in the homeless soup kitchens all day on Christmas Day, live-streaming as she does.
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Happy holidays, everyone!
I love this thread btw!
Celebrates without really participating in the celebration at the Kremlin with grand holiday parties.
Loves Ugly Sweater parties and costume contests. She once won a contest dressing up as a Who from the Grinch.
Stays in her garage working on her beloved car all day.
Celebrates Diwali
Tree decorating and present exchanges with friends.
Mass. Duh.
Acknowledges Advent with the family. Has a family dinner on Christmas Eve and Day. Visits friends on Boxing Day. Skiing the following week through New Years.
Does not celebrate. Would probably socialize if free.