03-20-2023, 06:20 PM
yeah I have to find some. Don't think I've ever done that.

Wiki Update
03-20-2023, 06:20 PM
yeah I have to find some. Don't think I've ever done that.
03-22-2023, 02:15 AM
The United States of America Wiki page is finally complete. I might tweak/add bits here and there in the future, but that pretty much summarizes the current landscape of the USA.
If you think something about the USA should be added, please let me know!
03-25-2023, 01:18 PM
Hera Sofia Vasilieva The Vasiliev Family (wip) Amphitrite (poseidon's wife, no 1st age incarnation, I just found pretty pics) Various location updates or additions: Apex Lounge (bar) Artskaf (cafe) Devil's Lair (nightclub) Gracie's Gym Informational updates or additions: Atharim (update) Di Inferi (update) Wolfkin (added pics and details of PC characters -- also did the same of some of the other categories, like Prophet and Singer) Organised Crime in DI (can't remember if I already linked this one) United States of America (Asc is amazing) Drayson Mccullough Damien Oakland Diana (just pics) Echidna (pics) Jaxen Marveet (update) Loki (just pics) Maksim Marveet Scion Marveet (update) Morven Kinnaird (update) Oriena Rusayev (update) Nhysa (update) Asristin Kyrineas Somneus (Adrian 2nd Age)
Tristan Úlfarsson got a picture update. Brenna had a makeover, haha, but she is now the cutest bean
Alethea Sayre Maelsouvra got an update (how and why Thalia ended up tied to the Wheel/TAR) Wolves - started a page for NPC wolf info
04-05-2023, 07:31 PM
6th Age
2nd Age (with 3rd Age crossover)
3rd age
Sentient (lore update)
04-05-2023, 10:15 PM
Let's take a moment and notice how many of those updates are from me.
You're welcome.
04-05-2023, 11:06 PM
Let's also take a moment to appreciate Thal's amazing PA services *wink*
04-06-2023, 02:03 AM
Yeah, yeah.
04-06-2023, 04:08 PM
Don't make me take away your tree limb
Though okay okay, you have done a ton of wiki work recently. Proud! |
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