03-20-2023, 09:44 AM
A hefty sum. A game he thought to win or lose though Zephyr couldn't figure out. The face was familiar, but she didn't know from where. "I prefer your natural one. But while familiar I do not know from where." She leaned forward and smiled softly. "Perhaps you'll tell the tale in a more quiet place. After the show. I assume you want to watch your friend finish his performance." It was a gamble, on both parts. Durante and Marveet hadn't been seen together other than the Cabaret, but why would either of them show up to the others performance? They floated in two completely different circles. Did all these godlings know each other? And if there were two here now, how many others sat in idle contemplation heading the words of their star performer? Zef didn't glance around, her full attention on the man before her while she waited with baited breath for the man to accept her invitation of later.
His new found proximity mad her smile genuinely -- to know he'd left his intended mark for her. But there was still a game to be played and Zef wasn't sure who was playing who. The guise he took sounded more like she should know. He was toying with her. But truly and honestly did not know the man he portrayed. She smiled at him again. It is a good thing this was not a bet. I don't think I could fair the loss of a thousand. We'd have to come to some other arrangements then."
[[ ooc: Zef wasn't in Moscow to meet Hood and he's just a consultant so not exactly someone she'd run into often. Unlike Nox she doesn't know every Atharim by sight -- there is no need to know them. eHehe but I knew that was the one you'd go with
His new found proximity mad her smile genuinely -- to know he'd left his intended mark for her. But there was still a game to be played and Zef wasn't sure who was playing who. The guise he took sounded more like she should know. He was toying with her. But truly and honestly did not know the man he portrayed. She smiled at him again. It is a good thing this was not a bet. I don't think I could fair the loss of a thousand. We'd have to come to some other arrangements then."
[[ ooc: Zef wasn't in Moscow to meet Hood and he's just a consultant so not exactly someone she'd run into often. Unlike Nox she doesn't know every Atharim by sight -- there is no need to know them. eHehe but I knew that was the one you'd go with