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He had been called Wizard for awhile - a nickname given to him by Jay, but it went out to the others too, although they had no idea what he could do. Jay knew about his abilities and so did Jacques, but others had been kept in the dark. He had never actually used magic in combat yet, and he would withhold it until necessary or until ordered to do so.
But a lucky charm? That was the first he had heard himself being called that. He had never done anything supernatural in the field that would increase their odds. It was easy enough to come up with answers to her questions, but Jay piped in first. Jared would thank him later for that. He really didn't want to tell Laurie he could use magic - and now wasn't the time to reveal his secret to the world.
As Jay finished, Jared took over. It was a pity she hadn't sat next to him, but to each their own. "I'm a bit of a nerd, Laurie. Lord of the Rings, fantasy games, Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering - those sorts of things. From that, I got the name Wizard."
It was the story he gave all of those curious individuals who asked how he had earned his name.
"I'm no good luck charm - people make their own luck. A lot is morale. I've got almost ten years of experience, and it means a lot in a tense situation knowing that someone with a level head has your back."
Jared shrugged. "Some of us are superstitious, if they think of me as a good luck charm and it builds their morale, it's a little disconcerting for me, but ultimately they're functioning better. Thanks for letting me know that though."
Jared was being honest, he didn't know why these people felt he was good luck, but it was a dilemma, and he wondered if he should stop that sort of talk. High morale was one thing, thinking you're invincible is another.
Edited by Jared Vanders, Jul 5 2015, 08:04 PM.
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The looks shot between Jay and Jared made all kinds of senses tingle up and down her skin. Jared kept a straight face to the point Laurie almost believed him if not for the awe-inspiring things she heard along the way. Jay on the other hand laughed off the notion in the name of soldier callsigns. She felt her own smile grow. Between the two of them she pictured Jay as the one with more nerd-potential. He just had that all-too authentic air about him that nerds oozed. She'd never met a nerd capable of bullshitting her.
"Let me ask you this Jared,"
her smile twitched a bit. She was tempted to use their nicknames, but something held her back. "Have you seen the coverage from Jeddah? The Legion was incredible, of course. But that commander from the Custody? And what they say about that night?"
She was leading to see how he'd respond. "What would you say if they said that about you?"
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Jay's chest sank a little. There wasn't anyone on the planet who hadn't seen the coverage at Jeddah. Definitely everyone in the Legion. Hell they were watching it live as it happened. Those that weren't involved in the coup of the city, and those that were traded precious hours of sleep to watch the footage.
He turned to Jared, glad to let him figure out how to answer this one. Did Lawrence know about his magic? If she was comparing Jared to that guy from the CCD, Jay was willing to bet money that's what was going on. Thankfully, either way, he wasn't directly involved.
He kept his trap shut and pulled Shredder back to his lap, occupying himself by scratching its ears.
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Rumors tended to happen no what how much care had been taken, and it was clear that there were rumors about him being something more. At least that is what Laurie had heard. Inwardly, Jared sighed. It couldn't stay quiet forever, but Jared had no desire to share what he could do with the reporter right now. He didn't want that kind of attention. Eventually he would have it whether he wanted to or not, but Jared would rather delay that as much as possible.
Laurie questions were leading, and Jared knew she wanted him to reveal what she unknowingly already knew. Jared had of course seen the feed from Operation Jeddah in Casablanca. He knew what she was referring to, and he knew what the CCD operative had done. It was awe inspiring and humbling to see what eventually he himself could do, and it gave him an answer to her question.
"What would I say if people said I could save thousands of lives with a thought?"
The thought of all that had died in Masiaka came to him and with it compassion entered his eyes. "I'd say that is a skill I wish I had."
The truth spoken may not be the truth heard, and in this case the statement was accurate. Jared may have the potential to do what happened in Jeddah, but his own skill level wasn't anywhere near that level. It added a new sense of urgency to building his own power.
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Jay kept his head down and outwardly paid attention to Shredder while Jared answered. The kitten had flopped onto its back, chewing on his fingertips while he scratched its belly. Its little tail curled around his pinkie.
His mind replayed the images from the screen that Laurie brought up. Smoke, fire. He could hear the noise of it blasting his ears to ringing deafness. The smell of char and ash clenched his stomach while sweat stung his eyes. He could imagine it all with horrifying clarity. Special forces was a different kind of war with which he was all too familiar, but the massive scale that magic in battle posed was terrifying. Jared wanted this power to save lives, but Jay's mind went to a darker place. Someplace he both feared and coveted at the same time.
"Or kill thousands with a single thought,"
he muttered, but fixed on the kitten's furry belly, he didn't look up.
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Laurie's face tilted with the quirk of a smile. Jared's answer was so sublime, Laurie barely had the will to press him further. Barely. She didn't believe him, but reporters were prone to disbelief. Habit of the job.
The ability to save thousands with a single thought, her lips parted to wish for the same thing. She'd take that responsibility in a heart beat.
Jay had a sobering opinion. Honestly, her mind hadn't shifted so cynical until now. Ironic given her career. Her gaze fell to the kitten that so thoroughly occupied his focus, and the lilted smile from before dampened.
Strange thing to see in a place like this. "Where'd he come from?"
She knelt by his side and pet the kitten. As it was sprawled out in Jay's lap, she coyfully took care in where she put her hands. "Got a name?"
She asked, including Jared in the question.
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Jay's words didn't help matters and Jared was reminded of Danjou's words to him. He would be a weapon. His power would be used to kill. He had killed before and didn't like doing it, but it was a part of the job. It was a weight he would carry - one he would have to carry - one he hoped that he could carry.
Jared thought of those in history that had been in his shoes. Those people that held the weight of thousands of lives in their hands. People involved in the Manhattan project and those that had actually dropped Fat Man and Little Boy on Japan. Jared would love to talk to those people - asking how they did it - and how they dealt with the aftermath. Killing thousands with a thought - it was a power no man should have, and yet, Jared knew he had it, and would likely have to use it in that sense. He desired to protect the innocent, and he would have to see things through that filter, but Jared had no idea where to draw the line.
As Laurie moved towards the cat, Jared let the thoughts go. He couldn't keep them hidden forever; eventually he would have to deal with them, but for now, he was too tired to figure these things out. As Laurie pet the cat, Jared smiled. It really was the simple things like petting a cat that made life the wonder that it was.
The question was directed towards both men, but Jared actually didn't know the cat's name - the last time he had seen the cat before, Jay hadn't named him yet. "Last time we met, the little guy didn't have a name yet. What did you go with?"
Jared asked in response to the question.
Edited by Jared Vanders, Jul 22 2015, 12:14 PM.
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A feminine hand entered his line of sight, focused as it was on the kitten. He was well aware Laurie came closer, but without need to watch, he continued scratching at Shredder. The kitten rolled warily when Laurie touched it, scooting away sharply, but with Jay's coaxing, sniffed its way back. The kitten was fearful of everyone, hissing and sprinting about when a stranger came close. But with Jay, or as he learned, his shirt, the kitten could be tricked into calmness.
"This is Shredder,"
he said upon looking up at Laurie. The cat's claws were well named. He might have pulled up his pant leg to show off the dozens of tiny scratches but considering their dull soreness was missing, he doubted they still existed after Jared's magic.
"He came from no where. Dying out in the bushes."
Jay shrugged. He still recalled the ferocity with which he demanded to save the kitten. After so much gore and mayhem, he felt the duty like the weight pressed upon his soul.
"Just don't let him climb up your leg, you'll understand the name."
He smirked.
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Lawrence was tempted to pick up the kitten and snuggle it against her, but given its skiddish nature, and the inspiration for its fearsome name, she decided otherwise. The kitten had adopted Jay, and while it permitted to be pet, she doubted it would appreciate a snugglefest.
"You guys look like you're about to fall asleep sitting up, and I don't doubt you will. I'll let you go to sleep."
She peeled her fingers off Shredder and made her retreat toward the door. Before she left, she turned back, eyes alight with contemplation. "Think about what I said. I'll see you two tomorrow."
She quirked a grin and flashed a quick wave.
"Sweet dreams."
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Laurie was soon gone. Surprisingly, Jared wasn't irritated at her questioning. Maybe he was too tired to care, or maybe it was because she was attractive - but whatever. Jared picked his wallet back up, and opening it, found the picture of Ms. Shale again. He close the browser on the device and pocketed it. He frowned, thinking.
Sweet dreams. Jared doubted his dreams would be sweet tonight, but who knew what would happen. He'd wake up tomorrow and it would be another day. He'd just have to keep going as he always had.
Jared turned to Hollywood and Shredder. "Turning in sounds good. I'm going to at least try to crash for a bit."
Jared shifted a bit, trying to get comfortable. "See you tomorrow."