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((The sirens are coming from the emergency vehicles I called and I attribute the hearing of them to the wolfkin's keen sense of hearing. As we are not in the city and don't have a lot of extra background noise, I assumed the wolfies would be able to hear them.))
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((I get it now. See I was so traumatized by reading Perrin's awful story lines I block 99% of all wolfkin shit from the brains. Carry on.))
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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They dragged some half-drowned waif of a girl to the fire, and for a second Jaxen appraised her of the potential company. Misery loves, and all that. But it quickly became apparent that she was unresponsive. A glaze took her eyes and he could see the flicker of the fire dance in her pupils.
Elias dropped a dog on the ground. It hobbled near the fire, sensing the warmth, and shuddered its tiny little body. Thing looked like a rat, but Jaxen frowned and snapped his fingers near the ground to catch its attention. It hobbled toward his hand, and as soon as it was in reach, Jax scooped it up and tucked it into his coat. His stomach immediately pebbled cold and he cringed to think about wet dog stinking him up. "Better than snakes,"
he told it, folding its ears back as he pet its head.
Elias's jump made his head turn, but the screaming filled his head with noise he couldn't block out despite throwing his hands over his ears. He wasn't particularly fond of watching people die, but this was horrible. The dog scrambled from his lap and went to the girl's body, sniffing at her face. But it was clear she was dead.
Nobody spoke. Jax's narrowed eyes jet from face to face, daring them to say something. In the end, it was him. "That was the sickness, wasn't it. Show of hands, how many here has had it before?"
he looked pointedly at Elias before flicking sharp accusation at the girls.
He raised his hand. "Obviously not all the way to the dying part, but fuck this secrecy bullshit. I'm tired of hiding it."
He snapped his fingers at the dog but it was too preoccupied with comforting its dead owner to pay attention.
He groaned in irritation and leaned his neck back to find solace in the sky as something flew over the tops of the trees. At first Jaxen thought it was some bird, but the drone hovering over their heads announced one thing. It was followed by new voices sounded through the trees, men, calling his name.
"About damn time."
He said to himself, waved upward at the drone likely sending their video to Stanislav and stood up, making sure the coat covered him as best it could. "YEAH! OVER HERE!"
Stanislav pounded through the snow and upon finding the group of them, deposited the wallet he used into a pocket. He was followed by three additional men. One was operating the drone, as he piloted it to himself, folded it up and slid the robotic into a slender case. The other two, one of whom was holding an additional briefcase, were thick men in long black coats with fur collars that Jaxen took as hired muscle, stationed themselves nearby.
Stanislav always had a snarl on his lip, but as he turned it toward Elias, Elyse and Sierra, the snarl faded to tolerance. It was Jaxen he was there to retrieve. "Kid you better have one hell of a story." He planted himself in front of Jaxen and looked him over. "Look better than I thought you would."
Jaxen smirked. If Stanislav only knew. "Can we get out of here? I don't feel like hanging around when they come to bodybag that one."
Stanislav followed Jaxen's gesture at the girl. With stones for eyes he threw them at the others, and pulled Jaxen away without the option to stay.
He was handed a pair of pants and boots on the way. Awkward enough to manage to pull on without showing the world his bare ass, but it wasn't like they hadn't already seen his best bits. Cold bits anyway.
"Wait wait."
he said. Stanislav had a grip on his arm that said he wasn't given the choice to stay, but the dare in Jaxen's eyes made him pause. The light was there and he was more than willing to use it. He cocked his head backward.
"What?" He grumbled.
"Them. Let's get them back to town. Owe them a ride for saving my life. Wouldn't you agree?"
He turned back and pulled a blessed sweater, temperature-regulated, over his head and he tossed Elyse her stuff.
"That is. Unless they want to continue the camping trip with the grim reaper?"
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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Elias inwardly groaned. Exactly as he predicted, nobody did anything about the dead girl. Not even so much as bending down to check for a pulse. Well, Elias wasn't going to do everything for everybody. He already had enough mysteries to juggle, adding the cause of death of some random girl to his plate wasn't in the cards.
Jaxen's name was called through the trees. Like Jaxen, Elias scanned around them for the source just as a trio of men appeared. Two were large brutes that were apparent muscle for the third, a well-dressed, dignified man that stalked straight at Jaxen.
The offer of a ride was more than welcome. If Jaxen was capable of skipping out on the dead girl, Elias was more than willing to join him. "I'm in,"
he said as he grabbed the pack he'd left behind previously in the snow.
With it thrown over one shoulder, he paused at Jaxen's side, turning back. "Someone should stay with her. Probably the one that called the police in the first place."
A flat look scanned across Elyse and Sierra. At this point they meant little else to him. The river could give him nothing else.
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The sirens approaching and Sierra heard the men approaching long before they got close enoung to hear by the others except maybe Elsye. The wolf was stronger in hearing than normal humans. But were these men normal? One walked on water and the other seemed to not be phased by it. In the few months since she'd first come to Moscow she'd met some interesting people, all very special in their own way. It seemed that there was alot more going on.
Sierra noticed finally the large snake tattoo'd across Jaxen's back and wondered if that was what the wolves had meant, but still there was the whole popping in to existance thing that she couldn't quite wrap her head around. What had they seen? Really it didn't matter anymore the man was rescued by his money.
Sierra watched as the man put the drone away. But she had no intention of waiting for the sirens to show up, her golden eyes could cause problems. When Jaxen offered them a ride Sierra glanced at Elyse and frowned, but she wasn't going to stay and wait. She also didn't like the look Elias was giving her. She sighed. She was going back to Moscow anyway, might as well get a ride. She gave Elias a bright smile, "I suppose a ride is better than walking back to Moscow."
Though she wasn't exactly comfortable with it, she slung her things on her back and waited for the party to leave and find the ride. Jaxen looked better clothed, he wasn't quite so blue anymore.
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Jaxen's people arrived to save the day for him, and Elyse got her stuff back. She noticed the tattoo on his back, and the images from the wolves came back to mind. At this point it didn't matter.
Jaxen mentioned the sickness, and as Atharim, Elyse knew what it meant. So they had two godlings and two wolfkin - how quaint. Elyse smiled at the offer of the ride.
"I'll stay here. I called them and should be here to talk when they arrive."
She ignored the flat look that Elias gave her. "I'll be fine on my own. Be safe."
She said, giving the group a smile.
Elyse closed the woman's eyes and gathered her things. She also took the puppy, using her sweater to dry the poor thing off. The least she could do is make sure the little guy had a home. The woman gave her last to make sure it survived.
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Elias and Sierra were ready to split the scene. Smart on their part. Nobody wanted to be hanging around when the police showed up. Not in this day and age with a dead girl laying in the snow. Unfortunately, Elyse, the only one of the pair that seemed like any fun, would be left behind. What she gets, Jax supposed. You try to help and end up getting screwed in the end. It was a good lesson.
The salute and smirk he shot her was ornery. Such was fate. "Later,"
he called and the group disappeared through the trees.
Continued at Back to civilization
Edited by Jaxen Marveet, Jul 29 2015, 06:01 PM.
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."