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The preacher seemed to hesitate and fumble for his words. Strangely, he looked a bit confused. Maybe. Ivan wasn't completely clear in the head so it could just be him.
Still, the man's voice was soft as he asked if he could show him. After what had happened- what else could have happened- it was critical that Ivan learn. Did this man really know?
Despite the pain Ivan shifted himself so he cold sit up. He was breathing hard and the ache was finally lessening and he spoke. "Go ahead."
He wasn't really sure what he expected.
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Ivan struggled despite constant care in the hospital. He tried to imagine the scene that the officer found himself. One moment he and a lady-friend were out shopping, the next Ivan defended their lives. It ended with the attacker on the run and the off-duty officer shot, stabbed, wounded and hospitalized. Such was what the news said about him.
Ivan gave his consent, although Jensen was aware that he did not understand what was coming. In all the times the gift touched a human body, the recipient was unaware of its presence. Afterward, certainly, but not before. The added pressure made Jensen hesitate. Could he do it with someone waiting? Watching? Ivan seemed in such pain.. He had to try.
He rose to move the chair closer to Ivan's bed in order to reach out and touch him on the arm. "May I?" He asked as he did, although he didn't anticipate a decline. Careful of IV's or any bruises, his touch was light and gentle. Although his grip tightened as the gift's power flooded through him. Joy, anger, awe. It was how he imagined it would be standing in the presence of the throne.Instinctively his eyes lowered as though in prayer. Although ashamedly, he had yet to actually pray for help as though talking to God would burst the dream and he would be left utterly alone once again.
Going through the motions was like muscle memory. When it came to the Gift, this was the only thing he knew how to do. The web of power formed itself in his mind, faster than he could even process how it happened yet at the same time he knew every single aspect of how it formed, more than he knew his own face.
It wasn't long, but when he lifted his gaze to peer upon Ivan, he found himself pulled toward a figure standing in the door. It was the nurse, Jacquelyn, that led him here in the first place. Wide eyes darted between her and Ivan, and he opened his mouth to speak, but no words formed.
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Ivan let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding when he felt a sense of menace fill the other man. His first instinct was to sit up straight, maybe even to stand, to be ready for whatever was going to happen. The sense of impeding danger was that strong.
But the man's eyes were kindly and there was real concern in them. And then Ivan felt the touch of the power and his body went rigid, as if he were being dunked in a pool of ice water. All thought left him as every part of him was on fire, a burning searing freeze, muscles bunched and knotted.
After what seemed to be an eternity of agony it ended abruptly. His jaw ached from clenching as hard as it had and his knuckles were sore from where he gripped the bed sheets. His breath came in ragged droughts, but that, in and of itself was a miracle. Despite the pain killers, breathing before had been painful. The broken ribs had made sure of that. Now, he could breath deeply- was breathing as deeply as he knew how- and there was no pain.
Gingerly he felt at his side where he had been stabbed. Nothing. And his shoulder no longer felt sore. Come to think of it, he no longer felt a bit punchy. He could think clearly too. As much as normal anyway.
His math dropped open in awe. Than man's attention was on the doorway, his cute nurse looking at them. Suddenly Ivan wondered what she had scene. The man looked terrified.
He scrambled quickly trying to think of something to say. "It's ok. I was just..."
he trailed off. "I had a bad spell for a moment and he was trying to help."
He wasn't sure what she'd do. It's not like the guy had done anything wrong. Ivan would pull rank if he had to to make sure the guy was left alone.
Still, it was up to her. And the guy. He had so many questions. He wanted to be alone with this man. His stomach rumbled and he realized he was hungry. He put on his winningest smile. "I'm starving. You wouldn't happen to have a powerbar or something on you would you, sweetheart?"
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Thrill gave way to fear the longer Jensen looked into Jacquelyn's eyes. Her gaze hovered between curious and confused, but she listened to Ivan's explanation without rejection. Ivan's light-heartedness lit a smile on her face as she came to stand by his bed. "Being hungry is a good sign. I'll make sure nutrition knows to send you a menu." She checked him over briefly before turning her attention to the wall of monitors displayed behind him. "Your sensors went off, but everything is normal now. Maybe you did help," a soft smile turned to Jensen, who did his best to hold it.
Satisfied with Ivan's state, she said she would return later and disappeared into the hall. Jensen let out a tightly held breath, placing his hand on his chest as he did. He didn't need to ask if the gift's touch worked, he'd sensed every moment of the miracle. He kept his voice low despite the appearance of being alone. "I didn't know how to explain. Was it terribly uncomfortable? I don't know how to change that. The gift rushes away on its own wings, I barely feel in control of it."
There was an ache in his voice he couldn't hide, a yearning for something unknown. Yet, despite the justification his mind craved, his heart knew this was exactly why he was alive: to bestow the gift's healing to those who needed it most.
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First day on the job and there was already a case. And one of their own was involved. Dorian hadn't met the man yet. But he was a young man with a decent rep. Sadly he was still in the hospital, so that's where Dorian went.
He'd met most of the team including the shrink they employed. Dorian wondered why they need the profiler. Unless she knew more than they were letting on. Martin had given him a heads up on the informants in the program. He was the only full fledge Atharim in the bunch though. Now that he had a full breakdown on the team, he'd run his own search and history on everyone and their associates. Dorian wanted to know exactly who he was working with.
The Guardian was out of the Golyanovo District but his new unit pretty much had run of the whole city. This anti-terrorist group. Dorian laughed at it. This man that attacked one of their own wasn't a terrorist, he was just a thug with a gift. He needed information. It'd been a while since he'd gone up against a god, and most gods were weak pathetic things cowering in fear and usually in pain from the sickness. A bullet to their heads was a mercy.
Dorian asked at reception where Ivan Sarkozy was at. All hospitals looked the same, every hospital smelled the same too. Dorian rolled his eyes. Dorian saw a nurse leave the room he was supposed to enter and he stopped to chat with her a moment, "He alright to talk to?"
Dorian flashed his brand knew badge, it still shined even.
She nodded. "He's company right now."
Dorian nodded and headed back towards the door. He heard voices and he tried hard not to eavesdrop but he couldn't help but overhear the last little bit, "The gift rushes away on its own wings, I barely feel in control of it."
Dorian froze in mid-stride. What had he just walked into. He should just walk away right now. But now he had too many questions. Dorian made sure his sleeves were covering his tattoos. They were of course, but he made sure anyway, it would be wrong to show off what he was if there was a man inside that had a 'gift to control'.
Dorian let his badge hang on the chair around his neck openly, so that there was no question why he was there. Then he stepped inside and knocked upon the door. "Sorry to interrupt, just making the rounds to meet everyone and work your case while I'm at it."
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The man started to explain and Ivan tried to listen. Yet he couldn't help but shift his arm around, marveling at the sudden freedom from pain. It seemed like, despite the pain killers, it had been a low buzzing sound in the back of his head, something he was always aware of. And now, suddenly, it was quiet- too quiet!
The nurse had thankfully left them after just a moment and Ivan was all set to pepper him with questions. To be able to do what he had just! It spoke to him, the possibility. Not that he ever wanted to be anything than an officer. He loved his job. Keeping people safe was what he lived for. But he'd seen people injured on the job many times. To be able to do something about it.
And it also occurred to him that being able to heal and being able to do other stuff, not so doctor-like, weren't all that different. If he had control of his abilities, that run in with that douchebag in the market coulda been different. He ground his teeth. He wanted to find that guy. It would be different.
He was about to ask a question when a tall well groomed man walked in. Ivan was irritated though he probably should've asked her to close the door. "Do you mind. This is a private conversation,"
came out just as the man spoke and he frowned, noticing the badge. Damn! He looked at the man who had healed him again. Just when he was about to get answers. He was torn between protocol with a fellow officer and what he really wanted. He put his hand out on the man's arm to indicate he wanted him to stay. "You are?"
Edited by Ivan Sarkozy, Aug 6 2015, 11:09 AM.
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A slowly growing smile etched away the worry lining Jensen's mouth. Ivan was truly better. A light grew in his eyes that suggested as much. He moved smoothly and breathed deeply, reminding Jensen just how delicate the human body was.
He looked up at the footsteps of someone entering. Caught unawares, the gift was released back to its source, but Jensen didn't have the opportunity to marvel at the absence of its glory. The gentleman that entered had the bearing of Jensen's father, someone who brooked no nonsense. By the curt yet cryptic greeting, Jensen wondered if this was someone that worked with Ivan. Yet Ivan did not seem to recognize him. Rather, the placement of his hand on Jensen's arm said he preferred to continue their conversation.
Jensen remained quiet, and by the gesture from Ivan, also remained seated.
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Dorian didn't exactly like interrupting the pair talking but such was life. Now he looked rude, but the door was open and he had knocked. Not much else he could have done differently. He was an unwelcome guest, he'd make this quick. The man in the hospital bed was younger than he'd imagined. He looked no older than Cruz, but he likely was to be a detective.
Dorian walked over to the opposite side of the bed where the other man was currently standing and offered his hand to Sarkozy. "My apologize for the interruption. Dorian Vega - new detective of your unit, I think you've happily named - the monster squad."
Dorian chuckled at the name inside, it was far better than anti-terrorist group and it was much more like the truth. Though Dorian wondered how many monsters they'd actually be hunting, the predominate purpose of this unit was to capture gods - capture being the operative word. He was going to have to get used to that. Gods were not captured in the Atharim. This was going to be an adjustment.
"I've been meeting the others, and right now I'm killing two birds with one stone. Introducing myself to a colleague, and questioning you about the man who attacked you. That is if you have the time? He is dangerous and we need him out of commission sooner rather than later."
Dorian knew that Martin was already on the job. The Atharim would likely be there first. A dead god was their MO and it was going to be difficult to explain his death if he couldn't belay the cops at least a little - not on purpose of course.
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Ivan smiled at the man. His head was clear and he wasn't in pain. In his book, it was a good day. A great day even. And his benefactor didn't appear to be going anywhere. He could take a moment to talk to a brother in arms.
"No worries, man. So you're new to the 'squad' huh? Bet you've got some stories to tell, then."
It was true. They all did. Drayson had sifted through every department to fill out the monster squad. It was practically required that you had some run in or other with a beastie or three. Unless they were, well, 'special', like Alex or he was. Not that being 'special' had helped all that much, as it turned out. Well, to be fair, the guy would've done worse. Still, his failure to stop the guy and save those people gnawed at him.
It was why he wasn't gonna let the preacher here go. He had to get control of his abilities. If he was in a less charitable mood, he might be irritated that The Ascendancy hadn't taught him more before sending him out. He almost felt shame at even questioning him. He doubted the guy had time to sit around training newbs. So it was up to Ivan to find training where he could. Well he'd found it. And he'd be a pain in the guy's ass until he'd learned everything he could.
"Good to meet you. So you have the investigation huh? Takehiko was here- he's part of the team- but mostly to check up on me. I wasn't real helpful anyway. It's hard to remember much. The guy just attacked out of nowhere. I don't know what set him off or why. "
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Dorian nodded. He didn't really expect there to be much knowledge gained in this particular interview, now that he suspected that Ivan knew far more about the powers of the gods than anticipated. The man with him claimed such fame already. But none of that was on the record. And he wasn't going to try to get it out of them on the record. Dorian wasn't exactly sure he wanted the Atharim to know there might be gods on the police force. What damage would the Atharim do?
But what damage would these gods do unchecked. He would have to get the name of the man visiting Ivan and put him under watch. He could watch Ivan. Not that it sounded like a fun job to track one of your own. But Dorian had to know for sure.
"There are a lot of strange and explainable things happening here in Moscow. I've seen my fair share in Madrid, but never like this."
It was like things were coalescing here in Moscow - attracted to the very man of power himself.
Dorian had to ask, "Can you tell me what you felt going up against him? I mean everything looks so surreal - so fake. What happened specifically? Did you feel anything unusual? See weird things? The video's are pretty easily interpreted when you see fire arrows pelting down on you, they just appear and fly."