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Aria seemed a bit nervous about being in Mass, at least a first. But as the service progressed, the blessings and finally the sacrament, she seemed more at peace. When it was finished, they stood in between the rows as the few people milled around. She didn't seem to be in any great hurry so Lucas didn't mind. He always liked to think about things afterwards, to cement them in his mind. He came here for a reason. And he'd felt like he'd communed with God. He saw a few people making their way to the confessional. Normally he'd be one of them, but he looked at Aria. Not tonight. He'd do that on his own time.
They walked out the big doors into the cold. The contrast with the warm church was stark and he looked at her shawl. It didn't seem enough. He was about to offer his jacket when she took his hand and thanked him with a smile. For a moment he was taken aback. There was something about that smile. It was so...sweet. As if she was smiling at being able to smile. Remembering what he knew of her, perhaps that was it exactly. Whatever the reason, being with her made him feel...not alive, that wasn't it. But it was like he was seeing the world through new eyes. He just looked into her face, enjoying the moment. He liked the way her hand felt in his, her warm skin, a bit rough perhaps, but still nice, against his. Her hand was smaller than his, She only came up to his chin, maybe.
She looked up at him. "Ready to see a little bit of my home?"
she said and started toward the metro. He was curious. She was from Italy and they were in Moscow.
"Alright. You're the boss. Show me the way."
He grinned at her. "Just no haggis or tripe, ok? Because I can't eat gross stuff."
In truth he could and had. Living on the streets taught you what real hunger was about. Didn't mean he was going to go back to it.
They were quiet as they waited for the car. Finally, once boarded and seated- curiously there was only an older woman at the other end sharing the car with them- he said, "So your home, huh? I take it you've been to Moscow before?"
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Aria grinned at his haggis comment. He really was playing that one a bit today. She was glad he was joking around, it made the mood much more light and Aria really did enjoy being in Lucas' company.
The quiet was only slightly awkward, but only because she felt different with Lucas around. She couldn't put a finger on it but it was different. The car was nearly empty, Aria thanked God for that. She didn't want to be jostling next to people for the ride. She hated the metro, she hated most public transportation, but at least she could easily get off the train if things got too crowded for her unlike a boat or airplane.
Aria smiled at his question. "A few times. But the family that owns the place we are going is the cousin of my mentor in Vatican City. Before they came here I saw them a lot as child. They are as close to a family as I will ever come."
Aria laughed. "Victor will probably make a big deal of everything The dress, the fact that I've a friend with me, and not to mention that you are of the male persuasion."
Aria rolled her eyes. "I'm warning you now. He'll call his wife to come see, and I wouldn't be surprised if the entire restaurant will think we are much more than what we are by the end of the night."
Aria squeezed his hand. "You can back out now if you want."
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"Heh. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it will be interesting."
He really meant it too. There was a....hint of normalcy in what she said. The childhood friends and family, the teasing about their being together. It hinted at a brief moment of time in her life when she'd had...a regular life, before her abilities were discovered or manifested themselves. It made him think. This place is 'what might have been' for her, now out of reach.
He looked at her. What was she to him, anyway? He wasn't sure. Obviously he was attracted to her for a lot of reasons. Physically of course. But there was also the fact that she too had grown up completely alone. He wasn't sure why, but he found himself drawn to people like her; he found himself desperate to save them as he had been. He laughed at himself. He was sure someone could use that to say all kinds of things about his psychological state. But at this moment...they were friends. New friends with some chemistry, definitely. But friends none-the-less.
The train came to a stop and she stood up indicating it was time to get off. He followed her lead and they walked side by side up the stairs out onto the street. A light dusting of snow was starting to come down, illuminated by the lamps, flakes gentle floating on the air on their hair and clothes. He took his jacket off and put it on her. "I know you're tough and all, but I have a sweater and you have a little shawl on a dress. So that settles it."
They came to a door, the sign in the windows saying Salvetore's Restaurant. Lucas held the door for her and then followed inside.
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Aria was glad that Lucas wasn't bothered by her warning. It was a big deal to anyone who knew her. Victor was considerate, but such an abrupt change in everything all at once, it would mean only one thing to him. This guy was important. Lucas was a friend. She liked him. She wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but she'd not shared this much of her life with anyone, at any point in her life. So it said a lot she trusted Lucas this much.
The train stopped and they got off, snow was falling. Show was almost always falling in Moscow during the winter. It was kinda pretty as it flitted through the lights. Lucas put his coat over her shoulders. She would have said something but he interrupted before she could. His coat was warm. It smelled like him too.
Salvetore's Restaurant wasn't much, but it was a family business, it was clean and the people were good. Victor treated everyone like family. Lucas opened the door and Aria knew that Victor would notice, he noticed a lot more than people wanted him too. Aria knew that first hand. He'd commented the first time she'd come in alone without Antoinette or Father Dimitri. He knew Aria had been assigned to Moscow and she was struggling. He hadn't given her a hug, but a seat in the back away from everyone else, but close to the kitchen. An easy exit. Victor didn't know what they did, but he knew enough to know they could need to go quickly.
Aria walked into the warmth of the restaurant and was greeted with Victor's boisterous voice. "Buona sera!" Aria smiled and Victor did a double take. He cocked his head to the side, like a dog trying to figure something out that it wasn't quite sure what it was. Aria laughed.
Victor hugged Aria and kissed both cheeks, Aria returned the gesture. It really was good to be in control of her own emotions. He took her hands and danced her around the entrance way. He spoke in Italian, "My dear, what is the occassion?" He looked past Aria at Lucas. "A gentleman caller?"
Aria shook her head and returned her answer in her native tongue. It rolled off her tongue like she hadn't been speaking English her entire life as well. "He's a friend."
She held out her hand and pulled Lucas closer. And in English continued. "This is Lucas. Lucas, this is Victor."
Victor nodded. "A pleasure. Any friend of Aria's is family." He turned and shouted at the waitress to clear the back tables for two. The girl who had been here every time Aria had been glanced at him with astonishment and nodded with a smile. Victor turned back to them. "Marco will be delighted to have you here. He's been dying to try out something on some unwitting customer."
Aria smiled. "Marco might be disappointed, But we'll see."
The girl returned quickly and nodded to Victor that all was ready. "Right this way." Aria knew the way, and Victor never personally seated anyone, much less her. He was going to make this a very big deal it seemed.
A table sat out of the way, but near the kitchen. It was probably the farthest away they could be from the crowd, not that the restaurant was busy at this hour. It was fixing to close soon. But she knew Victor wouldn't rush them, or anyone who was in by the time the door chimed its last time for the night.
Victor pulled the chair out for Aria and she sat politely. Aria was hesitant to take off Lucas' coat, instead putting it on proper. It was big on her, but at least she could move without it falling. Aria's shoulder ached as she did so and she hoped she didn't have to pop the other pill to stay comfortable.
Victor slipped into the kitchen and shortly thereafter a tall Italian in all white except for the apron that was stained with whatever he was cooking today came out and pulled up a chair, turned it around with the back facing the table and sat down. "What's this about being disappointed?"
Aria laughed. "Victor is a tattle-tale. Marco, Lucus. Lucas, Marco. Master Chef of Salvetore's. I'll have whatever, but Lucas, he's a big boy he can order for himself."
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Lucas saw Aria seem to transform. Maybe that wasn't it exactly. But from the way she'd always seemed to carry herself, the way she walked and kept herself from touching most people, he'd naturally expected her to be like that at all times. But here, here was an Aria that he did not expect to see. She seemed friendly with people, as if they were family. She seemed relaxed here.
It was odd, to see Aria this way. It wasn't what he expected. Given what he knew- which wasn't much- it just wasn't something he'd imagined. But he found himself smiling. There was a kindness in it. Despite her lonely childhood, especially once her ability or whatever you called it showed itself, there was this place, this memory for her, of a time before that. It was just a little thing. She'd lived in Rome and probably didn't get to Moscow that often. But he could imagine her, a small girl, living isolated and alone, wondering at God and his plan for her. And deep in her heart, she could go to this place, a memory from before, from a time when she was "normal". It was a bittersweet kindness to her. It said something that she was letting him come here.
Victor was friendly enough and made it clear that he liked Aria. She was right though. They did seem to make a big deal about his presence. But he didn't mind. He liked Aria. What that meant, he didn't know. And at this point, that was ok. People tried to define things too quickly anyway.
They sat down. He was unsurprised that Aria's order was so vague. Either she liked everything here or didn't really care about food. At this place, at least, he hoped it was the former. He looked at the menu as he thought. For some reason, it was important for him to know that she loved herself even a little bit. That she did at least one thing just for herself rather than whatever it was that she was dedicated to. Joy and peace in life came first from coming to terms with yourself- estimating yourself as being of worth, that you matter. That was the big lie people believed and even sometimes tried to make others believe, that they were worthless. It was hateful and cruel and it oftentimes sucked the life out of a person as they sought to fill that void or emptiness with drugs and sex and whatever else. He knew it all too well. And the key to really dealing with it was to learn to view yourself as a person of value, that what you wanted was also important. Not most important, of course. He wasn't thinking of selfishness. But basic human self-worth. A little thing, what she chose to eat, but somehow, because of that, it felt important to him.
Finally, Lucas decided on lasagna. There were lots of good choices but right now, in the midst of winter, something like that sounded warming and perfect. He made his order and the chef went away. He looked at Aria, suddenly feeling awkward. It seemed like every conversation they had was deep and emotional. For some reason, he just wanted her to enjoy herself here, to not have to think about any of that other stuff. She had let him into this place, after all.
"So...suddenly I don't know what to say."
He grinned at her. "I do like this place though. And that you brought me."
She looked cute in his coat, since it was big on her. He would've liked to see her in her dress though, now that he could look directly at her. She had filled it out nicely, from what he'd seen in the church as he tried not to notice such things in that place. But he wouldn't ask for it back now. She seemed comfortable. He lifted his water in a toast. "To good memories that get us through the tough times."
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Marco left with their orders. Aria never ordered from the menu when Marco was cooking. Thankfully today Marco was here. Everything was good, but she preferred Marco to surprise her with whatever caught his fancy. He enjoyed cooking, and why limit his ability by making requests.
The fact that Lucas didn't know what to say was only mildly surprising, this wasn't exactly a normal experience since they'd known each other. She smiled, Aria was sure Victor would handle any awkwardness with ease, food and wine. Too bad she didn't drink. Never again! That had been a life changing night, and not for the better.
Lucas toasted with water and Victor was there nearly immediately as Aria returned the toast. Victor shook his head. "Girl, have I taught you nothing?"
Aria laughed and Victor brought a bottle of San Pellegrino. It was chilled unlike the identical bottle that sat on the table, which he replaced it with. Sparkling mineral water in Victor's eyes was far more appropriate for a toast than regular water. Aria looked up at Victor with a frown. Aria confided in Italian, "You know I can't afford that right?"
He put a finger to her lips and smiled and in his quiet yet still very boisterous voice thick with his heavy Italian accent. "On the house.
The bell to the front door chimed and Aria could feel the joy radiating from the women coming in. Aria shook her head. "Victor, this isn't a big deal. You didn't have to call Marie and your Mama."
Victor's face reddened, he'd been caught. "But. They wouldn't believe me if I didn't show them. Our little Aria with a boy." He put his hands to his face showing the 'cuteness' of the sentence he spoke.
Aria sighed and shook her head. "Fine, they saw, now please go away. Lovingly said of course. Please."
She pleaded with him, it was awkward enough as it was without the Salvetore family making themselves at home in their lives.
Marie nodded and pulled her husband away. Aria nodded a thank you and hoped they'd stay away. She smiled at Lucas. "Told you. Big deal."
They talked about memories, good memories, what few Aria actually had pretty much revolved around this family. After she was 9, well those where all they were memories. Fransesco was her only friend and then he wasn't much of one. He picked on her physically, always tapping her and pushing her, it was all meant to be playful, until Aria turned heel and beat him up. He'd cry to his mother and she'd chide him for picking on a little girl. He got in more trouble when she beat him up than if he just left her alone to do his own thing.
Their food arrived and Marco personally delivered it to their table. He took a moment to check Lucas out from behind. Aria smiled and shook her head then gave Marco a warning smile. Aria asked, "How's Pavlo?"
as he sat her plate in front of her.
Marco blushed. "Well, I'll tell him you asked. He's with his father, he just had back surgery. Threw it out on the job. He's doing fine now tho, Pavlo is helping them out the best he can."
Aria nodded and looked down at her plate then back up to Marco. "There better not be any eggplant!"
Aria wasn't really concerned, it looked like chicken, it smelled wonderful and knowing Marco it would taste better than it smelled.
Marco laughed "Never in a million years. Enjoy!" And he turned on his heels and went back to the kitchen.
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Aria wasn't kidding as Victor's wife and mother showed up to look at him. In truth, it was a bit embarrassing, both for him and for Aria, he could tell. But it was what it was. He laughed when she said "Told you. Big deal."
"I guess, sheesh."
But it was ok. They talked of simple things mostly, the few memories from growing up that could legitimately be called good or happy. As they spoke, Marco brought the food out and Aria bantered with him about his boyfriend. When he left, Lucas dug into his lasagna and it was as good as he expected it to be. And to his strange relief, Aria looked like she was genuinely enjoying her food, almost as if it was special. He smiled at her. "I am really glad you are enjoying your food."
She wouldn't know what he meant but that was ok.
They returned to their reminiscences and continued to talk. As they did, it struck him as very human it was that they could adjust to almost any situation and then, however rarely, find moments of happiness or joy in those circumstances. Those moments didn't last long at all, of course. But somehow, those brief instances, however rare, had been enough to keep him sane. And very likely, her too. Those experiences were like way points, enough to get you through to the next. You still sunk in the morass and filth and were mostly losing. But those moments pulled you out long enough to gain your sanity and try again.
He wondered what effect never having them would have. Or maybe being the kind of person who never experienced good no matter what. Such people could grow up to be callous selfish people. Or even much much worse.
They finished their meal and sat contentedly. He was full. "I'm going to have to hit the gym tomorrow to work this off. But it was so good. Definitely worth it."
He looked at her. "I had a lot of fun. I am really glad you called me. It means a lot that you trusted me."
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It was a good meal, Marco had lived up to his reputation and Aria was glad that Lucas had enjoyed it as well.
"I'm going to have to hit the gym tomorrow to work this off. But it was so good. Definitely worth it."
Aria grinned. "As if going to the gym is an unusual occurrence for you."
Aria blushed at the memory of Lucas without a shirt. But it wasn't the only thing that she felt when she thought of that day. The pain from his tattoo memory had a powerful draw. His demons called to her hunger. Aria wished she hadn't thought about Lucas with his shirt off.
"I had a lot of fun. I am really glad you called me. It means a lot that you trusted me."
Aria smiled as she pushed back the memories. This was a far better memory to focus on.
Aria laughed. "If you call them fun, okay."
Aria smiled at Lucas. "I had fun too. You have no idea how thankful I am that I can trust you."
Aria had to keep her emotions in check. Lucas' seemed to up-end her emotions into something that was beyond real to her. Something that she didn't expect from anyone, or anyone to make her feel. She did trust him, but she didn't think he should trust her. There were still too many secrets, the wrong one and he could be gone. It would hurt. But at least she had the memories now. The real emotional connection.
A girl came to clear that table, the doors had been locked for the past 20 minutes or so. They were pretty much alone in the sitting area. Except that Victor and his family lingered near the door waiting and trying not to watch.
Aria shook her head. "I'm sure they'd love to lavish their affection more. We should probably go before they get brave."
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Lucas laughed at her observation. Yeah, they shut the place down it looked like. Lucas waved over Victor and asked for the check. When he returned he laid some bills on the table- including a generous tip- and then walked with Aria to the door.
"It was very nice to meet you, Victor. The food was delicious. Thank you."
Of course, they didn't get out that easy. They had stuff to say to Aria too and it took another five minutes before they were actually outside. It was colder now though it still didn't bother him. Then again, he wasn't in a dress. She had his jacket, but he didn't think that was enough.
"You must be freezing. Let's get down to the train where it is warm and I'll take you home."
It had been a nice night and he really didn't want it to end. But nothing lasted forever.
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(as of this post the thread is open)
Aria wasn't completely comfortable that Lucas' paid for the check. It felt like she was mooching. Victor gave her enough of a family discount, but she still felt uncomfortable, this wasn't a date. Aria had no idea what this was, or what they meant to each other. But Victor and Marie had a pretty big idea of what THEY wanted it to be. Marie whispered all sorts of questions to Aria, most of which Aria didn't answer. They were starting to encroach upon her personal space. The need to be gone was strong. Aria waved stressed good-byes and hoped Lucas hadn't felt like she was dragging him out the door.
Family was all well and good, but they were a bit much and Aria didn't really want to be prodded like some experiment. This was her life and she'd do as she damn well pleased. Though the Atharim probably would have a lot to say about her seeing a guy who didn't know anything about what she did. The danger it could present to her, the organization and not to mention him.
Lucas thought she was cold. While her legs could be warmer she was fine really. Aria shook her head and looked up at him. "I don't want to go home."
She thought about it. She didn't want to go anywhere specific. She had work to do back at headquarters. Aria wanted to read up on her mother's missions, specifically her last one. Who had she been sent after? Why? And if it were her last mission could the man who broke in really be her father.
Aria smiled. "Walk with me?"
Aria liked being in Lucas' company, it didn't matter what he was to her. He was safe and caring and a friend. The first real friend. One who cared enough to help her, to see that she was someone, not just a tool to be used. It meant a lot to her that Lucas wanted her to trust him, she only hoped she'd not let him down. She knew the power of her desires, her hunger. She was going to fail, but she would fight. She would make sure to not become the person she knew she could be.