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A sip of beer, a moment's thought for her wolf comment. After the Baccarat had burned down, and a few idiot Atharim had thought about trying to kill him, he hadn't had any further dealings with the group. He'd burned a few safehouses and smuggled a few out of town, since they had been into some sort of civil war power struggle bull shit, but it had all been arranged on their own dime. Something they had had no shortage of.
He had no actual interest in the pay, of course. His interest had been in what he got to hunt. He may have given exactly zero shits about them as an organization, or in their beliefs and goals, but there just wasn't much entertainment for him in killing humans.
Hell, the last time he'd been to the Almaz he'd almost had something interesting to do. He hadn't been surprised a fucking degenerate den like that place had roped up a few of the things that went bump in the night for their big ticket fight, nor that their security measures had been so fucking lacking to the task. What had surprised him was how equally shit their security was to handle the situation. But, that's what he got for hanging around with professional criminals. Didn't exactly have to be the best around to do well there. Just had to be big, and scary looking when all you dealt with were civilians.
Really, they hadn't parted ways. He'd never been one of them, and had never been interested in the prospect. Cults and causes weren't his thing. Of course, the next time one of them made the mistake of trying to kill him, he'd probably bother to go out of his way to teach them a few lessons about hunting people.
But, there was a chance that whatever Oriena had in mind could be entertaining. If she was like Jaxen, she could probably have killed him at any moment. Hell, so could the kid she had fretting at her leash. The boy was psyching himself up, only to suddenly go cold. It was in the breathing, the set of the shoulders, the way a person held themselves. Well, let the boy settle a bit, before anyone tried something stupid.
He tucked into a breast pocket of his jacket, and produced a business card. No fancy tricks or sleight-of-hand; what was the point in showing off how quick you could draw a fucking business card? Just meant you had nothing better to do then to practice party tricks. "I'll let them know to expect a call."
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"How quaint."
She plucked the card from his fingers with a grin, then stood to slide it in the back pocket of her jeans. At some point Kat had delivered Mikhail's drinks order, and though Ori had ignored the offer they knew her habits well enough. Another glass of vodka slid across the worn tabletop alongside the rest.
"Watch that for me, Mik."
Kolomov's Yakuza contacts had finally arrived, and although her eyes flickered back the pool table, she said nothing. At another table, Scarface's Mexican friend had already departed. If he was conducting business right under the Syndicate's nose, he didn't have long before Yun burrowed her claws in; especially now his table was empty. She winked at the poor little lamb on her way out.
In the fresh air outside she fired up her Wallet, leaning against the plastered billboards that fronted the hole's exterior. It rang for a while, during which time Ori massaged her sore shoulder. Then the thump of music from her club deafened the speaker. Carmen's scratchy voice answered, murmured words lost in the din, until she obviously went into the back office and everything quietened.
"Carmen. No, no, Carmen, fucking shut it. Change of plan."
"You say you're a godman. So what?
I'm the devil herself"
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The cartel and Ryker were strumming up a deal in the whole. Yun wanted to know what was on that drive. She leaned over to Slav ”Put out an APB. I want what’s on that drive. Get a copy, don’t let him know. Make sure one of our guys gets him.”
Slav nodded, ”Mistaken identity got it.”
He slide out of the both and Yun put a hand on his before he retracted it from the table. He looked down.
She smiled up at her man. ”Extend him an invitation.”
Slav nodded and pulled his hand from under hers. There had been a thing long ago - she was young. He liked them young. Yun wasn’t one to judge. At least they were all of consenting age as had she been.
She watched as Slav passed by the man with the scar on his face. Ryker, Yun wondered what the rest of his story was. There was nothing on him - nothing of interest but yet the cartel came when he said so. Slav spoke to the bar keep and ordered two drinks. One for Yun and one for Ryker. He was extending an invitation after all, one had to play host. And Slav was good at it.
He took the drinks to the table and set them gently on the table. ”My mistress seeks a word with you. Drinks are on us.”
Slav gave the man his best welcoming smile. It could come across as scary when he stared down at you like he was. Slav was a good cop. A nothing cop, but that’s the way they liked it. He could slink around do her bidding and still be a great cop. Pierre was nothing, brother of a lawyer who was on the payroll, but Peirre was good at two things, swaying the ladies with his french accent and playing muscle. Peirre was watching as the Russian families started their little pow wow. It would either go well or end in blood and either way Yun would know. But Ryker had her attention for now while Slav waited for his answer. If he didn’t come to her, she’d go to him, but it wouldn’t be as much fun.
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Ryker was generally staring off in the direction of a television screen and enjoying the remainder of his beer when a shadow darkened his line of sight. The guy that hovered over the table was big. He'd fought bigger, the dark thought was discarded soon enough.
He looked over his shoulder at the woman in question, eyes sliding up and down her as she sat in the booth. "Alright,"
he said casually and departed the table.
He slipped opposite her, eyes settling on hers in amusement. He hadn't intended on consuming more than one beer. Instead, he left the offering on the table untouched.
Closer, he could make out the lines of muscle across her shoulders and the cords of tendons cutting into her hands. She was lean and wicked strong. Ryker's tastes in women were generally more traditional, but the power that radiated from her was intriguing.
The hardness cut slopes down the planes of her face. There was something vaguely Asian about her, though he didn't get the impression she was full-blooded Eastern, if so, the genes were diluted. Maybe she was a half-breed.
"Tell you what, you have that one's balls on a leash,"
he cocked a head toward the departed Slav. "I admire a woman that can train rabid dogs. I am Ryker Petrović."
He smiled darkly, "What can I do for you, madam?"
Edited by Ryker, Feb 14 2018, 08:20 PM.
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Yun was glad that he came when beckoned, but from the looks of him he was only doing so because he was curious. Like some big joke. Yun hoped he didn't think so for long.
Yun laughed softly at the comment he made his introduction with. "Yun Kao. A pleasure."
She offered him her hand. "Not his balls that I own. Slav is mine out of pure loyalty. I do have others though. It might behoove you to see some of them. Doing business with a Mexican cartel in Russian. That's a very interesting gig you got there."
Yun took a sip of her new drink and swirled the contents in the cup before setting it down. "I think it's what I can do for you, Ryker. It is alright if I call you by your first name?"
Yun laid her hand on the table top near her glass palm side up with a sweet smile. No one in this hole would think she was just trying to seduce a man so she didn't even try, but she was offering a friendship of sorts, exposing a vulnerable piece of her self to him. "There is an APB out on your friend. Newly issued, the moment he walked out the door actually. He'll be let go once we get a copy of that stick. I don't like not knowing what's going down in my city. Perhaps you can enlighten me and we can come to some sort of understanding."
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Mik listened, pocketing away every bit of information. Just a few terms, but each one hung there like a puzzle piece. A cult. Hunting humans. River worked with? for? them. Oriena was the big bad wolf who blew their house down. Snakes.
Each piece, without context. Without the details that let him connect them together. But all about something specific. And he wanted to know. Knowing all the players, seeing all the cards, that was where he lived.
But by now he knew Oriena well enough to gauge that she had the attention span of....well, he didn't know what. She flitted about, a butterfly (or maybe a wasp), from flower to flower, doing whatever came to her in the moment. A question might yield and answer. Might. Or it might not. And River wasn't exactly bursting to talk.
And so he relaxed and did what he always did. Just listened. Well, when the dickhead from the bar gave him a glare and all, he could help but smirk. Especially at Oriena's resulting comment on his 'friendship' making skills. "Hey, what can I say? I'm just a huggable, lovable kinda guy."
He let himself shrink a little, less noticeable. He scanned the room. Dickhole went over to the jukebox to talk to someone. Body language of the two screamed "Nobody look over here! secret deal going down!!!"
The Yakuza had shown. Mentally he frowned. Their plans must have changed. Not sure why they decided to meet at a bar, exactly. Usually the drinks were shared after all was said and done. Perhaps the alliance had already been made and this was a public showing of support or whatever? Or something else? He'd find out. Didn't matter. It had merely been a momentary impulse- the luck of finding Stanislav and co here.
Idly, he thought of doing something. He had beef with Kolomov, true. And they would fall. But he'd like to be the one with to put in the last nail. But if the alliance hadn't happened, it would be kind of funny to help it along. A plan half-formed. It wouldn't be that hard to accomplish. He'd have to head over to the pool table. Stanislav- the real Stanislav, not the one he'd pointed out to Dollface (he laughed at the thought of her finding out he'd lied to her about who he was. Eyes would probably go all dark and pissy. Hey, she was the one who said it, though. No rules.)
Anyway, where was he? Oh yeah. So the real Stanislav wouldn't remember him but that would play to his advantage. Just a couple pulls on a few threads and the crash people were expecting would become the opposite. Subverting everyone's expectations.
It was tempting.....but nah. Let things play out for now. Especially since it looked like things had maybe changed.
Dollface got up, pocketing River's card. Another puzzle piece floated in the air before him. She asked him to watch her drink and headed out.
Great. Stuck with River now. Prolly talk my ear off, he thought sarcastically. But there were ways to pass the time. And who knew what might happen or what might be said. He'd noticed the spider, sitting at her table. Idle seeming, he started talking softly as he casually perused the room. "Well well well. The Spider of the Syndicate has come out of her hiding place. Wonder why?"
He casually nodded toward the her table and then the pool table. "Surely not just to watch one of the families maybe crash and burn or get a life-line."
He watched as she sent her man over to dickhole, back at his table now. The man got up and joined her. Voice still low.
"Now that is interesting. Meets with someone from out-country- maybe South America? I don't know. And then he heads over to the queen of corrupt cops?"
Something about the way he moved too. Deadly. He filed that away.
Kat walked by and slowed at their table. He took her left hand with his right. "Hey Kat, sit for a minute."
She favored him with a tired smile. "Uhh, you can see I'm a little busy, Mik"
but even so, she let herself be maneuvered into Oriena's empty chair. Mik didn't let go but made a point of studying her hand, as if looking for something. And of surprise.
"Damn that Daniel! Still no ring? Better tell him he needs to lock that down or I'm gonna throw my hat into the ring."
He acted like he was serious. He wasn't really her type. And they were just friends anyway. Not that he wouldn't hit that. But he liked her like this just fine. And Daniel was a good guy to know.
She laughed as she pulled her hand away. "Me?!? You tell him that. Maybe then he'll listen."
He shook his head. "You kidding? I told him that two weeks ago. You tell him he has another two weeks and then I'm in."
All a joke. Daniel was screwing up his courage. Mik was just having a little fun. Priming the pump. Punk better get on it though. She was a good one.
He got all mysterious. "Actually, you CAN tell him that I found that thing he was looking for."
Her smiled became suspicious, though there was humor in her eyes. "What thing, Mik?"
She slapped his leg. "You better tell me."
He raised his hands laughing. "Hey, not mine to tell. Still...."
he looked at her conspiratorially. "...I imagine a woman like you could get it out of him."
Her eyes narrowed. "I'm gonna beat it out of him is what I'll do."
She could too. He wasn't a big guy, after all. Tall and lanky.
He raised a scandalized eyebrow. "Haha! Hey whatever you two are into. Have at it."
And that was that. She burst out laughing. She'd get it out of him, he was sure. Would be a good surprise.
She leaned forward to slap him on the shoulder. He caught her hand, her face near his. "Careful of the Spider and the Jabroney over there."
Her eyes widened slightly, but she nodded. She knew. And she'd let him know what they said. She was good at her work. The cover was done.
She continued the move in and kissed him on the cheek as she stood. Her voice normal, "I'll tell Daniel what you said. I'll get the secret out of him."
He smiled. "Sure you will, Doll. Not a doubt in my mind."
And mentally he wished her the best. The guy had had the ring for two weeks. Not sure what he was waiting for. Daniel'd get what he was referring too. They'd sat at his very bar, then, and he'd confided in him, even showed it to him. He had that kind of face, it seemed.
Not that Mik would ever play that game himself. But he didn't mind seeing others do it. Find whatever happiness this crazy universe let you have while it let you have it. And have fun while doing it. He raised his glass, looked at River and smiled slightly. Nothing meant by it. Some fun, at least. And maybe some information.
"Good and ill.
We're like the wind,
we blows both ways."
- Mad Sweeney, American Gods
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"Hope it doesn't offend your sensitivities,"
his morbid humor responded even as he clasped her hand. Like the rest of the woman, her hand was tough. Callouses roughened her palms. A woman of action, then.
He retracted his arm and tapped fingers lightly on the table, lifting them slightly to approve her use of his name. "I am sure Mr. Amengual will not be pleased his son gets arrested his first useful night in Moscow."
He snorted an amused laugh and entertained whether or not Yun Kao was worth risking his relationship with the cartel. "You can call off the APB, though. I'll tell you what's on the data stick for the asking."
"Given if I make your life a little easier, I hope you'd do the same for me?"
The humor slid from his face. His lips flattened dead serious.
So she was a cop. One that claimed to own the city. Given the way so many men of stature deferred to her, she had a legitimate claim. Friendship with Yun Kao may prove useful to his efforts. "I am brokering a partnership between manufacturing and distribution, if you will. The Amenguals you know. If they like the offer, I will introduce them to an interested distributor. It's boring stuff really. Terms, boundaries, costs. That sort of thing. It's my attention to gain favor with the Amenguals. Something that speaking with you is unlikely to contribute. Now, how are you going to make all this trouble worth my while, Yun Kao?"
Cancelling that APB would be a good start.
Edited by Ryker, Feb 15 2018, 08:48 PM.
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Yun nodded as she listened. His request was easily handled with a wave of her hand. Andre had been listening and was off to speak with Slav without any instructions. Ryker's 'friend' would get away without notice. Not they had intended to arrest him, just scare the poor man a little. And get the information she wanted.
But contrary to his words the Mexican cartel would rather have her favor than her ire. If they intended to move into Moscow then they'd need her help too. Or she could hinder them just as easily. Whatever she was paid to do, the highest bidder and all. Yun's loyalty was to money.
"I'm sure the Amenguals will will appreciate you paving the way for their future here in Moscow. And who better to help you pave that way. I'm sure we can come to some understanding smoothing your way into their good graces with fewer middle men. I can take care of a great many problems you might have with distribution and even sales."
The port authority was well under her fingers too - the right call and she could have their flight or their ship through the process without even raising an alarm. No questions - for a price of course. Everything came at a price. Yun smiled. "There is very few undertakings in the city that I don't know about."
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Koji kept his lip from curling in disgust at the two pigs before them. Eiji was Wakagashira over the clans in this district. More importantly, he was his Oyabun.
He had been given much honor from this man, plucked as he was from the dregs of the streets to eventually serve as a member of his family, a bonding made permanent by the sakazuki sharing.
They had come into this aptly named hole only to make contact with a Russian with ties to a cartel in Mexico. It was purely chance- or the humor of the ancestors- that they would see the Kolomov men they were to meet later there at the pool table. Or that these men would pressure them to the table and proceed to begin the delicate discussions in this fashion and in this place.
He did not expect these dogs to follow the code of jingi. But that they would be here, drinking and becoming less controlled by the moment when they had an important meeting later this evening with them, was a grave insult.
These men did not respect Eiji, did not respect the ninkyō dantai, their ancient organization itself. For that alone, Koji wanted to slip his blade up into the bald man's chin, to feel the hot sticky blood course down his hand. But his Oyabun merely looked at him. It was enough to keep him still. He would bear the insult until such time it could be borne no more.
He looked around the room and found the man they were supposed to have met. The scars had been distinctive. But he was not alone, as they had expected. A woman sat with him. She had the look of the Chuugokujin. Pretty, even with the scars. Koji would even say moreso, because of them.
Still, why did he bring her? He caught his Oyobun's eye and flicked it at them. The man's nod was slight. He was still speaking to- or more accurately, being spoken AT- by the bald man, Stanislav.
Borne, until it could be born no longer. For Eiji...
Edited by Mikhail, Feb 16 2018, 11:38 PM.
"Good and ill.
We're like the wind,
we blows both ways."
- Mad Sweeney, American Gods
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Oriena slinked away, leaving him alone with Mikhail who, thankfully, seemed to be willing to entertain himself with his own social circle. Aside from a few off-hand comments to the air; things like the Syndicate didn't much matter to himself.
His attention seemed fixed on one of the televisions. Standard sports highlights, interviews of, players. Readying for the pre-season games. Not that he much cared about that either. It was just a place to center his apparent focus on. A person could see a lot with their peripheral vision, hear a lot with their head turned just right.
A mental image of the room, the various social circles, movements of individuals. Reading a room was important, and always needed practicing. Who was talking to whom, how did the groups interact (or not, in some cases). How'd the staff act, or react, to what was going on around them.
It all pointed to some stupid shit he wasn't interested in getting involved in. Mikhail demonstrated some social graces with his own friends, at least when he wasn't trying to impress Oriena.
She was one he didn't have much of a read on, other then that she was clearly a spider, or maybe a cat? that liked to toy with those around her. And wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty, judging by the scuffs she was sporting. And for the fact that she must have been the number two involved in the Baccarat fire. He was almost curious to learn just what she was planning for him. Might be entertaining.
If someone like her and, he was fairly fucking confident, Jaxen, could take the Atherim down a few rungs, it was just more evidence that they were exactly the self-important half-ass'd faction of crazy cultists that he had pegged them as. Thought they were chosen by whatever the fuck deity they followed to kill folks like Jaxen, only to let him walk in and burn their house down. Should have stuck to with monsters, clearly.
A final sip of his beer and he set the empty bottle on the table, next to the one Mikhail had ordered for him. He eyed the bottle a moment, a simple change of posture which led him study the idiots at the pool table while listening to what few snippets could almost be heard from scar-face and the Asian woman.
He had no interest in their conversation, which was just as well since he couldn't really hear it from where he sat; it was simple an opportunity to practice active listening and memorization techniques. A few words gleaned, physical mannerisms of the pool-players compiled, he took up the bottle with a nod to Mikhail then returned his gaze to the television.