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It took a while to escape Rune's clutches. Not that Seth minded overmuch, she was the closest thing to a daughter he had. At least the pretty little English girl didn't get too jumpy when he opened the door. Different place and circumstances and, well--he wasn't too old for that yet.
It wasn't long before the young lady decided to break up the little reunion happening on her doorstep."You couldn't have knocked?"
Remembering that he had essentially broken into her house, Seth figured the least he could do was be polite. Taking off his hat, he introduced himself. "Nice to meet ya, ma'am. I'm Rune here's uncle Seth."
Noticing the designs littered about the room, Seth was able to piece together why Rune was here. "So you're the one drawin' her first tattoo?"
He could tell Rune the specifics of why he was there later. Wasn't exactly the best idea to start talking about who they were going to kill in front of the uninitiated.
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Rune was eventually peeled off of Uncle Seth, but she'd hung on for dear life for as long as she could. Normal people! Yay! She was so happy!
She spun about and showed him off to Thalia, who was so far the sanest person she knew in Moscow, and that wasn't saying much. Aria and Hood were cool and all, but both were weird as i'll get out. She couldn't wait to tell Seth about those two.
"Yup," she affirmed his claim and shoved a finger in his arm, "we're related! Hard to believe huh?" She looked fake disgusted, and crossed her arms. "'N sorry 'bout his barging in here. Guess I forgot to turn off the gps on my phone?" She flicked Seth a conspiratorial look. He musta used atharim resources to track her down. Did that mean he'd been to HQ? "That 'n he's kinda a rude old man."
She jested, of course. He wasn't just kinda - he was totally rude and quite old. She smirked playfully. What in the world was Seth doing here anyway? He loathed Europeans. Except maybe the one in the room. Did Uncle Seth just check out Thal? Oh boy. Some things just never change. Ewe.
"Yup, Seth this is Thalia. She's been doodlin' me up good lookin' pictures 'n stuff. Like this one here! Check it out." Rune darted over, ruffled through some pages, and produced a sketch of flower buds.
"I wanted some violets, yah know, for mom." She hoped he'd approve. I mean, he was the only one of the pair of them who actually knew Violet Marx.
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Thalia watched, amused, as the man chose now to retreat behind formality, even pretty much doffing his hat. She wrinkled her nose at the ma’am – ma’am, really? – and did note that his introduction nonetheless came with no apology, but made no comment. The disruption, sudden as it had been, made no lasting impression on her affability. Now that it had turned out to be a benign disturbance anyway. Thal adapted seamlessly.
Rune’s hurried explanation had an air of excuse, and her gaze titled in the other woman’s direction for a moment of consideration, but she was indifferent to whatever hid beneath the words - if anything even did. She stood from the arm of the couch, to make room in the small space for the two to converge over the designs, and paced a little way out into the studio. The acoustics made an echo her voice. “Sure, well, make yourself at home, Seth. I’d offer a drink but I have no more cups.” Her grin had an air of tease, because the polite thing to do would be to empty and offer her own. Just like the polite thing was to knock before entering another’s door. Mirth glittered the grey of her eyes. “First tattoo, you said? So it’s like a family tradition?”
"Rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart."
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Rune's lips were constantly twerked into a smile. Now that Uncle Seth was here. O M G how did he get here? And O M G why?!? Was it cause of her? Had something gone wrong in the initiation? Did the Regus (Rune wanted to shiver thinking about him) not think she could make it on her own? Cause it had to be something! Seth would rather swallow tobacco spit than step foot off the homeland. Course Rune didn't blame him. She was homesick.
"But they got this stuff here Uncle Seth called Spizz or Phizz or Fuzz.. Can't rememeber really. All I know is to grab the green and black can outta the coolers. You'd like it. But all Thalia had was coffee."
She gathered up her cup, hands kinda shaking like she'd had one or two or ten cans of the energy drink last night. It didn't have Fuzz in it. Just coffee. "Its ok Thalia, he can steal my coffee if he's thirsty."
"Oh! Oh yah, Uncle Seth! Show 'er your tats!"
Edited by Rune Marx, Dec 12 2013, 02:28 PM.
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Seth raised an eyebrow at Rune's twitching. Poor kid must've been up all night. She didn't look all that tired, though, so she'd probably been slamming back energy drinks by the dozen.
He chuckled at her request for him to show his tattoos. "I just met the little lady, I don't think she wants me taking my clothes off in her studio just yet Runey."
Still, he pulled up his left sleeve. The ouroboros stood out in plain black ink on his inner wrist. In concentric circles growing outwards, hundreds of tally marks covered his lower arm.
"Our family's been getting 'em as far back as I know of. Guess you could call it a tradition."
Rune's excitement and Thalia's curiosity hopefully satisfied, he pulled the sleeve back down. "Let's hope I've got a few more decades a'fore I run out of room."
If he made it that far. All that crap about old and bold... well, he sure wasn't a coward.
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Rune didnt know what to think about the scratch marks, which looked more like notches in a bedpost than anything else, but she did have a swell of pride for the snake and everything it represented.
She gathered together the sheets that'd caught her eye and shoved the pile toward Thalia. Somehow she hoped it'd come together into a normal looking picture, but Rune had no clue how to describe what was in her head. She just hoped Thalia could come up with something good, and Thal was so talented, Rune totally believed she'd do a good job.
She finally hopped to her feet and gathered up her crap. She hadn't even been back to home base yet to clean her stuff, and there was a few things that needed cleaning. And she was dying to talk frankly with Uncle Seth.
"So Thal wanna beep me when we should be getting together again? I'm loving all the stuff so far. It's gonna be totally rad. Thanks again!"
She flashed a pair of finger-guns along with a twist of the lips and a wink. Then grabbed Uncle Seth and headed for the hills.
((wanna start 'nother thread? so we dont be botherin' thal anymore? hehee)
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Seth barely had time to wave before he was dragged out of the room. Which was odd, since Rune had no clue where she was going--actually, that was exactly like her.
Continued in "Only Getting Started."
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Just yet? Her brows rose in amusement, but it took more than a bolshie American attitude to cause her offense. She watched him pull back his sleeve, marginally curious. It wasn’t the most elegant tattoo she had ever seen – though she recognised the ouroborous Rune also wanted as part of her own design. It was the short, sharp lines of ink that drew her attention, stamped hard into his skin like stone tombstones. Seth wanted more tattoos, or more of those stark black lines? If they stood for something, she was not sure she wanted to know.
Rune bounced up then, and thrust an arrangement of papers in Thal’s direction. That was the meeting done with, then. It didn’t leave Thalia a whole lot of feedback to work with, but she didn’t mind overly much; sometimes it was nice to have the creative freedom. “Yup. Sure.” She began ruffling through the images Rune had chosen, and promptly settled herself in the seat Rune had vacated. She didn’t look up. “Speak to you soon. Nice to meet you Seth.”
"Rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart."