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One thing was for sure, Yuri didn't hesitate when something got in his way of money or drugs. Vlad's anger slid away as did the power. There was no need for it, not anymore. It was sad that Ivan was in the path of his wrath. But shit happens.
It was payday and Vlad handed out each bundle to each person. Some were clearly larger than others, and Vlad didn't hide it from them. Competition was a good thing.
Vlad handed Yuri's his with a small note tucked inside. "Thursday, be EARLY!" It was time to show the young druggie a little bit about what he was dishing out. Peter knew it too, but he couldn't see the weaves that he did. Vlad didn't expect Yuri to get it the first time, but it would be nice to let someone else do the tedious deed.
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Officers Konstantinov and Sokolov had been watching Vladimir and his people for a few days already. A fruitful few days, as they gathered images and video on regular comers-and-goers, learning the pattern of life. When workers would step out for a cigarette, when shifts seemed to begin or end. Knowing who worked there was important, but knowing what they did on a normal day was what made for a successful raid.
The days were relatively uneventful for the most part; just people coming and leaving. Until that day. That day, Vladimir became aware that Peter was missing. And then the messenger dropped dead, and none of Vladimir's men seemed surprised. Worried. But not surprised. This was a known outcome to them.
One of Vladimir's men, one the two officers would eventually identify as Yuri, dragged the body off out of sight and returned a short time later, and they continued to survey the scene until it had quieted down again. And then they left. They had an unusual standing order from one of the most powerful men they knew.
See anything...weird...and report it to Chief Inspector Drayson immediately. They'd heard of other people reporting things in the past, and there had never been any fallout no matter how strange the report had seemed at the time. He accepted them at face value, and whatever he did with the information, there was never any repercussions to fall back on the officer that reported it.
It was a refreshing approach to things, especially in Moscow, the heart of the CCD. Everyone in their line of work ran into something inexplicable at least once in their careers, and in the past, it had been either a career ending move to report on it. A trip to the department shrink usually came hand-in-hand with a posting out of the Dominance or a nice slip of paper thanking you for your work and a boot out the door. But under the Chief Inspector...they were listened to, taken seriously, and given a chance to vent the things they had seen, things that often haunted other officers who kept it to themselves.
They contacted Drayson directly; they were members of his personal network of contacts within the various police departments around the city. They were unorthodox, certainly, but they were trustworthy and dependable.
He arrived at the Golyanovo District precinct in his usual style; a short walk from the subway station. His arrival at the station took the old officer working the front desk by surprise, but it quickly faded; it wasn't the first time he'd shown up unannounced, and it surely wouldn't be the last.
Drayson saw his way through, stopping to chat occasionally with police officers or even suspects and troublemakers, but eventually found his way to that 'forgotten' interrogation room with Officers Konstantinov and Sokolov, and with Peter, who was no longer cuffed, and had been treated...perhaps not well, but with a far less authoritative air then the other inmates at the precinct. He had his own cell, for one, away from and out of sight of the other inmates, in a sort of witness protection.
He spoke with the two officers in the hallway for a few minutes before he entered the interrogation room with two cups of coffee in hand, one of which was set on the table next to Peter with a handful of creamer cups and sugar packets, and a stir stick of course. "Peter, is it? I am Chief Inspector McCullough. I need to know more about this."
He seemed a calm and quiet man. Kind, despite his position and title. A reasonable man, one whom had weathered the storm of the world without bowing or hardening to the point of loosing his connection with the world and the common folks. He dwelt near the top of the food chain in the CCD, or at least as far as one could get without being a politician, or rich (something that all too often came hand in hand), but he lived at the bottom, so to speak, among the police and the civilians. Or as closely as he could.
He set his Wallet on the table and pulled up a video of Vladimir and the sudden death of Ivan, and the lack of surprise of those that witnessed it. "I am aware of the deal my men made with you. That stands. So, how does he do it?"
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Peter was not at all surprised when they asked him back into the interrogation room. This time slightly more politely. But someone new was there this time, this time he had the air of authority about him. Someone you didn't want to mess with.
Peter was grateful for the coffee, his withdrawal was not easy and coffee would at least be something, anything to help with the terrible headache he had.
Peter sipped the coffee as he watched the video of his uncle killing Ivan. Peter wondered what Ivan had done to get that treatment. As the crumbled body fell to the ground Peter knew why, he'd gone missing. Ivan had found out. Uncle Vlad was never the man to not shoot the messenger when he was angry. And this would make him very angry.
Peter looked up at the Chief Inspector. "I have no idea how he does it. He gets angry, and men start dropping like flies. "
Peter thought back to the times he'd seen his uncle doing things, weird things. "He once showed me how he made the little blue pills. He kept going on about weaves and patterns. He could see something I couldn't. He got angry. I felt like I was losing my ability to breathe, before he let me go. One thing you learn when you work for my Uncle, is you don't get him angry."
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Drayson nodded slightly, and pulled the chair from the opposite side of the table. He brought it around and sat so he was on the same side as Peter, facing the young man with no barrier between them. He sipped his own coffee black, and winced with a grin at the heat of the foul brew. Whomever had made the pot that day seemed to prefer especially strong brews.
He slipped his Wallet back into his pocket, and looked to Peter curiously for a moment, as if trying to glean some sort of insight on the man. Another sip of coffee and he sat forward slightly on his seat, closing the distance between the two of them, "What are your plans for your future, Peter? More of the same? Am I going to read about you in the paper a year or two down the road?"
They were going to move the man to a new district and let him go free, despite everything the man had done already. Drayson would hold to the deal; they were after the big fish, not the workers. But it didn't sit well with him that they were going to do all this, and Peter would just fall back into the same sort of life. His sort ended up dead long before they reached the top, which was a waste. The man had the desire to climb higher, but wasn't willing to do the work or take the responsibility.
"You could do better, you know. Programs for higher education. Trades and skills training."
He doubted Peter would take it, doubted the man would ever actually amount to anything other then worm food or a convenient scapegoat, but he insisted on at least trying.
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Plans? Peter had no plans. He just wanted away from his uncle and his family for that matter. It would be better if they all thought he was dead. He couldn't do better, that's the whole reason why he was even in Moscow. "I don't know. I'll I want is out."
Education smeducation. He barely got through highschool. And he surely wasn't no day worker either. But for once in his life Peter actually had a chance for a future. So long as the Russian mob didn't figure out who sold out Vlad. They hated his uncle, but loved his money he gave them from he goodness of his heart. With Vlad out of the way they'd be free to take over his business. Too bad Uncle Vlad was the only one who knew how to make his little blue pill.
"You'll be doing a good to this nation, and every other. You'll not only take out one of your biggest drug lords here in the city, but you'll take out the only man who can produce those little blue pills you found on me when they pinched me. Peter smiled with satisfaction. "I just want out, you won't hear from me again.
Other than my obit anyway. Peter didn't have much hope, someone would find him, that he knew for fact.
Thursday afternoon and Vlad sat in the crap hole place where he made his fortune. He waited patiently for Yuri to show up. There was nothing out but the basic chemistry set and several bags of sugar. The sugar bags lined the walls. It looked like a candy store room. There were never any drugs stored on the premises, it was all made and handed to the distributors until more was needed. Today Yuri would get his first glimpse at the products making. Today Vlad would see how strong this boy was. The weave was complex and it took patience to master. It was not your random throwing together to get the right high. Vlad had carefully crafted the pill to do just what it needed to keep them high, and make them want more. It was a perfect little creation. He was proud of his creation, proud of himself.
Edited by Vladimir, May 22 2014, 07:36 AM.
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Thursday couldn't come soon enough for Yuri. Pushing pills was good money, especially with the hustling to be done on the side, but it seemed what he earned just didn't last as long with each new week he had to wait between drops. He was getting good at figuring out tricks, though. Like using the power to shave edges off the pills so he'd be able to keep some for himself. And then it wasn't hard to get the five finger discount from clients he followed after the sale. If he got caught, what was one more body turning up in the Red Light District?
Still, it just wasn't enough to last him anymore. Yuri was already up to three candies a day. He tried stretching it out with whatever else he could. But how the fuck could one ration out that thing that finally filled the hunger within? Everything else paled in comparison. Booze, weed, coke, snappers, dust, whatever. The high he got from Blue Candy was like getting blown by a sweet lipped angel.
Plus he was getting good at keeping it on the down low. Using the power to keep his clothes looking well pressed and ironed. Drops in the eyes to keep them clear. Hands kept out of sight so no one noticed the fidgets. Little things like that -- fucking chumps didn't have a clue about his shit.
Finally it was Thursday. Yuri made his way to the flophouse, did the stupid fucking song and dance for the guards, like they didn't know who he was or something, and was sent to the back where he was told Mudak was. Whatever. Mudak better start showing him secret. Either that or let him take more to sell this time, cause his last dose was working through his veins at the moment. And nothing pissed Yuri off more than the prospect of having to go dry for a night or two.
Yuri went into the back room. Mudak was back there with the tubes and beakers and shit and all the bags of sugar. "All right, boss, I'm here,"
he said. "You trying to start a cockroach farm or something?"
Mudak better get that smirk off his face like he was hit sideways with a cast iron skillet. And he'd better start talking. And be not such a dickwad today. Yuri wasn't even late for once. What the fuck was all that sugar for?
Edited by Yuri Obrechennyy, May 22 2014, 12:23 AM.
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For once in his life, Yuri was not late. But then again Vlad knew he was using, so this would make his life! Vlad could overlook some things, Yuri always made the profit and far more effectively despite his skimming than Peter ever had. Anger rose in Vlad as he thought of his nephew. The rotten little bastard better not say anything. Vlad had sent word throughout those he knew that Peter should be taken out if shit hit the fan. He'd even sent men of his own to make sure if Peter was a rat, that he was put down as soon as possible. Every thing planned for. Nothing to get caught with, that was the plan, it was always the plan. Hopefully Yuri didn't fuck this up.
Vlad commanded, "Bring a bag with you." He indicated the sugar along the wall. "And we'll get started."
"It's a long and complicated weave and there are may things going on here at once. I rarely keep any of the trays you see here, I make them with air, but for now, just the product."
There were several trays of pill shaped molds sitting on the table. Vlad wove fire and the air and the burners started boiling the water he had already put in.
"Sugar pills, that's all this is. A simple sugar pill. He smiled with an evil hint in his eye. "Will a little something extra."
Vlad went through the basics of making the sugar slurry that would be the base of the pills and poured it into the molds. "The rest is all power. Watch carefully, everything is important, one missed step and you could kill yourself, or kill your clients. Either which is bad."
All five elements were woven into a specific pattern, each thin thread spread exactly at a specific distance, length and width. Each one was precise. Vlad moved as slow as humanly possible so that Yuri could see each step clearly.
Once woven Vlad placed the net over the sugar pills. It was the simplest part of the whole things. As Vlad passed the net through the pill, it's chemistry would change, leaving only the strongest and most powerful drug he'd ever seen sitting on the table.
It wasn't easy, he didn't expect Yuri to get it the first time. Vlad tossed Yuri a pill. "Try it. Make sure it's what it's supposed to be, and then you can try. " Vlad laughed, "But I wouldn't taste yours."
Edited by Vladimir, May 22 2014, 07:33 AM.
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The power of a Chief Inspector was one that Drayson rarely brought to bear on a problem. A possible break on the newest designer drug on the market was one he would not let slip through his fingers. There had been questions about the drug in question, as cursory investigation had revealed all seized samples so far to be nothing but sugar.
Normally Drayson wouldn't have gotten involved in the case to begin with, but he had been called in by Konstantinov and Sokolov. And the information provided by Peter had peaked his interest.
There were strange things in the world; he'd seen a few first hand, and had listened to enough off-the-books reports from officers who had seen some of that strangeness themselves. It was worth the risk.
With the weight of his office, he was able to pull a team together on short notice. Many of the people flagged at the location were wanted on something, even if it was just a suspected connection to a crime. Hell, Drayson would use tax evasion if he had to.
A tactical team was to be the spearhead of the raid; uniformed cops would form the cordon to prevent escape on foot or by vehicle. Plain clothed officers were seeded into the immediate area for eyes on the ground.
They staged five blocks out. Plans were confirmed and the tactical team was loaded up, ready to go. Ghost cars blocked intersections suddenly, and the team rolled out at speed towards Vladimir's hideout. There would be little warning. A dozen heavily armed and armoured officers would thunder through the doors after canisters of tear gas were launched through windows. Flashbangs would follow to further disorient those within.
Edited by Drayson, May 24 2014, 09:39 AM.
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Mudak was giving Yuri some candy to try?
Hooy Na Ny! Don't mind if I do, Govnosos!
He took it right out of Mudak's hand and popped it in his mouth. Yeah, that was the straight dope. He sighed and power flooded into him, enough to titstomp the fucking neighborhood.
"All right, I got this."
Fuck, if only he'd known he could make dope using the power like ten years ago. When Mudak had shown him the pattern he'd paid more attention to it than if he'd been showing Yuri an albatross that vomited gold and shit coke. Or a vulture or something. He wasn't really sure what an albatross looked like.
Candied out of his mind, Yuri started humming a song to himself in rhythm with the weave he was building. One, two, shit in the loo.
The pattern started forming as he layered fire, water, air and earth. Three, four, go for the score.
Like a rhythm he built up the net with all of the colors he knew, just like he remembered seeing. Five, six, suck on ma dix.
What a great fucking day. He was just about ready to pass the net over the pills.
An odd sound slipped through his euphoric state and tickled his consciousness. He turned to Mudak and gave him a dopey grin. "Hey, boss, I think I hear someone outside."
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Vlad knew Yuri was right but he glared at the boy. The power told him someone was outside. Vlad wished it worked more like magic you saw on the television as a child. Seeing through walls would be grand right now.
But it wasn't long before the windows crashed inward and tear gas started to flood the room. Vlad started choking but the power was his, he swept the air out of the tiny laboratory and pushed it through he door into the other room along with the can that spewed the gas.
Moments later, another crashed through the window. Blinding white light! Vlad's eyes were blurred with the light and his ears rang.
Vlad's eye sight returned to a decent enough level to see men in riot gear storming into the room he and Yuri were in. Vlad wove a great weave of air surrounding him. He pushed it out all around him, like the eye of a hurricane. Everything in it's path crashed into the closest wall.
The blast of air had knocked the first men through the door into the walls with a loud thump, the sheet rock and wood beneath splintered. But another wave of men followed. Vlad had no time to prepare for them...