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The three of them were up against one of the walls, though he was most out front. Ayden had her hand on Sasha's shoulder and was trying to talk their way out of it. Well, her and Sasha's way anyway. He didn't blame her. He'd'a done the same thing. It was his problem after all. Thing is, these girlies didn't know what they just became part of this, being with him. Bas getting himself offed, these girls getting raped or whatever, well that would send a message. That was part of the game. He felt a little bad about that. Wasn't their fault, really. They had been nice.
Well, nothing was gonna happen to them. He'd make sure about that. Goin out with him meant they were under his protection. Simple as that. Ain't no one under his protection gonna get jacked. Period. End of story. Putting on his best insolent grin- hiding the fact that rage burned in his eyes- he said, "Listen dickhead. If you don't leave right now, this is gonna get really really bad for you. I promise you I will fuck you up."
The steel of Boris gun struck the side of his face and he staggered. He cold feel the blood trickling down the side of his face.
"I don't think so, asshole. We got you dead to rights. And you're gonna wish you were dead when we're done with you." Then a leer at the girls. "And then maybe have a little fun with your friends. Let Mordvinov know how shit goes down." The other two laughed, licking their lips.
Bas smiled tightly and prayed. The power flooded him. He really wanted to do this with his fists, but three guys with guns was a bit much, even for him. In any case, he send a thread of fire into Boris' gun, heating it up quickly so that it was red hot. The prick dropped it. The other two swung their heads at him, at the smoking gun, asking him what he was doing. Bas wasted no time in heating up their guns as well. Only seconds had passed before all three were on the ground.
A massive bat of air slammed them into the concrete wall behind them, heads cracking, and then Bas sprang forward at Boris, fists flying. The stunned man simply had no defense and he went to the ground. Bas then rounded on one of the other guys, still staggering, and he dropped. The third guy had recovered enough to grab Bas from behind, pinning his arms. He was a bear of a man and Bas couldn't free himself. Bas reared his head forward and back with all his strength, head-butting him in the nose, feeling it crumple on the back of his head. The man stumbled back and Bas hit him in the nose again and again with his fist. He felt something crack in his hand. That did it. If it hadn't been broken before it was now. Oh well. The guy went down and Bas solidly kicked him in the ribs with his boot, feeling them give, hearing the satisfying crunch. For good measure he went to the Boris and the other guy and did the same.
When he turned around, Ayden and Sasha were looking at him with what he guessed was surprise. He felt a little sheepish. "Sorry about that ladies. Just some guys I work with. You know how arguments over customer poaching can get."
He smiled. "You okay?"
Edited by Sebastian, Sep 15 2014, 10:59 AM.
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Ayden watched as the men dropped their guns as if they were hot. And then all three were batted backwards by nothing. Ayden watched as Sebastian took the three thugs out by hand now that he had the upper hand. Ayden could almost feel the bones break, she was sure she could hear them pop.
Sasha watched in astonishment. She stopped fighting Ayden once Bas had started taking them out. She was no longer whimpering, she was almost proud. Ayden shook her head. With a kick to the ribs for good measure he asked if they were all okay. Sasha pulled free from Ayden's grip and ran and threw her arms around Sebastian. Ayden laughed with a nod. "Fine, thanks."
Ayden held out her hand. "Let me see. I heard them break from over here."
He gave her his hand. "No big deal sweetie. It'll heal."
Ayden smiled. Ayden wove a small net that she'd used to smash the man's heart. But she let her instinct take her with it. She'd healed Connor, she'd healed her friend. Maybe she could get the hang of it and help others. Ayden could feel the bones knitting together. Ayden watched Bas' reaction. She'd managed to heal his hand, she left the cuts on his hands, no need to make it look like he'd not been in a fight, but at least his hand wasn't broken anymore. "Wasn't as bad as I thought."
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Ayden took his hand and he wondered what she expected to do. It hurt- definitely broken- but he'd deal with it. Well, the rush was wearing off and the pain was sharpening but there wasn't much to be done without any kind of pain reliever. She looked up at him- at his protest- and he felt a chill. He was sweating- fighting tended to do that, what with the rush, which he loved. He laughed. Those bastards thought he'd been toast. But anyway, he was sweating and the cold must have given him the chills.
He looked over at those assholes. He was going to have to make sure- "MOTHER FUCKER!!!!"
It was like somebody had dunked him in ice-water. All the air left his lungs and his chest was tight and he couldn't take a breath. Finally, air came to him and suddenly the cold was gone-
-And so was the pain in his hand! He took it, flexed it, probed at his knuckles, staring at it. The scratches and blood was still there. But the the pain from this morning- from just now- was completely gone!
He looked her in the eye. Sasha and her sweet ass disappeared from his mind. "How'd you do that?"
he asked breathlessly.
Edited by Sebastian, Sep 15 2014, 12:39 PM.
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Ayden laughed at his reaction. "You really have to ask?"
Ayden pulled Sasha away from Sebastian. "Why don't you go call the police hun. Bas,
" Ayden winked at him, letting him know she picked up on the nickname. She preferred it to Sebastian. It fit with his tough guy attituded. "And I will go get the coffee, and he'll clean up. Call from across the street Sasha so they don't think we were here. We don't need the backlash from this."
Ayden followed Sasha out of the alleyway, but she didn't cross the street. She hadn't waited to see if he'd followed or not. She spoke to nothing and him all at the same time. "There are many of us here in Moscow it seems. I'm surprised I've never run across another before now."
Ayden walked into the coffee shop and ordered her and Sasha coffee. She turned to see Bas had followed. She smiled. "We don't have much time before Sasha comes if you have questions. She doesn't know what I can do, and you should keep it that way too."
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He was lost in thought as he walked. He'd never met another person who could do...things. Never. It was his, a special bond with the Virgin. Contrary to what she thought, he had no idea how she had healed his hand. Then she mentioned 'many of us?' Like him? He was thoroughly mind-fucked. Was he not special to the Her? He was glad that Ayden was smart enough to send Sasha off. He followed her numbly to the cafe where she ordered. He couldn't have ordered water if his hair was on fire.
She sat down and told him to ask his questions. He wasn't sure where to start. He felt like a little kid. "I don't understand how this works. The...things I can do are because of the Holy Mother. I pray to her and she gives me power. Does she give you her power too? How did you heal me? Can you teach me?"
Edited by Sebastian, Sep 15 2014, 05:10 PM.
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He thought he was special, to the holy mother? Ayden smiled to hide the laughter. Religion never suited her, but then again she had a lot to be forgiven, it made her think twice about what this man was. Religious and a thug, there could be no worse adversary than those who were enraged with religious cause. Thankfully Bas wasn't an adversary, just a man who didn't know anything anymore than she did.
"Sadly I know very rudimentary healing. I was surprised really at what I did for you. But I can't teach you. Though, maybe one day, I could introduce you to a man who might. But really, I don't think you'd fit in with him and his comrades."
Ayden had chosen to address his first statement last. "Everyone believes something different. It comes to us all for different reasons. You survived it, so your Holy Mother gives you the power. Mine came from fear and anxiety. Try that on for size. Only being able to do what we do when you are anxious or afraid. It was hard to break it, to do with out being afraid of something. Praying may not be necessary if you practice."
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He listened to her words intently, trying to process it. Part of him felt like something was being ripped from him. He clung to it. The Holy Mother had reached out to him, had saved both him and Roman. The power She'd given him had let him provide for his mother and brother. He was special to her.
But this woman...what she said- IF it was true, it meant that the power came from something else. That others had it without Her granting it to them.
"You survived it, so your Holy Mother gives you the power."
His mind seized on that, clung to it. Nothing was making sense at the moment. Holy Mary, Mother of God, he prayed over and over again. The power flooded into him and he felt the roiling rage and fury of it. It reflected and echoed his own turmoil. Silently praying, he sought to bring his feeling under control, felt the power struggle against him until he'd wrestled it into submission.
With the torrent his slave, he felt a sense of peace, a sense of one-ness. He was aware of the overwhelming smells of coffee and cream, of pastries and cakes. Ayden's scent was in his nostrils, overlaid with that of food and beer and everything else that might accidentally get on a waitress' uniform. The sound of spoons in mugs stirring made a cacophany with the hiss of the coffee machines and the hum of people talking and orders being called out. Ayden's beautiful face seemed closer, her fiery eyes staring at him knowingly, full red lips pursed and plump, just a hint of two front teeth behind them. He was aware of the pulsating vein in her neck, of the glimpse of cleavage she showed through the open top two buttons, was aware of his own beating heart and fabric against his skin.
He was one with everything and everyone here. He did not want to have this without praying. This was holy. It was a gift from God. His voice seemed to come from a distance. "I will keep praying."
For some reason, once he said that, he felt himself stabilize. He would keep praying and the Mother would keep helping him. This woman didn't know everything. Maybe it was all from the Mother. She didn't need people to believe in Her to grant them what they needed. Perhaps his meeting this woman was part of God's will. If he could learn...
She said she couldn't teach him, though. But she knew someone who might. "Can you introduce me? I'm willing to learn. I can fit in."
Enough to learn what he needed anyway. Clearly there was so much more to this power than just blowing things up or beating people up. Who knew where it might lead him?
Edited by Sebastian, Sep 15 2014, 05:12 PM.