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All that Nikolai said was obvious, true, but obvious nonetheless. The man seemed to have let down his guard somewhat, but Michael needed...more. It was a desire he could not fathom completely, but it was a desire as urgent as breathing.
To Nikolai's last comment, he answered honestly and simply. "Yes."
He paused to gather his thoughts, and was caught up in a whilrwind when they tumbled from his mouth. "I never liked war - not as it is today. I was a student of history, but my talents forced me into the military. I despise everything a soldier is and must become."
The bitterness in his voice was tangible, his cool barely remained.
"The world is changing, you of all people must have felt it. The Atharim say that the Gods of old are being reborn, people such as you and I. As the first of us, you have my respect, even loyalty. I dislike you and all those who betrayed the Τιτᾶνες but I will not let it end as it did with Ζεύς, Αἵδης and Ποσειδῶν who left the world in ruins."
He continued on, oblivious to the slip. "I have no desire to rule, nor the temperament for it. The Custody would fall apart with your death. Anyone stupid enough to think they can take power from you now would rule nothing but ashes. However, many of those with our abilities will try. It has already begun with al'Hasan."
His gaze never left Nikolai's. "The Atharim cannot have their way, and I will not create the monsters their stories speak of. For that, I need your trust."
Michael's eyes widened as he realised his control had slipped, his tone openly passionate and embittered. He wanted to grip the power and restore his calm, but was left with no other option but to hold his tongue and wait.
"She saw a flaring halo around his head, radiant in gold and blue. It shouted of glory and power to come"
"No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."
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Michael's sincerity took him by surprise.
What precisely about soldiery did Michael despise? There were countless reasons that a pacifist might loathe the idea of war, but Nikolai listened carefully, and Michael did not strike him as a hater of battle itself. What was it, then that earned his ire?
To speak so freely about the Atharim was enlightening, but on the heels of liberation came an earthen anger.
He barely heard the rest. Supplanting, Hasan, monsters. While Michael's astringent monologue concluded, the trigger in Nikolai's chest would not relent. A cold and ancient offense stirred within, and Nikolai gripped the arms of his chair lest he stand and strike Michael for his foolishness.
"Do not blame me for atrocities you know nothing about, Τιτᾶνες."
Defenses flashed through his mind. It was not his fault! So much was not his fault and yet he was the one dealt the mess. They called him God of the Dead, Θεων Νεκρων, Ruler of Shades, and King of the Dark World.
Just as Michael was a fool.
They sat in silence, staring at one another. Whatever Michael saw, Nikolai viewed in like kind. They would be forced to work together, but Nikolai would endure dealings with this man. He'd suffered worse.
"I do not like you any more than you like me."
His response seethed slow and torturous as lava trickling downhill.
Michael's disillusions needed shattered, however. "But Michael, we are the monsters the Atharim claim us to be. Some more than others, but do not fool yourself into thinking you are a benign soul. I need you to face that reality to do what must be done."
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At last, Nikolai showed himself, although it was far less Michael's design than it was chance and faded memory. Nonetheless Michael smiled, the fire in his eyes ethereal.
"So you were left to clean up your Brother's mess? A shame I was betrayed before then."
As quick as the fire was set, it extinguished and Michael was left to ponder Nikolai's words.
"Do you honestly think I am a pacifist? Benign?"
The words were bitten off with scorn and bitterness. "I despise the mindless soldier who can destroy with the push of a button, not war itself. It is a necessary progression. It would be pointless to avoid, whether you or I like it or not, war will come to the Custody, just as it has ever been."
History was ever clear on that. Empires were never left unchallenged and the Custody had more enemies than most. "You of all people believe we are the monsters the Atharim deem us to be?"
The disdain was clear in his voice. "The Atharim tales may be based on truth, I don't know. Whatever the case may be, we are more than mere monsters. I will do as you command and you will see the greatest fighting force on earth - but for those that have no talent for combat, let me promote healing, creation, not simply destruction."
His tone was respectful now, his gaze sincere. "Allow me that, and I will give you my unrestrained loyalty."
Edited by Michael Vellas, Jul 11 2014, 06:46 PM.
"She saw a flaring halo around his head, radiant in gold and blue. It shouted of glory and power to come"
"No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."
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Nikolai's temper cooled. The previous outburst was extremely uncharacteristic of him, but something about Michael stirred forges of enmity he did not know he possessed. He calmed himself in the next few moments only to dare Michael to consider the flaw in his foresight.
"Mankind will always war with one another, but there will come a day when nations no longer will. Who will war with me when the whole of the world sleeps beneath one flag. My flag. While you forecast war, I visualize peace."
Empires were never left unchallenged, but the precedent for Nikolai's empire did not exist. Of the Commander's assumptions, however, one was correct. Nikolai stood upon the edge of a great vision. With men like Michael - and even Marcus - behind and beside him, that vision would become reality. Such was the purpose of his being: to be the patriarch of unity and be loved for it. He was a fair and just ruler: dealing mercies of the government with equal justice; prospering lands once teeming with poverty; and gathering momentum for mankind to conquer the future. Beneath Nikolai's dominion, his lands rose from the ashes, as did the phoenix on his crest. Was it so alien a hope to see such leadership extend worldwide?
"You are correct in that every man and woman under the sun has strengths and weaknesses. As I would utilize any workforce, those skills and talents will be determined. Use them as you will, Michael. For once the ashes settle, a great era will dawn."
He placed his palms on his desk, arms stretched wide. A saturnine shadow stretched from his tone. In his twenty-five years, Nikolai had not brought about war, but millions died at his behest nonetheless, as they would continue to do. "But first the skies will grow black; darker than your darkest nightmares. Prepare yourself for it, and go with my blessing and alliance."
He stood and rounded the desk to stand before the one that would turn the day to night. He spoke quietly, belying the deadly intent of his encouragement. "Never is the dawn more glorious than the one to follow the black of a hopeless night."
He held out a hand for Michael to take. "For this, do I have your pledge? Do I have your loyalty?"
The steel of Nikolai's gaze was heavier than the foundation of the Kremlin...than the walls of the underworld itself. Never had a man knelt before him, but such did his presence demand. He would not bid Michael upward if he fell to his knees.
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There were few things he had endured that left him speechless. The frenzied hatred of rabid fanatics he met with distain and pity.
Today, however, Nikolai Brandon held his heart and mind captive. Michael was enthralled in the truest sense of the word. Every syllable beat at his ears like a gong. Had logic not prevailed, he could have sworn the room grew darker with every word.
The man was enthralling, he had his fist tight around Michael's throat, but he held out a shred of composure. As Nikolai spoke of his dream, Michael felt a chill in his bones. The chill was warmed by a ray of mutual desire. It was true, this empire was like no other. The world was changing...Perhaps. Maybe it was possible...
Madness. Arrogance.
The words pounded in his skull and he felt the world fall away beneath his feet. The ray held out against the growing darkness but it was so very thin.
Nikolai's gaze did not hold any trace of insanity despite his claims, and Michael realised the decision was already made. The storm had arrived regardless. If Nikolai's vision proved true, he would help build that peace.
If Michael's fears came to pass, then he would have enough power to shelter what he could from the chaos.
While Nikolai loomed, Michael remained seated. He did not trust himself to stand. "My loyalty is yours,"
the simple words held more weight than any speech that could be made.
To himself, he let out a long breath of acceptance. This was his battle. His burden. His birthright.
"She saw a flaring halo around his head, radiant in gold and blue. It shouted of glory and power to come"
"No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."
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What was held on the air between them, tension that could be cut by a knife, shattered in a thousand pieces.
"My loyalty is yours,"
Michael said.
An achievement for Nikolai to believe Michael's promise, and he did.
It seemed their time alone had come to its end. There was a brief knock on the door and Viktor entered unannounced.
He held himself back when he realized who else was in the room, but cleared his throat.
"Bykov and Sandhu have come to an agreement,"
Viktor said, clearly expecting the Ascendancy to know what he referenced.
Nik nodded, "Finally,"
he replied and turned to gather his suit coat. He slid it on and turned back to Michael.
"Do you have anything else, Commander?"
Nikolai's words were tight despite Michael's proposed fidelity.
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Nikolai did not reply. They simply looked at each other while tension the tendrils of tension wrapped themselves around their throats. Nikolai's darkened mood made Michael itch to seize the power but he made himself sit still.
The tension was cut by the Deputy-Consul's timely arrival. MIchael nodded to the man in respect. The man only hesitated for the slightest second before reporting. Yes, Nikolai had chosen well with this man.
He had no idea what the Deputy-Consul referred to, but it seemed Nikolai was relieved and he was apparently eager to leave.
"Do you have anything else, Commander?"
Something had Nikolai wound up, but Michael was not particularly bothered. They had an understanding, and that included a mutual distaste for each other. He doubted the man wished to deal with him any longer than he needed.
Strangely, it made Michael feel much better about the situation. There had been raw honesty in this meeting, for however brief a moment. They had glimpsed each other's mind and had not shied away. Sometimes the greatest trust was forged in the fires of animosity. There was no need for pleasantries or preserving friendship. They would do what needed to be done.
As such, the flare of annoyance was dimmed by Nikolai's question as he assumed the mantle of Ascendancy once more. He did indeed have something else. Many somethings. However, he was not so impatient, and did not feel the need to test the Ascendancy's patience any further than he already had.
Unsure how much the Deputy-Consul knew of this mysterious 'Facility', Michael opted for a cautious approach, even if he had taken a liking to the man. "When you wish me to begin recruitment, send me instructions regarding the 'Facility'."
With that said, Michael bowed his head. "I will take my leave and begin the necessary preparations immediately."
"She saw a flaring halo around his head, radiant in gold and blue. It shouted of glory and power to come"
"No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."
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Nikolai sat in observance of the Consulate's plan of action. He had charged his entire executive office to design an elaborate body of work in a short amount of time. The Custody's political response to the actions undertaken in Dominance V was of the utmost priority at the moment. This agenda took precedance over Michael's command, over the Sigma's deity, and over the tensions in Mexico.
"This is an acceptable plan."
Nik nodded when Bykov finished his proposal. "The breadth and width of the Custody's influence is at your disposal, Consul. We have a lot of work to do, now get to it."
They shook hands and Nikolai turned to leave. He had a great deal on his mind and it was not yet evening.
It was then that Viktor rushed in to deliver the news of the US Embassy attack.
Nikolai quickly internalized the information. The gears of his mind prepared to spin this to the Custody's benefit. With his Deputy walking alongside, Nikolai left the room and routed himself back to his offices.
"What does our Intelligence in Mexico say about the culprit? Was it the American?"
Of course he'd heard about the man. Oakland was not hiding, but Nikolai had devoted little thought to him. He'd had greater cares on his mind lately, and Intelligence did their due diligence.
Viktor led Nikolai into a chamber used to communicate with their military intelligence. An entire wall was filled with edge-to-edge and floor to ceiling information. Uniformed servicemen and women were busy working uplinks to Custody satellites and Mexican media outlets.
"It is being spun as a cartel rival to Oakland seeming to frame him as a means to undermine his loyal followers,"
Viktor explained.
Nik studied the aerial view of downtown Mexico City. "You do not agree?"
He could hear the doubt in Viktor's voice.
"I do not. I think it was ... well ... someone like Commander Vellas."
There was a reverance in his voice that unsettled Nikolai. His kind were everywhere. His frown smoothed itself vacant.
"Stay on it, Viktor. Where is the Sigma, right now?"
Nikolai asked.
Viktor keyed the requested information into his handheld and promptly delivered the answer.
"CSS reports he's at the gym, Ascendancy."
Nikolai nodded. The boy was a seed to be planted, but Nik had yet to decide exactly where. Time was running short.
"Thank you, Viktor. I need to clear my mind. I'm going for a swim if I am needed."
He turned to go. A pair of CSS agents followed him as he strode away toward his basement retreat.
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Nikolai pulled himself to the edge of the pool and draped his arms on the floor. Water ran rivulets down the side of his face. He pressed against the side of the pool so that his feet hovered some distance above the bottom.
Panting, Nik rubbed the water from his eyes. His limbs were weak, yet invigoration flowed hot through his veins. His mind was clear as the pool water. And alone, he smiled to himself the smile of relief. He'd yearned for a long swim for days. The water was freeing in a way he could never discover while running.
He put his palms on the floor and pushed himself from the water. He was tempted to sit on the edge for a while and watch the water of the lap pool come to stillness, but the draw of duty pulled him onward.
There was a towel waiting nearby, one that he wrapped around his shorts. Nikolai began to stretch, but was interrupted by an alert from the communication glass.
Nik crossed to the screen and pulled up a video message, but not before altering the settings so that the transmission only included his face. It did his people no good to see their leader shirtless and dripping wet in the cold air.
It was a member of Custody Security Services, a young man with a pointed gaze and stern jaw.
"Ascendancy, a message filtered from CDPS has been flagged as immediate redirection to yourself, sir."
Nikolai's gaze furrowed down thoughtfully. His answer was cool. "Send it through."
The agent disappeared and in his place a message was rerouted from CDPS. It seemed the service just reported a troubling discovery.
A body bag was being pushed on a gurney. Two body bags. A CDPS agent walked through the light. Then another man, one that Nikolai recognized instantly. Ivan Sarkozy. Police. A description came through with their initial report.
A grim cast crossed Nikolai's features as he returned his orders. "All evidence of this incident is to disappear. Not so much as the agents involved are to know where, how, or why. Proof of their experiences tonight will vanish within the hour. Tell the Chief Inspector that my Custody is not interested in collecting such biological specimens in the future."
Nik focused on the face of the man leading the team.
With that, the glass flashed clear once more and Nikolai grabbed for a bottle of water. As he turned for the stairs, he made a mental note to have a conversation with Drayson McCullough.