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Evie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, smiled one last time in approval, and slipped from the room. In the hall, she encountered Sophia. The Senator was resplendent in a long red gown of chiffon and interesting seaming. It was odd to see the normally straight-laced, older woman in something besides a power-suit.
“Sophia, you look incredible,”
Evelyn smiled as she approached. Sophia let slip a moment of pride across her expression before stifling it again into one of tolerance.
“This whole affair is ridiculous.”
She replied.
Evelyn nodded, and forced her own sudden bubble of defensiveness aside. “It may seem that way, but we can’t lose sight of the longer-goal. This is a big win for the United States in our relationship with the CCD. Ascendancy has always been adamantly against foreign aid and now he has orchestrated it. I am rather proud, actually. It’s a big step.”
Sophia seemed to accept the reminder, or else she didn’t voice her own thoughts. Evelyn was unsure whether the Senator truly trusted her after the accusations laid a few days beforehand. She said she did, but the fact that she was withholding her opinions at the moment seemed to suggest otherwise. Evelyn would keep at it.
Sophia’s change of subject was almost welcome. Sophia paused, tugged on Evelyn’s hand and twirled her about. “But Evie, look at you my dear. You are drop-dead gorgeous. How did you end up getting your dress?”
Evelyn beamed proudly. The black gown fit her like a glove with only minimal tailoring to her curves. A sweetheart neckline was lined with Baccarat crystals that at first glance Evelyn thought were actual diamonds. She was going to refuse the gown on principle that it was too gaudy, but when the actual stones were explained, she found it more acceptable and agreed to wear them.
“I went to that mall across the square. I wasn’t sure what to expect, knowing our budgetary constraints approved by the office of finance, but the ladies in the shop recognized me instantly and insisted I try on their best designers. Or so that’s what they said.”
She laughed off the comment for its absurdity, but the memory was a nice one. She’d been treated like America’s darling before, but nothing compared to that kind of pampering.
“They recognized you?”
Sophia asked.
“Yes, I wasn’t expecting it.”
Sophia hummed a response.
“It’s all on a loan.”
Evie added, slightly less sure of herself. Sophia was judging her. If not for the sparkly neckline, then probably for the baubles at her ears and the queenly necklace. Those were not crystals. They were the real deal.
Irritated at the sudden flustering, she was glad to encounter the Secretary.
The three of them entered the ball in an united front.
Evelyn was raised in humble origins of South Dakota. Her home state was in her blood and she would never forget it. But this ball, the lavishness of it, and the absurdity of the beauty in which she found herself immersed, was so drastically different than anything she had ever experienced before. Even the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner seemed like brunch in the old downtown diner compared to this.
She let herself be swept away by it and was rather proud at how seamlessly she wove among the guests. Many more recognized her, and she hated that she didn’t know who they were in return, but frankly, she recognized only a handful by face.
Sophia had to tap her on the shoulder, gesturing to the oddly attired group of young men in black, to point out their entrance. Evie quirked a brow and watched them split off and walk around the room just like all the others. The circle in which she stood pointed out a name, the ascendants that Evie finally recognized. All news related to channelers was a specialty of hers, obviously. She recognized that name, and the name of the terrorist they recently subdued. She wondered which one was Michael Vellas, but he didn’t seem to be among their number as of yet. She also wondered if one of them was Miss Northbrook’s friend. Evelyn reminded herself to talk to Nik about him.
Finally, the Ascendancy himself appeared. The blackness that unfurled across the floor licked at the black folds of her dress, and Evie sniffed in amusement. When she finally saw him, though, emerge from that smoky screen, her smile grew. This was the man of her literal dreams. There was literally nothing more glorious about him that she could even imagine. He was so handsome. His dark hair was arrayed so neatly around the metal circling his temple. His smile beamed with pride. His eyes pierced through the crowd as though seeking hers, specifically. Then the tuxedo.
She swallowed nervously and bit back the warmth of her smile. She felt like a girl again. That Sophia’s hawkish eyes were scrutinizing her every move grated. Evie dipped a shoulder and transformed her smile into something more soothing, before she whisked away from the Senator and Secretary in search of better conversation.
That was when she found herself presented to Natalie. Ethereal in pale blue, the woman was dazzlingly beautiful. Evelyn felt awkward and gangly at her side. Never the less, she smiled warmly and attempted to greet the Englishwoman, even if it was just in passing.
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He would be stupid to ignore the outline of another. Male, tall, broad-shouldered, strong. He carried himself like someone with training. A threat. Always threats. Potentially, anyway.
Ryker was otherwise dismissive after the initial scan as his attention was drawn elsewhere. Most people forgot that the Kremlin was a fortress built primarily for defense, intimidation and strength. The palaces within these walls were a thousand years old, breached by very few. Armies of old broke and bled on these walls. Not until the Revolution did it truly fall. And how did that revolution come about? Traitors from within. People trusted until they turned. A rot that festered inside broke the dynasty of the world’s most powerful rulers.
Ryker smiled slightly to himself. It was happening again.
Until a voice broke the amused train of thought.
He turned to regard the voice. Russian. Moscovite, specifically, by accent alone. The man offered something.
As this was hardly the first time such correspondence was traded, Ryker shrugged to himself and went closer to accept the note.
The messenger was only regarded another moment as Ryker tucked the note into an inner pocket.
he said off-handedly.
“Who’s it from?”
he asked, clearly not interested in reading it that exact moment.
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The power ripped toward his back.
It was not that long ago that he barely felt the presence of another channeler. Not all that long after before he learned to react to channeling. Since then, the Nine drilled it into him. No shot was off-limits. To be fair was to be stupid. Not exactly new lessons, even if they were unexpected from this newly adopted group of men he found himself among.
It only took a few bruises for the lesson to sink in. Now, Jay reacted.
The power flooded far. Like a fist slammed into a bucket to wrench out as hefty a palm full as possible. Not to capacity. He didn't hang onto the cliff edge with a death grip clutching at grass. But nothing like what Nox last knew Jay capable.
He spun, expression mired in the darkness of their shared power. Shadows darkened the planes of his face. Like drawing a pistol. The movement was pure memory, and a knife of air slashed at the tunnel of light encircling his face. The knife usually shattered such flows. Jay expected nothing less now. In fact, he was mentally readying to retaliate when he heard his name.
He blinked. Those nearest him were completely unaware of anything occurring. They saw a man clutching an empty flute, expression morbidly grim, aiming down another. None were aware of the proximity of death. Not that he would have killed Nox. Karim taught sparing and mercy; Michael did not. Jay saw the need for both.
He let the weaves drop, as did his shoulders. He handed the glass away to a passing waiter with more manual methods. When he looked back, Samuel had come closer. Not everyone was unaware of the near exchange of powerful blows. Chatter arose in his ear, explaining the misunderstanding to the others and to continue onward. Sam would stay with Nox and Jay, monitoring the situation. Ascendancy would have taken notice. Hopefully they hadn't drawn his attention.
Jay released the power, stepped forward and greeted Nox, voice grim and deep. "For the love of God Nox, please tell me you've seen something stronger to drink than wine."
He smirked, finally. "Sorry for almost obliterating you. I'm a bit twitchy these days when it comes to sneaking up on me."
The smirk expanded, even as he swallowed nervously and let his gaze scan the tops of other nearby heads, seeking hair the color of hay, just in case.
"What are you even doing here? Thought you hated this kind of thing."
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Jay spun and everything thing that happened in those few moments made Nox stop and stare. The power flooded Jay, which wasn't too surprising, but the amount and the precision that he had made Nox blink. And then the familiar weave to slice his had happened and his whispered word Nox was unsure if it had landed its destination.
Nox stood staring, not only had Jay gotten himself a handsome new uniform... Nox was sure a shallow blush formed at the memories but he quickly pushed it away as Jay spoke of drinks and sneaking up on him. Jay had found his power, and he'd found skill within it. How long had it really been since he'd seen Jay? Fuck, Nox didn't even really know how long he was out of it.
Nox gave Jay a smile and pointed in the direction he thought Cruz had gone. "I think there is a bar in that direction. I'm sure they have something stronger than what's on rotation. I can't see any Russian party not having vodka."
Nox turned and took a step in that direction hoping Jay would follow. "I don't like these things. Babysitting Cruz for a missing Dorian. I'd say let me buy you a drink but I don't think I could afford any here, and I think they are all free anyway. I have to thank you for saving me. And your friends too - especially the one who healed me. I was pretty sure I was dead back there."
They hadn't gotten far before Ascendancy's power flared and there was a speech and a show and the man himself started to mingle. Well fuck! Nox dropped the power. The world grew dim, the color less vibrant and the noise a soft din into comparison as to what he'd been listening to prior. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cause any problems."
He told Jay. Not that Ascendancy would listen to him. He was pretty sure three strikes and your out and didn't mean you sat the bench in this case. Nox sighed. "Power is kinda of a go-to thing for me. My comfort in a place as powerful as this, I needed my own kinda power I guess."
Nox pulled at the sleeves of his tux again and ran his fingers through his hair. The power had made him more confident in this monkey suit. Or maybe it was Jay... either way it was annoying feeling out of his element.
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Jay laughed. Surprisingly, the sound was sincere. Nox was so uncomfortable, Jay felt downright sophisticated in comparison. He was suddenly grateful for the uniform. While it was unlike anything he'd worn before, it was preferred over the tuxedo. Luckily, Nox knew where they kept the real alcohol, and Jay gladly followed him to it.
The names were familiar. Dorian, Cruz. The rich guys that were housing Nox. Funny that the urge to drink was stronger every time Nox was around. Coincidence or otherwise. Probably coincidence.
He felt the power depart his companion and the sudden loss of presence was tempting to reclaim it himself. At his side, his own fingers waggled like he was toying with something holstered and at the ready, but finding only an empty belt, the distraction of a bar quieted the fidgeting.
"I'd like to see them charge $9 a drink at an affair that cost ten million a ticket."
He clapped Nox on the shoulder and urged him onward.
As they strolled, almost every pair of eyes seemed to seek his own. The attention was unsettling. Especially when so many of those eyes scanned him up and down. He only grinned in return. There were a few pairs of eyes he wouldn't mind pausing and letting them roam. But the pull of harder alcohol was stronger, as was the familiarity of a friend.
"Don't worry about it, Nox. I'm not exactly in my element either. Though I had a hell of a time at senior prom, and this is basically the same thing, right?"
He grinned and swiped two glasses, offering one each to Nox and Samuel, who had been trailing behind.
Sam shook his head with a frown. Jay shrugged and kept the glass for himself. "I've never been much for vodka, but it sure as shit beats champagne. Not that there's anything wrong with that."
He tilted the crystal to his lips and surprisingly found the liquid smooth as butter. It was fucking delicious. Not to mention that he was instantly relaxed. Kind of. Well, close to anyway. One more should do the trick.
Without another word, he tossed back a second, this time letting the warmth sit on the back of the throat. His mind quieted and the sudden silence in his head was roaring. Like there had been white noise the whole time buzzing in the back of his mind: the lull of that power inside tantalizingly close, and its absence was almost more disorienting than having grown used to it.
He grinned and turned in a circle for Nox to admire. "Jealous, yes? You could be in one of these if you weren't so damned altruistic."
He wouldn't say the word that held Nox's allegiance. Not in this room, anyway.
"But I admit, you look better than last I saw you. Vanders - the guy that healed you up - has a talent, I think. From what I am figuring out, it seems like not many channelers have that skill. He patched up my leg when that kid nearly amputated me in Sierra Leone."
He shrugged off any request for details. It was a long story, anyway. Hopefully that kid made it out of the city alive. He deserved better than growing up in the center of a war zone. A life like that could twist even the best of kids into hell.
Only darkness shows you the light.
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Nox laughed at the $9 a drink. He could just see the rich ... he didn't want to call them dicks, since one of his friends was one of said dicks and Cruz was a little high born, but for the most part he didn't look down on Nox and that was all that really was the perception Nox had of rich people. Just general assholes towards the lesser folks. Nox doubted anyone here would have even looked at him twice if he weren't wearing the fancy tux. Not that he gave a fuck anyway.
They had found the bar without a problem. Jay's uniform pretty much cleared the path for them. Whatever he was Ascendancy's power followed him around, and the crowd knew it. How things had changed? Nox muttered, "So much for being a wizard."
Jay handed him a glass of what he assumed was vodka, and Nox stopped to stare at it for a moment, the last time they drank together... Nox had every reason not to drink tonight, but when Jay's friend who'd followed silently behind them denied the drink Nox tipped it back and swallowed. Drinking liquor was never his thing. Even a few beers was much for him on a normal day. But this was a party, and it would only be one. Nox set the glass back down and noticed a woman lingering nearby. She was checking Jay out as he spun which made Nox look and admire the man in front of him.
He didn't hid the admiration and was grateful he'd only had the one drink so far. Though a second wasn't looking bad. Though he pushed the thoughts away his father would be so fucking pissed he was obviously checking out a guy. The last memory of Jaden lingered in the back of his mind. His father shaving the temporary dye from his head after finding the mark on his neck.
What bothered him more was Aurora let him forget. And he couldn't ask her. He could ask his father why he cared anymore. He didn't even know if his mother knew her son was into boys. There had to be signs? But those were things Nox couldn't ask. He'd never know the truth of his growing up - everyone but him was dead.
Jay called him altur... Nox would have had to look it up, didn't really matter what it meant it was just a means of saying he was Atharim. Nox shrugged. "Why not call it what it is you meant to say. Because I'm Atharim. Terrorists don't get fancy black uniforms. Besides, I don't think Ascendancy likes me too much, pretty much said if I fucked up again he'd kill me himself. And while you are hot in it, and I'm sure I'd look better."
Nox winked, "I don't think I could follow orders as well as you."
The drink was quickly going to his head - which is why he didn't drink. The woman he'd spied earlier was drawing closer but Nox grabbed another drink and downed it. So much for one. It wasn't Jay, he liked Jay, found at least some comfort in the fact they came from the same country, had similar ideals in at least that monsters were bad... "You need to bring your wizard friend by the mansion, I'm sure Cruz would love to see a real healing. I'm sure I could break a leg or something so he could show Cruz how to heal. Kids a fucking genius - fucking heir to some high tech medical company. He's already heading up R&D here in Moscow for his grandfather."
Nox realized he was rambling. And he shook his head. "I'll shut up now."
Edited by Nox, Jun 25 2018, 12:30 PM.
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Their joking quickly turned a darker turn. "I'm sure he was joking."
Jay said like he wasn't sure if he believed it himself. Nikolai Brandon didn't seem like the type to throw out jokes. Ascendancy threatened to kill Nox for 'fucking up again'? What the hell had he done before? That was unlikely to be the kind of threat that Ascendancy would want circulate too far. He found himself studying those closest to see who was listening, if anyone. If that wasn't bad enough, Nox admitting to membership in a known terrorist organization was a bad idea as well. Jay didn't claim to be a politician, but he knew enough about when to keep his mouth shut. Mostly.
"I don't think Vanders would be into someone getting hurt just so he can heal them. He's way better a guy than you and me put together."
He admitted without an ounce of sarcasm.
Someone was listening, though. She was dark and breath-takingly beautiful. Jay would be dead to not notice. Maybe she was a little older than him, but not by much. Soulful and rich, like walking into the thick cloud of burning spices and getting drunk on the aroma, he nudged Nox to pay attention. She sauntered closer as though Jay's gaze alone was a silent invitation. She was shorter than either of them in a way that reminded him of Natalie, but on every other account, she was completely the opposite. Natalie was marble, but the most genuine person he had ever met. This woman was warm and liquid butter, but Jay was wary enough she may have been a rattlesnake.
she dipped her head a little and offered a hand as though offering a nod to their American customs. She'd spent some time among Americans, then. Her hand enveloped Jay's in a way that made him swallow until she turned to regard Nox in the same way. "My name is Vena."
She smiled, patiently awaiting the courtesy of their names.
"Jay Carpenter,"
he found himself admitting. It was hardly the first time he'd talked to a beautiful woman. Though, the two shots of vodka and glass of champagne made the experience take a different angle than ever before. Not to mention the fucking weird direction his life had turned of late. She purred as though practicing the sound of his name on her tongue. Jay grinned.
"My dear Mister Carpenter. By what title are you known? I am most intrigued by the mysterious nature of you and your associates."
Jay pulled his hand back from hers. It fell to his side and he rubbed his fingers together absently as though they were seeking something of comfort that was not there. "I hold the rank of Lieutenant if that's what you mean."
She quirked a brow. Jay shrugged and added an explanation. "Of the Legion Premiere. Otherwise, we are known as the Nine Rods of Dominion."
Her brows lifted high, lips pursed, impressed.
"How ... masculine."
She laughed to diffuse the seriousness of the moment, then turned those liquid pools of chocolate-eyes upon Nox.
Edited by Jay Carpenter, Jun 25 2018, 02:47 PM.
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Nox knew Ascendancy wasn't joking. And the small infringement with Jay could set him on Ascendancy's radar for the final time. Fuck being her could do just that. But it was on Jiv... Jivana's bill. Nox was pretty sure that was what was up. Cruz mentioned other monumental donations made by the company as well. Emilio Vega was being all altruistic. Hah! He laughed to himself.
But Nox didn't think it would be difficult to be a better man than him, he barely knew Jay but the fact that he hadn't been squeamish about the whole beheading thing back at the concert probably made them both at least close to the same level. Though Nox had never followed the rules. He was Atharim. And nothing more than that - a trained killer with not enough schooling to do basic jobs. He was lucky he understood even half of what Sage and Cruz rambled on about.
Jay elbowed Nox, his gaze in the direction of the woman who'd been steadily getting closer. He looked and admired her form. His gaze lingered long enough to indicate interest but Nox found himself thinking other thoughts about his companion. Nox tried very hard not to grin at the thoughts of this woman and the two of them. Jay was definitely seeing her for the woman she was. Nox wanted to pinch himself. Here was a chance of a life time, but this woman was so out of his league and the way she moved said she was a viper ready to strike. And he was already feeling the two shots. Damn!
Jay introduced himself and he almost seemed tongue tied though he knew it was just an illusion. This woman was breathtaking but they weren't some back water kids out on their first party. Though this was the first time Nox had been to anything like this. He'd never been to prom, never wore a tux. Jay grew up in normal America. Nox was a drifter. Moscow had been his only home and now it was where the Atharim would hunt him down. It was depressing.
A singular phrase pulled Nox from his morbid thoughts. Nox snickered. He couldn't help it really. Who the fuck thought the Nine Rods of Dominion of nine dominions was anything but phallic in nature. Thankfully she laughed, and Nox added. "Oh, you have no idea."
His own mouth would get him into trouble, but the nerves had gone with the second shot and the itching was only slightly annoying around the orobourous tattoo that declared him Atharim. Not that he hadn't outed himself with his mouth, but the tattoo was a constant reminder of what he truly was. A snake among the leaves.
Vena's dark gaze turned to his with an proffered hand and Nox took it with his best smile and pressed a kiss to the third knuckle with a half bow over it. "A pleasure, Ms. Vena. Nox."
he said. There was no point offering up his last name, she'd find just as much information with Nox as his full name which pretty much amounted to nothing. And if she'd been listening well she already heard the worst of. There was only one missing piece and Nox wasn't about to make trouble with the power he wielded right in front of the Ascendancy in his home. He was lucky to get in the door. "You can't be here alone. You are way to gorgeous to be single."
And way to fucking out of my league to be here, he wanted to know what she wanted. But he also didn't want to give it to her. The music was boring... They needed to play something more ... dangerous.
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For some reason, the man's lack of interest in the note made Ivan angrier. White hot rage enveloped him.
What the fuck did they think he was!! Some errand boy? A horse to be broken? A man who needed to be crushed and humilated?
A fucking joke?
He wanted Yun Kao here, now. He wanted the feel of her neck between his fingers, the feel of her hands fighting at his grip in vain, struggling to free herself, to breath one sweet taste of air, to see the rage in his eyes. To feel what happens when you push a man. And to know she would die.
His lip curled and he stepped forward, seizing the power, feeling the shadow of it curl around him, slither around him, the beast that he tamed and rode every second. The utter darkness of his hate. He felt the cold emptiness of a vacuum.
His voice was cold and dead but he could not keep the malevolence from his eyes, the contempt on his face. "Your friend. The Spider. Yun Kao."
He sooooo wanted this guy to come at him. To feel the sweet release. Brandon and his ball could go to hell.
Edited by Ivan Sarkozy, Jun 26 2018, 06:17 PM.
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Ryker braced himself. An ordinary street detective wouldn't miss the signs. The note-bearer transformed. Though, really, he had been tensed the entire time. Displeased to carry a message. An enemy unknown, perhaps? Someone wronged by Ryker's past acts come to collect vengeance?
Then he gave himself away. The venom dripping from his teeth. "Your friend, The spider." Yun herself was the enemy.
Then the flare of power erupted around the man like fore shocks to the eruption of a volcano. Ryker worked to not react; but the flinch to his eyes was almost impossible to hide. On sheer instinct, he attempted to seize the power for himself, but nothing came. There was little possibility this man could beat him in a one-to-one confrontation, but Ryker knew that the power changed everything. The power was a threat he could not defend so confidently.
"You've been coerced into working for her?"
He guessed, holding the man's gaze, moderately confident he was right. He was betting his life on it.