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Ascendancy barely met her eyes, the flick of his fingers assigning aid only after he assured the welfare of his closest companions. She hadn't noticed the marksmen until they stood down, and only vaguely acknowledged the two who apparently interceded between her and those pinprick promises of death. What the fuck either of them thought they were doing was beyond her, and she had no spare energy to delve into the duplicity of possible ulterior motives.
Because the residue of the creature's loss was growing out like thorns in her chest, a solid wall ensuring her impotence against retaliation. She slammed into it. Again and again.
"Don't fucking touch me," she hissed when the medics swarmed closer. Though she must appear as something summoned from the darkest depths of hell, most of the blood coating her was Jaxen's idea of a joke. Only superficial wounds scraped her wrists and knees, the tending of which was way down Ori's current list of priorities. She blotted her nose against the back of her hand, the blood now thinning to a trickle. If something inside had broken, she doubted mere men would be any help in fixing it.
Vitriol burned like venom with no outlet, feeding off itself. Her fists clenched, drawing strength from somewhere; railing against the weakness even if her body could not yet stand.
At the bar where he fought with Giovanni, Nox had had a talent for irritating those around him. It seemed an undiminished skill. He drew Ascendancy's ire and blame like an easy target, hooking under skin, spilling the scent of secrets. Her lips twisted grimly. They thought to fear only one escaped creature, unaware that by now the connection had spread like disease among all those who still slumbered.
Tonight, they started a war.
No one thought to ask her, at least not yet. Perhaps no one considered that the creature's voice wound like poison in Ori's head in the moment's after the power was snatched but it remained in her flesh. She absorbed the information offered now. That the key was an icon; a tablet, probably in possession of Regus. Given current company, she doubted she was the only one listening intently to that.
But promises could wait. Ori finally pressed back onto her heels. A hellish gaze raked everyone left, marking faces and the sides they had chosen. Few paid her the slightest mind, like roadkill swept to the curb now she posed no obvious threat. She breathed in sharp. Throat raw, though she pushed the rasp of her voice anyway, into a single demand.
"Give. It. BACK."
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08-24-2018, 06:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-24-2018, 06:48 PM by Marcus DuBois.)
Malik relished the scene before him. He could almost reach out and caress the tension in the air, it was that palpable. The full power of the Force coursing through him, the smell of adrenaline and sweat and fear filled his nostrils. So many levers and strings had been revealed this evening, especially after the attack began- the way some fled, who they left with (which was sometimes surprising), the way others stood about or looked. So many clandestine connections exposed. It was almost worth the pain he'd suffered.
Ascendancy was holding on to his temper by a hair. Malik could almost imagine a weave of fire- and given the amount of power the man held, it would be massive- exploding from him toward Nox, burning him to a crisp.
Nox had no sense of self preservation, especially with Malik holding the shield on him. He'd felt the man's weak attempts to break the shield and it shot a thrill of joy through him. A man rattling a cage in impotent rage. The control was complete.
Nox had to see death in Ascendancy's eyes and yet civility refused to come to his lips. Malik laughed to himself. That would have been whipped out of Nox by the third day in any of the homes Marcus had grown up in. His own body bore numerous scars that women sometimes asked about. The fool needed to be careful. Malik wanted him alive.
So...the Regus had a tablet or device that gave him control over ijiraq...That could be useful. The man had to die, of course, painfully for what he had done to Malik. But the device itself...the possibilities were endless.
Marcus intruded with a mentat projection. Given the two experiences- and that they had been controlled- it seems likely that the ijiraq were used for things like assassination. Of Force users, obviously. Corollary: of non-users too. The ability to solidify and mist allow them easy access as well as provide protection. Analysis: The one that had controlled the woman from the Almaz spoke of humans with contempt. She
spoke of her horde. Conclusion: There is some sort of organizational structure to them. Perhaps it can be-
Malik shut him out and pushed Marcus away. None of that mattered now.
His eyes fell on the woman. She was covered in blood but her eyes glittered hatred instead of pain. Oh yes they did, pure fury shining from those glorious eyes, fires that sought to burn the world to a cinder. And Malik felt a stirring of....something deep within. The woman was glorious in her rage. It was something he knew all too well, that same look when he was out hunting, the Angel of Death bringing judgement to this world. There were times he wasn't sure he could contain it all. She bore watching. And knowing. A tight smile formed on Malik's face.
He turned to Caedus. "Ascendancy, I can take Nox to the facility for further questioning. The woman too, to make sure there is no further threat. If one of them is sedated, that is." He didn't know if he could hold two shields or if it was even possible. Malik had no interest in fumbling about in front of everyone.
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Oriena's lips made a flat line, her attention twisting as someone spoke to wield fate like a shroud. For her, and for Nox. The Facility was a dark rumour in Moscow's Underground, a place where one might disappear never to return. Cara had been as terrified of discovery by the government as she was of the snakes who hunted her in the days before Ascendancy revealed his glorious self to the world.
"A taste of Custody justice is it, Marcus? Come, I'll even make it easy for you." She held both wrists out like a supplicant, aware how wretched she looked; how utterly and pitiably weak. Cut off from the power she hardly made a fearsome fucking threat. But it wasn't a play at innocence, and there was nothing demure in her expression. She had nothing more to lose and no way to defend herself.
But if they wished to court enmity, so be it.
Her voice lowered to a purr. A storm raged in her eyes, full of challenge. "Make an enemy, sweetheart. All you have to do is slide the needle in."
She knew him from the Almaz. Knew the light that sparked like flame as he watched the violence of the pits. Her teeth sank into the knowledge; she'd keep pushing until she drew blood.
"But I'm afraid you'll have to come closer." Her head canted. She did not smile, though dark amusement glittered at each purposeful chip she undermined to his authority. "Unless you're too scared? You could always order one of the black dogs to do it. Or a twist of power instead? Maybe Ascendancy would like the pleasure. Though I don't promise not to bite."
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08-24-2018, 09:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-24-2018, 09:43 PM by Marcus DuBois.)
Malik couldn't help it. He laughed from deep within himself as she spoke, her body displaying the very real weakness of her situation; her eyes vowing a hatred birthed in the bowels of hell. He stepped closer, passing the stylishly dressed man who'd come to her aid, as well as Nox, to look down at her, the smile still on his face.
The depths of those eyes churned a supernova of defiance and challenge, a stark contrast to the pale skin of her slim proffered wrists. Ahh but she was something.
He didn't look away from her but his words were meant for Caedus. "I think this woman could teach hardened soldiers what fearlessness is."
He disliked having to wait on the man's decision. But for now it was necessary. One day, though....
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He hauled Ephraim out the way when Ascendancy swarmed in on dark wings. The man's face opened in full surprise, but even then he barely missed a beat. As the consul regained his feet, Ephraim moved to check on the woman who had called for help in the first place. He patted down his shirt-front and stood in such a way as suggested he might protect her if she needed it.
Neither of them even ought to be here.
"Ephraim Haart, CEO of Paragon Group. Fascinating twist, wouldn't you say? Do you think it's all part of the show?" He winked at her, clearly joking, and with an iota of disgust Soren turned his attention away.
He watched the ribbons of power unfurl against the possessed woman, hands still deep in his pockets, a frown tugging down his lips as he considered what to do next. She seemed disinclined to assault those not actively engaged in trying to kill her, and there were plenty doing that. Instead he used the moments productively.
The network collected data on the most esoteric of things, and the connections through his implant sped information at frightening speed -- one of the few perks that offset the unfortunately grim disadvantages to the surgery. He fed images and observations, seeking answers to the question of what the fuck it actually was, then filtered through the suggestions as they began to ping back.
A shame the tech could not record the complex tangles of power electrifying the room, for he watched that too, but his new eye simply didn't register the runes in the same way as his natural senses. His flesh and blood eye compensated for the most part, but if he closed it entirely the lines of power would simply ghost away. So those things, he would have to commit to memory.
It ended quickly, once Ascendancy built on the foundations laid before him. A fool braved the line of lasers trained on the woman's still glowing form. Two, actually. But Soren was still hooked on the net of runes that blocked her from her gift. By now another had joined him on the periphery, mostly ignored. The word ijiraq finally opened a schism of new information, but it would take time to wade through the mismatched data. In the meantime the mist had evaporated and the woman collapsed into a sharp and bloody heap.
"It did not leave straight away, though her use as a vessel was spent. A sentient creature, whatever it was. I doubt that one will be willing to speak on the experience, though." He shrugged, and turned to look for Ephraim.
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Evelyn straightened her dress and swept up alongside Ascendancy with a firmness of gaze that spoke to her opinion on the matter. She could not sense the barrier that obscured Oriena's reach of the light, but there was little other interpretation to the woman's demands. She was covered in blood yet dismissive of medical aid. The frazzled girl wanted only one thing. Evelyn saw no reason to deny her.
"A person should not be denied their inborn rights simply because she was attacked."
And since none others were willing to dirty their shoes, Evelyn herself knelt near the injured girl. Despite the viciousness of her tongue lashing among the men, the spark of sisterhood connected them that could not be ignored. She offered to help Oriena, offered unafraid of dismissal as the woman had done all others.
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It was an unique position he found himself in. It was like holding the reins on an untrained dog. Nik derived no pleasure from the control; but he was neither quick to relinquish that control without a thorough analysis of the situation. For that, his mind was pulled in a hundred directions to react swiftly. ZARS, CSS, security, his closest advisers filed in, all intending to ascertain threats they were all powerless to protect. Regus lived and apparently was in possession of a key to command ijiraq at his will. The very idea was nearly paralyzing. They were none of them safe. How to defend against such a force?
He closed his eyes in attempt to block the buzz brimming his mind cloudy. Where to even start? Aria, his only connection to the Atharim was gone. Meanwhile, despite his best efforts, the Atharim likely bred plants in his staff. They were probably already updating Regus with tales of tonight. What had the guests beheld? A night to strut and flex turned to horror and weakness.
If it wasn't for the power keeping him rooted in place, Nik might have collapsed under the pressure.
Luckily, the power was a bolus of strength. Presently, it flowed from him and rested upon the shoulders of a woman he barely knew by all logical reason. Yet the viciousness to her was familiar. He felt like she owed him something, a debt still unpaid. Temptation swirled among the myriad emotions to question her motives, nefarious as they were likely to be. Until a sterling voice broke the storm.
The forestalling eroded. She was right. The woman deserved no such punishment as what Marcus suggested. He shook his head and released the shield that isolated Oriena.
On the escaped winds of the power, fatigue washed fresh. His gaze roamed, unsure who it was he sought, but there was no anchor in the throes of thrashing waves. Trash littered the floor. Nik walked through puddles, unaware of the swirling of blood underfoot. He glimpsed the ruins of the walls with barely a glance.
People tried to follow him out, but he left them behind, deaf to the calling of his own name.
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08-29-2018, 04:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2018, 05:13 AM by Marcus DuBois.)
For the first time in his life, Malik felt contempt wash over him at the weakness Ascendancy displayed. His face remained frozen in imitation of ease even as waves of shock crashed through him repeatedly, the spray mist cast hundreds of feet into the air.
What has happened to you, Ascendancy? Marcus wanted the ask the man. No. To shake the him. How illogical could he be? There was no guarantee that the woman would not, once more, provide a conduit to the ijiraq that had bound her. Who knew how the process even worked, or whether she had been part of it from the beginning? It had taken all of them together just to shield her the first time!
Keeping her until they knew it was safe was the best course.
Ascendancy was changing, a cancer worming its way deeper and deeper into him, choking Caedus. And Malik had a feeling he knew where it came from. The woman next to him now, helping the woman. Representative Avalon. Her hooks were in him, her fangs releasing the venom of weakness mixed with her siren sweet call of love.
The man who stumbled out of the room amid the broken remnants of what had been an exaltation in triumph and glory was not the man Malik had come to follow. At least not at the moment.
Yet he still had much to learn, far too much. And despite everything, Ascendancy still embodied the power he coveted.
But with Avalon by his side, Caedus was weakened. Malik's chance to supplant him would come, but sooner than he had expected. Sooner than what was good.
He would have to be careful. She was his enemy though he doubted she even conceived of any such thing. But she could also be a tool, if he did it right. He simply wasn't ready. There was far to much to learn, far too much to do.
But he couldn"t let anyone else imagine they smelled blood either. He saw Alexandrova and Bykov. He had to help them keep the empire on Ascendancy's shoulders. Those who struck at it- first and foremost this Regus- needed to be eliminated.
This had been a terribly humiliating public blow, one that the guests each had paid $10,000,000 to have a front row seat to.
Malik gave the woman a cool smile. "I apologize, miss. I had only meant to keep you and everyone safe until we were certain the danger was past." Which was true, after a fashion. And yet even as the words spilled diplomatically from his lips, he allowed her to see the darkness that swirled in his eyes, the hatred that sought to burn away all in his way, to take his place as judge in this world and expose all the weak places. All of the rage that consumed Malik.
Why not. They mirrored hers.
He released the shield over Nox. He was not going to get him to the Facility for answers now. Idly, he wondered if he might just ask and see if he'd be forthcoming. He almost wrote that off as a joke. No one offered knowledge for free. Still....perhaps.
Ascendancy's aides and counselors took charge. Malik had no interest overseeing anything at the moment.
He looked at the Representative, a friendly relieved smile on his face. He allowed a rouch of tiredness to tinge his voice. She was young, after all. Cloaked in honesty, he said, "Your words defused a tense situation. I am grateful you were here to offer your sage wisdom."
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As quickly as it had happened it was done. Cruz watched the weave vanished from the girl, and the Ascendancy left. Stopping the choas in wake. He was done and so should the rest of the government leave. Cruz rushed to Nox who looked like he was doing his best just to stand. Cruz looked down at the woman with a friendly smile and then to Jaxen Marveet. He'd met him, one of Nox's friends and Sage really liked him for some reason. The Consul let the shield on Nox. The relief washed over Nox and Cruz took the opportunity to grab his elbow.
He looked at his peer and smiled. "I think your father fled with the others, if you need a ride we'd be happy to take you wherever you need to go. Or to a hospital, you both look like you might need a few stitches." Cruz wasn't going to ask why. Or how. But he'd offer, his mother would be proud. Cruz tugged on Nox's elbow. "But either way we should all go before someone changes their mind." The Ascendancy could very well send an order to kill them as they left. But it was a risk Cruz was willing to make. He wasn't about to lose Nox like he'd lost his father. But maybe life would be simiplier if Nox wasn't there, Cruz thought to himself, but then it wouldn't be as interesting either.
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A wince of the eye was the only giveaway for Jaxen's fascination with the block laid upon Nox. A very handy discovery that was. One that may come in quite useful someday.
Apparently the Consul found Oriena's threats humerous. No need to kick the fuel on the fire there. Ori's threats were far from empty. She turned them on Jaxen often enough that he did not doubt the resolution of those promises. Neither did some sort of protective shield hover over feminine shoulders. Oriena was tough as bonded leather, hotter too. If it wasn't for the shit way he felt at the moment, he would probably be more turned on than present state allowed. As it was, his arm burned something fierce and medics were already dismissed as unnecessary.
It seemed, however, that the one holding Oriena leashed was the one to whom they were meant to bow. He would be happy then, finding Oriena thrust to her knees, vulnerable and humiliated. She asked for none of this treatment. In fact, she'd been quite tame all night. That their great lord Ascendancy thought to hold any of them hostage - it very easily could have been Jaxen next time - bled a little blackness through his heart. Jaxen never had any sort of problem with Brandon. Let's call it neutral tolerance. But his ascension over people was wearing thin. Leader, maybe, but lord, king, emperor, Father of All, he was not.
Jaxen's gaze followed the Ascendancy's departure like a cat slinking through tall grass stalking prey.
Cruz recaptured his attention. The ride was declined with a smirk. "I want to get the hell out of these clothes and into a hot shower." Ori would likely want the same. Though she appreciated the luxuries of Jaxen's apartment once before, she could go whatever the hell she wanted. It didn't mean Jaxen wouldn't offer anyway. "Ori?"
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."