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03-04-2025, 01:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2025, 01:15 PM by Legione Sumus.)
Liv nodded. "That sounds good. Sunday is good. No club work going on so someone else can make sure Lily is tended, if Nox isn't around. I wouldn't know what to do though. I've never had a girl's night out, or even girls to hang out with. Other than ya know... family."
Before she chickened out -- which she knew she would if she didn't make a point of it she looked up at the camera she knew was there. "Sky, can you block out Sunday for me. Girls Day Out. And make sure it's known that I won't be here."
"Of course. Consider it a day off."
Liv smiled "There. Now I can't back out. And it's on Nox's radar."
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03-04-2025, 01:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2025, 01:36 PM by Anna.)
Anna smiled at that. It was good Liv was stepping out. It wasn’t easy, but they would be there for her. ”Great! It will be a good time! Try to think of some things you might want to do - go shopping, go to the carnival, see a movie, maybe things you might want for lunch. We can offer suggestions, but it’s your day - so we should do things that you want,” Anna gave her a smile, and turned to Elyse. ”Anything else?” Elyse shook her head no. ”Well, we’ll get out of your hair for now. Elyse looks like she’s peopled out, but is too polite to say so. See you soon and I’m so looking forward to Sunday., and if you need anything before then - come talk to us - doors are always open for you!”
”Me too,” Elyse said with a genuine smile. Anna knew her fake one - Elyse really was looking forward to it.
The pair said goodbye to Liv and waved at the kids as they left the dojo.”You need some alone time?” Anna asked when they were out of earshot. Elyse nodded. ”Everything okay?”
”As good as can be expected. Just need some space for a bit.”
Anna nodded. ”Just call me if you need anything. I’ll check on you every half hour,” Elyse agreed and the two went to their own rooms.
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Elyse headed to her room. She didn’t mind that Anna was gonna check in. It was only yesterday she had been sobbing on the floor at Kallisti considering suicide. She was a good friend, and Elyse found some happiness in her getting Liv to have a girls day out. That would be fun.
Elyse sat down on her head and pulled out her wallet. She went through her message history and found the image Sage had sent her the day before - the one that showed her dancing. She looked so happy, and she wondered if she would ever feel that way again. She was trying, but she didn’t know if she would continue to felt that way or not.
”Sky, can you project this image in my room?”
”I cannot access anything on your wallet unless you have installed the app on your device. You will additionally need a holographic projection app to project. Would you like me to add these devices to your wallet?”
”Yes, please,” Elyse said.
”Done. Please note you will have to manually install the SKIE app.”
”Understood. Sky please project the current video on my wallet when the installation is complete.”
Elyse installed both apps. It was easy enough for her to do as they were right next to each other. Sky did as instructed and the video was displayed in the room. Family. That’s what those at Kallisti called her. The Blackthorns were starting to do it too. Nox, Sage, and Hayden had said it as well. And it was that word that triggered the tears. She knew it was partially the meds causing a mood swing - which was also why she wanted alone time, but there was some genuine sadness there too. As she had worked through the day, Elyse had begun to understand part of what was upsetting her. It wasn’t the whole thing - but it was a part. It was why she was isolating from the Blackthorns and it wasn’t why she had contacted Sage instead of Hayden during her crisis. If she pushed them away, they couldn’t do what her father had wanted to do, and although Sage was family, it was easier to contact him because of their lack of physical contact. Still, she had cried out to family for aid when she had been at her lowest.
Elyse knew something she needed now. She needed to hear what family was, and she needed to hear it from multiple people. ”Hey Wicked,” she said, her voice punctuated by light crying caused by sadness and mood from her medications. ”Everyone keeps saying I’m family. I’m not sure I understand what that means anymore.”
While she did this, she typed a message to Hayden. I think I’m starting to understand part of why I’m not doing so well. I’m confused as to what family means. I need to be reminded.”
She sent another to Anna. Changed my mind. Can you come to my room please. I’m not in crisis.
”Sky - change projected image to the one of me and Marta,” it took a moment, but the image changed. ”Set image to project daily when my alarm goes off in the morning.” Sky confirmed. It would be her daily reminder to get out of bed.
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A new chime sounded in his ear and he listened and then, with a quick thought he sent Elyse a response.
The first thing Sage sent to Elyse was an animated sticker of Stitch and Lilo hugging.
Ohana means Family. Nobody gets left behind. Family is those that show up for you when you are in your deepest darkest moments and never judges you for it. Family is not always blood.
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03-04-2025, 04:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2025, 04:10 PM by Hayden.)
Family means different things to different people.
Old you → Family was blood. People you trusted and loved.
New you → ?? You need to figure it out.
Family doesn't try to kill you. Family forgives and accepts. Family loves no matter what.
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The stitch image made Elyse smile. She finished the Ohana quote for Sage. Or forgotten. Thanks Wicked.
To Hayden: Thanks - I’m asking several people - just feels like something I need to do. Not Nox - not yet - I’ll see if he seems more amenable later. I know he’s got a lot on his mind now - and I can get answers from others. I’m not in crisis now and Anna will be with me soon.
Anna hadn’t responded to the text which didn’t surprise her. She was likely going to walk through the door soon.
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Anna entered her room, confident that Elyse would be okay, and with the check in it would definitely be alright. Anna began to unpack, and then decided to have some fun with the AI. She had a couple of things she had been wondering about
”Sky, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?” she asked with a smirk.
”Is that an African or European swallow?” Sky asked in return.
”I don’t know.”
”Waaahhhh!” Sky responded sending Anna into a fit of giggles.
”Sky if you are my father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate, then what are we?”
”Absolutely nothing! Which is what you’re about to be!” Anna laughed, glad the AI got pop culture references.
A text came through and it was Elyse asking her to come down. Anna didn’t respond just headed to the room and entered. Elyse sat on her bed, back against the wall.
”Hey, what’s up?”
Elyse looked sad. An image of her and Marta was projected in the room. ”Sky, stop projection. Anna - I just want to be held for a bit.” Anna didn’t answer, just climbed into the bed and sat next to Elyse wrapping her in a hug. ”Anna, what’s family mean to you?”
”Family are the people that no matter how much shit you’re wading through, they’re not afraid to come in and get you out of it. They’re there for you no matter what.”
”Thanks, Anna,” Elyse smiled.
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Elyse felt comfortable in Anna’s arms. Elyse didnt speak and Anna didn’t either. She was just there. That’s what mattered. Among the side effects were drowsiness. The psychologist said that would fade along with the mood swings. Elyse was beginning to feel it and lay down flat from her sleeping position. Anna followed, wrapping an arm around Elyse again as she succumbed to sleep.
Elyse’s alarm went off and she awoke to see the image of her and Marta projected in the room. This was her work alarm, telling her it was time to get ready to go to Kallisti for the night. Anna was still there, she had sat back up and was playing around on her wallet, but looked over as Elyse rose.
”Time to get ready, sleepyhead! You good?” she asked.
”Im good. I’ll be better after coffee,” she said standing up. Elyse had a reason to get out of bed, and Sky would always remind her until she said otherwise. ”Im gonna shower and get ready - head out in a half hour.”
Anna smiled and nodded and both women left the room to get ready. Today was better than yesterday and that was a start.