Edwin Roland Dean
Age: 27
Origin: London
Occupation: Soldier, Currently Seeking Employ with Pervaya Liniya Security
Pyschological Description: Edwin always enjoys a good joke and loves making others laugh, but turns serious whenever on assignment. He takes his work very seriously. Outside of work, he prefers to go out and socialize, often enjoying a glass of scotch. He has a tendency to act rashly in situations, especially if people he cares about are involved, often not thinking of the consequences of his actions beforehand. He can also be moody, sometimes feeling very down without there seeming to be a reason why.
Physical Description: 5’9” tall, he is athletic and always has his brown hair cut short. His eyes are brown.
Supernatural Powers: Learner
Current Strength: 0
Potential Strength: 25
Edwin Roland Dean was born in London on January 9, 2019. His father was a military man, and it was his plan to follow in his father’s footsteps. He studied hard in school, working to get good grades, but also kept his physical fitness up through sports and exercise (mostly track and soccer).
At 18, he joined the military. Through his training he was found to be skilled at marksmanship, hand to hand combat, and urban operations. After basic training he was assigned to a British unit and served until he was transferred to Moscow in 2043. In Moscow he felt like he was stagnating. He kept his skills up, but didn’t feel like he was getting anywhere and decided to seek other options.
Edwin considered remaining in the employ of the state, looking into the potential of moving to more specialized forces. There were a multitude of options to consider, but eventually he decided his change of pace needed more of a change than just branch of service. He learned of Pervaya Liniya, and seeing their mission to protect people rather than things, he made the decision to see if he could enter into their employ. He sent in his resume and is awaiting results. If it is refused, he’ll pursue other options.
Past Lives
In the 3rd Age, Edwin was born as Ignis Caleum, Warder to Kira Valyrios, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah.
Age: 27
Origin: London
Occupation: Soldier, Currently Seeking Employ with Pervaya Liniya Security
Pyschological Description: Edwin always enjoys a good joke and loves making others laugh, but turns serious whenever on assignment. He takes his work very seriously. Outside of work, he prefers to go out and socialize, often enjoying a glass of scotch. He has a tendency to act rashly in situations, especially if people he cares about are involved, often not thinking of the consequences of his actions beforehand. He can also be moody, sometimes feeling very down without there seeming to be a reason why.
Physical Description: 5’9” tall, he is athletic and always has his brown hair cut short. His eyes are brown.
Supernatural Powers: Learner
Current Strength: 0
Potential Strength: 25
Edwin Roland Dean was born in London on January 9, 2019. His father was a military man, and it was his plan to follow in his father’s footsteps. He studied hard in school, working to get good grades, but also kept his physical fitness up through sports and exercise (mostly track and soccer).
At 18, he joined the military. Through his training he was found to be skilled at marksmanship, hand to hand combat, and urban operations. After basic training he was assigned to a British unit and served until he was transferred to Moscow in 2043. In Moscow he felt like he was stagnating. He kept his skills up, but didn’t feel like he was getting anywhere and decided to seek other options.
Edwin considered remaining in the employ of the state, looking into the potential of moving to more specialized forces. There were a multitude of options to consider, but eventually he decided his change of pace needed more of a change than just branch of service. He learned of Pervaya Liniya, and seeing their mission to protect people rather than things, he made the decision to see if he could enter into their employ. He sent in his resume and is awaiting results. If it is refused, he’ll pursue other options.
Past Lives
In the 3rd Age, Edwin was born as Ignis Caleum, Warder to Kira Valyrios, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah.