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Emily smiled at Auri’s reception of her gift. She was so adorable and Emily was glad to make the child smile. Zhenya squeezed Emily’s hand and mentioned seeing her at the reception. ”thank you so much! See you at the reception. Good bye Auri!” Emily said, waving at the little girl.
Emily took a short moment to back to Jared, feeling his arms wrap around her. ”Hey you! I love you!”
It was a short moment, but Emily had just wanted to say it at that time. As he released her, she took a moment to see the Dominion that Zhenya had mentioned. He looked familiar, but Emily was sure she hadn’t met the man. He must a have been a friend of Jared’s. She would know soon enough. Jared and Emily got into a rhythm of talking with people. They wanted to give people their time to congratulate, but not so much time that they held back the line. The reception still had to happen.
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Jared smiled. She is going to be an amazing mother!
They moved through the group, Jared able to realize that the man in the Dominion uniform was none other than Jay. They hadn’t seen each other in some time, and Jared was glad to see his former Legionnaire Brother at his wedding.
Jared approached Jay with a handshake that he pulled into a hug. ”Jay “Hollywood” Carpenter! It is so good to see you here my friend. I don’t believe I’ve had the opportunity to introduce you to Emily!” Jared brought Emily closer. ”Em! This is Jay Carpenter - I served with him in Sierra Leone.”
She smiled at him. ”very nice to meet you, Jay!”
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“Wizard,” he replied, shaking the soldier’s hand. There was a mountain of memories between them, but the nickname was the extent of its acknowledgement.
“Never thought I’d catch you in a penguin suit,” he joked, patting him on the shoulder.
“Definitely never thought anyone would settle you down for life,” he smiled as Emily was introduced. “Jay Carpenter,” he said, kissing her hand. “Congratulations, but you are too beautiful to settle on this clown,” his grin said he was only half-joking, but the way his hand held onto hers, said he wasn’t.
Only darkness shows you the light.
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Emily smiled, giving a slight laugh at Jay's jibe. "You're too late to win my heart, Mr. Carpenter." She said in jest, releasing his hand. "Some things are just meant to be." She said, turning to her husband with a grin. She found she liked Jay and his humor, and thought that this isn't what she had expected from a Dominion. Shouldn't he have been more...stiff?
She turned back to face Jay. "Thank you very much for making it today - I'm very glad to meet you. Hope to see you at the reception!"
Jared smiled at Jay. "I can't explain it." Jared said. "Love at first sight - never believed in it until I met her. See you soon - I'll buy you a beer." Jared said, giving Jay another handshake. Of course, the bar at the reception was open. He was sure he would buy Jay a lot of beers.
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He winked, “don’t worry, we can sneak around after he blacks out drunk.” He was of course, kidding, but the smirk on his lips was too genuine to really know how much.
He told Wizard he’d hit him up for that beer and headed out toward the reception.
Only darkness shows you the light.