Madison and Makenzie are 10 years old displaced kids who lived in the tunnel encampment that was ravaged by the strange horde of creatureβs Nox (and crew) had been hunting. The twin girls watched as the group burned their homes and killed their mother, who had been bitten in the neck by a creature. Nox put the gun to her head and shot her.
Madison is depressed and struggling to come to terms with the loss of her parents. She is isolating herself from others and feels alone.
Makenzie is angry at the world but more specifically at Nox (and the government/Ascendancy) for killing her mother and burning down the only home sheβs know. Her anger is manifesting in fits of rage and temper tantrums at the slightest drop of a hat.
They both have nightmares every night and are afraid to go outside for fear of running into more monsters.
They have fair skin usually covered with dirt and soot, light gray eyes and dark blonde hair that is a ratβs nest mess. Their clothes are ragged and worn with no spares. They live on the charity of others.