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New Beginnings (Olkhon Island | Baikal Lake, Siberia)
“Hunting alone until Silver says must go Moscow. Much different there. Is very rural, my home. People know rākṣasa hatyārā make safe. Not always killing.” She knew she was one of the lucky ones. Even in Leh the arguments raged as the Spirit-touched returned to the world, and everyone feared things they did not understand – especially when they upset a natural order. Tenzin convened heavily with the wolves when it came to the nuances of good and evil, and acted accordingly. Northern India was too large for the sorts of collaboration and control she had witnessed of Atharim in Moscow, and most rākṣasa hatyārā operated independently, seeking guidance from the monasteries when they needed it. She’d had freedom there, of a sort, though she’d still needed to hide her gold eyes. “Am proud. Protect, is good. Who am. All have meaning.” She gestured the rest of her colourful tattoos.

“But very different outside from home. Still some good have seen too. Everything changing, but too slow. Am sorry for your brother, Sierra.” She was quiet for a moment, pensive for her own reasons concerning the nature of the Atharim, but also for the loss Sierra had suffered – not just a brother by blood, but one by kin. To have seen him lose himself must have been terrifying, especially when the same change came for her. But it made more sense then too – why Sierra believed Tristan would not come back.

She grinned when the other woman removed the contacts from her eyes, glancing her over anew. Tenzin was pleased with the trust, and while she realised she’d had no doubts, she was pleased too that Sierra accepted her for what she was. After a moment she ousted Brenna from her lap, picked up her bowl, and rose lithe to her feet. “Come. Can help with cleaning up,” she said, then added with friendly tease, “Since sleeping all morning.”
[Image: twolf.jpg]
If they stand behind you, protect them; if they stand beside you, respect them; if they stand against you, destroy them.
Sierra laughed. "You told me too." But she got up and helped with the dishes. It was like when she was staying with Elyse and then later at Enrique's. But this was different, she didn't feel like an outsider looking in. They had been pack, but it hadn't been her home. This was no one's home. It was different. It was good to have another to wait with her.

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