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Sage was silent. He hadn’t said much since they had left the Cabaret; Aiden assumed it was Jaxen. The fact that both were hackers only served to raise questions in his mind. There had to be some kind of past or history there. Sage seemed to have his cyber tentacles stretched out across the globe, there was no way the pair hadn’t ever had a run in…
Unless Jaxen wasn’t a very good hacker…
Aiden really wasn’t sure. The only prowess for the craft their host had shown was pulling up tabloid images from Aiden’s past. Anyone could access those. No doubt all of that fluff was making the rounds on the net following his performance at the Cabaret. If there was no new news, people just tended to rehash the old shit. It was annoying.
The windows located by the balcony-pool began to move and images sprung to life around the area. It was fantastic to witness, but Aiden had figured that Sage could do better. He had a few flashes in his mind of their first night together, watching movies through a holographic display. Aiden tended to use large flat screens for his computer, a bit retro for most, but he liked it… Still, seeing the setups that Jaxen and Sage used made him reconsider his stance.
A familiar map flashed before their eyes. It was Trinity College, of course, both of Aiden’s parents had graduated from that marvelous place. There were plans in place for Aiden to attend the same school, but his career in the arts took off so swiftly, any thoughts of higher education were swiftly banished. That did not keep him from visiting the place once, shortly after he had moved to Suzdal, actually…
The map shifted towards the Trinity College Collection and Aiden’s brows furrowed. That library was one of the chief reasons that he had made the trip to the College. He had met a few interesting people around that library… Jaxen resembled one of them…
Nah. Couldn’t have been him. He would’ve said something… Still… There’s something familiar there…
A lot of the research for Aiden’s current novel had been done in those very rooms. The place was simply stunning, as was the collection. Countless artifacts of scholarship and history were housed amongst the stacks, many had been digitized, but Aiden had to get his hands on the physical copies. One could learn much just by touching a piece of the past. Modern works on those subjects were all well and good, but most were clouded with theories of the author or other needless conjecture, not to mention errors in many translations... No. The originals were always better.
Jaxen carried on with his speech, guiding them through with his hands and clearly dangling bits of information above their noses. Aiden had grown a little impatient with it all, but Jaxen was a showman, of course, he would take his time revealing whatever it was he ‘had to show them.’
The Book of Leinster… Surely he can’t mean…
Aiden perked up, lunging forward in his seat and spoke with animated gestures.
“The novel I’m about to publish… Most of the research material I gathered was from that book, although it’s missing quite a few pages; a travesty that they were ripped from the tome… still, what I read was most illuminating,” Aiden took a sip of his glass before carrying on, “The book actually came to mind after our earlier conversation… Gods and monsters… Jaxen, are you about to tell me that the Tuatha Dé Danann were real?”
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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The mark was some shitty upstart, too important or rich or connected to simply slide a blade between his ribs, even if it was the simplest solution. Her employers had already arranged the finer details, like how to gain access, the rest of the necessary information filtering through as she prepared to step into this new role -- and she did so enjoy the costume; the caress of silk like midnight sky, teasing soft flesh like the flash of stars. It wasn’t the first time she’d played the whore, and it was unlikely to be the last. It was an unsurprisingly efficient means to an end, and morals were a useless accessory anyway when you killed people for a living. Better to enjoy the perks.
Clothes and cosmetics had been supplied. Black hair slashed a straight sheet to her shoulders, cut heavy above the tilt of eyes that suggested something not wholly Russian in her ancestry, though she had always considered herself as such. As she finished the last of her preparations at the dresser, her gaze travelled to the unnaturally thickening shadows beginning to ripple in the corners of the room; a first warning, like a cat’s bristling back. One of the faded scars on Nhysa’s foot attested to the bloody-minded obstinance of the creature that followed her, the only time she had ever known it to become volatile when she ignored its nudges.
“Later, I promise. We need to take care of this first.”
When she stood she flicked the dimmer switch up, flooding light and banishing it from her senses.
Jaxen Marveet’s building was obscenely lavish, its security procedures rigorous (and ultimately fruitless when one chose to fuck with Nikolai Brandon). The presentation of her fabricated identity sped the process with the sort of discrete familiarity that tickled a smile to her lips; for that moment when she went from a person to a piece of property, albeit an expensive piece of property. The shield of vice amused her. It always did. She felt a certain affinity for women of the night.
A straight-faced escort saw her safely delivered to the lofty heights and indicated to the correct door. Unnecessary, obviously. She had already studied the building’s schematics. Gold bottle of russo baltique in hand, she knocked and waited.
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Jaxen mimicked Aiden’s own words. “A travesty,” followed by melodramatic tsk’s for the enormous loss. The missing pages of the Book of Leinster likely held the secrets to the universe itself, or at the very least, a map to golden treasures. He was neither amused nor dismissive of the apparent irony that himself and the Irish-Frenchman both took a liking to the tome. Given Aiden’s propensity for drawing on and on about fae and fiction, and Jaxen interested only in the most tangible of treasures, they may as well have studied different books.
But that wasn’t why the most impish of grins tickled his lips. He was almost gleeful as those knobby wands of fingers summoned a new set of images. They weren’t many, but the snapshots were enough.
“BEHOLD,” he exclaimed proudly, albeit coyly as he held the face cards to his chest, ever enjoying a good mystery, of the origin of such images.
“The lost pages of the book of Leinster aren’t so much lost as …” now there was irony in this, “…stolen.” The thief, for now, went undeclared.
The contents of the pages were apparent, though likely untranslatable to the naked eye. Luckily, Jaxen was a willing guide. “They go on to describe in some detail what are known now as treasures. Whether the Tuatha de existed?” he shrugged, finding the idea irrelevant. “These treasures, though, do exist, but hidden. So, my query, Master Finnegan,” a mocking bow accompanied the screens’ closure, “is whether you like road trips, because there be treasure at the end of this one. If ye are willing and able to hunt it?”
Jaxen was unlikely to be any more excited than in that moment. Until the knocking interrupted. At which point, the door revealed the outline of who stood on the other side. He nodded approvingly, then ushered Aiden’s decision before he was about to be kicked out in favor of better company.
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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Sage smirked. Stolen. Conveniently Jaxen had them. He obviously did the work himself. There was no reason to flaunt such a thing to Aiden, but Aiden could figure it out. But Jaxen was asking to take Aiden away. And Sage knew his curiosity would leave him. Sage sat back and watched and waited, Jaxen was excited but they were interrupted by the door and it faded to reveal who was on the other side - or rather just a form which was shapely to say the least. But Sage was oddly distracted by the impending loss of the warmth sitting next to him. Shit always happened to him... But Sage smiled at Aiden. "Seems like something you could use for your book." Sage didn't want Aiden to regret anything - specially if he kept him from anything important.
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11-29-2018, 12:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2018, 01:26 AM by Aiden Finnegan.)
Aiden spluttered as Jaxen wove through images and words with a certain panache. The missing pages themselves flashed on the screen and Aiden strained his eyes to make out the words or even some of the images, but to no avail. Familiar symbols were present here and there, nothing that would divine the contents of the pages. How had Jaxen obtained the images if he didn’t actually possess them? Then again, he was a hacker…
As the words continued to pour forth from their host, the pieces of the puzzle started to click together. Jaxen was the thief of said pages and sought to recovered whatever mythical artifacts lay detailed on the parchment. A treasure hunt indeed.
There was a knock at the door and Sage quickly took on a presumably fake smile, encouraging Aiden to pursue this adventure. He stared back at his hacker boyfriend and pursed his lips. Sage didn’t even imply that he would accompany Aiden, should Aiden have agreed to Jaxen’s proposition. Did he not want to go? Was Sage tiring of Aiden already? True, it hadn’t even been a month since the pair had gotten together, but things were going well between them, and Aiden truly did want to see where this would go. The two might marry one day, in the far future, Aiden could at least see it as a possibility... Although he had no intentions of proposing to Sage anytime soon. It was still way, way too early to even consider that… He did have to consider it a little though, the whole point of dating was to find your true love, was it not? Aiden had already sowed his 'wild oats' in his twenties, but he was in his thirties now. It was time to get serious about the future, and he did not relish the thought of abandoning any possibilities of a 'happily ever after', not even for ‘treasure.’
Oh, it tempted Aiden so. He didn’t even know what these supposed treasures could end up being. Thoughts of the Flaming Spear of Lugh and the Cauldron of Brigid danced dangerously around his mind. That was pure fancy, of course… But what if it wasn’t? Here he was wielding magic like the characters in his stories, anything was possible. Why not romanticize this a little? If Aiden accepted this offer, he would be going on an adventure- an actual adventure- the experience alone would be fuel for many more books to come, not to mention that it was a fucking adventure. Just like the books, comics, video games, and movies he had devoured growing up.
Aiden cleared his throat and turned his attention on Jaxen.
“Let me guess… You have the stolen pages, and if that’s the case what treasures are we seeking? I am very rich, and judging by your dwelling so are you. I doubt you’re after some gold coins like a pirate of old… And since you’re asking me, a man you just met, that must mean you need another Channeler’s help in the task. A dangerous task, I assume again. What kind of danger, Jaxen? The Atharim? Or is the CCD after this?”
So many questions Aiden had for the man, but he kept his tongue focused on the most important ones, cutting straight to the point. He would agree to nothing if the man danced around the answers. Aiden would know everything about this adventure if he was contemplating agreeing to any of this… Which left the other matter at hand: Sage. Without waiting for Jaxen’s answer, Aiden downed the last of his drink and turned his head over to his boyfriend, chewing on his bottom lip before speaking.
“And if I say yes to this, that would all but doom our relationship. We just started this, Sage. I like you. A lot. I won’t ask you to wait for me. I can’t just waltz into your life and then walk out a week or two later asking you to be patient… It’s not right… But I don’t want to let you go just yet…”
Aiden chewed his lip a moment more, brows furrowing, and cheeks heating.
“If I say yes to this… would you come with me?”
He wasn’t going to ask Jaxen’s permission for Sage’s presence on this trip. Sage was a requirement for Aiden to make the journey… If Sage agreed to it at least. If he didn’t… Well, Aiden wasn’t sure what he would do.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Sage's heart fluttered at the question. He didn't think Aiden leaving would be dire. He was hardly a person who saught the comfort of others. He'd been alone until Aiden came here. Sasha was back home and she was really the only other person with whom he'd been intimate with in the past few years. There might have been others, but Sage preferred to get his kicks other ways. But Aiden was asking him to come along... Could he?
Sage didn't have any responsibilities. The Den had been his career - since coming to Moscow he only helped monitor the Vega estate, and he could do that from anywhere. And there was nothing really keeping him there. Nox was always a long distant past time. But Aiden was real, warm and Sage hadn't ever really thought about long term commitment before. Was this something he could do? Wouldn't they get tired of each other?
Sage grinned at Aiden and leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriends lips. "Gladly." It was like the weight of the world lifted, that one simple word. He would see where it went. He could do what he did from anywhere.
[[ ooc: sorry couldn't wait ]]
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If Jaxen was being honest, and let’s not kid ourselves, that isn’t one of his talents, he was not rich. In fact, the only things in sight that were rightfully his, were acquisitions by Voxel. Jaxen hadn’t done an honest day’s work in his life, and fingers crossed he’d never endure such suffering, but when daddy-dear cut him off, only his mother’s great love (and deep purse), kept his lifestyle afloat. So technically, he needed Aiden for more than his fledgling skills with the ancient power, but also to avoid mom’s nosing her way into his business. Ironic thing was that if Jaxen announced his intent to flit around the world in the company of an infamous rock star, nobody would bat an eyelash. An academic exploration of the northern sea? They’d lose their minds.
He was also quite amused by the assumption that he stole the lost pages. For one thing, they’d been lost for a thousand years and despite Jaxen’s fondness for immortality, he wasn’t that old. Nor did he even know if the real pages still existed. Instead, the amused grin conjured the daring eyes of Oriena twisting to something plainer than her dangerous beauty projected. That was one of the first times his abilities to transform reality gained another level. That same day, Jaxen himself wore the face of John White and sauntered straight into the Atharim headquarters with only a few bumps along the way. Sure they burned the place down, but not before Jaxen snagged a peek into their system from the inside. The glimpse at the Lost Pages only one of the rewards of that day.
Questions for the danger followed, and Jaxen felt the dullness poke his brain like a blunt-ended thumb. Who would be after them? Hopefully nobody if they kept their traps shut about the whole plan. But before he could wax on Aiden’s lacking sense of adventure, the old couple clasped hands and sank deeper into their own rickety rocking chairs. How long did Aiden think they’d be gone? Jaxen wasn’t exactly planning on slumming it in the Irish muck for the rest of his life. Then again, Sage’s presence might be an interesting asset.
He grumbled, tossing his hands. “Good Allfather, people. Alright he can come,” his gaze fell upon Sage’s seemingly innocent features. How much did Aiden know about the great love of his life? Anything about the real man behind those dark eyes? Jaxen beheld only a glimpse, but he suspected. Just like Sage likely suspected himself in return. “But you have to cut out the cloyingly sweet—” his hands waved about, lip curling like he bit into a sour fruit, “co-dependency.” The hop to that followed was surprisingly spritely compared to the demand’s pessimism, so it was unclear if he was joking.
“Let’s leave tomorrow night. Since the only thing holding you back is coming along, eh Aiden? I have a feeling I should lay low out of town for a few weeks.” With that, he was swift to kick his guests out. As much as he wouldn’t blame anyone for wanting to watch Jaxen’s activities next, hell it’d be like watching Beethoven at the piano, he was shockingly not so much into the idea if Sage was around. It’d be like inviting your little brother to an orgy.
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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Aiden could barely get a word in amid Jaxen’s hopping, prodding, and rushing. The man left no room for Aiden to ask more questions about the journey, which he very much wanted to do. The choice had been made as soon as Sage had spoken his ascent to the offer. That was all that had really matter anyway. Couples were made and strengthened through shared experiences… At least Aiden had always thought so.
Having an extra pair of hands along would be useful in any circumstance, not to mention Sage’s prowess as a Hacker. What would this all entail? Jaxen hadn’t even really said why he asked Aiden specifically, although he didn’t deny any of the assumptions that Aiden had levied against him… So it had to be the Channeling, and perhaps his knowledge of Celtic Mythology. Perhaps.
The door opened swiftly and a pretty, painted woman stood on the other side. That was all it took to spell things out perfectly for Aiden. Jaxen wanted to get a bang in before leaving the country… But he had implied as much earlier. Aiden had taken the suggestion as a joke, but after that performance at the Cabaret, he should have known better. This would definitely be an interesting journey. Hopefully, the man did not take the ‘treasure’ and then abandon them to fend for their own. Aiden had seen far too many movies that featured a plot like that… His stomach clenched a little, but he quickly chased any worries away. This was exciting, nothing to dread at all.
He hoped.
With a polite greeting to the presumed ‘Lady of the Night,’ Aiden turned his head to Jaxen and smiled hopefully.
“Shoot me a message tomorrow. We’ll meet you here if that’s all right. If I don’t hear from you by dinner, be expecting a call… or several…” Aiden smirked and winked at the man, “Enjoy the rest of the night, you two. Don’t get into too much trouble.”
Nodding to Jaxen and the woman, Aiden grabbed Sage’s hand and lead him carefully out the door and back down to the lobby of the high rise. The limo was already waiting out front, Aiden had managed to alert his driver via wallet. Within moments they were seated comfortably in the back, Aiden with a glass of champagne in hand (God, he loved having a mini-fridge in his ride) and his head resting on Sage’s shoulder.
“Well, I’d say this has been a rather eventful night… Care to go back home, love? I'm hungry... We can order something or see if there's anything cooking in the kitchen.”
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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12-07-2018, 04:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-07-2018, 04:14 PM by Sage.)
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Not that Jaxen was in a hurry to usher his guests out the door, but he was in a hurry to usher Aiden and Sage out the door. The two of them were unlikely to object, given Sage's roaming eyes over the gangly physique of his rock-star boy toy. Only a scant moment allowed for the dream of tomorrow in his mind, but before Jaxen lept from this plane without a parachute, he opted that a fresh mind would form a more coherent plan in the morning.
As the boys left, Jaxen leaned on the doorframe, arms crossed and wry grin twisted upon his lips. The girl was not who he expected, but the surprise wasn't unpleasant. Shadows of Asian blood flitted about her aura, but he couldn't differentiate which by appearance alone. "Hey," he said, but from Jaxen, the greeting was far from flat. Mirth danced at the corners of his lips as surely as his feet danced on the stage that night.
A slip of the fingers and the door fell shut.
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."