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09-24-2018, 11:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2018, 11:36 PM by Aiden Finnegan.)
Aiden nodded to Sage as he pulled away with a murmured excuse. It should have been obvious to Aiden that his boyfriend wouldn’t want to be in the limelight, although Aiden didn’t know that others would recognize the hacker.
The marvelous Mister Jaxen kept the suspense short and sweet, proclaiming Aiden to be the winner of the toss-up. There was a virtue in going first, any jitters or butterflies wouldn’t have more than a moment to take root in his stomach; had he gone second, Aiden may have been a nervous wreck. He hadn’t performed on stage in years, much less in front of one of the most well-known names in the music industry. Aiden would have to pull some tricks out of his hat, no questions about it.
Requesting a piano, guitar, and microphone, Aiden took a few minutes to contemplate his performance as the stage was set up for him. It was imperative that he was facing the audience head-on. Oh, he would do a little Channeling tonight, but no one in the room would notice… if he played his cards right.
Mounting the stage, Aiden grabbed the guitar and walked up to the mic, a second was sitting by the piano. The crowd was growing restless. People started chanting his name, or that of his old band, Blarney Stoned. The hot lights of the stage beat down, blinding Aiden from looking too far into the crowd. He couldn’t find Sage, or Nox, or Methos, or anyone.
Perfect, Aiden thought.
Clearing his throat, Aiden spoke into the mic, “Thank you, everyone! Thank you, again, Jaxen, for hosting such a marvelous night. I do hope you decide to throw more wild, wild parties in the future,” The guests cheered at that. Aiden waited till they quieted down again, “Methos, you beautiful man. The song I am playing tonight is because of you… I think you know it. It’s a cover of a cover.”
With a strum of the guitar, the light of the Power burst into existence behind Aiden; although he did nothing with it. After a few chords, the crowd started to recognize the song…
Nirvana’s cover of David Bowie’s ‘ The Man Who Sold the World.’
“We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn’t there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago…”
The Light burned and blazed behind Aiden, but still, he did nothing with it. If any others in the room caught it, he couldn’t tell. Oh, he had no wish to reveal himself so publicly… and he wasn’t. At least he hoped not. Regular people couldn’t see this light, and if someone in the room called him out, it would be their word against his.
Old blisters started to reform on the pads of Aiden’s fingers as he masterfully ripped through the chords of the song; it was as if hopping back on a bike. The crowd responded to the performance with zest, which made Aiden’s blood pump harder and the chords come smoother.
“I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years, I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
We walked a million hills
I must have died alone
A long long time ago…”
Walking away from the mic, Aiden kept playing the guitar. He sang no more and let the strings do all the work. With a little effort, he was sliding down on to the stool behind the piano; giving himself a little distance between the seat and the keys.
Aiden kept playing the guitar and brought his feet up, hovering his toes over the keys of the piano. Taking hold of the Power, he used minuscule flows of Air to start playing accompaniment on the piano; his fingers still strumming away at the guitar. To keep up the charade, Aiden began moving his feet around, making it look to all the world that he was playing guitar with his hands and the piano with his toes.
The entire room lost it.
The piano was turned in such a manner that no one could see much of his feet; the movements of his legs and the loud music coming from the keys was all it took for the crowd to form their own assumptions.
It was incredibly hard to divide his attention between the two, but the song was almost over.
Aiden belted out the last few lines.
“Who knows?
Not me
I never lost control
You’re face to face
With the man who sold the world.
Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You’re face to face
With the man who sold the world.”
Aiden began shaking a little; he dropped his feet from the keys, and let the Power go. To cap off the performance, Aiden mounted the top of the piano and played out the last few chords of the song on the guitar. When the song finally ended, the room’s cheers and hand clapping rose to a crescendo; Aiden took one huge sweeping bow for the crowd before making his exit, stage right, signaling to Methos that it was his turn.
Lord! I need to start running again… I shouldn’t be this out of breath! He thought to himself as he made his way towards the back bar. People who had ignored him 20 minutes ago were now shaking his hand, patting him on the back, snapping pictures. He forgot just how overwhelming the fans could be…
He also forgot just how much he reveled in it.
Now where did Sage run off to?
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Everything started out normal, and Aiden’s finally was something Methos couldn’t top in terms of theatrics. If Bev and Troy were still alive - that would be something, but some asshole killed them. And Methos knew he’d never know why. But the show must go on as they say.
Methos hadn’t requested anything from the theater. Bradley had already called Kim, and she was rushing the synthesizer over immediately. It hadn’t arrived by the time Aiden finished his performance with standing on top of the piano playing the guitar. It was a grand show. But the lad was still young and Methos had seen enough of this strange power to know that Finnegan had used that to his advantage. No one was that good young or not.
He still hadn’t decided what he wanted to sing yet. The only thing on the box Kim had yet to produce was the new song he was working on. It wasn’t ready for the masses yet. BUT the generics could produce a definite tune. Aiden had gone old school with his choice - probably because he was out of practice.
Methos could do the new song. Bradley looked at him with a bright smile like he knew what he was thinking and he nodded. His husband was the reason he was back on stage after so many years. He was always encouraging. Always there.
But now it was his turn. Aiden exited the stage and Methos took it. There was no flourishing bow this time, his presence was known. He took the stage and bellowed across the crowd, ”Thank you Mr. Finnegan for that outstanding performance. I don’t know however I will top playing both instruments at the same time.” Though with the synthesizer it was perfectly doable.
A slow smile spread across his lips as he saw Kim pushing through the crowd. ”Let the lady through please.” And the crowd parted and Kim handed him his own box. ”Thank you darling.” He looked out over the crowd and smiled ”My lovely assistant Kim.” He clapped his hands together softly for his assistant who blushed as she made her way to Bradley for her own seat to watch the show. Kim situated herself and flipped him the thumbs up she was ready to go with recording the show. It wasn’t everyday Methos gave an impromptu concert - at least not anymore. He had a family to get home to after shows.
Since Methos wasn’t using a mic both his hands were free and he situated his synthesizer and pressed the button and the lights flickered on rotating colors on the rubix cube like box. Familiar electronic sounds emanated from the box. It wasn’t anything specific. Impromptu was the thing Methos was going for tonight. First - a tribute to their gracious host in black.
For Methos the words played to the man’s anti-american sentiments and obviously he didn’t find himself sitting well with the Ascendancy either. The song was a mishmash of electronic sounds, Metho’s loud booming voice. What Adam wouldn’t give for a little bit of Bev’s talents now. Or even Troy’s. It would make it magical.
The thought saddened his voice and Methos continued his song commemorating the fallen friends. But he turned the sadness into the immortalizing the poor little starlets who died at Ass-Candy’s scythe.
With a flourish, Methos jumped off the makeshift stage and started mingling through the crowd. Bowing a greeting to Jaxen Marveet and singing him praise. With little more emphasis, Methos waded into the crowd and let the women (and men) swoon and touch as he wafted past each one of them. He took one brunette who looked like she didn’t want to be in the crowd at all and took her by the hand. ”What’s your name darling?”
”Ivanna” she said shyly. Methos pressed a kiss to her cheek and gave her a flourishing bow as he went into verse describing her beauty with words and sounds that shouldn’t have come from a box. Birds and bees, the sounds of whales. The worlds beauty.
Methos made another round of the lounge praising his fellow combatant. He sang of Aiden’s Irish descent and his American heritage, poking a few jokes for the sake of their host. The crowd laughed as well and Methos gave Aiden a flourishing bow before he turned to his husband and blew him a kiss. The electronic music faded into the sounds of the wind blowing threw trees and Methos got down on one knee and sang to Bradley specifically. It was partial lyrics of a song he was writing that thanked the love of his life for being his. The words trailed off with Methos pulling Bradley down towards him and kissing him deeply to hoots and hollers of the crowd around them.
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Jaxen joined him just before the performance started and Nox couldn't help but laughed. "And so much more. Who knew I'd get such a bargain for my money. Seeing you up there was worth it alone. Though I think Ascendancy might have both our heads in a hand-basket now." Nox grinned. "How's you know I was a Methos and Blarney Stone fan." Nox joked, knowing fully well Jaxen hadn't, and he hadn't likely planned this either.
Aiden started the show and Nox watched with a little sadness. "Don't be sad for me little brother." Nox sighed. He hated that he kept hearing his sister in his head when shit hit the fan. Was he going crazy?
And then the show really started. Aiden embraced the power. He was at least learning how to accomplish it. It was a good thing he had to sing to do it. It could get annoying, but at least he found his way around it. That was half the battle sometimes. But then he started playing the piano with the the power and Nox laughed. Everyone else was cheering, but short of Jaxen the three of them were the only ones that could see the light tickling the keys.
Sage looked at Nox and frowned then realized why Nox was laughing. He didn't say anything, but Sage's smile brightened. He was pretty smart. And Nox could bet all the money in his pocket he was already scanning the waves for any mention of Aiden Finnegan in Moscow and his whereabouts. He was proactive like that. It was why Nox let him track him. He was always aware of danger in the 'real' world. The one where Atharim were murderers.
Methos took the stage and didn't use anything fancy. It didn't surprise Nox really. He had a powerful voice, though he did have his little box he always had with him. He didn't really have a band for back up, he used that little box for everything. And he was pretty fucking good at it. Nox had tried to use one, but he sucked at it. Music was not his thing. Aurora got more out of it with her book smarts and all. They usually just used it as a toy to make their words skip around and make it even sillier.
The whole thing was a tribute to the night at hand. Even the love song at the end. Nox hooted right along with the others at the kiss. Who wouldn't praise love.
Sage elbowed Nox. "You look like you are having fun." Nox shot his friend a glare but then smiled. Maybe he needed to relax more often. It wasn't all doom and gloom.... until he remembered the Atharim were out to kill him, probably Ascendancy too.... life was never easy.
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A fake smile plastered his lips as he watched Methos and Finnegan begin their duel. Another time, he would have given himself over to the moment, enjoying the show. He'd not worked with either, and the chance to produce one of their songs had an appeal. They were good.
But now...He shook his head slightly. Clearly, the Americans- a synonym for fool, in his mind- didn't realize the danger they had put themselves in. Their homage to Marveet and more specifically, his performance put them in a dangerous, subversive light. He knew the CCD better than most. Ascendancy's power stood on many pillars. So, to an extent, a small amount of mockery could be tolerated.
A small amount. But now, three important and well known (well, mostly- Marveet wasn't a household name for the common folk) people- men with influence- were associated with mocking the Ascendancy. Hacking at one of those pillars.
Given the events of the ball the other day- and the very purpose he was out- well...wallet in hand, he sent a text to Leonid- the same as sending to Alex, really- but Leonid was his superior. He didn't think they'd send people to arrest them. Then again, who really knew? They had Ascedancy's ear, after all.
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Sage stared at Aiden in disbelief. How? And then Nox laughed. Sage couldn't see whatever it was Aiden was doing, but if Nox thought it was funny then it had to be the stupid power they had. He wondered if they thought he was annoying when he did his thing too.
When Aiden came off their little stage he smiled brightly at the man. He looked tired, almost like he had a nice little workout. Maybe he would be up early with Nox? No... No one got up as early as Nox. Same met Aiden half way with a glass of water for him. "I'm sure you need this."
He pulled Aiden back towards Nox and Jaxen, hoping to give Aiden the proper introduction to his guy. Jaxen was so much more than he had realized. A hacker, rich, and now this... he was learning so many fun things out in the real world. Though he'd have heard about it when it hit the waves. And it already was...
Methos was up and Sage watched with wonder. This was his second concert of the man's the first had been cut short by murder! Sage wondered what was going to go wrong now - Nox was here, and trouble followed him everywhere. Maybe it had been a bad idea to find his friend here. Though he and Jaxen seemed to be more pals than he'd thought. They'd been at the gala. And from what Nox had said - which wasn't much, he didn't want to talk about it at all - it hadn't been pretty.
But Nox looked relaxed in his new look. He was still nursing that same beer. Though, Sage was pretty sure it was just water, his sister had told Sage all about how he faked it more often than not. When an uncharacteristic sound came from Nox Sage elbowed him, "You look like you are having fun."
Methos had wound up the crowd. Money flew into the tip jars and the crowd waited. Sage pressed a kiss to Aiden despite his need to stay on the side, he knew he was likely just outed and someone would find out who he was. But there wasn't much on Sage Parker... hopefully no one ever made any connections. "Looks like it's your turn again."
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Sage met Aiden about halfway between the stage and the bar; he held out a glass of water. Aiden took it gratefully and drank it down with one gulp. Before getting out a word, Sage had tugged him along to the back bar. Nox, looking uncharacteristically happy, was chatting it up with Jaxen. Aiden’s teacher did not admonish him over the spectacle, which he was thankful for; part of him worried that Nox would have blown a gasket over using the Power. Aiden decided not to bring that bit up.
“You should get out more, Nox. You look like you’re in your element… Is that a beer!?” Aiden gave a light jab over it, he had not seen Nox touch any booze since the pair had met. He had assumed that Nox didn’t drink or smoke or anything, but seeing him there with the brew said otherwise. It was nice to see the man enjoy himself.
Sage kissed Aiden, much to his delight, “Did that song make you hot, babe?” He laughed before going on, “I thought for a moment there we were gonna keep this private… Your call. I’d love nothing more than to proclaim to the world that I have the smartest, most handsome boyfriend in all of Creation.” Aiden kissed Sage deeply in response, pulling him close and biting at his bottom lip.
Aiden didn’t have a chance to introduce himself to the host before Methos started up. The man was a master, there was no doubt about that. He didn’t have to resort to theatrics or cheap tricks to make a captivating display; even the light jokes over Aiden’s ancestry were all good natured. He laughed despite himself and returned Methos’ bow. The singer finished up with an ode to his husband. All of that tugged at Aiden’s heartstrings; his grip along Sage’s waist tightening slightly, pulling him even closer.
Dreams and hopes of the future tumbled through Aiden’s mind. Methos had found love, success, and happiness; maybe there was hope for Aiden yet. He looked up at Sage, who was only a few inches taller than him and felt his heart do a little summersault. Perhaps he already had found love? It was far too early to tell… But there was something there with Sage. Aiden found himself vowing again to ‘not fuck this one up.’
Methos finished his performance to thunderous applause and Sage prompted Aiden to take the stage once more. It took an effort to pry himself away from Sage, but he did it. Aiden gave a respectful bow to Jaxen, “Sir, we have not formally been introduced. Aiden, as you know, and the pleasure is all mine. Tell me, Jaxen, how fucking crazy do you like your music?”
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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10-03-2018, 06:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2018, 06:45 PM by Lih.
Edit Reason: pic, thx!
Lillian’s eyes opened wide. It was one of those sights she would never forget. She’d seen some things in her life as a diplomat, seen some things before that too. This, however, was a new brand on her memory.
Though not sober, she was not drunk.
She looked up at the stage sharply, as the performance reached its curtain call.
“What the hell?” she muttered.
Why so elaborate? She knew this club had a penchant for the baroque and theatrical, but what all of that? Why take it this far? Why not just play the crowdpleaser eye-candy?
The last half hour of Jaxen Marveet’s act… it was stunning and alarming and fundamentally disconcerting. The whole thing fascinated her, piqued her facilitator’s mind. She thought along different lines, perceived different patterns, but it seemed to her the entire situation had a dislocated, dreamy quality.
She turned to stare at the thin, tall woman sharing her table. She had stopped sipping the wine the bottle girls had fetched out on a lacquered tray, and she no longer picked at the candied fruit in the little finger bowl.
Like all of the others, the woman was looking around, open-mouthed, dumbstruck, astonished, laughing a little though it felt like too serious a time.
Only the entertainer, the performer, the center of everybody’s attention, seemed unperturbed. His eyes sparkled with enthusiastic cunning.
It was engaging--all very clever, very judged. Not much got past Jaxen, did it?
She turned to look at the man on her left.
He was wide-eyed, startled, terrified.
“Holy shit,” he said. “Did you see?”
“I saw,” said Lillian simply.
Together they witnessed the over-the-top finale invoking the Ascendancy a.k.a. ass-candy.
It took some effort, but Lillian kept her grin fixed.
She sipped her drink, listening, watching the crowd.
She could see the full heavy-handed finery, could smell fragrant wine and crushed mint as the bottle girls darted around her.
More laughter. It was genuine this time.
She watched as the man in front of her, with sculptural features and hints of white in his hair, with a deliberate, understated presence, text somebody. Calmly.
But she sensed the fellow was becoming impatient. That happened.
But he retained control, as though he couldn’t afford to be seen, couldn’t make a scene —she was struck by the distinct impression that he looked as though he were about to pin that Marveet fellow to his couch by his scrotum. It somehow felt that way to Lillian.
A good diplomat noticed these details. A good diplomat knew when to up the tempo and move the conversation toward the consummation of purchase.
She never imagined she’d be witnessing this sort of incendiary material. It was her imagination, no doubt, but her flesh tingled despite the central heating. What was she watching? How were these illusions being performed? This … stuff had power. This knowledge, this application, it had a potency of its own. The living art, transgressions, the plumes, the materials used, the very words, the heavy makeup/drag. Partly to add to the interactive, spectacle nature of the cabaret, mostly to combat the gloom of current day Moscow for youths.
Under any other circumstances, she would have retreated to the balcony outside for some air. Or a smoke.
But this evening the club lived up to its reputation. It was not without a few clients of note.
… Aiden Finnegan.
Lillian was very taken with this particular musician: an elegant man, well dressed, moneyed.
This man was something different. He had taste. He was handsome, if you liked that kind of thing.
He also kissed the attractive man at his side before the impromptu performance for the whole lounge. The diplomat half-smiled at that.
Her smile was broader when a wasted young man slid off his seat, under his table.
She dropped a generous amount of CCD cash on the table and stood up. Two ambiguously garbed workers with feminine features came to her aid.
Per her request, the club workers took the fainted boy to one of the leather couches.
Lillian sat back on the couch next to the unconscious body and crossed her long legs. She allowed the tension to slip out of her muscles as she listened to the music.
For the first time in a long while, she relaxed.
Viktor Lih
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Consciousness seeped in, both unwelcome and uninvited. Raffe's skin felt prickly with heat, clammy beneath the skin of his shirt. Burying his head into the cushions seemed like a grand plan; one he indulged with a grimace before he thought to wonder where he was (or how he got there). He was not a stranger to waking up in unusual places, so it wasn't his first question.
He felt awful. Blinked a few times, disorientated, before he realised he was not alone. His gaze followed the spear of her crossed legs as he pushed himself up. Severe silver strands curled around her chin; an imperious, aloof face. Raffe grinned, rueful; ran a hand through his curls. Then his grip slipped to his throat. It felt like he'd swallowed razorblades.
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Jaxen lounged alongside Nox. If the guy had something besides beer, Jaxen might have stolen the bottle for a drink. Beer was disgusting, though. He kept to the vodka. Bright, crisp, cold vodka. He tapped his fingers along with the music, absolutely delighted at the show. These two performers were legitimate celebrities in ways entirely distinct from Jaxen’s fame. And they were digging their own graves. Dirt piled to their chins and neither realized it. Glorious.
Across the lounge, Boda draped himself along a couch like a king on his throne. Others congregated, naturally drawn to Jaxen. He bowed in his seat at Aiden’s approach. “The Ancient Power looks good on you,” the wry smirk twisting his lips spoke volumes. If Aiden knew Sage, then he knew Nox. That fucker never shut up about the ancient power. Jaxen didn’t blame him.
Two and two together: Aiden was one of the ancients and put his power to use. Not hard to respect a man for taking advantage. When Aiden and Sage embraced, a brow lifted curiously, watching. Not for reasons that one would suspect, either.
Jaxen glanced at Nox.
What a nice little love triangle.
Not that Jaxen was privy to such intimate details, but when it came to sex, he was an expert. The grin lighting his face sizzled like hands stretching too close to the flame.
“So how long have you two been together?” Jaxen probed, drizzling wounds with salt. Dark eyes danced from Aiden back to Sage.
Rock stars had a reputation, however. Let’s see if this one lived up to his. “I thought you were madly in love with that one…” Jaxen’s hand waved about absently, name escaping. “A fickle thing, love.” A few deft commands in a wallet and a recent article was summoned. Aiden’s image splayed in the arms of another.
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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10-03-2018, 11:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2018, 11:15 PM by Sage.)
Sage couldn't deny that watching Aiden had made him hot. But there was hardly any time to say anything before Jaxen asked how long they'd been together. Sage glanced at Nox who was smirking and it grew wider when Jaxen pulled up images that he shouldn't have either. Sage was pretty sure that Aiden was getting his first glimpse at Voxel though Sage wouldn't say anything.
"A few days. But they've been rather eventful - hacking and hell hounds, fires and power. Very busy." The smirk on Nox's face was gone the moment he said hell hound. Oops, he forgot to tell Nox something. Sage shrugged at his expression.
Sage slipped into Jaxen's phone quickly and sent a simple message. PROBABLY NOT A GOOD IDEA TO FLASH THAT. Sage grinned at Jaxen.
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