09-11-2013, 12:46 PM
Unhappy customers were one thing, rude ones on the other hand deserved to be punched in the face. Vlad fought to keep the smile on his face. But he failed miserably. His anger boiled to the top, every eye was on them now. And some were even fleeing. The two men near the window dropped cash on the table and scrambled out the door. The elderly couple watched intently, Vlad could feel their eyes on his back. The girls that worked for him were discretely going into the kitchen having heard that they were needed.
It took only one moment. One very quick thought for Vlad to reach for the power with in. He fought the torrent of power until it did as he said it would. The boy in front of him was all of a sudden smashed up against the wall, chocking. Vlad watched as the old couple sneered at him and then too dropped their payment on the table. The woman snatching back what would have been a tip. At least they had paid, they knew better than to anger Vlad.
Vlad didn't have to put up the pretense of pretending he had done it quickly in a fleet of action. Thankfully luck was almost always on his side when it came to people missing his anger driven attempts when using the power.
It was only moments and the boy was struggling for air. Anger fueled the power inside, he could feel it pulsing below the surface ready to crush the boy's wind pipe. But Vlad held it glorious power at bay and got in the boys face. "It is one thing to be unhappy. It is completely another thing to be rude in a man's own house."
Vlad released the boy from the wall and he dropped. He picked him up by his not so clean collar and dragged him towards the door.
It took only one moment. One very quick thought for Vlad to reach for the power with in. He fought the torrent of power until it did as he said it would. The boy in front of him was all of a sudden smashed up against the wall, chocking. Vlad watched as the old couple sneered at him and then too dropped their payment on the table. The woman snatching back what would have been a tip. At least they had paid, they knew better than to anger Vlad.
Vlad didn't have to put up the pretense of pretending he had done it quickly in a fleet of action. Thankfully luck was almost always on his side when it came to people missing his anger driven attempts when using the power.
It was only moments and the boy was struggling for air. Anger fueled the power inside, he could feel it pulsing below the surface ready to crush the boy's wind pipe. But Vlad held it glorious power at bay and got in the boys face. "It is one thing to be unhappy. It is completely another thing to be rude in a man's own house."
Vlad released the boy from the wall and he dropped. He picked him up by his not so clean collar and dragged him towards the door.