04-10-2018, 03:41 PM
The message popped up and Jaxen yelled. The Wallet fell from his grasp like a bug jumped up and bit him.
Eyes saucers, he stared at Sage. What just happened was impossible.
Then again, Jaxen was intimately aware of impossible shit being possible.
He quickly scooped up the Wallet and disconnected Voxel from the network. He was pretty sure none of the others were aware of what just happened, but at least the government was off their backs.
"Interesting friends you have, Nox,"
he muttered as he scooped up the Wallet and hid it away in a pocket.
He stepped forward to shake Sage's hand, but held his eyes as they shared the secret of each other. Did Nox know how Aria had been found? He must not. "Jaxen,"
he offered.
Today was turning into far more fun than he ever expected.
Eyes saucers, he stared at Sage. What just happened was impossible.
Then again, Jaxen was intimately aware of impossible shit being possible.
He quickly scooped up the Wallet and disconnected Voxel from the network. He was pretty sure none of the others were aware of what just happened, but at least the government was off their backs.
"Interesting friends you have, Nox,"
he muttered as he scooped up the Wallet and hid it away in a pocket.
He stepped forward to shake Sage's hand, but held his eyes as they shared the secret of each other. Did Nox know how Aria had been found? He must not. "Jaxen,"
he offered.
Today was turning into far more fun than he ever expected.