07-26-2013, 10:29 AM
Rune had seen migraines hit like that before. Thankfully one never hit her, but they did strike her as an awful sort of suffering. Slowly she was eased of her worry regarding this girl being a threat, and her posture relaxed somewhat. Especially after Aria began flipping through a book, or journal, or scrapbook or something. It was in all that that Rune first noticed her tattoo, a beautiful double figure eight of a snake on her arm. Of course the ouroboros wasn’t unique to Atharim. It was a popular symbol after all and might be on the wall of any tattoo shop.
Rune leaned over Thalia, looking over her shoulder so to also see the address of the intended destination. The revelation slammed Rune with excitement. Nineteen Nikolskaya! That had to mean only one thing!
Rune eased back into the chair she formerly occupied, drumming her fingers on the table thoughtfully. ”You know,” she piped up, ”I’m heading that way myself next. It’s over by the Red Square, and you know, there’s lots of great photo op’s,” she explained like it were no big deal. ”I’ll show you, if you want to ride the metro together? Do you have a metro fare card yet?” Then she cut herself off with a dismissive wave of her hand, ”No worries, we can figure all that out later. You should really sit down though. I hear caffeine can help migraines. And I’m Rune, and this is Thalia.” Rune added on by way of introduction, but her eyes continually drifted toward the weapons the girl wasn’t too concerned about hiding. Granted the CCD was pretty open minded about walking around with personal weapons with the right paperwork in place of course, but there were still some places they weren’t allowed. She wondered if this girl had come across any of them yet and how she handled the situation.
But for now, regular small talk was more appropriate. ”She’s an artist, doodling up something for me I hope.” Rune glanced at Thalia hopefully, ”And i’m an exterminator. Freelance exterminator,” she corrected.
Rune leaned over Thalia, looking over her shoulder so to also see the address of the intended destination. The revelation slammed Rune with excitement. Nineteen Nikolskaya! That had to mean only one thing!
Rune eased back into the chair she formerly occupied, drumming her fingers on the table thoughtfully. ”You know,” she piped up, ”I’m heading that way myself next. It’s over by the Red Square, and you know, there’s lots of great photo op’s,” she explained like it were no big deal. ”I’ll show you, if you want to ride the metro together? Do you have a metro fare card yet?” Then she cut herself off with a dismissive wave of her hand, ”No worries, we can figure all that out later. You should really sit down though. I hear caffeine can help migraines. And I’m Rune, and this is Thalia.” Rune added on by way of introduction, but her eyes continually drifted toward the weapons the girl wasn’t too concerned about hiding. Granted the CCD was pretty open minded about walking around with personal weapons with the right paperwork in place of course, but there were still some places they weren’t allowed. She wondered if this girl had come across any of them yet and how she handled the situation.
But for now, regular small talk was more appropriate. ”She’s an artist, doodling up something for me I hope.” Rune glanced at Thalia hopefully, ”And i’m an exterminator. Freelance exterminator,” she corrected.